Annual Planning Intro C 2023

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Introduction to Communication
4th Year
Units Contents Teaching objectives Learning objectives
• Recognize communication as a scientific
space within the set of social sciences.

• Promote the understanding of • Understand the importance of a

Definitions of the concept of communication: the complexity of the present time multidisciplinary approach to social and
communication as an encounter and as dissemination. from a multidisciplinary approach. human phenomena hands of our time in
Communication in its three senses: direct, technical and • Address the communicative
social (Wolton) and in its double dimension: normative the context of communication.
phenomenon as a sociohistorical
(exchange and understanding) and functional (as a social practice of construction of • Understand communication phenomena
1 and economic function). meaning integrated into the social as complex facts, in their cultural, social
The communicative ecosystem: communication as an and cultural sphere.
COMMUNICATION omnipresent phenomenon in today's world.
and interpersonal dimensions.
• Analyze communicative
IN THE 21ST Communication in the domestic sphere, the educational processes as a whole integrated in • Critically analyze the events immersed in
CENTURY space, the urban environment, the productive scenario, the context of culture everyday reality linked to faith nomena of
public relations and marketing, mass media and global and and society.
technological networks. education and communication.
• Promote the necessary literacy
The modes of communication: oral, written, gestural and in the new emerging languages of
iconic. The centrality of the Other. The difference between the new
expressing yourself and communicating. The recognition of technologies and new media.
the Other. Dialogue and debate. Argumentation and
spontaneity. Communication skills: active listening,
recognition and assertiveness. Coexistence and dialogue.
• Promote debate around the • Assume technological innovations as
Communication as a scientific discipline: establishing its phenomenon of communication tools of a communication process that
object of study. Communication and multidisciplinarity. and its relationship with daily exceeds and determines them.
The scientific nature of communication. life. • Critically address some practices
Multidisciplinarity in the framework of the crisis of • Stimulate analysis and critical linked to the communicative
scientific and social paradigms. thinking regarding the mass phenomenon such as media
media and its relationship with phenomena, political communication,
ELEMENTS OF Theoretical models of communication: development, phenomena related to economic the predominance of the image, the
historical contextualization and characterization. Classic or social power with a view to communication of organizations, the
models: linear behavioral model, functionalist model, the construction of autonomous penetration of advertising and
model of intermediaries (Two Step Flow), model of social and reflective citizens. marketing and their connection with
categories. Postclassical models: critical model (Frankfurt phenomena related to cultural
School), cybernetic model (Palo Alto). Cultural Studies at hegemony.
the University of Birmingham. Social production of
The theory of the sign: cultural reasons for its approach.
The two currents of semiology: the linguistic sign in
Saussure (signifier and signified); the sign in Peirce (icon,
index and symbol). Relationships of firstity, secondity and
thirdness. Elements of semiology (Barthes): connotation-
denotation, statement-enunciation, language-speech.
Language as power. Linguistic domination and cultural
hegemony. Linguistic diversity and multilingualism.

Media communication. Media and society: historical

overview of the evolution of the
media. Concept of mass, audience and public opinion.
The role of the media in the construction process of the
AREAS OF public opinion. Characteristics of the message in the mass
COMMUNICATION media. Media and economy: advertising and marketing
concept. Advertising income as economic support of the
media. Media and politics: brief history of political
communication. Academic communication of the 19th
century, mass communication of the first part of the 20th
century, media communication of the second part of the
20th century, political marketing in the 21st century.
Government communication: proactive, reactive and
accounting. Media and democracy. New technologies and
• Organizational communication. Concept and importance
of communicative flows in the functioning of organizations.
Internal and external communication.
• Intercultural communication. Concepts of ethnicity and
foreignness and their links with
identity. The reappearance of ethnic minorities and
discrimination. The knowledge of
foreign cultures and cultural relativism for communication
with others and their understanding. Multiculturalism.
Visual comunication. From the Graphsphere to the
Videosphere: the

4 passage from the world of verbal communication to the

culture of the image. Communicative implications of
Image reading and coding. Forms of expression: space and
color. Image scale. The
THE FORMS OF plans: types and expressiveness. Approaches: types and expressivity. Press photo.
THE Technological communication. Internet. Multimedia. Communication in relation to new technologies. Digital narratives: the layers of
COMMUNICATI current rhetoric. Mass communication phenomena: youtubers / booktubers / influencers.
Activities Reading, active listening, note taking, oral presentation, documentary research, opinion surveys, interviews, production of reports in
different media.

Assessment Criteria: The production of practical work, the reading of indicated bibliography, the
oral expression in class and written expression in classroom work, as well as compliance with the stipulated task guidelines and active
participation in the debate.

Instruments: observation record of participation, productions (written, sound, audiovisual, multimedia, etc.), rubric, self-assessment

Projects Information consumption in the locality/Public opinion and political marketing/Public opinion and Democracy (to be defined in March). In
articulation with other curricular spaces (to be defined).
ESI Cross-sectional view: gender and age stereotypes. Deconstructing directed communication.
Educational Visits to the media. (to be defined)
Students: Teacher:
Bibliography AAVV. Compilation of articles (Wolton, Noëlle- Barthes, Roland, Elements of Semiology. Buenos Aires, Paidós, 1990.
Neumamm, Parodi, Williams, Adorno, etc.). Costa, Joan, Communication in action. Report on the new management culture.
Pedranti, Gabriela, Introduction to communication. Barcelona, Paidós, 1999.
Ituzaingó, Maipue, 2011. Ferry, Wolton and others, The new public space. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1998.
Habermas, Jurgen, Theory of communicative action. Buenos Aires, Taurus, 1989.
Mattelart, Armand and Neveu, Érik, Introduction to cultural studies. Barcelona,
Paidós, 2004.
Mattelart, Armand, History of communication theories. Barcelona, Paidós, 1997.
Puig i Carles, Tomas, “From hypertext to hypermedia. An approach to the
development of open works”, in Formats. Audiovisual Communication
Magazine. Madrid, Pompeu Fabra University, 2006.
Rodrigo Alsina, Miquel, Intercultural communication. Barcelona, Anthropos,
“Cultural communication studies”, in ZER. Journal of Communication Studies
No. 1.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, University of the Basque
Country, 1996.
Sartori, Giovanni, Homo Videns. Buenos Aires, Taurus, 1999.
Saussure, Ferdinand de, Course in general linguistics. Buenos Aires, Losada,

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