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The Flowchart is a graphic representation of the sequence of steps that are carried
out to obtain a certain result. This can be a product, a service, or a combination of

Flow charts graphically represent the sequence followed by the operations of a

certain procedure and/or the path of forms or materials. They show the
administrative units (general procedure) or the positions involved (detailed
procedure) for each operation described, and may also indicate the equipment
used in each case.

We know that flowcharts are mainly used in the analysis of procedures; However,
presented in a simple and accessible way within the manual, they provide an
overall description that facilitates their understanding.

This resource constitutes an invaluable decision element for individuals and work
organizations: For workers, because they can perceive in an analytical and
detailed manner the sequence of an action, which contributes substantially to
forming a solid structure of thought that strengthens their ability to decision. And for
organizations, because it allows them to monitor their operations through flow
charts, a fundamental element for breaking down complex processes into parts;
This makes it easier to understand your organizational dynamics and simplify work.

Of use.
It makes it easy to fill out and read the form at any hierarchical level.

Of destiny.
It allows the personnel involved in the procedures to identify and correctly
carry out their activities.

Of application.
Due to the simplicity of its representation, it makes the implementation of the
operations accessible.

Understanding interpretation.
It can be understood by all staff in the organization or in other organizations.

Of interaction.
It allows greater rapprochement and greater coordination between different
units, organizational areas.

Of symbology.
It reduces graphical complexity, so employees themselves can propose
adjustments or simplify procedures using the corresponding symbols.

It is prepared in the shortest possible time and does not require special
drawing techniques or templates or resources.


A flow chart prepared with incoherent or unconventional graphic language
transmits a distorted message and prevents understanding of the process that is
intended to be studied. Hence the need to conceive and admit certain symbols, to
which a precise meaning is conferred, and to agree on certain rules relating to their

The layout symbols used internationally are developed by the following institutions:

1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), which has developed

the symbols contained in the figure, which, although they are accepted in
production areas, are rarely used in administrative diagramming work.
2. American National Standard Institute (ANSI), which has prepared a
symbology to represent information flows of electronic data processing.

As for drawing.
· It is advisable not to mix several input and output lines on the same side of

· For clarity, there should not be more than one joining line between two symbols.

· The decision symbol is the only one that can have up to three starting lines.

· The connecting lines must be represented by straight lines; If necessary, right

angles will be used.

· For presentation purposes, it is recommended that the size of the symbols be

uniform, except in cases where a special situation needs to be highlighted.

Regarding its content and/or use.

· The content of the operation symbol must be written in short and simple
sentences to facilitate its understanding.
· When the terminal symbol identifies an administrative unit, it must include its full
name; If initials are used to identify it, its meaning must be noted at the bottom of
the diagram sheet.

·The document symbol must contain the original name of the form or report in

· If there are several copies of a document, the original must be identified with the
letter “o” and the copies with the digits “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. It is recommended to make
this notation in the lower right corner of the symbol.

· The content of the connector symbol can be alphabetic or numerical, but must be
the same in the input and output connectors.

· When there are a large number of connectors, it is advisable to add a Color to the
symbol or its content to facilitate its location. Another option is to place before or
after the connector the terminal symbol whose identification is the name of the
administrative unit, the name of an operation, etc., where the destination connector
is found.

·It is advisable that the content of the page connector be numerical and that the
symbol that indicates the destination includes the page number where the diagram
continues, and in turn, that the symbol that indicates the origin contains the page
number from which the diagram comes. diagram.


Due to the extensive use of flowcharts and all kinds of adaptations to which they
are subjected in order to satisfy the particular needs of each job, flowcharts have
taken on many variations that appear in various forms and under many titles;
However, there is a classification from which we can choose the type of diagram
that best suits our requirements.

This classification can be integrated into the following groups:

1.- For its presentation:

Block: They are represented in general terms in order to highlight certain
Detailed: They capture the activities in their most detailed expression.

2.- Due to its format:

Vertical format: In which the flow of operations goes from top to bottom
and from right to left.
Horizontal format: In which the sequence of operations goes from left to
right in descending order.
Tabular format: Also known as column or panoramic format, in which the
total flow of operations is presented in a single chart, with each position or
unit corresponding to a column.
Architectural format: Shows the movement or flow of people, shapes,
materials, or the sequence of operations through the space where they are
carried out.

3.- For its purpose:

Form: Which deals primarily with documents with little or no description of
Of tasks: Indicates the flow or sequence of operations, as well as who or
where it is carried out and what it consists of.
Method: Shows the sequence of operations, the person who performs them
and the way they are done.
Analytical: Describes not only the procedure, but also who does it and how
to do each operation, but what they are for.
Space: Indicates the space through which a shape or a person moves.
Combined: They use two or more diagrams in an integrated way.
Illustrations and text: Illustrates the management of information with texts
and drawings.


A map is a graphic and metric representation of a portion of territory on a two-
dimensional surface. Initiated by man with the purpose of knowing his world, and
first supported by philosophical theories, maps today constitute a very important
source of information, allowing us to situate ourselves in relation to the world
around us. Process maps achieve something similar. They show us the structure of
the Functional Unit (UF) in which we find ourselves, allowing us to situate
ourselves in relation to the work that is carried out there and thus know where our
activity is located and towards what goal it is oriented.

Process to design a process map:

Much has been written about the parts that make up a process, but not so much
about how to interconnect them to form a process map. Using particular cases as
examples, this article proposes and explains a systematic method for mapping
organizational processes. The method that we are going to describe is valid for any
management system.
Step 1: Identify the actors
The organization exists because it has clients to serve, but it also depends on its
suppliers and other organizations in its environment. A good way to start is to
identify the agents or actors that are related to our management system: clients,
suppliers, partners, and other organizations with which we maintain a relationship
that is relevant to our management system. Among the actors we can also
highlight elements of the infrastructure that may be relevant to highlight: our WEB
page, a warehouse, the internal computer system, etc.

If the system is quality we must identify the actors that are relevant to quality, if it is
environmental, the actors that are relevant to our environmental management, and
we must do the same with other types of system.

Step 2: Identify the operational line

The operational line of our organization is formed by the chained sequence of

processes that we carry out to create our product. This line is determined by the
nature of our activity and by the dose of innovation that we have known and been
able to implement in our system (process engineering).

Step 3: Add the support processes to the operational line and the
Management processes.

We must give rise to the processes that we have mentioned before. Next we can
proceed by placing the support processes to the operational line. These processes
are what provide resources to this line. The operational line is the backbone of our
management system. Any activity that is not part of it must be adapted to it,
including supporting processes. This is a typical problem in public administrations,
where bureaucratic support processes slow down service to citizens, but we also
find it in many other companies.

Step 4: Add processes that affect the entire system

At this point we have the heart of our business represented, but we are missing the
rest of the organs that give life to the system.

If something is important in our system: Let's highlight it.

The methodology of the applied procedure is:

1. Identification of the key processes of the organization.- The identification of

the key processes of the organization has the purpose of defining or specifying
which are the processes that determine the reason for being of the entity, that is, to
indicate those processes that support the Mission of the organization.

2. Preparation of the entity's Process Map.- One of the most practical ways to
prepare the process map consists of making it on a sign or acrylic board and
asking the participants to observe what is being done and that express their criteria
of conformity or not in relation to what is being formed.

3. Preparation of the process graphs.- Once the Process Map has been
prepared, it is appropriate or advisable to prepare the process graphs.

4. Analysis of the processes.- Once the process graphs of each of the

subprocesses that make up the key processes of the organization have been
prepared, they are analyzed with the purpose of identifying possible areas of
improvement. .

5. Improvement proposals.- For the different phases or activities that make up a

process or subprocess, it is recommended to use the methodology

6. Preparation of control charts.- Once the process has been improved, it is

essential to observe or monitor its behavior, for which the use or use of control
charts or control charts is recommended.

7. Proposal of indicators to measure the performance of the improved

process.- Two basic types of control charts are recognized: for variables and for
attributes. They are used according to the quality characteristic that the company
wishes to control.


The content of procedure manuals is different in each organization; It varies

according to its scope and scope. However, it is recommended to adopt, where
appropriate, the following model:

General objective
Identification and integration of processes
List of processes and procedures
Description of procedures
ƒ Name of the procedure
ƒ Objective
ƒ Scope
ƒ Reference
ƒ Responsibilities
ƒ Definitions
ƒ Inputs
ƒ Results
ƒ Interaction with other procedures
ƒ Policies
ƒ Development
ƒ Layout
ƒ Measurement
ƒ Formats and instructions
Edit Log

Each of the sections that make up the procedures manual is explained below:


It must contain an explanation of what the document is, what its purposes are and
to whom it is directed, as well as its scope of application. In general, the
presentation should not exceed two pages and its writing should be clear and
simple. It is advisable to highlight the importance of the manual, through a
message from the highest authority of the institution, as well as to note the role that
public servants must play in its application, since without their participation all
Administrative improvement efforts will not have the desired results.



The public administration of the State of Mexico is the instrument of the Government, through
which the aspirations that society demands are materialized. Therefore, its organization, method
and work system must be permanently reviewed and modernized, in order to guarantee that
public management is efficient in its performance.
In this context, Mr. Arturo Montiel Rojas, Constitutional Governor of the State of Mexico,
established as one of the guiding axes of his management the comprehensive modernization of
the Public Administration, with the purpose of ensuring that it has the possibility of satisfying the
needs and expectations of the population, through an efficient and effective Government in the
substantive areas and direct attention to citizens.

The main challenges of the comprehensive modernization of the Public Administration of the State
of Mexico are to implement a new public management model, recognized for its effectiveness and
its openness towards social participation; improve the quality of services provided to the
population, increasing the efficiency of processes, reducing response times, eliminating
requirements and bringing management entities closer together; and link society with the state
public administration in a simpler, direct and transparent way.

Due to the above, the General Directorate of Innovation, Structure and Organization prepared this
Procedures Manual, as an administrative instrument that allows it to streamline its tasks or make
its activities more efficient, delimit powers and responsibilities, distribute workloads and define
administrative processes in correspondence with the programs that are executed.

General objective

The purpose to be achieved and the means or actions to achieve it must be

established; That is, what is intended to be achieved with the integration and
application of the procedures manual.

For writing the general objective, the following is recommended:

ƒ Start the description of the general objective with an infinitive verb that
inherently implies some measurement, for example: increase, reduce,
decrease, increase, improve, maintain, expand, reduce, etc.
Clearly specify what is intended with the integration of the procedures
manual, as well as the actions that will be carried out to achieve the
expected result.



Increase the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the procedures and services provided by the
General Directorate of the Civil Registry through the formalization and standardization of work
methods and procedures.
Identification and interaction of processes

In accordance with the principle that the organization has a process-based

approach, in this section the key processes identified that will be part of the manual
will be represented graphically and in a general way, as well as the interactions or
interdependent relationships that exist between each one of them.

For this purpose, it is necessary to specify what a process is, how it is identified
and how its interactions are represented in a high-level process map.

The writing of the identified processes must have the following structure:


List of processes and procedures

Once the processes have been identified, the procedures derived from each of
them must be specified, which will be documented in the procedures manual.

For this purpose, the flow of the global process must be established from beginning
to end, establishing the procedures that make up the process.



Integration of organization manuals: From the request for preparation or update to the delivery of
the published organization manual.


• Technical advice for the preparation of organization manuals

• Review or ruling of manual projects

• Validation of organization manuals

• Management of publication of organization manuals

Description of procedures

The procedures constitute the core part of the manual, since they are the reason
for said document. The description of the procedures must invariably contain the
following aspects:

Name of the procedure: The name of the procedure should be guided by

the result that is intended to be obtained, so it is advisable to structure it
according to the following syntax:

Technical advice + for the preparation of procedure manuals

Issuance + of professional certificates and titles

Issuance of a driver's license to drive motor vehicles

Authorization + of concessions for the public passenger transport service

Objective: The desired result must be described clearly and precisely.

achieve with each procedure.


Increase the skills of public servants from agencies, auxiliary organizations and trusts for
the preparation or updating of procedure manuals through technical advice in the form of
workshop courses and
personalized assistance..

Scope: The scope allows defining and describing the internal and external
logical boundaries of the procedure, indicating which activities, people and
areas it affects. If there are exclusions, they must be noted.

Procedure: Technical advice for the preparation of procedure manuals.
People affected: Public Servants.
Areas affected: agencies, auxiliary organizations and trusts of the state executive branch.
Activities affected: Preparation or updating of procedure manuals.

References: This section must include a list of the administrative legal

documents that support the procedure.
Organic Law of the Public Administration of the State of Mexico (Third Chapter,
article 24, section XLVIII).
Law for the Coordination and Control of Auxiliary Organizations and Trusts of the
State of Mexico (chapter III, article 15, section III).
Regulations of the Law for the Coordination and Control of Auxiliary Organizations and
Trusts of the State of Mexico (second title, second chapter, article 8
fraction III).
Agreement establishing the administrative rules for the assignment and use
of goods and services of agencies, auxiliary organizations and trusts
public authorities of the state executive branch (Standard OD-019).
Quality Manual of the General Directorate of Innovation, Structure and Organization,
5.4.2 Quality Management System Planning; 7.1, Planning
Product realization; Annex II, quality plan.

Responsibilities: This section will describe the duties or obligations of the

executive Administrative Unit of the procedure, as well as the positions that
intervene, partially or totally in the development of its activities.

The Institutional Development Subdirectorates “A” and “B” are responsible for preparing
and providing technical advice for the preparation or updating of procedural manuals
requested by the agencies, auxiliary organizations and trusts of the State Executive
The General Director must:
• Channel and instruct the corresponding administrative unit, requests for technical
advice for the preparation of procedure manuals, through the “Control of document
sending” format, which will be initialed.
The Institutional Development Subdirectorates “A” and “B” must:
• Agree and schedule with the representative designated by the agency, auxiliary
organization or trust the place, date, time and number of participants who will receive the
requested technical advice.
• Designate the project leader who will provide technical advice.
• Sign approval and file the FO-DO and VC-01 “Technical Consulting” format.
• Respond to the format, “Document sending control”.
The project leader must:
• Prepare and provide the necessary technical advice and teaching materials.
• Request and sign the FO-DO and VC-01 “Technical Consulting” form.
Definitions: In order to facilitate the understanding of the terms used in the
procedure, a section must be established in which the meaning of the
concepts is described.

Procedure: It is a chronological succession of operations concatenated together, which
aim to carry out a specific activity or task within a predetermined scope of application.
Every procedure involves activities and tasks
of personnel, the determination of completion times, the use of materials and
technologies, and the application of work and control methods to achieve the complete,
timely and efficient development of operations.

Diagrams: They are graphic models that represent the procedure in a schematic and
simplified way, through the use of ANSI (American National Standard Institute) symbols or
drawings and boxes with text (BLOCK).

Inputs: Precisely indicate the documentary, material or information

requirements that the agency, auxiliary agency or trust requests to begin the
development of the procedure.

For workshop courses:
Request letter addressed to the Secretary of Finance, Planning and Administration, the
Undersecretary of Administration or the General Director of Innovation, Structure and
Specify the public servant who will be the link between the requesting area and the
General Directorate of Innovation, Structure and Organization, as well as the number of

Results: Specifies the product or service that is obtained after carrying out
the development of the procedure, which has value for the user or applicant.

Public servants trained in the preparation of procedure manuals.
Procedure manual projects.
Interaction with other procedures : Indicate the name of the procedures
with which the procedure in question is related.

Review and ruling of procedural manual projects.
Validation of procedure manuals.
Management for the publication of procedure manuals.

Policies: In this section the rules or provisions that regulate the activities of
the procedures will be noted. Policies emanate from legal-administrative
provisions such as laws, regulations, agreements, conventions, circulars,

Technical advice for the preparation of procedure manuals, through workshop courses,
will be provided to groups made up of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 people.
When they exceed this parameter, the formation of the groups that
are necessary.
If on the day the workshop course is taught a greater number of people than agreed
attend, they may remain in the course and must register in the FO-DOyVC-01 “Technical
Consulting” format; however, they will not be provided with the corresponding support
Once the technical advice has been provided, a commitment date will be established,
together with the coordinator or liaison of the agency, auxiliary organization or trust, to
deliver the draft procedures manual to the General Directorate of Innovation, Structure
and Organization.
To generate evidence of the technical advice provided, those attending the workshop
course must register their participation in the FO-DOyVC-01 “Technical Advice” format.

Development: This section must describe the activities or operations that

are carried out in the procedure, as well as the administrative units or
positions that are involved in its implementation.

The guidelines for writing the procedure are the following:

1.- Objectivity.- In writing, language must be used that relates facts,
situations and circumstances, as faithfully as possible, so it is necessary to
avoid reflecting the feelings, emotions or points of view of the people who
write the procedure to third parties.
2.-Avoid obvious things.- It is necessary that all aspects of the procedure
be considered in the writing without leaving room for obvious things since
the description of the procedure must reflect a language of facts that can be
proven or audited.
3.-Precision.- Vague or imprecise terms that generate ambiguity in their
understanding should be omitted, so it is advisable to specify and specify as
much as possible the quantitative, measurable or catalogable aspects of the
4.- Simplicity.- For complete understanding, the writing of the procedure
must eliminate redundancies, as well as qualifying objectives, using sober,
accessible and even plain language.

Diagramming : Once the procedure has been described, we continue with

its graphic representation; To do this, a diagram will be created that
symbolizes the flow of information, the documents or materials used and the
interactions between the administrative units and positions involved in the


Final start of the procedure. It indicates the beginning or end of a procedure. When it is
used to indicate the beginning of the procedure, the word START will be noted and when
it is finished, the word END will be written.

Measurement: This section must specify the means to collect information

that allows measuring the satisfaction of users of the procedure, in order to
undertake actions that contribute to continuous improvement.
Measurement allows the organization to evaluate the ability of the
procedure to achieve planned results.

Monthly number of advice provided = Percentage of requests attended
Monthly number of consultancy requests

Formats and instructions: This section must include the formats used in
the procedure, as well as its filling instructions, which will explain the
purpose of the format, the required copies, recipients and the variable
information that must be obtained.
The formats must contain the institutional image of the Government of the
State of
Mexico, as well as a name and identification key.


In this section of the manual, only the ANSI symbols and meanings that were used
in the flow charts should be included. See layout section of this guide.

Edit Log

In order to control the editions of the procedures manual, it is necessary to record

the number of modifications, the dates, the sections and the modified sheets.



First edition (September 26, 2002): preparation of the manual.

Second edition (October 7, 2004): the sections on responsibilities, interaction with other
procedures, policies, development and layout of the Technical Advisory procedure for the
Preparation of Procedure Manuals are modified.


In this section, the administrative units or positions authorized to have the manual
must be listed, as well as the number of copies controlled and distributed. It is
recommended that the public servant who coordinates the manual integration work
be the holder of the original document in its various presentations (magnetic
medium and printing) and that the number of controlled copies and recipient
administrative units be defined based on their participation in the manual.
documented procedures.


The original. The procedures manual is in the possession of the representative of the Quality
Management System Department.

1.- Directorate of Organization and Citizen Liaison.

2.- Administrative Regulations and Legislation Unit.

3.- Subdirectorate of Institutional Development “A”.

4.- Subdirectorate of Institutional Development “B”.


This section will contain the name, position and signature of the authorities of the
corresponding agency, auxiliary agency or public trust, through which the content
of the procedures manual is approved.

It should be noted that the procedures manuals of the agencies must be validated
by the heads of the administrative units executing the procedures and by the
immediate superiors up to the level of Secretary.

If it is a specific manual or an auxiliary organization, the validation of the document

will be up to the owner.

Also, the manuals must be signed by the head of the General Directorate of
Innovation, Structure and Organization, in order to verify that they comply with the
established technical guidelines.



Eng. Agustín Gasca Pliego

Secretary of Education, Culture and Social Welfare

Lic. Rogelio Tinoco García

Undersecretary of Planning and Administration

Complementary elements of the Procedures Manual:

Cover or title page.

Inside cover or title page.
Sheet format.

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