Behavior Modification Plan Parent Document

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Modification Plan

of conduct

Document for Parents

Prepared by:
Prof. Marisol Martínez-Vega
All Rights Reserved 2010

The Behavioral Contract Technique can provide great benefits to fathers,
mothers, teachers, tutors or people in charge who intend to promote the
change of those behaviors that we want to modify. There are various types of
behavioral contracts, whether written or oral. Both pursue the exchange or
negotiation of a behavior identified and subsequently operationalized.
The importance of the contract technique is that it allows the child to formally
commit to working with the behavior voluntarily. This technique is of great
help with antagonistic and conflictive people.
Steps to consider when using contracts:

^ Identify and operationalize the behavior. Establish a functional analysis

of it.
{ Listen to the commitment on the part of the participants, whether the
child and/or young person, father, mother, teachers, tutor and/or person
in charge.
{ Investigate reinforcements that may be significant for the participant.
{ When drafting the contract, the language must be simple, clear, precise
and fair to all parties involved.
{ The participant must make the contract voluntarily, free of pressure, to
modify the operationalized behavior.

^ The contract must not contain words with legal technicalities. It should
not be written in a negative way.
{ Be honest in what we ask of the participant.

General considerations when implementing the use of the Contract:

1. Establish empathy with the child before using the contract technique.
2. Gather all the people who are directly and indirectly part of the conduct
negotiation to explain the process and the terms of the contract, with
the purpose of discussing the responsibility of each of the people.
3. Explain to people how the contract will be worked, according to the
needs of the participant.
4. Contract Disclosure:
a. Each of the parts contained in the contract is explained to the
b. Once discussed, the commitments that it will have during the
process are established.
c. Discussion of what each party expects from the other.
d. Provide the child with several models of what a contract is, and
validate with the child that he or she understands the obligations
that it entails.
5. Listen with the child, the types of reinforcements that can be important
and significant. Make a list of the reinforcements that the child
mentions, in order to make a menu of reinforcements.
6. Explain to the child the negotiation of reinforcements, according to
compliance in terms of their behavior.
7. Establish evaluation processes.
8. Set the date on which the reinforcements will be delivered to the child.
9. Renegotiation of the contract date.
10. Complete the contract with the child.
11. Read the contract aloud.
12. Closing contract. Here the child will be verbally reinforced for
having agreed to work said contract.

The Evaluation Sheet must be completed when using the Contract and make
the necessary comments if relevant in each of the parts and sign the
Contract form to carry out all agreements.

This Contract is between:

_____________________________________ and __________________________________

Child's Name Name of the person making the contract

The same will start on the day ___ until ________________.

I, ________________________ I compromise to:
Child's Name

I, _______________________ I compromise to:

* If this agreement is not fulfilled, it is clear that the reward will not be delivered

Signature of the parties:

Child's Name

Name of person making the Contract


Student name: ______________________________________________

Person in Charge of the Contract: _______________________________

Date :____________________________________________________________________________


1. Establish empathy with the
child to the do use
of the
2. Gather the parts to
Discuss the responsibility of
each of them.
3. Explanation of how
will work the contract.
4. Establish commitment of
each of the parties.
5. Auscultate guys of
6. Negotiation of
7. Establish processes
8. Set date where
They will deliver the child's
9. Renegotiation of the contract
10. Complete the contract with
the child.
11. Read the contract aloud.

12. Closing of the Contract.

Verbal reinforcement.
We complete the documents required, wit
h and
_______________________, to carry out the Contract, he proceeded to sign
write all the agreements.
The following procedure was followed:
1. They were explained what the Contract is and what its use entails, and the
situations and behaviors that support its use were explained.
2. We meet with the parent and teacher to explain the process and the terms of
the contract, with the purpose of discussing the responsibility of each person.
3. Explain to people how the contract will be worked, according to the needs of
the participant.
4. Contract Disclosure:
a. It was explained to _____________________ each of the
parts of the contract.
b. The commitments that this will have during the process were
c. Discussion of what is expected __________________________,
mom, dad and teacher.
5. The types of reinforcements that may be important and meaningful for him
were selected. A list was made of the reinforcements that I mentioned ,
which will be considered in
6. The negotiation of reinforcements was explained to the child, according to
compliance in terms of improving their behavior.
7. Compliance with the contract will be evaluated weekly.
8. The agreed reinforcements or receipt of tokens will be granted weekly, as long
as the contract is fulfilled.
9. The contract will be renegotiated once a month.
10. The contract was completed and signed with the child.
11. The contract was read aloud.
12. A copy of the contract was delivered to ____________________, to the
Teacher and parents.
In this system the child earns tokens or stickers every time he or she shows the
desired behavior or action. These tokens or stickers can be exchanged for prizes or
rewards based on agreements made previously. It is effective to use the Record of
Achievements that the student completes.
This technique can be modified by adding a response and cost system where the
child is “fined” for inappropriate behavior, but receives a reward for appropriate
behavior. This “fine” can be the loss of points, badges, stickers, etc. These
techniques in combination have contributed to reducing negative behavior in the
_______________________ Malik will comply with what was agreed so that a record
is kept of the agreements fulfilled and that the child registers the tokens or stickers
to receive the agreed reward or reinforcement.

The agreements are as follows:

Good grades - 2 stamps
Make assignments - 1 stamp
Write at school - 1 stamp
Do school work - 2 stamps
Behave well at home - 3 stamps
Follow instructions - 2 stamps
Behave well at school - 3 stamps
I do chores around the house
- Pick up room -1 seal
- Throw away the trash -1 seal
- Give food to the dogs -1 seal
- Pick Up Family - 2 stamps
Keep the room organized, tidy and clean. Do not eat - 2 stamps
sweets - 2 stamps

Agreed rewards will be evaluated and awarded every two weeks:

2 accumulated stamps 1 favorite shortbread choose your favorite food

4 accumulated stamps program at Wendys
6 accumulated stamps go to Chuck and Cheese buy favorite toy – not
8 accumulated stamps Electronic
10 accumulated stamps Go to Applebees
15 stamps accumulated PSP Video Game
70 stamps accumulated 1 electronic game
200 stamps
accumulated 55 stamps
accumulated Fines applied if necessary, they will not be negotiated and
will be final and firm:

/ Not obeying dad or mom loses 3 stamps.

/ Tantrums loses all the stamps.
/ Breaking things in the house loses all seals.
/ They tell lies, they lose 4 stamps.
/ Fights between brothers lose all the seals.
/ They get bad grades, they lose all the stamps.
/ No following instructions loses 1 seal
/ No do homework loses 2 stamps.
/ Having bad upbringings loses all the seals.
/ No respect the norms and rules in homemisses 2 stamps.
/ No respect the norms and rules in the schoolmisses 2stamps.
/ Misbehaving at school loses 5 stamps. And I might not attend School Tours.

Registration for the Token Economy is broken down on the next page.
He same be completed in collaboration with
______________________, Mom and Dad. Only mom or dad in
presence of will award you the tokens or
stickers or will penalize you by removing the tokens or stickers.
NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________
Behaviors that earn assigned to Points earned every day
points the chips Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda Friday Saturday Sunday

Sum of points obtained

Behaviors that lose points Points lost every day

Total points lost

After adding the value of the chips obtained and

subtracting the points lost, write the total points in
the box corresponding to each day.

Good grades 2 stamps Did not complete school work - 2
- Lose all
Make assignments 1 seal Bad behavior stamps
Write at school 1 seal He didn't finish his homework - 2
- Lose all
Do school work 2 stamps Tantrums stamps
Be good at school and at home 3 stamps Bad parenting - 2
I do chores around the house 1 seal Lie - 4
Keep the room organized, tidy and clean 2 stamps Bad grades -2
Lose all
Fights with brothers stamps

My goal is to obtain points or weekly stamps.

Total for the week

Weekly rewards
by points or weekly stamps.
by points or weekly stamps.
Workbook for Parents, Teachers and Children on Attention Level Disorder (ADD) or Hyperactivity

Tag Table Contract

You will receive a label every time

LQ behavior to
But if you behave

listen badly,

When you have labels in your table, you can _

Workbook for Parents, Teachers and Children on Attention Level Disorder (ADD) or Hyperactivity
You will receive a label every time
Tag Table Contract

The teacher will carry a Goal Card in which the following reagents are

^ I pay attention in class

^ I finish the work in class
^ I finish my homework at home
{ He behaved well
{ Your desktop and notebooks are clean
The established reagents will allow ________________________________
Modify your behavior and have control over your symptoms of hyperactivity and
aggression so that you can complete your schoolwork and benefit from it.

The five-point evaluation scale is broken down as follows:

1- appalling
2- poor
3- regular
4- good
5- excellent
(l)ntermedia GOAL CARD PROGRAM
From first to eighth grade
Child's name:______________________________________Teacher:
Week of:-----------------------------------
WEDNE THURS Evaluative Scales
Goal Card MON SEA
N/A= Not applicable 0 = Lost,
1. Paid attention in class
Forgotten or
Card Destruction
2. Finished work in class MARK THE SCALE YOU
3. Finished homework at home

4. He behaved well
1 = lousy 1 = Poor
5. Your desk and notebooks are 2 = Poor 2 = Best
clean 3 = Fair 3 = Good
4 = Good
Totals 5 = Excellent

Teacher's initials
Goals for________points

(l)ntermedia GOAL CARD PROGRAM

From first to eighth grade
Child's name:______________________________________Teacher:
Week of:-----------------------------------
WEDNE THURS Evaluative Scales
Goal Card MON SEA
N/A= Not applicable 0 = Lost,
1. Paid attention in class
Forgotten or
Card Destruction
2. Finished work in class MARK THE SCALE YOU
3. Finished homework at home

4. He behaved well
1 = Terrible 1 = Poor
5. Your desk and notebooks are 2 = Poor 2 = Best
clean 3 = Fair 3 = Good
4 = Good
Totals 5 = Excellent

Teacher's initials Goals for________points

The Record of Achievements is a form that the child will fill out recording the
achievements obtained during the week. In this way, he himself details the
established agreements and writes the score obtained daily, which is broken
down as follows:

3 = I did it
2 – I tried
1 – I must make an effort
0 – I did not respect what was agreed
By keeping the record daily, the child will be more aware of the achievements
obtained as well as the days that he did not respect the agreement, tried to do
so, or that he must work harder to achieve.
The card you will use _______________________ is the next:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Total obtained

3 = I did it
2 = I tried
1 = I must make an effort
0 = I did not respect what was agreed
This technique is very simple and consists of congratulating him, a smile or a
sign of approval, a hug or a light squeeze. Also a badge or privilege. These cost
nothing and when done with
_______________________ It will provide enormous satisfaction.


This technique is informed beforehand, to the student, that you will touch him on
the shoulder when you see him distracted or gently scratch his head when he is
very restless in the seat or distracted.
To present _________________________ symptoms of hyperactivity and
aggression Using this technique will be of great help, since it will allow the child
to maintain control and continue with his task to finish it.
The purpose of monitoring is to track changes in behavior of . It is important
to provide continuous monitoring
to hold meetings with the minor, and inform him of the progress he has made
and listen to his feelings regarding the Behavior Modification Plan.
Once behavior changes have been monitored or, instead, it has been confirmed
that no change has occurred, the Modification Plan must be reviewed in the
following aspects:

V Verify if the selected techniques are appropriate.

V Interview the minor to listen to his feelings regarding how he feels about
carrying out the Plan or if he has changed his mind about not carrying it
V Check if the child has been pressured to accept the conditions of the Plan.
If this is the case, the Plan must be put aside and a new Plan must be
drafted as a team.
V Hold meetings with the homeroom teacher to evaluate how the plan has
been carried out, whether it has been consistent or not.
V Seek professional help if the behavior persists and no change occurs in
the minor and if other unexpected behaviors occur.

No matter what findings are obtained, we must not forget that the main purpose
of this document is to help __________________________________ and?
This is the one who benefits from it. An effectively implemented plan will benefit
their academic progress and a radical improvement in their behaviors.

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