Designer Babies': From Mythos To Ethos and Beyond - Scientific Conquest or Moral Caveat

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Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.

7, (20-27) September 16, 2021

ISSN: 2447-6153

‘Designer Babies’: From Mythos to Ethos and Beyond - Scientific

Conquest or Moral Caveat
Goutam Roy Chowdhury1, Sourav Dutta2, Pritam Mukherjee2 and Abhijit Mitra3,¥

Chancellor, Techno India University, Salt Lake Campus, Kolkata 700091, India
Department of Oceanography, Techno India University, West Bengal, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700091, India.
Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 B.C Road, Kolkata 700019, India.

To cite this article:

Goutam Roy Chowdhury, Sourav Dutta, Pritam Mukherjee and Abhijit Mitra. ‘Designer Babies’: From Mythos
to Ethos and Beyond - Scientific Conquest or Moral Caveat”, Parana Journal of Science and Education, Vol. 7,
No. 7, 2021, pp. 20-27.

Received: September 13, 2021; Accepted: September 15, 2021; Published: September 16, 2021.

With the advent of scientific and technological advancements in the field of human health and medicine, genetic
engineering especially genome mapping, sequencing and editing are well within the grasp of the scientific
community. Now have disposal powerful tools of Molecular biology, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology to create
‘Designer Babies’. ‘Designer Babies’ as the name suggests are genetically tailor-made embryos, wherein desired
traits can be identified in pre-implantation diagnosis by screening with gene-specific markers. These markers can
identify disease linked gene(s) and non-disease specific gene(s). Also theoretically, gene editing albeit highly
controversial and debatable can also be employed to effectively and efficiently edit the genome of ‘Designer
Babies’ to accent special traits and characteristics e.g. viral resistance in the current scenario of Covid-19
pandemic. The pros and cons of this modus operandi remain contentious and ambivalent to say the least. This
article takes a look at the history, frontier research and also the ethical dilemma leading to advancements in
genetic research and their application under the commercialized banner of ‘Designer Babies’.
Keywords: Genetic engineering, Eugenics, Gene therapy, In vitro fertilization, Designer Babies, Bioethics.

Email: (Corresponding Author)
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

1. Introduction ‘a baby that is born from an embryo that

was selected from a number
"We are living, I believe, through a
of embryos produced using IVF, in
'transitional and contested period of
order to ensure the baby has or does not
family history, a period after the modern
have particular genes that can treat or
family order, but before what we cannot
cause disease’ [4].
foretell. Precisely because it is not
possible to characterize with a single The prospect of ‘Designer Babies’ can be achieved
term the competing sets of family through the screening of a wide range of attributes,
cultures that coexist at present, I identify selectable weeding undesirable genetic traits via gene
this family regime as postmodern. The therapy and is the next step to cosmetic surgery as
postmodern family is not a new model pointed out by biotechnology critic Jeremy Rifkin
of family life, not the next stage of an [5]. Genetic diagnosis has made it possible for us to
orderly progression of family history, understand the complex science behind various
but the stage when the belief in a logical genetic disorders and diseases that can be inherited or
progression of stages breaks down." mutated to manifest their existence in future
(Judith Stacey), (Gilding, 2002). [1] progenies.
Judith Stacey, an American feminist had most Although ‘Designer Babies’ per say are implausible
eloquently described the current stage of ‘the family as of now, various countries have started taking steps
life’ that barring a few societal orientations has to implement laws governing IVF testing to identify
started to exist globally. Beginning in the 1950s, the the probability of genetic diseases in the future
‘Third Industrial Revolution’ had ushered in a wave progenies. Countries like Canada have passed laws,
of advancements especially in the field of modern which on one hand have enabled screening of
health and medicine revolutionizing the human embryos for determination of diseases and
lifestyle [1]. Pharmaceutical conglomerates have disabilities but on the other have also curbed
started funding advanced research in genetic commercialization of human genetics and
engineering especially human genetics and reproductive technologies [6].
reproductive technologies, as disease diagnosis and
prognosis are slowly but steadily shifting trends away
from only administering drugs [2]. Genetic Figure 1: ‘Designer Babies’ with augmented variation
engineering is swiftly gaining clinical significance traits that can be disease or non-disease specific.
and advancement in genetics has lead to possibility
of treatment of diseases by gene therapy. Couples are
opting for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and prenatal
testing and screening of unborn babies i.e., testing
embryos for genetic defects through genetic
diagnosis has become standard. The technological
expansion can theoretically enhance, clone, create
chimeras of living organisms, even though; practical
application is still in its infancy [3]. Transformation
of the family and augmented technology has given
rise to a variety of new trends, which contain
references to contemporary technologies in
biosciences. The expression ‘Designer Babies’ is one
such facet, which might be in its infancy but is
trending fast in contemporary times. In 2004, The
Source: Authors and references.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary introduced
the term ‘Designer Babies’ into their repository. It
defines ‘Designer Babies’ as
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

2. Historical References In the 20th century, eugenics formed its roots in the
indoctrination of a Nazi Germany by fascist dictator
‘Designer Babies’ may be a concept much in vogue
Adolf Hitler [11]. Adolf Hitler was a member of the
now-a-days, but it has its roots in age-old established
‘Thule Society’, mentored by Dietrich Eckhart who
trends. These trends date back to 400 BC in the
was an occult practitioner and this association laid in
writings of the greek philosopher Plato. To
him a strong belief of the ‘Master Race’ ideology that
understand the postulation of ‘Designer Babies’ it is
he referenced as the ‘Aryan race’ in his book Mein
need to understand the history of ‘Eugenics’. The
Kampf. This belief of the ‘Übermensch’ or
practice of selective breeding of the human species
‘Supermen’ concept – a race of genetically enhanced
by mating individuals with superior hereditary traits,
and biologically superior master race perpetrated
which aims at reducing undesirable characteristics,
Hitler to propagate eugenics to ensure that Nazi
the likes of which include diseases and disabilities is
Germany’s gene pool remained pure by eliminating
known as ‘Eugenics’. Partisans of Eugenics believed
races that he believed were ‘non-Aryan’ by brutal
that poverty, mental sickness and criminal
means if necessary. His staunch belief in his
delinquency were all inherited and could be bred-out
doctrines was evident from his speeches. He is
of the gene pool by inheriting genes, which could
known to have said,
improve the human wellbeing and improve the future
generations [7]. “Creation is not finished. Man is clearly
approaching a phase of metamorphosis.
Eugenics has its history in the works of the Greek
The earlier human species has already
philosopher Plato, who is credited with coming up
reached the stage of dying out…. All of
with the concept of “good creation”. Plato wrote
the force of creation will be
about the concept of eugenics in ‘The Republic’, one
concentrated in a new species… [which]
of his best-known literary works, wherein he
will surpass infinitely modern man….
conceptualized the creation of an optimal society
Do you understand now the profound
with selective breeding [7]. Ayurveda, an age old
meaning of our National Socialist
science from India also mentions methods of practice
movement?” (Adolf Hitler, quoted by
for procurement of healthy offspring [8]. Although
Hermann Rauschning) [12].
these point somewhat obscurely in the direction of
‘Eugenics’, they remain conceptual at best. The 19th Figure 2: The three main partisans of the ‘History of
century saw the rise of prominent scholars Charles Eugenics’.
Darwin, Herbert Spencer and Gregor Mendel, who
explained through their work how internal traits or
genotypes were responsible for phenotypic
expression in living organisms [9]. Inspired by their
research, Sir Francis Galton coined the term
‘Eugenics’ in his book ‘Inquiries into Human Faculty
and Its Development’ through which, he proposed the
dissemination or spread of the British elite through
selective breeding [10]. Although, Sir Francis
Galton’s ideas did not take root in his own country,
the concept was embraced in America. Pedigree
registry was established by John Harvey Kellogg of
the Race Betterment Foundation in the 1911, which
organized conferences on eugenics bringing scientists
and socialists together to purport their cause. This led Source: Authors and references.
to the force sterilization of mentally challenged This ‘Master race’ mania sparked a global
individuals, also coined as “feeble-minded” or devastation claiming the lives of nearly 75 million
“imbeciles” in the state mental institutions through people. Such transgressions imposed by the Nazis to
the early 1900s [7].
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

validate their ‘Aryan race’ supremacy led to Figure 3: Steps in bioengineering ‘Designer Babies’.
curtailing of eugenics and associated research after Legends. A. Gametes are obtained from donor parents. B.
the end of the Second World War, so much so that In vitro fertilization (IVF) is achieved and embryos are
‘eugenics’ came to be known as the misapplication of primed. C. The genetic code of the embryos is screened
using advanced genome sequencing and bioinformatics
genetic engineering.
techniques. D. Gene identification/gene editing is achieved
with the help of genetic engineering. E. The selected
embryo exhibiting the ‘gene of interest’ or the ‘engineered
3. Frontier Research gene’ is selected and transplanted into the womb of the
Modern genetic engineering has come far from the mother or surrogate. F. ‘Designer Babies’ exhibiting the
traits of interest is bred.
delirious effects of the eugenics fiasco of the past.
They are more sophisticated and offer a perspective
at the complexities associated with inheritance
rendering solutions to treatment of various genetic
disorders, which are scientific and ethical albeit oft
controversial. Dr. Jeff Steinberg pioneered the
technique of In vitro fertilization abbreviated IVF in
the 1970s creating what came to be known
colloquially as ‘test tube babies’. In IVF, fertilization
of the egg and the sperm is attained in in vitro
conditions and several embryos are formed, which
are then placed back into the womb for development
[13]. Although successful pregnancy rate is 10-35%
[8], these techniques came as a boon for couples who
had complications in conceiving. Dr. Steinberg Source: Authors and references.
further modified the process to screen for selective
traits using biomarkers. These biomarkers can be
generated for desirable traits for e.g. eye color, hair
color to more complicated traits e.g. serious genetic
disorders and disability recognition the likes of which Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) also offers
include Down’s syndrome, muscular dystrophy, techniques to screen embryos for selective markers to
cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anaemia, etc. [13]. specific genetic attributes prior implantation [18; 19].
Assisted reproduction has opened the possibilities of Also, computer programs have been developed by
pre-implantation diagnosis for identification of companies e.g. 23andMe for screening phenotypic
common and complex genetic disorders in embryos. compatibility based on preference in a gamete-donor
This stems from the fact that therapy for complicated selection system for identifying both disease and
disorders are more tedious and thus disease non-disease related traits of interest from donors
prevention by screening embryos is more feasible [20]. Although the use of advanced genetic
[14]. In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) and in vitro engineering techniques offer a lucrative prospective
maturation (IVM) are such assisted reproduction into the field of medicine and allied sciences, one
techniques that attempt to help people who are cannot help but notice that the techniques share a
unable to conceive naturally. Also techniques such as sinister similarity to the much debated subject of
CRISPR/Cas9 (Clustered Regularly Interspaced ‘human cloning’. It is prudent to say that although
Short Palindromic Repeats associated protein-9 ‘human cloning’ may be far-fetched but bio-
nuclease) can be effectively used as tools for genome engineered progenies have already existed through
editing of embryos prior to implantation within the the use of ‘Reprogenetics’.
womb to enhance future generations [15; 16; 17].
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

Figure 4: Featuring a ‘Designer Babies’ by barcode. as non-disease traits i.e., variation traits e.g. height,
eye color, intelligence etc., are still under
investigation and research [14].
The world’s first ‘Designer Baby’ or ‘Donor Baby’,
Adam Nash was born in the year 2002 through pre-
implantation process. The embryo chosen was one
which did not have the disease-causing gene
responsible for Fanconi’s anaemia, a disease that
plagued Adam’s elder sister Molly. At the time of
birth, Adam’s cord blood was collected and
transplanted into his sister. Thus Adam was the first
success story in the largely unexplored albeit
controversial domain of ‘Designer Babies’ [13; 23].

4. Ethical Repercussion
In the 21st century, as science touches new frontiers
of research and innovation, ethical questions arise in
all sectors of health care [24]. Especially in human
reproductive cloning, bioethicists, policy makers and
media personnel have raised a lot of reasonable
debate, which require serious attention by the
scientists [25]. The term ‘Designer Babies’ have also
been argued to make a commercial and tailored feel
to it. It is often the case that popular scientific
discourses are over-simplified and made lucrative by
Source: Authors and references. specialist scientists to gain the attention of the non-
specialist masses by making them more
The use of cytoplasmic transfer, pioneered by
comprehensible [26]. But over-simplification has its
embryologist Jacques Cohen in the mid-1990s has
ramifications and the concept of ‘Designer Babies’ is
not only opened vistas for advancement in IVF but
the association of complex scientific implications
also for genetic modification to imbue embryos with into fundamental layperson terms. This has led to a
genotypic traits. Scientists at the Oregon Regional
foray of bioethical debates about the acceptance of
Primate Research Center have developed a
‘manipulation of the human genome’ for it being
genetically engineered rhesus monkey named ANDi
shunned as a menace to the society albeit its medical
with bioluminescent genes from jellyfish. But the
significance going largely unnoticed. Advancements
downside to such frontier research is the lack of
in genetic engineering have made screening for
understanding the finer intricacies’ of the genomics
disease and non-disease related gene(s) accessible.
of the organisms. For example, ANDi’s genome was But the application of these contemporary tools and
successfully engineered to incorporate the
techniques come under a lot of flak and public
bioluminescent gene but due to lack of understanding
criticism and moral acceptability to these sciences are
of the complexities of the interaction between the still a taboo for some societies and cultures [14]. The
genes, they were not able to express themselves in
conceptual idea of parents ‘shopping’ for their future
the phenotype. Thus proving that although possess baby’s characteristics and traits has invoked a lot of
the tools and techniques to engineer the genetic
ethical conundrum and the idea stands controversial
makeup of individuals, we lack the knowledge to
[26]. Also, the genetic intervention imposed on the
predict the development and expression of complex offspring even though done with the best intentions
traits [21; 22]. Genes responsible for disease as well
have gained ethical repercussion have sparked wide
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

spread debates concerning parental liability for pre-standardized recommended list of traits or
genetic decisions [18] and multiple ban against characters deemed valuable. This is possible through
germline editing exist worldwide [15]. The moral the advancements in science and technology
conundrum is multi-fold when it comes to ‘Designer especially in the fields of genetic engineering and
Babies’. Is the technique used safe for humans and genome editing. Similar to any scientific innovations,
can the concept be morally defended? Also, should this concept has an extensive array of pros and cons.
parents be permitted to genetically enhance their
offspring’s? [4; 27]
Table 1: Pros and Cons of ‘Designer Babies’
Figure 5: The ethical badgering of Genetic Research by
‘Bioethicists’, ‘Policy Makers’ and ‘Media personnel’. Pros Cons

Parents have the option of Unethical, with processes

selecting desirable qualities under scrutiny.
for their offsprings.
Offsprings’ gender can be Technology is still in its
chosen. infancy.

Contribute to the prevention May cause harm to the

of common and uncommon embryo and the mother.
genetic disorders.
Assist in the prevention of People with impairments
mitochondrial diseases. may be marginalized.
Source: Authors and references.
Assist in the reduction of Treatment available only to
Some argue that abortion and prenatal- illness risks in future the rich.
preimplantation diagnosis have been legalized to a generations.
large extent, which end up terminating the embryo,
why then is it such a sore issue to talk about pre- Prolonged life expectancy. Widens the societal gap.
conditioning of the embryo so that the end result can
be an improved species or at least as a last resort to
treat the progenies of persons suffering from life- Discrimination prevention Infringes on infants' rights.
threatening diseases as an imminent threat not a and assistance for
individuals with disabilities.
hypothetical one [24; 28; 29]. The question thus
remains well summarized in the words of animal Provide a good impact on Affects the gene pool.
cloning researcher Randall Prather, offspring.
“does biotechnology sound as if it could
Exercise early control over Many genetic diseases
be unbiblical, evil, or an enterprise with
offsprings lifestyles. remain unsolved.
which we … should not associate? ... Is
this a form of “creating new life,”
Contribution to a greater Some deleted genes may be
tampering with something sacred, knowledge of genetic essential for growth of the
somehow playing God?” [25]. engineering. offsprings.
Source: Authors and references.
5. Conclusion
‘Designer Babies’ as the name suggests are embryos, For parents, genetic engineering provides a wide
which are screened and selected based on the set of range of options. Recent advancements in the area
Parana Journal of Science and Education (PJSE) – v.7, n.7, (20-27) September 16, 2021
ISSN: 2447-6153

now allow for the selection or elimination of certain establishing equality, this would merely highlight the
qualities and traits. Parents have the ability to ‘design disparities between socio-economic classes. Critics
their offspring's characteristics such as skin color, are also of the belief that manipulating the offspring's
intellect, height etc. Heritable diseases and disorders DNA before being born is a violation of human
the likes of which include Down syndrome, rights. As a result, ‘Designer Babies’ may appear to
Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis etc., can be be nothing more than a manufactured product with
avoided from being passed on to future generations no inherent value. Also, as the population of
by altering an individual's genome. The development ‘Designer Babies’ becomes large enough, more
of ‘Designer Babies’ can also avoid mitochondrial people will share the same set of DNA, thus there
diseases. To be more specific, mitochondrial will be less variety in the gene pool, thus resulting
replacement treatment can remove mitochondrial future generations will be more vulnerable to a
mutations from family lines, preventing them from variety of diseases. Critics also claim that the process
being passed down. According to some beliefs, of genetic modification may accidentally result in the
altering the genome and eliminating the offspring's emergence of new types of genetic diseases in people
undesirable genes leaves the individual with only and may also result in the unintentional loss of some
good genes, giving them a better chance of becoming genes required for necessary growth and
healthier. Individuals' life expectancies are expected development of offspring’s [30].
to rise by up to 30 years as a result of this and in the
Although genetic engineering offers many promising
long run will benefit society. The promotion and
advancements that can eradicate diseases and
production of a good effect on progenies is one of the
disabilities to improve the health and living status of
aims of the creation of ‘Designer Babies’.
the future generations but one cannot help but
Improvement in health, physical attractiveness,
imagine that the over-simplicity and callousness
intellectual capacity etc., results in an increase in
associated with portraying genetic advancements and
self-confidence and self-esteem. Finally, the
application make it look like a ‘backdoor to
development of ‘Designer Babies’ will lead scientists
eugenics’, which should be prevented by educating
to a greater understanding of the knowledge of
and enlightening the contemporary societal masses.
genetic engineering and its applications in humans
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ISSN: 2447-6153

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