Examples of Advertising Script

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Examples of Advertising Script

Advertising scripts are texts in which the details to be followed for the creation of an
advertising advertisement are set out. It is a guide that allows us good coordination and
execution of dialogues, sounds, images and others that are needed in the creation of an
advertisement, whether we are talking about written advertising (magazines, newspapers
and other printed matter, as well as radio, internet, television or film advertising), such as
dialogues between actors or those of the narrator, as well as the necessary coordination for
lighting and introduction of audio visual elements, etc.

The advertising script contains the various instructions for making the commercial or
advertising, through the notes that indicate the actors, narrator and technicians, the
interventions of each one, as well as the introduction of the elements in the order they are
given. intends to use, such as making changes in lighting, changes in cameras, changes in
focus, making a close up (focusing on the foreground), zooming in with the camera,
introducing music and other necessary changes, so that the promotional material looks
good. .

These scripts may vary, depending on the particular type of advertising, for example in a
commercial intended for radio, there may be only dialogues and narrations, as well as the
introduction of music and sounds through the stage directions, while instead In an
advertising spot intended for television or the Internet, notes are used that indicate the
camera changes, the narrator's intervention, dialogues, introduction of music, close-ups, and
so on through the consequent notes.

Example of advertising script:

Spot object: Café El Rey

Aimed at: Workers and the general public

Message : Café el rey wakes you up every morning and allows you to work efficiently.

Scenario 1: [A sad tune is heard] a man is seen getting up from his bed, and after washing
himself, he reluctantly goes to work, walking half asleep.

Narrator: The narrator intervenes saying -Without coffee the King- while he sees in the
scene that the worker is heading to the office, arriving late for the bus and it leaves him
behind, so he arrives late to the office.

Scenario 2: It is observed how the worker arrives at his office half asleep, colliding with
the chair and the desk, throwing pencils and pens as he sits awkwardly, while his co-
workers look at him laughing.
Scenario 3 : [A happy tune is heard] you see a scene very similar to the previous one, but
in which the worker gets out of bed, washes himself and has a cup of “el rey” coffee, before
going out to work. work.

Narrator: The narrator intervenes saying. With coffee the King - while the scene shows
that the worker gets out of bed, and after getting a job he goes to the kitchen, prepares a cup
of coffee "the king", and goes to work happy and wide awake, contrasting with the rest of
the people who walk half sleepy and get on the bus being the first in line, arriving early at
the office, while several of their colleagues arrive late.

Scenario 4: As he begins to work on his computer, a beautiful, half-asleep office colleague

trips and almost falls, when the worker quickly picks her up and catches her before she
falls, holding her in his arms.

Narrator: The narrator intervenes saying: -by drinking a small cup of Café el Rey every
day, you stay awake and up to date- while you observe that the worker shows an envelope
of Café el Rey to the beautiful employee, still holding it with the arms.

[Image closes and music is heard in the background]

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Example of advertising script:

Object of the spot: Corn flake cereal sweetened with honey.

Aimed at: Housewives and children between 6 and 12 years of age.

Message to housewives: Cereal contains essential nutrients for the proper

development of children and gives them the energy necessary for their

Messages for children: Cereal has a delicious flavor and is good to eat to do
sports with more energy.

Scenario 1: In the kitchen of the house at breakfast time.

Camera 1: Facing the dining room table.

Mom: With her back preparing the cereal, she turns around, with a smile, a
modern hairstyle and dressed in sports clothes and says in a happy voice,
Children, let's have breakfast!

Child 1, 8 years old: He comes running with a primary school uniform, a

backpack hanging on his back that is voluminous and looks heavy, he sits
down and says with a happy face and showing great energy. MMMM Cereal
with Honey! Perfect to start the day, and imagine yourself actively
participating in class and playing soccer scoring goals.

Girl 2, 11 years old: She arrives, a little more serene but with a happy face,
sits down and begins to taste the cereal, and imagines performing
experiments in the laboratory and later dancing.

Announcer: The announcer's voice is heard saying "Corn flake cereal

sweetened with honey, a perfect start to the day, a great day!"

Source: https://www.ejemplode.com/11-etrabajos/3070-

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