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Integrative work on 5th year literature.

1. First quarter: The realist worldview is a cultural movement that occurs

mainly during the second half of the 20th century. XIX throughout Europe, and its objective
is to faithfully imitate reality in all its beauty or ugliness. Art and literature venture into this
way of seeing the world. Observation of reality is implemented as a descriptive method,
influenced by experimental sciences; The writers describe the environment, the people,
the clothing, etc. They also search books for the data necessary to achieve environmental
or psychological accuracy. There is a social intention in writers who try to discover social
defects, manias and even deformities, denounce them and contribute to eliminating them.
There is no room for fantasy or sentimentality. In the style, the language is adapted to the
social condition of the character and popular speech is reflected. The customs, the taste
for the local and regional are reflected. The most frequent topics are power, money, social
influence or the political issues of the moment. The characters reflect the social tensions
between the middle and lower classes, politicians, beggars, and wealthy bourgeois
appear. Spanish realism was a precursor to realism in later literature.


a) Choose two of the following texts and carry out the activities that follow. “Gray
of absence” by R. Cossa, “Treaty I”, from El lazarillo de Tormes; “That Woman”,
by Rodolfo Walsh.
b) When was the movement born here in Argentina?
c) Who are the greatest exponents in our country?
d) Mention the aspects that make these stories realistic.
e) Do you think the realist worldview is a social critique? Write a 5-line justification.
2. Second quarter: Magical realism.


a) Conduct research and answer the following question: What is magical realism?
b) When did this movement appear in our country and who is in charge of writing this
type of literature?
c) Choose one of the following texts and then do the activity: “The most beautiful
drowned man in the world”, by Gabriel García Márquez; “The continuity of the
parks”, by Julio Cortázar; “the queen doll”, by Carlos Fuentes; “Emma Zunz”, by
Jorge L. Borges.
d) How does the worldview appear in said story? Explain and justify with textual

3. Third quarter: The fantastic worldview and Science fiction.

For Tzvetan Todorov, the fantastic implies the existence of a strange event, impossible to
explain by the laws of the world we know. This causes hesitation, that is, doubt, in the
reader and in the character. The reader hesitates between giving a supernatural
explanation or a natural explanation to the events reported. This hesitation can also be felt
by the character, which is why we can find it represented in the work. The fantastic
occupies the time of that uncertainty and lives off that ambiguity. As soon as an answer is
chosen, that is, when an explanation of the fantastic is given, the fantastic is left to enter a
neighboring genre, the strange or the wonderful. The fantastic is the hesitation
experienced by a being who knows nothing but natural laws, in the face of a supernatural



a) Choose two of the following stories: “A yellow flower”, by Julio Cortazar; “In
memory of Paulina”, by Adolfo Bioy Casares or “The golden hare”, by Silvina
b) What aspects of the stories appear to alter reality?
c) With your words explain what is fantastic and how it appears in each story.

d) Carry out a research project on Science fiction. To do this, they must look for
information in books, manuals or reliable pages. In said writing they must talk about
the characteristics that this genre presents and its main exponents (that is, who
was in charge of writing these stories).
The work must have a minimum length of two pages.

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