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The Reseller Market

Resellers are mostly individuals or organizations that generate profits by renting and/or
reselling products and services to other consumers. They also have a market called the
reseller market. The main objective of this type of market is to acquire products and
services; primarily products with low prices; this to sell, market and/or distribute them
at a higher price to obtain profits and profits.
Wholesale trade culminates with a sale: but the particularity of this commercial
modality is that the sale does not have the final consumer as the buyer, but rather the
delivery occurs to an intermediary. This agent will be in charge of distributing the
product to retail entrepreneurs who, in turn, will make it available to the end customer.
Resellers also purchase many goods and services to operate their business, office
supplies and equipment, warehouses, material handling equipment, legal services,
electrical services, and maintenance supplies. In this purchasing activity, resellers are no
fundamentally different from manufacturers, financial institutions and any other
segment of the business market. These resellers purchase two types of products: those
intended for resale and those intended for the development of their work and
maintenance and improvement of facilities.

Reseller Market Features

Purchase: Acquisition of products for final consumption and resale.
Sales: Carry out promotion and sales to both end consumers and corporate buyers.
Classification: The intermediary separates the different products of the supplier to
exploit them separately.
Accumulation: Gathering goods from various companies to offer them. (the typical case
is the wholesaler).
Financing: Carry out cash operations to offer liquidity and in general resource solutions
to both buyers and sellers.
Storage: Correct inventory management for subsequent sale or use.
There are also specialized functions. An example is waste and recycling activities.

The Government Market

It is formed by government or public sector institutions that acquire goods or services to
carry out their main functions, for example, for the administration of the state, to
provide social services (drainage, paving, cleaning, etc.), to maintain security and
Since the government currently handles a variety of activities, it has become a large
market for resellers and producers. Their importance lies in the fact that the functions
they perform directly benefit the community in general and by providing a quality
service, they maintain a good image before the public.
Government action is also key for markets to function and be effective, by establishing
an important part of the market infrastructure, that is, legal and juridical institutions that
enforce compliance with contracts and businesses and thus reduce transaction costs.
Additionally, the government must act to facilitate the poor's access to and benefit from
new markets, through actions such as clarifying and formalizing their property rights
over land and forests; provide them with road infrastructure, communications and
transportation; strengthen their community organizations and, in particular,
cooperatives; invest in their education and training; Offer them information services,
contacts and technical assistance on the markets and facilitate their access to financing.

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