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Al Kane hylrecanhon’ hae goartadl jah who Mayer june Keeotn_as altace Ln Cxasnpll Chay C1 yn en = dn_alent carhent “is prccont ia spt berduecd La be J htorec the oll le baad 43 the alkane so bead bento © | Leap — elas), rele s) Dena-5) ro) mn halide teaet uuith heedisan 2 = diy ils R—- R i a : ¢ ROX 42M + KER’ dy ten RoR 4 a x : pe wu > 2_es, wong ttenng aay sls yates —_ - = -¢- CH, y—ht2M, 4h = Ch, Day eth aay = CH . cue inches ~ CHs= CHa C12 na + UneneH, Deyelley CH=CH = CH, = CH, SD ele zolh (s) = hidant — 4 Bey Decor hanglalion =i etches plaka i pp pty fai ay hi See mae elf Me Cathal assed —_____ => 2 : j A+GO ; - <> CH, Coppi, Meee tM cg Met Mac SP cua Coou Naot CH, Cooly, MHASH Mae zl <> Mo His iso _methed of Aeebueliae — __________ elas). poets ) 7 mami aut a a a) Kathe € Leet Aas gnth x [shoot ldots of gettin pos tan cashes + bia alan #pbtiad ol cahag Lk ilocos — a Meolhe elsetrabyts cloctratynlesis Z2R-cooK+ 24,0 RR eg tH, + Kon FE EE, a ts oe ae Mcelges a atthads — f echncs “4 : Te - At aned_o, os = IR-c-o%K . 2R- d-0 + aR | Anede L _ aed f-0 ye e— BR-RitO, e 2R 12020 e nt cathe ou _ — oe = = Es a aki 41 samo 2kom twit 7 — qoleee-s) reiscr) ze incr) ae —Se 5D CoAty House Syn thos as 2 « Adreuin this_methed —eastbe hip pola tepp * ( CHy-BA + pLi Prvetlag cw = bye Li Rea e 4 i z — - ty : tty 2 CH= np tC = Cu, = ie ype T . rs 1 telat + yet > Cel wpe cae le ® INCE ar Tenany a Cleanmiorker Reduclion_ Hethed She TR {o? aeHeLly! 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Seber hy im _G, i =. er(2y MMutnaat ah psi Ee al _Yec- Coa “Peni. pita ate —disiesith aad _cfittalptadacl eg tabla ashich 4 lovetin ai Chachi ot Pyte bytes 24 -alikant = CH= CM,“ CH, Weensee CH, + CH= CH= CH, 1 CHS CHAM ViO5, Cy O, = CH ees : jae. 3 Ch, 3 - flys IG Or ss Sen, = c44 oo * def AD bam Kea. CHa cH. Chere crecy AlCl Cu, CH = cy - CH CH Hcl U ca My CHE CH= CH=CH - CH, _ _ ? ot OC My= CH, CH cu, leh CH, =CH - CH, a 1 cMy | | / , qe 7 . RIH + kodna Moo‘ h-vo. oe ume olKyl nidnils ee eerar Sa et a ey lpn iad R= M +Ho- SoU ai R-So, co - i fy 7 | [pidens ality f+ Wheog lidar = Ha ar OQ. SES i sone the halapeoralic tales plas st |r Ses lenny. f Ys 5 Aus Tht halepioretion of WalMart i tale 7p laet tn the Prtsence of faee Aadical or by the neecharising uq Se eae te TESTI IRE ANI ee = Place at Lue © tompons (C, 44) Cb ied ; ee Ge Ph — | OO COU eld € 6 id) 0d hyduscarlern their gendrad _ BF ip ipil fod et vr Se Ai péelyonttliylirt gh alveyelie Compe = Moandrvclalicrt yelaallhant , ai ree _peoettiak. cu —epcleattiant ge Lo Ne, te pope cu SH H. ” : a Jone Ethyl cyclopeadt oral [eS ey tty tall oe [320] 12 mothyl hoe begole (2 1] hf HANTS Te ~ " zt okt. re i Biayeh [2jol-2- Aas png. 2 7 es ©16(s) o13cs) deine) 7 ris (1) Fauknd _Hethad _ Ch, ee, ZaBH CH=CH, BA ae Mat . | te du cH, Bw Ma, CO. cM CH, eee CHE 0 CuO i Disgaea ° LM py methyl onileny #€ Dicckmena fethed dn Hh other! cycle. pentane = ma ab Taicaed by CW CH, oom - a ett soca | to gee, | - Fantly CH — CH A ch,-cH/ = M Soep—2els(s) _ reys@r-s) herp = 21 gler_Melhed - rae —_ om aT euy _— (eth se _ if ae Gu.) _ Rts Hy Chem Cool (Cm) ar Lect) tos aii few Lx te Ps ee oe : 5 feta tas Meetot by Acklawliny SHefp } oe pane Ainmen f wel i = CH, cooy Bay CHy = Che City = CH. cH re Tight Bi ns _ cu CH. CH, CH, arta e on re = =. 7 \ Ba . Nug 6 tn Ay x cr ite Ay KR = X a a ak Tight Neu CNY anal inl cada ttatketn aol. "piped — poe ls hing he ike _gpltee bbe titihdn deacleor 2 +HRA > CH, = CH=CH R Cw, tu. a a = een CH, CM CH HBA yO Hg OM = CH, CH. [tustone] Non, de - Dr erae— bul | a a CH, - CH= CH CH e CH He = s cH, — cH ome & s ai Ney = CHs- CH CH, CH CH, i sMhodert KOO CH, — CH, = Coe 7 sre? e ee ev = = Lahaxant adifie ated 4 4 - mo 5 Derry rao Reatbanytontnif —— wag tthe “aang A emi Coal tana yO eapantecen > 7 R= WH aH No Re wees ar i 2 _CH, = CK = : eH - eal + Hwo, u Cy Cy BBM, Ao wal bos mn ar aa ll pe i fiche > i cichessd Lay fatlacsinay Cx afl. — ; LD bata hi = gre! = fot) = 928! = 2H" as! \ : es 204 ry Jo, S = 1 (fogrs'-go') ~ 19°28. 9°a4! oa a 7 a er ae ee a ee er ee L % — a a ° = J Ctegrsi=jre) . = 1ez2! = ie b= te ,f§ 24 sr z ot ae >—— siete Re _ > isla ty lye hme tscell en a iza ite = haptartarl here the SS LE fla ans lhl Reyelehetant Can ines tbe exbhin by this Neary. Aecarde SE a hie theatg, epeladectne 8 iauld ba fess ole + Mane geloptclaad pa dad i cut et Oral Sy cyclehitant is onait tobe that penitent So As S. 12g°34! Sz (od'g'. 2g) au) = =u! g's! Se Z =p * Limi tailion af th Benyts teeny Bay Bt teeny Ae affilicabde —aoaly fot —hariell Ati, con ound pita Heat ll nell Aa co Shou! Ar A 9.2. ees aaie this thtery cyclaherame “th lees blable Hise: saat oa. Oa weg A table thenr eyelelhisisis —__ len cen gg asad =O lao 2, ee Ue — deeded Nae higg fts = tga ayia ade tan bE hut big tag Corarfs ("Ben palling A Hay 3 al =flatei strain a 2 CS 2 1 (lotr! co) s sh? ay! > a Wg eis ———— “Hence thes Js Beaton ier _deehle_b r bard “hen w gecesdes teh > is unstable but deubl , ie eal os — $e REESE FETE fj Packured vv ste) E ¢ aS . == a Poche and mane’ teary ( Dharye| shia eas. fia A : te Has Seb ee oe ety la alin Fog tet = hed Sut “ne lease of ihe 5 z i Ts a ely —hrey ee St Ne ar a diag idan fi. (a =< ast +f HAZE] heh | ! t povensy, Wy py eS fae ee 2018 (r) AL Ve colin ara CO ‘ Sie tala! 6 Ds ae s : (F)p — ben hep low (6 — below the plane Tia == it oO haley C=O —y ~» 2 2 2 ‘ala a P=

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