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Name of the club Department of Mechanical Engineering

Staff in charge Mr. Sandeep KV & Mr. Rajeesh R Pillai

Type of Activity: Workshop

Title of Activity: One day workshop on Engine Assembly & Disassembly

The objective of the one-day workshop on Engine Assembly & Disassembly is to provide
participants with a foundational understanding and hands-on experience in working with internal
combustion engines.

Level of activity (College/Regional / National / International) and target audience


Expected outcome - academic / social / commercial

The expected outcomes of the one-day workshop on Engine Assembly & Disassembly can
encompass academic, social, and commercial aspects:

Academic Outcomes:

● Increased Knowledge, Participants gain a fundamental understanding of engine

mechanics, which can complement academic studies in automotive engineering or
● Skill Development: Attendees acquire practical skills in engine assembly and
disassembly, which can be valuable for future coursework or research projects.

Commercial Outcomes:

● Career Path Exploration: May inspire participants to consider careers in automotive

mechanics or engineering, potentially leading to employment or entrepreneurship in the
automotive industry.
Program details
Date Time Activity Venue
24/08/2023 9 AM to 11.00 PM - Hands-on engine disassembly and Heat Engine
Disassembly assembly, safety gear demonstrations, Laboratory, KMEA
6 PM to 9PM - networking opportunities, and engine Engineering
Assembly testing to provide participants with College
practical skills & safety awareness

Resource person Details :

Date Name Designation Remuneration

24/08/2023 Mr. Sandeep KV Assistant Professor, NIL

KMEA Engineering College

24/08/2023 Mr. Shaji Kareem Lab instructor NIL

KMEA Engineering College

Report on One-Day Workshop on Engine Assembly & Disassembly

Date: August 24, 2023

Venue: Heat Engine Laboratory, KMEA Engineering College

Conducted By: Assistant Professor Sandeep KV & Lab instructor Mr. Shaji Kareem


On August 24, 2023, a one-day workshop on Engine Assembly & Disassembly was conducted at
the KMEA Engineering College's Heat Engine Laboratory. The workshop aimed to provide
students of KMEA Engineering College with practical insights into internal combustion engines,
enhancing their understanding of engine mechanics and safety protocols.

Workshop Highlights:

The workshop, led by Assistant Professor Sandeep KV, was designed to achieve the following

● Educational Learning: To impart basic knowledge of engine components and functioning.

● Safety Awareness: To emphasize safety precautions and the correct usage of tools and
● Hands-On Experience: To provide practical experience in engine disassembly and
● Problem-Solving Skills: To enhance participants' ability to troubleshoot engine issues.

Workshop Activities:

The day-long workshop featured a series of engaging activities:

● Introduction to Engine Components: Assistant Professor Sandeep KV and Lab instructor

Shaji Kareem, provided an overview of engine components, their functions, and basic
working principles, using visual aids and diagrams.
● Safety Precautions and Tools: Participants were introduced to safety gear and various
tools used in engine work. This segment included a hands-on demonstration of safety
● Engine Disassembly: Participants were divided into groups and guided through the
disassembly of a simplified engine. This activity allowed students to apply their
theoretical knowledge practically.
● Engine Assembly: In the evening, participants reassembled the engines under
supervision, applying what they had learned during disassembly.
● Q&A Session: An open forum allowed participants to ask questions and seek clarification
on engine-related topics.


● The workshop was a resounding success, achieving its intended educational, safety, and
skill development objectives. Students gained valuable insights into engine mechanics
and hands-on experience in engine assembly and disassembly. Moreover, the networking
opportunities and problem-solving exercises contributed to a collaborative and engaging
learning environment.

Report Prepared by:

Rajeesh R Pillai,
Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engineering Department
KMEA Engineering College
Contact Information:

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