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Gamaliel – The dark side of the moon

Gamaliel is the second Qlipha of the Kabbalistic Tree of Night, the dark equivalent of the tree of
life. It is the first astral level of the kingdom of Yetzirah.

Gamaliel is the dark counterpart of the sephira Yesod, while the meaning of Yesod is “Foundation”,
the sphere of Gamaliel is known as “The Obscene Kiss”, suggesting impurity and perversion,
especially of a sexual nature. In fact, this qlipah is considered the realm of fantasies, dreams and
forbidden sexual desires. All repressed desires and instincts are brought to the light of
consciousness at this qliphotic level. Who rules in this qlipha is Lilith, the Whore of Hell, the
demonic personification of primitive instincts, the dark anima of the human psyche. The entities
that we can find here are his demonic children – succubi and incubi, those who seduce the
magician and who lead him through the dark astral paths of instincts, where the Moon drips blood
– the mysterious essence of feminine darkness, the vinum sabbati of nocturnal fantasies. Other
goddesses that belong to this level are: Diana, Hecate, Kali, Hel and Az. We can also find goddesses
of time and destiny here, such as the Norns and the Fates, who weave the webs of destiny.
However, the emblem of this principle is the spider – the goddess of Gamaliel assumes this
zoomorphic form to weave the webs of dreams and destiny, fantasies and desires. The web traps
everything that is not capable of moving through the threads, and the demons drain all its energy,
like a spider with its prey. Only when we learn how to move through the web and not get trapped
in it, can we break with the foundations of time and destiny and transform ourselves into the
spider, weaving our own destiny.

The male entities that correspond to the sphere of Gamaliel are the gods of the witch cults: Pan,
Baphomet, Dionysus, Herne, Cernunnos, and other phallic figures that represent the dark and
primitive forces of sexuality.

Gamaliel is the sphere of the Moon and the water element, of astral travel, of dreams and of lunar
magic. In Tantrism it corresponds to the second chakra, Svadisthana, located above the genitals.

Svadishthana is the sphere of sexuality, sensuality, creativity, fertility and emotions. When
balanced, it acts as a source of creative libido and powerful potential energy. When it is
unbalanced, repressed impulses take the form of a demon that hunts dreams and fantasies,
creating obsessions of sexual origin. They manifest as perverse nightmares, frequently reported by
hermits, nuns, monks and other people who have taken the vow of chastity. In Gamaliel, conscious
confrontation with these demons can be an initiatory experience. We can get to the source of lust
and transform its potential into a powerful tool of self-creation. Gamaliel is also the qlipha of
witchcraft, orgiastic cults and ecstatic intoxication – all cults that affirm sexuality and creative
fertility. Gamaliel's magic often includes blood, as a symbol of life, of energy, of the Moon in its
different phases, corresponding to the menstrual cycle.
Blood is also connected to vampirism, the principle of death and life united. At this level, we
frequently find vampiric entities, draining blood and sexual fluids generally obtained in nocturnal
emissions during dark erotic dreams and nightmares. The goddesses of Gamaliel represent life and
sexuality (Lilith) as well as death and decay (Hel, Persephone), the power of creation and the power
of destruction. Gamaliel's vampiric nature derives from the nature of absorption and
transcendence. It is the other side of the black hole that absorbs all the energy and returns to the
dark side through Lilith, who embodies this principle.

The sphere of dark dreams

The simplest way to experience the energies of Gamaliel is through dreams. We all leave our
physical bodies and enter the astral plane while we sleep, there we see our fantasies and our
desires hidden as dreams, they can be revealed as terrible nightmares or dreams of pleasure, also
as images and ecstatic experiences. The word “nightmare” derives from “witch” or “mare”, a type
of vampiric spirit, which is believed to hunt men at night to feed on their sexual fluids, a succubus
that evokes perverse and erotic dreams. These types of dreams are usually forgotten, since
consciousness represses unconscious impulses. The magician, struggling to control his astral body,
consciously enters Gamaliel's dreams to confront the demons. When this happens, the succubi and
incubi stop being vampires, they stop draining vital energy and become initiators and guides to
through the power of his sexuality. The astral plane is a sphere where all dreams, fantasies,
concepts and hallucinations become reality. All low magic works through the astral level – love
spells, curses and all those practices whose objective is to produce changes on the material plane.

From this level the objective material plane is formed, also the border between life and death.
Gamaliel is the first astral plane in the Kabbalistic Tree of Night. At this level we find the
unconscious – and instincts of a sexual nature – lust, erotic taboos that we must confront and
break in order to realize and release the energetic potential contained within. This is the sphere of
forbidden sexuality – constructed by culture and religion, the realm of perversion, the embodiment
of what Lilith and her children are. In its symbolic sense, Lilith represents awakened sexual
potential, the unrestricted energy that comes from all material structures. In the myth, Lilith and
Samael are the opposites of Adam and Eve, representing submissive sexuality, which only serves
for reproduction. The forbidden fruit, offered by the snake (who is Samael or Lilith according to the
legends), is the initiatory role of sexual fantasies, those that are confronted in dreams, but the
magician must be aware of them, explore these forces and transform them into a source of
personal power. Gamaliel's magic is also astral in nature and involves lucid dreaming, astral travel,
exploration of the astral plane through fantasies, hallucinatory states and other altered states of
consciousness of the mind. It is also magic of a sexual nature – conscious encounters with succubi
and incubi and delving into the realms of our own hidden fantasies.

Lilith's womb
This is the title attributed to the first Qlipha in the Kabbalistic Tree of Night, the one that bears the
name “Lilith” and is ruled by Naamah, the second face of Lilith. The Qlipha of Lilith is the womb of
darkness, the entrance to the Sitra Ahra, the Other Side, from this Qlipha and through the
Thantifaxath tunnel, one can enter the sphere of Gamaliel. Lilith's womb is however the level
where the path of the Qlipoth begins. This Qlipha also corresponds to the tantric concept of the
Muladhra chakra – the first energy zone where the Kundalini serpent rests coiled. It is the sphere
where primal instincts and desires take the form of a fiery serpent – the enormous potential of
sexual energy that remains dormant if one does not work to awaken it. When we enter the womb
of Lilith, this fire gradually awakens and becomes a torch that illuminates our path along the path
of the dark side, thus, Lilith is identified with the Hindu Goddess Kali – the tantric Shankti, the
essence of the Kundalini force. In mythology, Lilith is Adam's first companion, the first who refused
to accept the submissive role and chose independence from God and the Garden of Eden. She
abandons the safe world that God created and plunges into chaos to strike out on her own path –
on the shores of the Red Sea, in the lands of Zemardad, there she united with Samael/Satan and
gave birth to hundreds of demons, inhabitants of the Qlipoth. In Jewish lore, Samael and Lilith are
demon couples, born at the same time as infernal twins – the opposite of Adam and Eve, who were
created similarly. They are an infernal couple who rule the kingdom of the Qlipoth. Both the first
and second Qlipha are connected with Lilith. Samael belongs to the third qlipothic level – the dark
counterpart of the sephira Hod -. This Qlipha even bears his name, from the union of Lilith and
Samael, the beast is born – the demonic child that belongs to Thagirion – the central Qlipha in the
Tree of Night. This is the beast whose number is 666, the Anti-Chisto, Chiva and the Daemon of
dark tradition – the dark counterpart of the Holy Guardian Angel. This is the symbol of dark
enlightenment, it is when the magician becomes one with his authentic self and is able to control
and use all his power and all his consciousness.

Gamaliel: sex and demon lovers

In Mesopotamian mythology, Lilith was known as Lilitu, a type of predatory spirit that hunted
pregnant women and infants, she is also related to Ardat-lili, a succubus that hunts young men. Her
male equivalent was a demon known as Lilu, from the esoteric perspective, we can see these types
of demons as aspects of Lilith or as her children: succubi and incubi, two types of spirits commonly
found in the sphere of Gamal iel. Lilith usually appears as a beautiful woman who seduces the
magician and reveals to him all the perversions and lust hidden deep in the unconscious.
Sometimes, she appears half woman, half snake (the lower part of her body), or as a vampiric
succubus spirit with wings. The meeting with her is a strong erotic experience. She is the succubus
that awakens men at night because of night visions, from the semen collected on these nights, she
breeds demons – succubi and incubi. It is also she, disguised as an incubus, who permeates the
dreams of women in medieval tales. In this way, half-human, half-demon children are born – one
of them was the legendary wizard Merlin. According to some sources, it was Lilith who offered the
forbidden fruit to Eve in the Garden of Eden; this gift is considered a sexual act. Only after leaving
Eden did she give birth to her first son, suggesting that Adam and Eve did not have sex before this.
Sexual pleasures were also the initiatory secrets that Lilith revealed to the Edenic couple, it is also
Lilith who possesses Eve during her sexual relationship with the serpent, therefore Lilith is the true
mother of Cain.
Lilith represents libertine sexuality, she is not limited to having a single partner, she has both
human and demonic partners, for example Asmodeus. There is a 15th century text where Lilith is
invoked as the queen of the sucubic demons and is called for initiatory purposes. Here she is called
“Argat bat Mahalath” here she embodies all lusts, dark instincts and nocturnal desires.

Succubi and incubi are spirits that feed on sexual energy that they drain from humans. They appear
in dreams and invite us to an astral orgy, where they assume the forms of our perversions that are
hidden deep in our psyche. This experience can be initiatory or destructive, since it can vampirize
us and drain all our energy. The objective of Gamaliel's magic is the exploration of our sexuality and
the understanding of its structures, if we are successful we can use it for our spiritual progress.
Erotic experiences with Gamaliel's demons also happen in half-asleep states, but where we still
retain consciousness, when the physical body is still asleep but the mind is awake and aware of the
situation. This implies intense sensations since when a person feels the presence of a demon lover,
he hears the sounds, smells its fragrance and can even see the shape of the demon. In this type of
experience the spirit assumes the form of a thin black shadow that floats above the bed. There are
often even sensations of having a great weight on top of you. These encounters reveal to us the
energetic potential contained within sexuality.

In Lilith's womb rests the strength of the Dragon, and her demons help us release its power.
The magic of Gamaliel

Gamaliel's magical domain is witchcraft, the cult of nature based on sexuality and the basis of life.
The goddesses of witchcraft are the emblems of sexual liberation: Freya, Lilith, Hecate. The same
happens with the male entities that are worked on in witchcraft cults: Baphomet, Pan, Dionysus, all
of them are phallic gods that symbolize fertility. All of these entities are represented naked, the
female ones with large breasts and the male ones with large erect phalluses, sometimes in sexual
poses. Ancient witchcraft rites include intoxication with alcohol and hallucinogenic herbs, blood
sacrifices, exact dances, sexual practices and group orgies, as in the Norse cult of Frey and Freya or
the Greek Bacchanals. This was the primary work with the instincts of the human soul, which
emerged during orgiastic and exact ceremonies.

The two main symbols of the witch cult are the cauldron and the broom, which refers to the sexual
nature of said cults, the cauldron represents the woman's uterus while the broom is an emblem of
the phallus. The Sabbat itself is a ceremony of a sexual nature: the participants become intoxicated
and participate in an exact orgy. This of course is a simplification of the complex meaning of the
Sabbath. The sabbath experience occurs on both the material plane and the astral plane. On the
material/mundane plane, orgies and wild practices are included that are carried out not only to
obtain carnal pleasure, but to enter a state of gnosis and liberation of the soul through ecstasy and
excitement. It is also a spiritual experience of an initiatory nature. When the state of desire is
reached, the Sabbat becomes an astral experience connected to Gamaliel. At this level there are
practices such as: shape changing, flying, travel through the lower and higher worlds, sexual
encounters with the Sabbat demon and with his witch consort or with his familiar demons –
succubi and incubi, and other spirits, shadows. and ghosts found on Gamaliel's level. Astral
consciousness can also be achieved with hallucinogenic substances known as “witches' ointments.”
Common plants used for these purposes were: mandrake, monkshood, datura jimsonweed,
hemlock, henbane, and nightshade. The ointment was applied to sensitive areas of the body,
where the skin is thin, so the drugs could quickly enter the bloodstream. Of course, there are many
other methods to achieve altered states of consciousness, such as hypnosis, staying awake for two
days, or you can also access the Sabbat through dream consciousness.

Another form of Sabbat is the Black Mass or modern witchcraft rituals that include whippings and
orgies, where pain is joined with pleasure.

Gamaliel's magic is connected to the Svadisthana chakra. If one wants to establish contact with the
energies of Gamaliel, it can be done through meditation on this chakra. You can also experiment
with sexual abstinence since this increases sexual energy and facilitates contact with this sphere.
Gamaliel's magic includes sacrifices of blood and sexual fluids. On the astral level, in addition to the
examples mentioned above, work with Gamaliel includes shapeshifting, lycanthropy,
theriomorphism, and vampirism. Witchcraft itself is also connected with clairvoyance,
clairaudience and other methods of astral vision. These are practices based on intuition, empathy
and opening oneself to the impulses of the Other Side.

The mystical power of blood

Gamaliel is the dark side of the moon. The phases of the moon correspond to a woman's menstrual
cycle, which is why menstrual blood is known as “moon bleed.” The Triple Goddess of Gamaliel
represents this natural cycle, she is the Maiden (the waxing moon), the Mother (the full moon) and
the Crone (the waning and new moon), Diana, Hera, Hecate of mythological stories. Lunar blood is
a symbol of both life and death – its red color symbolizes life, but it is also a “dead fluid”, excreted
from the body as lifeless waste. However, it has always been attributed mystical powers, both in
mythology and magic.

In monotheistic religions it was seen as something impure and said that women did not fulfill the
role of mother, but in ancient mythologies menstrual blood was seen from a completely different
point of view, it was a substance of the Great Goddess. Mother, the creator of the world and
human beings.

Menstrual blood was a mystical substance, a substance of creation, the elixir of life from which the
gods drank from the womb of the Great Mother, “the vulva of the earth”, to achieve longevity,
creativity or even immortality. This is the elixir of Lilith's womb – during the journey through the
Thantifaxath tunnel (the path between the qlipha Lilith and Gamaliel), one may experience visions
of a cave with blood on the walls, bloody rivers, or a scarlet moon spilling blood. Here and in
Gamaliel we can find various vampire spirits. As we have already mentioned, incubi and succubi,
and other entities that feed on sexual energy. They exist on the dark side of the moon, the shadow
side of the astral plane. This sphere corresponds to the underworld and the kingdom of the dead of
myths and legends. Gamaliel's vampiric forces absorb sexual energy from the astral plane to
channel it deep into the Qliphotic tunnels. They wander between the material plane and the lunar
plane through black tunnels through which they manifest themselves to human beings.

A vampiric spirit carries within itself the principles of Eros and Thanatos, sexuality and death. From
the union of these powerful creative/destructive forces the seed of divinity is born. But the astral
plane is also the sphere of vampire magic. Here, an advanced astral traveler can shapeshift and
assume the form of a seductive predatory vampire and visit people who are asleep and drain their
energy through erotic dreams. Thus, the sphere of astral sexuality is not limited only to entities that
exist there.

The path to the dark side

The Dark Moon sphere is the realm of seduction, lust and desires as well as sexual vampirism. The
power of libido is an enormous force that reveals here its darkest aspects and its hidden potential.
One has to explore these primary instincts, the atavistic power, which encompasses the alchemical
process of transformation and magical progress. Enter this dark sphere of dripping blood, meet
Lilith, the beautiful manifestation of feminine Demonic forces, the most important principle of the
Dark Side. Follow her through the dark holes of the Sitra Ahra and let her guide you through the
astral labyrinths of forbidden sexuality: visions, predatory desires, ferocity and dark passions. Free
yourself from false moralities and enjoy the astral orgy with demons. Drink the Blood of the Moon,
reach the ecstasy of your soul in the deep regions of the Qlipoth. Fertilize Lilith's womb with your
Will and awaken the Dragon. There, in the midst of the secret treasures of Darkness, the key to
your divinity remains hidden.

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