GAZETTE No. 6783

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Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

ARTICLE 13. The Laws, Decrees, Resolutions and other official acts will have the character of public, by the sole fact of
appearing in the Official Gazette of the Carabobo State and the copies of this will have the force of public documents. Law of
Official Publications of the Carabobo State. Official Gazette of the Carabobo State, Extraordinary No. 89 of June 5, 1972.-


HE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPORT 208th, 159th and 19th
(FUNDADEPORTE): Through which the INTERNAL
The Board of Directors of the Carabobeña Foundation for the
Development of Sports (FUNDADEPORTE), a foundation
registered with the Subaltern Office of the First Circuit of
Registration of the Valencia District, Carabobo State, on February
12, 1992, under No. 28, pages 1 to 4, Volume 18, First Protocol,
whose Decree was added to the Notebook of Receipts, under No.
611, folios 911 to 924, from February 1, 1992; modified its statutes
according to a document registered before the same Subaltern
Registry Office, on March 13, 1997, noted under No. 17, First
Protocol, Volume 29, modified again, according to a document
registered before the Subaltern Office of the First Circuit Registry
of the Valencia District, Carabobo State, dated May 29, 1998,

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

noted under No. 44, First Protocol, Volume 29, and according to a
document registered before that same Registry Office, on October
22, 2001, under number 37 , folios 1 to 6, First Protocol, Volume 6,
its last statutory modification being that contained in Decree No.
1,411 of 03/28/2012, published in the Official Gazette of the
Carabobo State Extraordinary No. 3,995 of 03/30/2012; acting in
its capacity as the Highest Administrative Authority of the
Foundation in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 125,
published in the Official Gazette of the Carabobo State
Extraordinary No. 6531, dated 12/20/2017 and in exercise of the
powers conferred in the article 72 of the Organic Law of
Administrative Procedures, in accordance with the provisions of
article 13 literal B of the Decree creating the Foundation,
published in the Official Gazette of the Carabobo State
Extraordinary No. 3,995 of 03/30/2012, in accordance with the
decision made At the Extraordinary Board of Directors meeting
No. 05-05-2018 dated May 16, 2018, it was agreed to issue the
following Administrative Ruling.

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783


That on February 18, 2016, the General Internal Control OF SPORTS (FUNDADEPORTE)
Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the Republic
according to Resolution No. 01, were published in the Official TITLE I
Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40,851. 00-
000619 dated 12/16/2015.
CONSIDERING Article 1: This regulation regulates the organization and
That current legislation orders public entities and organizations
the obligation to establish and maintain an internal control system
its internal organizational structure, the name of its Administrative
in accordance with the activities and functions carried out by the
Units, the distribution of functions and the assignment of powers.
institution, creating a regulatory body on fiscal control, in such a
way that the External fiscal control is complemented by that
which the active administration is responsible for exercising.
Article 2: The Carabobeña Foundation for the Development of
CONSIDERING Sports, FUNDADEPORTE, is a decentralized entity without
business purposes, created with legal personality and its own
That the highest authorities of the bodies and entities must assets contributed by the Government of the Carabobo state,
guarantee the establishment of an adequate internal control whose main income or resources come fundamentally from the
system, to safeguard their resources, verify the accuracy and budget of the Government of the Carabobo state.
veracity of budgetary, financial and administrative information,
Of the powers
promote efficiency, economic and quality in their operations. ,
encourage compliance with prescribed policies and achieve Article 3: The Carabobeña Foundation for the Development of
compliance with its mission, objectives and goals. Sports, FUNDADEPORTE, as an organic component of the
national system of sports, physical activity and physical
CONSIDERING education, has as its objective the promotion, planning,
organization and administration of sports and physical activity as
That the organizational structure designed must have services public, for constituting fundamental rights of the citizens
Directorates, Offices and Support Units, created and organized in of the Carabobo state. To this end, the promotion of sport will be
such a way that they strengthen the effectiveness, efficiency and developed at all levels and will be available to all social strata of
effectiveness in the execution of the productive processes of the the Carabobo population, with the aim of ensuring that physical
Foundation and in turn adapt to the requirements. of current legal activity and its benefits are within the reach of all inhabitants in
regulations. the region. In addition to this, it will guarantee the comprehensive
development of the athlete, by virtue of which it is responsible for
the programming and coordination of sports activities in the state
CONSIDERING of Carabobo; Likewise, it will be responsible for the construction,
improvement, expansion, maintenance and administration of the
That it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to approve
sports facilities administered by the Carabobo State Executive, as
the Internal Regulations of the Foundation, and it is necessary to
well as any other public and private facilities entrusted to it; the
regulate aspects related to its structure, organization and powers.
direction of plans for comprehensive medical assistance and
social protection of athletes; the appointment of technical staff
CONSIDERING and coaches for each of the specialties and the promotion and
dissemination of sports activities at the regional, national and
That according to the proposed objectives and goals of the international level. The activities necessary to obtain these
Foundation, it is necessary to carry out a reform to the objectives must be carried out in accordance with the general
regulations that establish the operation and administrative guidelines established by the Government of Carabobo on this
dynamism of the same, adapting this functional structure to the matter and the policies issued by the national sports authorities.
current needs, in the search for compliance with the objectives
and goals. Among its powers are:
1. It provides the public sports service in public use facilities,
CONSIDERING property of the Foundation.

That the organization of the Foundation is redistributed, creating 2. Authorizes, supervises and controls the provision of public
a new Directorate and two Divisions that are added to the existing sports services in private facilities for public use.
ones, called: Directorate of Operations and Services, Division of 3. Encourages, guides, coordinates, supervises and supports
Interinstitutional Relations and Division of Contracting in order to social organizations that promote sports
guarantee comprehensiveness and effective functioning in 4. Provides comprehensive care to athletes, adopting legal,
budgetary and financial administration as part of the fundamental budgetary and administrative measures to ensure their
objectives of the Foundation, and respecting the organizational technical and professional training, education and
chart structured and approved in minutes of the Board of comprehensive social development, taking into account their
Directors No. 02-02-2018 dated February 7, 2018, and particular conditions.
established in Administrative Ruling No. 02- 03 2018 dated 5. Manages access to the National System of Sports, Physical
February 7, 2018, published in the Official Gazette of the Activity and Physical Education for all people, with the help
Carabobo State Extraordinary No. 6683 of 04/13/2018 .

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

of individuals and Popular Power organizations. Sports Development Division

6. Promotes, supervises and supervises the construction, Sports Directorate for People with Disabilities
development and maintenance of sports infrastructure in the High Performance Division for People with
territory of the Carabobo state. Disabilities
7. And the other powers that are provided for in the laws, Directorate of Massification of Sports Division of
regulations and other acts of the Public Power. Sports for All
Medical Service Directorate Sports Village
Article 4: FUNDADEPORTE's functions will be subject to Directorate Operations and Services Directorate
annual operational and budgetary planning, which must be General Directorate of Administration and Finance
periodically evaluated on a quarterly basis, in order to determine Directorate of Planning and Budget
the levels of efficiency, effectiveness, economy, quality and Budget Division
impact on management. Management Control Division
Organization and Methods Division
Beginning Administrative Services Directorate
Article 5: FUNDADEPORTE frames its actions in the principles Treasury Division
of national identity, participatory and leading democracy, justice, Procurement and Services Division Accounting
honesty, freedom, respect for human rights, equality, loyalty to Division
the country and its symbols, equity of Property Division
gender, cooperation, self-management, Contracting Division
co-responsibility, solidarity, social control of policies and Security Directorate
resources, environmental protection, productivity, speed, Security Division
effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, ethics, accountability and Human Talent Management
responsibility in the exercise of public and social functions, with Human Talent Development Division Human
full submission to the law . Talent Management Division
Infrastructure Directorate
Article 6: The Foundation Units will apply the rules and Projects Division Inspection Division Sports
principles contained in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic Facilities Division
of Venezuela, Laws, Regulations, standards, guidelines, IT Department
instructions and internal control instruments that are dictated by Systems Development Division
the hierarchical authorities of the entity.
Article 9: The Agencies indicated in the previous article will
Article 7: The President of the Foundation may, through letters exercise the powers conferred on them in this regulation and to
and circulars, issue certain instructions, guidelines, and orders to do so they will have the necessary technical and administrative
the agencies that make up the internal organizational structure of personnel. The Administrative Authorities of each Administrative
the Foundation, in order to guarantee compliance with the Unit must exercise oversight over compliance with the internal
purpose of the foundation. control system referred to in Chapter II, Title II of the Organic Law
of the Comptroller General of the Republic and the National
Fiscal Control System, as well as over the operations and
TITLE II activities carried out by the administrative units and their servers,
OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE under their direct supervision, for which they are responsible.

Article 10: It corresponds to the Management staff and

Division Heads:
1. Participate in the design of policies and objectives in the area
2. Plan, organize, direct, coordinate, control and evaluate the
activities inherent to the processes that must be fulfilled or in
Article 8: To fulfill its powers, the Foundation will have the which the agencies under their charge participate.
following organizational structure: 3. Establish planning, coordination and evaluation mechanisms
that guarantee the contribution of the management in
Office of the President charge, in achieving the objectives and goals of the
Citizen Service Office institution.
Internal Audit Unit 4. Formulate budget estimates for the Directorate, Division,
Dispatch address Coordination or Office.
Executive Directorate 5. Prepare the Annual Operational Plan with an adequate
Directorate of Interinstitutional Relations establishment of the objectives and goals in line with the
Interinstitutional Relations Division policies dictated for this purpose by the President of the
Legal Consulting Department Foundation.
Collection Division 6. Ensure compliance with the Annual Operating Plan of your
Communication and Information Directorate Unit and present adjustments in a timely manner.
Ceremonial and Protocol Division Press 7. Present Management Reports; Monthly, Quarterly,
Division Semiannual and Annual.
General Directorate of Sports 8. Guarantee compliance with the internal control system, plans
High Performance Management and goals in the area of its competence.
Methodology Division 9. Decide on matters that fall within the responsibility of your

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Directorate, Division, Coordination or Office, without activities, aimed at guaranteeing compliance with the
prejudice to the powers assigned to the personnel of your Foundation's purpose.
department. 2. Implement and verify compliance with the dictated policies.
10. Suggest measures aimed at improving the organization and 3. Dictate, in accordance with the Foundation Development
functioning of the Directorate, Division, Coordination or Plan approved by the Board of Directors, the general
Office in charge. guidelines and directives for the formulation of the
11. Attend, process and resolve matters related to personnel at Foundation's Annual Operational Plan.
your discretion. by agree with the rules 4. Coordinate the design of the Foundation's Annual Operating
established in the Foundation. Plan and present it to the Board of Directors for discussion
12. Coordinate with the Talent Directorate Human the and approval.
programming and execution of training and training plans for 5. Present to the State Executive the draft income and expense
personnel at the service of the Directorate, Division, budget of the organization, previously approved by the
Coordination or Office in charge. Board of Directors.
13. Safeguard with a sense of belonging and give appropriate 6. Create the Committees of Directors, Heads of Offices and
use to the assets assigned to the Directorate, Division, Coordinators that you deem appropriate and direct them.
Coordination or Office in charge. 7. Dictate the rules, instructions and procedures of the internal
14. Design, verify and evaluate the management indicators control system required for good institutional performance.
applicable to the Directorate, Division, Coordination or Office 8. Approve the Organization Manuals, Position Description
and determine performance levels for the purposes of Manual, and Standards and Procedures Manuals of the
implementing corrective measures, when appropriate. Foundation.
15. Prepare, subscribe and present periodic, quarterly and 9. Enter into contracts and order payments necessary for the
annual reports on the activities carried out by the department execution of the Foundation's budget, in accordance with the
in charge, in accordance with the guidelines and instructions provisions of the Foundation's founding document.
issued. 10. Carry out the administration of the assets of the Foundation.
16. Prepare the account for the fiscal year and must safeguard 11. Exercise administration and execute the Foundation's
the documents in the department corresponding and budget.
guarantee their good condition, maintaining a chronological 12. Open, mobilize and close bank accounts in accordance with
and correlative order of the supports that the authorizations issued by the Board of Directors, being
formally and materially demonstrate the administration and able to delegate this responsibility to other account holders,
management of resources, allowing comparison with the with prior authorization from the Board of Directors, taking
automated systems adopted in the Foundation. In this into account for the purposes of internal control, that the
sense, the documents that justify the operations must be management of bank accounts always It must be carried out
organized in physical or other electronic or digital media, and with the authorization of at least two joint signatures.
clearly contain their numbering and dates, as well as the 13. Direct personnel policy, exercise its administration and
data of the beneficiaries or contributors, concepts, budget hierarchical authority.
allocations, name and signatures of the officials authorized 14. Appoint, move, promote and remove the Foundation's
to liquidate and collect income or rents, assume personnel, without resorting to the approval of the Central
commitments and order payments, as well as wet or Personnel Office of the Government of Carabobo state,
electronic seals of the agencies. without prejudice to the supervision and control that it, as the
17. Respond to queries regarding matters within its jurisdiction governing body of human resources, has within its powers.
formulated by the different departments of the Foundation. competencies.
18. Perform your duties and motivate your work team to perform 15. Present, for the approval of the Board of Directors, the
under the principles of honesty, transparency, effectiveness, quarterly and annual management reports that must be sent
efficiency and loyalty. to the Secretary of Planning, Budget and Management
19. Carry out, in the area of its competence, all those projects or Control and General Secretary of the Government of the
activities that the President or his/her superior entrusts State of Carabobo.
him/her with. 16. Certify the documents arising from the actions carried out by
20. The others assigned by current regulations, and those the entity, except for documents or files declared secret or
authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their confidential in accordance with the law that regulates the
competence. classification of documents with confidential or secret
17. Assign responsibilities to its workers, whether or not they are
freely appointed and removed, as long as they are framed
CAPITULO II within the fulfillment of the Foundation's objectives.

Article 11: It is the responsibility of the President to direct the SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The President will exercise the
Financial Administration of the Foundation through the different
Foundation, to design the policies that guide institutional activity,
as well as the strategic objectives and management results that existing payment methods, be it Issuance of Checks,
must be achieved, in order to fulfill the institutional mission. For Management Checks, Bank Transfers and any other method
these purposes, the President will exercise, in addition to those designed by the Bank and authorized by the State, whose
provided in the founding document of the Foundation, the management control will be carried out through of joint signatures
following functions: and/or technological validation and approval mechanisms that
1. Propose, for the approval of the Board of Directors, the ensure the correct management of the Foundation's funds.
general policy regulations and development plans and

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Article 12: The President may delegate to Foundation workers complaints, claims, requests and suggestions made by
the exercise of certain powers or the signing of certain them.
documents. The delegated official may not sub-delegate and will 8. Keep an updated record of all complaints, complaints,
periodically report on the exercise of the delegation to the claims, suggestions and requests presented, the status in
President, within the deadlines and forms determined. which they are found, as well as the results obtained from
the procedures.
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The decisions and documents 9. Design and implement strategies to promote citizen
issued by the delegates must expressly state the nature with participation in the exercise of the Foundation's functions.
which they act. 10. Send the complaint file, together with its legal assessment to
the Internal Audit Unit, when it involves acts, facts or
omissions contrary to a legal or sublegal provision, related to
Article 13: The President may hear and resolve any matter the administration, management or custody of public funds
or assets.
whose jurisdiction has been conferred on any Directorate,
Division, Coordination or Office of the Foundation, without this 11. Send to the competent organizations and entities, other than
entailing revocation of the assignment of jurisdiction. the Internal Audit Unit, the file of the complaint, complaint,
claim, suggestion or request, when it does not involve acts,
facts or omissions contrary to a legal or sublegal provision,
related to the administration, management or custody of
Article 14: The President may adopt the forms of organization public funds or assets and prepare the communication, in
that he deems appropriate and establish interdisciplinary working
order to inform the citizen about said referral.
groups, regardless of the hierarchical level of its participants.
12. Order the filing of the complaint, when it turns out to be false,
unfounded or deals with acts, facts or omissions that do not
merit investigation. Once it is demonstrated by the
Article 15: The President may assign external specialist investigations carried out by the personnel assigned to this
advisors in the various disciplines to the Foundation's Units, in Office.
order to carry out studies, analyzes and special investigations 13. Communicate to citizens the decision or response to
that are required to achieve the institutional mission. Likewise, complaints, complaints, claims, suggestions or requests
you may hire natural or legal persons to audit the Foundation in made by them.
its entirety or in specific areas, the results of which must be 14. Coordinate with other departments of the Foundation,
presented to the Board of Directors, in order to generate the activities related to the promotion of citizen participation in
corresponding actions for the benefit of the Foundation. the exercise of control over public management.
CAPITULO III 15. Make available to citizens the plans, programs, projects and
OF POWERS AND POWERS contracts executed by the Foundation; its organizational
OF THE DEPENDENCIES structure and functions, as well as the administrative
procedures and services it provides, through printed,
ASSIGNED TO THE PRESIDENCY audiovisual, computer media, among others.
16. Keep an automated record of complaints, complaints, claims,
suggestions and requests.
CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE. 17. Report the reported facts to the corresponding authority to
Article 16: The Citizen Service Office is at the same adopt immediate measures to prevent or correct reported
hierarchical level as a Division and is attached to the Presidency deficiencies or the production of damage to public assets, if
of the Foundation. The Citizen Services Office is under the applicable, preserving, at all times, the identity of the
responsibility of a Chief and said position is considered freely complainant.
appointed and removable. It will also have the following functions: 18. Send to the Foundation's Internal Audit Unit a monthly list of
1. Promote citizen participation and to this end carry out events, all complaints received.
talks, seminars and any other activity that allows achieving 19. Generate quarterly statistical reports on complaints,
said objective. complaints, claims, suggestions or requests addressed.
2. Address citizen initiatives, linked to the exercise of citizen 20. The others assigned by current regulations, and those
participation in the control of public management in sports authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their
matters. competence.
3. Propose pedagogical and informative programs and any
activity that allows strengthening the values, virtues and
citizen rights, enshrined in the Constitution of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela.
4. Promote citizen control mechanisms in projects with high OF THE POWERS AND POWERS OF THE
economic, financial and social impact that the Foundation INTERNAL FISCAL CONTROL
develops or that favor the Foundation and its objectives.
5. Assist, guide, support and advise citizens who come to the INTERNAL AUDIT UNIT
Foundation to request information, require documents or file Article 17: The Internal Audit Unit is attached to the Board of
complaints, complaints, claims, suggestions or requests. Directors as the highest authority of the Foundation, it is at the
6. Receive, process, evaluate, decide or resolve; complaints, same hierarchical level as a Directorate and is responsible for
grievances, claims, suggestions or requests and forward evaluating the Internal Control System, verifying the accuracy
them to the Foundation's office or to the entity or and sincerity of the financial information. , administrative,
organization that has jurisdiction to hear them, as the case budgetary and management of the Foundation, through the
may be. objective, systematic, professional and post-operations
7. Inform interested parties about the results of the complaints, examination, carried out by a multidisciplinary team, all its

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functions will be framed in accordance with the provisions of the well as to carry out the political and management agenda of the
Standards issued for this purpose, by the Comptroller General of President, providing a high level of administrative support. This
the Republic and the National Fiscal Control System. The Directorate will be under the responsibility of a Line Director and
personnel, functions and activities carried out by this specialized said position is considered free of appointment and removal, and
Unit must be separated from the operations subject to its control. will also have the following functions:
The Internal Audit Unit is under the responsibility of a Line 1. Distribute technical and legal queries to the advisory and/or
Director and said position will be assigned through public consulting offices of the Presidency.
competition, based on the requirements of the Comptroller 2. Review the files that are submitted to the knowledge and
General of the Republic. It will also have the following functions: approval of the President of the Foundation.
3. Distribute all types of communication and information
1. Ensure the legality and probity of the Management of the received in the Presidency.
Foundation, under the regulations of the Fiscal Control 4. Control and organize the access of visitors, personalities and
System and other laws related to this matter. meetings to the Presidency.
2. Submit to the knowledge of the Board of Directors of the
5. Guarantee adequate control of the Presidency Files.
Foundation, the Audit reports, the results of the studies,
6. Ensure that matters within the jurisdiction of the office of the
audits and other actions of the Internal Audit Unit and monitor
President of the Foundation are processed with the
compliance with the decisions made with respect to the
necessary promptness.
recommendations contained therein.
7. The others assigned by current regulations, and those
authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their
3. Report the results and conclusions of the actions of the
Internal Audit Unit to the department involved in order to take
the corresponding corrective measures and monitor them.
4. Receive and address complaints formally presented to the
Internal Audit Unit, following up the corresponding Article 19: The Executive Directorate, attached to the
administrative process. Presidency, is responsible for advising and supporting the
5. Ensure compliance with laws, rules, policies, Presidency of Fundadeporte in aspects of planning,
procedures, plans, programs, projects and goals of the rationalization and evaluation of government management
Foundation and recommends necessary adjustments. systems. This Directorate will be under the responsibility of an
6. Monitor compliance with the regulations that govern the Executive Director and said position is considered free of
Foundation and operation of the Internal Audit Unit. appointment and removal, and will also have the following
7. Dictate internal regulations on the operation of the Internal functions:
Audit Unit.
8. Plan, coordinate, direct and control compliance with the 1. Coordinate with the Board of Directors the management
objectives, functions and activities of the Internal Audit Unit. guidelines of FUNDADEPORTE.
9. Approve the Annual Operating Plan of the Internal Audit Unit 2. Propose and evaluate the Strategic Plan for better
and submit it to the consideration of the Board of Directors. management performance.
10. Verify that the pertinent recommended corrective measures 3. Submit for approval at the Working Table of the Board of
are executed. Directors, in order to provide improvements in the
11. Analyze, correct, and approve the audit reports presented by Government Management of FUNDADEPORTE.
the personnel in charge. 4. Review and submit for consideration to the Board of
12. Advise the Directorates and departments of the Foundation Directors, the results of the Annual Management, as well as
regarding the improvement of administrative and the Financial Statements and the Annual Report and
management processes. Account of each fiscal year.
13. Request authorization from the Board of Directors to suspend 5. Exercise the representation of the President of
from the exercise of the position any worker subject to an FUNDADEPORTE and thus maintain communication with
administrative procedure to determine responsibilities. the other Directorates, Divisions, Coordinations or Offices
14. The others assigned by current regulations, and those that make up the Government Office, in order to facilitate the
authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their achievement of the objectives and goals established by the
competence. Foundation.
6. Propose to the President the appointment, suspension
and/or removal of personnel in management and trust
SOLE PARAGRAPH: The Internal Audit Unit may, within positions; as well as its promotion.
7. Perform other functions assigned by the President of
the scope of its competence, communicate directly with all
FUNDADEPORTE, within the scope of its competence.
persons, officials of the Directorates, Divisions, Coordinations
8. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of the measures
and Offices whose activities are subject to its control, surveillance
corrective measures adopted by the Foundation, as a result
and supervision, who are obliged to Provide you with the
of the control actions and activities, verifying their effective
information, written or verbal, as well as the books, records and
materialization, in accordance with the respective terms and
documents required for the full performance of your duties.
DISPATCH ADDRESS. 9. The others assigned by current regulations, and those
authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their
Article 18: The Directorate of the Office of the Presidency, is competence.
attached to the Presidency, is responsible for the immediate and
constant administrative support of the President of the DIRECTORATE OF INTERINSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS
Foundation. Its function is to guarantee the expeditious
processing of the affairs of the President of the Foundation, as
Article 20: The Directorate of Interinstitutional Relations, is
attached to the Presidency, is responsible for establishing the

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administrative steps that must be executed in the development of guide decision-making in the programs and activities
the processes of Interinstitutional Relations that have been established in the administrative unit of your competition.
attributed to FUNDADEPORTE in the state of Carabobo. . This 3. Plan, design, prepare and implement, together with the
Directorate is under the responsibility of a Line Director and said immediate superior, cooperation agreement projects with
position is considered freely appointed and removed. The different organizations, entities, NGOs, and private
Directorate of Interinstitutional Relations is made up of: the companies.
Division of Interinstitutional Relations, and will also have the 4. Analyze and propose requests and/or information related to
following functions: the establishment of agreements and/or agreements.
5. Prepare the procedures and procedures required for the
1. Coordinate matters related to the swearing-in ceremony of approval and signing of the agreements.
6. Disseminate information regarding the opportunities and
2. Issue guidelines on the organization of events where benefits of the Foundation inside and outside the state of
FUNDADEPORTE and other State organizations and Carabobo, with the support of the competent administrative
entities participate. units.
3. Assist in the development of policies and programs in the 7. represent the institution in events regional,
area of institutional communication and information. National and international.
4. Design, coordinate, supervise and execute Relationship 8. Attend to the personalities and guests regional,
programs Inter-institutional based on National and international;
external and internal communications and those of public 9. Support and coordinate the organization,promotion
projection and preservation of the institutional image of and execution
FUNDADEPORTE. of the events of cooperation, regional, national
5. Support and coordinate activities related to the participation and
of FUNDADEPORTE and other organizations, duly internationally, together with the competent administrative
authorized to offer statements and interviews to the media, units.
as well as in information programs and others of a similar 10. Establish and update, together with the immediate superior,
nature. the manual containing rules and procedures for the
6. Coordinate the agenda of public presentations of the processing and procedures within their jurisdiction.
President of FUNDADEPORTE and/or the officials assigned 11. Encourage and promote links of cooperation with
to the Foundation, with the purpose of contributing to better public and private organizations and institutions.
communication between the Directorate of Interinstitutional 12. Participate in the capture of resources destined to the
Relations and FUNDADEPORTE. projects of general interest.
7. Coordinate the different activities inherent to the Directorate 13. Coordinate and supervise matters related to logistics,
of Interinstitutional Relations together with the Directorate of transfer and documentation of personalities and special
Communication and Information. guests.
8. Advise the President of FUNDADEPORTE on issues of 14. Advise in the area of your competence.
Inter-institutional Relations, regarding Government 15. Supervise and distribute the activities of the personnel under
Management. your charge.
9. The others assigned by current regulations, and those 16. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
authorized by the President, inherent to the area of their authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area
competence. of his competence.


Article 21: The Division of Interinstitutional Relations is LEGAL CONSULTING DIRECTORATE
responsible for managing and establishing cooperation links and Article 22: The Legal Consulting Directorate is attached to the
interinstitutional relations, planning, coordinating and promoting Presidency, it is the department in charge of advising and legally
conventions and agreements; in order to guarantee the link of the safeguarding and defending the interests of the Foundation. This
Foundation with organizations, entities, NGOs, private Directorate is under the responsibility of a Line Director and said
organizations, whether regional, national, and foreign, aimed at position is considered freely appointed and removed. The Legal
efficiently fulfilling the tasks entrusted by its immediate superior, Consulting Directorate is made up of the Collection Division, and
and thus addressing the strategic lines, the Plan Annual will also have the following functions:
Operation, the policies and priorities established by the
Foundation. This Division is attached to the Directorate of 1. Advise and ensure the legal activities of the
Interinstitutional Relations, and is headed by a Chief, said Foundation.
position being freely appointed and removed, and will also have 2. Review and give legal opinion on Collective Contracts and
the following functions: with third parties, safeguarding the Foundation's Assets at all
1. Communicate and agree with your immediate superior, and 3. Presents technical reports and legal documents on the
with the competent administrative units, on the resolution of aspects required by the President and the Board of Directors
matters whose processing falls within the competence of of the Foundation.
the administrative unit in charge. 4. Develop agreements between Institutions and emulate them.
2. Determine and implement, according to their competence 5. Legally represent the Foundation, when required.
and together with the immediate superior, the standards, 6. Develop the planning, organization, direction and control
criteria, systems and procedures of a technical and activities of the Management processes.
administrative nature, which regulate the processes and 7. Write the regulations that are required and send them to the

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Board of Directors of the Foundation for approval, after 7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
review by the President of the Foundation. authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
8. Write legal documents that are required by the his competence.
Administrative Units of the Foundation.
9. Channel and respond to queries on legal matters, which are COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION DIRECTORATE
formulated by the various Directorates and Agencies of the Article 24: The Communication and Information Directorate is
Foundation. attached to the Presidency, it is the agency in charge of
10. Define and permanently evaluate the legal framework within executing the action plans that guarantee the internal and
which the management and departments of the Foundation external communication platform, as well as matters related to
must act. the organization and participation in public and private events. of
11. Exercise the timely representation of athletes, in different the foundation; also oriented towards ceremonial and protocol,
sporting events and activities, where situations that are with the purpose of promoting the organizational climate, thus
outside the current legal framework are observed and projecting the institutional image of FUNDADEPORTE. This
evidenced. Directorate is under the responsibility of a Line Director, and said
12. Monitor the correct application of the current legal framework position is considered freely appointed and removed. The
in the different activities of the Foundation. Communication and Information Directorate is made up of: the
13. Disclose the information contained in the Laws and Ceremonial and Protocol Division and the Press Division, and will
Regulations of the State and the Foundation. also have the following functions :
14. Actively participate in committees, commissions and other 1. Define guidelines and implement communication policies for
internal and external groups and resolve situations in legal resource management and procedures that maximize
and procedural matters. results.
15. Keep the file of the queries with their respective responses. 2. Develop strategic communication plans for the Foundation's
16. Schedule and coordinate the collection of the various income internal and external audiences.
of the Foundation, coming from the Regional Executive of 3. Create informative, written, graphic, digital and audiovisual
the State and control its financial execution. content, with the purpose of promoting the institutional
17. Supervise the collection of various income, coming from the achievements of the Foundation.
rental fees existing in the Foundation. 4. Consolidate the Institutional and digital identity of the
18. Prepare the Management Report on legal matters, at the Foundation.
request of the President and the Board of Directors of the 5. The others assigned by current regulations, and those that
Foundation. authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
19. Respond for compliance with the Annual Operating Plan of his competence.
your Management.
20. Present the Quarterly Management Report. DIVISION OF CEREMONIAL AND PROTOCOL
21. Present the Annual Report and Account of your Article 25: The Ceremonial and Protocol Division is attached
Management. to the Communication and Information Directorate. This Division
22. Maintain an updated, physical and digital record of the is under the responsibility of a Chief and said position is
Sports Entities that operate in the Carabobo state. considered free of appointment and removal, and will also have
23. Ensure that public procurement processes comply with the following functions:
current regulations. 1. Organize, coordinate and supervise ceremonial and protocol
24. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those acts and/or events promoted by the Foundation.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 2. Advise general staff and authorities regarding the
his competence. implementation of protocol acts and/or events within their
COLLECTION DIVISION 3. Supervise, coordinate and distribute the activities of the
personnel under your charge.
Article 23: The Collection Division is attached to the Legal 4. Prepare programs of protocol events.
Consulting Department, it is responsible for guaranteeing and
5. Submit technical reports to the assignment Directorate.
controlling the timely collection of the Foundation's income, in
6. Receive and serve personalities, visitors, delegations and
order to keep the Accounts Receivable balances to a minimum.
workers during their stay at the Foundation.
This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and said
7. Coordinate, direct and jointly supervise with
position is considered free of appointment and removal, and will
also have the following functions:
General Directorate of Sports sporting events held at the
1. Guarantee effective collection for the use of the spaces of the
facilities managed by
Foundation's facilities, in accordance with the legal system,
in order to ensure the self-management of the Foundation.
2. Issue invoices corresponding to the rental fees for the spaces
8. Coordinate and supervise the official sports events that take
of the Foundation Facilities.
place, with other organizations and entities of the Carabobo
3. Execute collection policies aimed at optimizing the
state, when the event warrants it.
Foundation's income.
9. Guarantee the adequate presentation of the President of the
4. Design and execute plans and programs for inspection,
Foundation at the different events, events or meetings to
verification and monitoring of rental income collection.
which he or she is called or has been planned by the
5. Permanently control and evaluate the efficiency and statistics
corresponding to the systems established for the collection
10. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
of income on a monthly basis.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
6. Ensure compliance with the collection goals assigned by the
his competence.
General Directorate of Administration and Finance.

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PRESS DIVISION 1. Guide programs aimed at improving the sports performance of

Article 26: The Press Division is attached to the conventional high-performance Carabobo athletes and those
Communication and Information Directorate. This Division is with disabilities, as well as those who are developing from an
under the responsibility of a chief and said position is considered early age.
freely appointed and removed. It will also have the following 2. Implement sports policies.
functions: 3. Promote massification plans and programs; catchment,
1. Plan, coordinate, direct and supervise the journalistic work, detection and selection of sports talents.
guidelines, carried out by the social communicators assigned 4. Optimize the sports performance of high-level athletes
to the Foundation. performance in national and international events.
2. Plan, coordinate, direct and supervise the work of 5. Define and guarantee the sports reserve of the Carabobo
cameramen, photographers, graphic designer, editor; as well state for participation in all sporting events, guaranteeing the
as traffic on the Foundation's social networks and digital continuity of victories and promoting them.
communication. 6. Capture, detect and select Carabobeño sports talent that
3. Direct the design of the institutional image and advertising of represents our entity in sporting events, in order to
the Foundation. incorporate the largest number of Carabobeño athletes into
4. Design and Coordinate different information mechanisms, the different programs developed by the Foundation.
which guarantee the dissemination of information regarding 7. Develop and implement care programs for athletes with the
the Foundation. option of representing us in events of the Olympic cycle.
5. Coordinate transportation assigned to the Management. 8. Establish, evaluate and constantly update the measurement
6. Verify and operate the information agenda of the events and protocols of physical/anthropometric tests, for sports initiation
activities to be carried out at the Foundation. in the different disciplines.
7. Advise workers and the general public regarding information 9. Develop, contrast, evaluate and update sports medicine and
on the activities carried out by the Foundation. applied science protocols as an incentive for research and the
8. Support in the execution of the different Public Relations development of new elements that substantially improve the
programs to be developed in the Foundation. performance of state team athletes.
9. Innovate in journalistic and communication matters, in order 10. Promote, guide, coordinate and consolidate social
to achieve the greatest collection of information from third organizations that promote physical activity and sports,
parties about the Foundation. providing them with technical, organizational, legal and
10. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those logistical support, which allows them to strengthen the
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of different sports sectors.
his competence. 11. Provide uniformity and sports equipment to sports
organizations that promote physical, sports, recreational and
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: Given that the activities carried out health activities.
within this Division, its functions include supervision and 12. Promote and implement plans, programs and projects
inspection activities for the correct dissemination of information, through sports, physical activity and physical education for
they require a high degree of confidentiality, discretion and trust, people with disabilities, with a view to sports and participatory
in the dispatch of the highest authority of the Foundation, development.
therefore, the personnel assigned to this department regardless 13. Promote, guide, coordinate and consolidate sports
of their condition will be considered trustworthy, in that sense concentrations to optimize the sports performance of
they are considered freely appointed and removed, in accordance Carabobeño athletes.
with the provisions of the public service statute law. 14. Promote sporting activity in the Carabobeña community.
15. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
CHAPTER V authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
his competence.
Article 28 : The High Performance Directorate is attached to
GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS the General Directorate of Sports and is responsible for
Article 27: The General Directorate of Sports is attached to developing plans and programs, supported in a technical,
the Presidency; is responsible for implementing the programs and methodological and scientific manner, that allow the proper
plans aimed at the massification and recruitment of sports execution of the system for recruitment, detection, selection and
talents, High Performance and the Medical Service, development. of possible talents and the preparation of athletes
establishing strategies for the control and supervision of for high performance, in order to define and guarantee the sports
programmed actions in order to optimize the process of reserve of the Carabobo state, and the continuity of the
comprehensive care for all teams. sports in the region in all achievements achieved, through participation in the National
categories and genres, to represent the State in national and Sports Games, among other events. , and at the same time
international events. This Directorate is under the responsibility of contribute to the comprehensive training of the athlete, include
a General Director and said position is considered freely the largest number of Carabobeño athletes in the national teams,
appointed and removed. The General Directorate of Sports is massively incorporate the majority of the Carabobeña population
made up of the High Performance Directorate, the Directorate of into the systematic practice of sports, recreational and health
Sports for People with Disabilities, the Directorate of activities, through the promotion, direction, planning,
Massification of Sports, Directorate of Medical Service, organization, supervision, control, evaluation and coordination of
Directorate of the Sports Village, and Directorate of Operations the development of physical, sporting and recreational activity,
and Services, will also have the following functions: contributing to the comprehensive training of sporting talents and

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the development of sport within the community. This Directorate 3. Plan the entire process of recruitment, detection and
is under the responsibility of a Line Director and said position is selection of possible talents.
considered freely appointed and removed. The High Performance 4. Guarantee compliance with the operational process of the
Directorate is made up of the Methodology Division and the recruitment, detection and selection of talents.
Sports Development Division, and will also have the following 5. Define the criteria for developing teaching plans and their
functions: respective evaluation for sports initiation centers.
6. Propose the creation of sports initiation centers, in response
1. Optimize the sporting performance of high-performance to the strategic needs of the Carabobo state.
athletes, through comprehensive preparation, for 7. Call sports coaches for technical meetings, among others.
participation in state, national and international events. 8. Contribute to the contributions of athletes to the level of high
2. Include the greatest number of Carabobo athletes in the sports performance through the production of athletes in
national teams. sports initiation centers.
3. Detect and select Carabobeño sports talent that can 9. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
guarantee the state's sports reserve and can represent our authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
entity in national sporting events and form national teams. his competence.
4. Develop and implement care programs for athletes with the
option of representing us in events of the Olympic cycle. SPORTS DIRECTORATE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES
5. Provide comprehensive attention to the high-performance Article 31: The Directorate of Sports for People with
athlete. Disabilities is attached to the General Directorate of Sports and is
6. Advise federated and non-federated organizations, and the agency in charge of promoting and developing sports for
community organizations, through technical, legal and people with disabilities at the highest level, with trained personnel
logistical services. in the area of sports disabilities. so that these people have
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those access to develop as athletes in all strata of the Carabobeña
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of population, in order to attract the largest population of people with
his competence. said condition, for the practice of development and high-level
sports. This Directorate is under the responsibility of a Line
METHODOLOGY DIVISION Director, and said position is considered free of charge for
Article 29: The Methodology Division, attached to the High appointment and removal. The Sports Directorate for People with
Performance Directorate, is responsible for studying the athlete in Disabilities is intrigued by the High Performance Division for
order to determine their sporting performance, through the sum of People with Disabilities and will also have the following functions:
the different factors that intervene in the athlete's training, such 1. Optimize the sports performance of athletes with
as the implementation of techniques, tactics; likewise the disability in national and international events.
physical, biological and psychological aspects. This Division is 2. Define and guarantee the sports reserve of the state
under the responsibility of a Chief and said position is considered Carabobo for participation in the Paranational Sports Games
free of appointment and removal, and will also have the following and guarantee excellent performance until victory is
functions: achieved.
1. Plan and execute methodological supervision schedules. 3. Include the greatest number of Carabobo athletes in the
2. Register and control the sports participation of all athletes Paranational teams.
who attend competitive, municipal, state and national events, 4. Capture, Detect, and select the greater amount of
scheduled by associations, sports federations, organizations Carabobeños sporting talents through massification
and entities. activities.
3. Provide methodological technical advice to the Division's 5. Develop and implement care programs for athletes with
sports coaches, and those who request it. disabilities, with the option of representing us in events of the
4. Review, discuss and control training plans, Olympic cycle.
prepared by sports coaches. 6. Advise federated and non-federated community
5. Review, analyze and control pre and post reports organizations through technical, legal and logistical services.
competitions, with the purpose of endorsing the performance 7. Provide sports equipment to sports organizations that
of athletes in different sports events. promote sports initiation centers for physical and sports,
6. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those health and recreation activities.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 8. Raise awareness among the Carabobeña population about a
his competence. culture of integration and participation with people with
SPORTS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 9. Promote sports, non-sports, traditional and non-traditional
Article 30: The Sports Development Division is attached to the activities for people with disabilities in all sectors of the
High Performance Directorate and is responsible for providing Carabobo state.
technical and methodological support to sports coaches, for the 10. Train sports-oriented human resources in the area of
purposes of developing potential athletes, and forming and different disabilities to guarantee attention to athletes with
maintaining the sports reserves of the region. This Division is disabilities.
under the responsibility of a Chief and is considered freely 11. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
appointed and removed. It will also have the following functions: authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
1. Provide technical methodological support and advice to his competence.
sports coaches in their work functions.
2. Prepare projections of the sports performances of athletes, HIGH PERFORMANCE DIVISION FOR PEOPLE WITH
coming from sports initiation centers, with the purpose of DISABILITIES.
being incorporated into the Carabobo sports reserve. Article 32: The High Performance Division for People with

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Disabilities will be attached to the Directorate of Sports for People Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and is considered
with Disability, and it is the dependence freely appointed and removed. It will also have the following
in charge of promoting sports for people with disabilities by functions:
further high level, through of 1. Address the different subsystems; educational, communal,
the a staff indigenous, military, penitentiary and labor.
trained in the area of sports disabilities, so that they have access 2. Provide Carabobeños with alternatives that promote sports
to develop as athletes in all strata of the Carabobeña population. massification; Likewise, the recruitment, detection, and
This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and said selection of possible sports talents.
position is considered free of appointment and removal, and will 3. Encourage the entire population of the Carabobo state in the
also have the following functions: healthy use of free time through the practice of physical,
1. Coordinate and develop plans for the recruitment, detection, sports and recreational activities.
and sports selection for people with 4. Promote the participation of community councils in sports
disability, within the communities of the state massification plans and programs.
Carabobo, developing activities through municipal, state and 5. Provide support to Popular Power organizations regarding
national sporting events. sporting events.
2. Provide methodological technical advice to coaches and 6. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
sports monitors assigned to the administrative unit, and authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
those who request it. his competence.
3. Promote sports among the entire population with disabilities,
thus detecting sports talent in the different municipalities of MEDICAL SERVICE DIRECTORATE
the state, guaranteeing sports massification in order to Article 35: The Medical Service Directorate is attached to the
strengthen the state sports reserve. General Directorate of Sports and is responsible for maintaining
4. Strengthen the organization and sports development, in the and promoting medical care programs for athletes, in a
different sports disciplines at the municipal level that preventive and curative manner in the pursuit of obtaining high
leads to promoting and optimizing the sport of high sporting performance from the athlete, framing your health in a
performance. comprehensive manner through general and specialized
5. Plan and execute methodological supervision schedules for medicine consultations. This Directorate is under the
sports coaches. responsibility of a Line Director and said position is considered
6. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those free of appointment and removal, and will also have the following
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of functions:
his competence. 1. Contribute through medicine and sciences applied to sports,
to train our conventional and disabled athletes, in the best
SPORTS MASSIFICATION DIRECTORATE conditions of physical, mental and social health, which
Article 33: The Directorate of Massification of Sports is allows them to achieve high levels of competitive efficiency
attached to the General Directorate of Sports and is responsible at the national and international level and achieve thus their
for designing, planning and executing plans and programs that Biopsychosocial well-being.
allow the Carabobo population to participate in the practice of 2. Provide comprehensive medical care, sports medical check-
physical, sports and recreational activities, thus seeking increase up, sports medical circuit, clinical laboratory.
the possibilities of participation of all boys, girls and adolescents, 3. Supervise the meal plans and food preparation of our
thus contributing to the selection of possible sporting talents and athletes.
providing them with comprehensive care. This Directorate is 4. Develop plans for surgical interventions in
under the responsibility of a Line Director, and is considered to be athletes if required.
freely appointed and removed. The Directorate of Massification of 5. Implement medical and education update programs
Sports, is made up of the Division of Sports for All, and will also first aid for the medical corps and paramedic brigade.
have the following functions:
6. Coordinate the performance of laboratory tests that
1. Plan and execute plans and programs aimed at incorporating
guarantee that athletes comply with the regulations
the greatest number of people into the practice of physical,
established in the exercise of their sporting discipline.
sports and recreational activities.
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
2. Design training programs for promoters and
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
community sports coaches.
his competence.
3. Promote in all the sectors of the population
Carabobeña the practice of physical and sports activities as
a means to improve the quality of life.
4. Advise federated and non-federated organizations, Article 36: The Sports Village Directorate is attached to the
communes, communal councils and popular power through General Directorate of Sports and is responsible for providing the
a technical, legal and logistical service that allows them to accommodation, food and security service during their stay in the
form, organize and support basic sports organizations. facilities, to athletes, coaches, leaders or special guests who are
5. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those authorized by the General Directorate of Sports or Presidency of
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of FUNDADEPORTE. This Directorate is under the responsibility of
his competence. a Line Director and said position is considered free of
appointment and removal, and will also have the following
Article 34: The Sports for All Division is attached to the Sports 1. Plan, organize, direct and control logistics for
Massification Directorate, and is responsible for promoting sports accommodation, food, linen, laundry, finances and events in
in the different sectors and communities of the state. This the Ville Sporty, guaranteeing

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throughout development of other activities, different from routine sports

moment an adequate, comfortable space for the guest, activities, in sports facilities;
offering optimal service during their stay. 11. Prepare and sign the necessary reports and reports within
2. Advise the President in the design and implementation of the competence of the administrative unit in charge;
policies and regulations that regulate the operation of the 12. Establishes and updates, together with the immediate
Sports Village. superior, the manual containing rules and procedures for
3. Coordinate, plan and promote events, based on the processing and management of its jurisdiction.
administrative self-management. 13. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and
4. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those those authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of area of his competence.
his competence.


Article 37: The Directorate of Operations and Services is CHAPTER VI
attached to the General Directorate of Sports. The Operations OF THE POWERS AND POWERS OF
and Services Directorate is responsible for planning, organizing, THE DEPENDENCIES ATTACHED TO THE
programming, evaluating and ensuring the optimal operational
functioning and services in the different sports facilities and their
equipment, implementing and coordinating the necessary actions AND FINANCE
to achieve good performance. and development of recreational
activities, preparation and physical training of the athlete, and/or GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATION AND
the user, aimed at efficiently fulfilling the tasks entrusted by his FINANCE Article 38: The General Directorate of
immediate superior, and thus addressing the strategic lines, the Administration and Finance is attached to the Presidency and is
Annual Operational Plan, the policies and priorities established by responsible for guaranteeing the correct, adequate and timely
the Foundation. This Directorate is headed by a line director, said use of budgetary resources. economical, financial,
position being freely appointed and removed, and will also have humans,
the following functions: assets of the Foundation, ensure and safeguard the Assets of the
Foundation, the adequate, correct and timely control of the
1. Communicate and agree with your immediate superior, and Movable and Immovable Assets through
with the competent administrative units, on the resolution of
matters whose processing falls within the competence of the
the administrative unit in charge; execution of the parameters established in the superintendence
2. Determine and implement, according to its competence, the of public goods, SUDEBIP, as well as carrying out adequate and
standards, criteria, systems and procedures of a technical timely management control. This Directorate is under the
nature, which regulate operations and guide decision- responsibility of a General Director and said position is
making in the programs and activities established in the considered freely appointed and removed. The General
administrative unit of its competence; Directorate of Administration and Finance is made up of the
3. Implement mechanisms for monitoring, control and Planning and Budget Directorate, the Administrative Services
evaluation of the development of operational and service Directorate, the Security Directorate, the Human Talent,
activities, for the use and enjoyment of sports facilities; Infrastructure Management and IT Management; It will also have
4. Supervise each of the sports facilities on a scheduled basis, the following functions:
to ensure their effective operation and provision of different 1. Direct, coordinate and supervise the management of the
services, as well as security, electricity, hydration, among budgetary, economic, financial, human and patrimonial
others, for the benefit of users; resources of the Foundation.
5. Ensure the correct use of sports facilities and service areas; 2. Supervise financial operations and authorized investments
parking lots, food and souvenir areas, capacity, oriented that occur in the Administration and Finance Directorate.
towards safety, prevention and risks, among others, 3. Intervene in contracting acts as a member of the Contracting
provided for in current legislation; Commission.
6. Establish and coordinate, together with the sports 4. Guarantee through its approval the correct issuance of
associations, the schedule of use of each of the sports checks, transfers, payments, payment orders, resource
facilities managed by the foundation; requests, among other financial movements of the
7. Prepare and keep the schedule of activities updated, Foundation.
according to the calendar of the associations, sports clubs, 5. Authorize the movements, transfers and loans of assets of
and other organizations that make life in each of the sports the Foundation.
facilities managed by the Foundation; 6. Plan projects that ensure the proper functioning of the
8. Prepare and keep updated the schedule of events to be Foundation.
held in sports facilities, unrelated to routine sports planning, 7. Formulate collection policies aimed at optimizing the
requested by different public and/or private organizations Foundation's income.
and institutions; 8. Formulate the administrative policies of the Foundation.
9. Communicate in a timely manner and through regular 9. Formulate policies for the management of Human
channels, to the corresponding administrative units, as the Resources.
case may be, about the events to be held in the sports 10. Design strategies that allow the correct administration of
facilities, whether of a sporting nature or of another nature; resources by simplifying administrative procedures.
10. Agree and communicate in a timely manner and through 11. Exercise the responsibility of the Main Accountant for the
regular channels, to sports associations, about the formation and participation of the account, before the Fiscal

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Control Bodies and make the corresponding notification 13. Ensure the implementation and adaptation of the
about the formation of the account. Foundation's Internal Control System.
12. Supervise the control and adequate registration of the 14. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
Foundation's Assets authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
13. Guarantee the correct and timely compliance with his competence.
legal regulations that govern public goods. BUDGET DIVISION
14. Guarantee that the inventory of Movable property Article 40: The Budget Division is attached to the Planning
and and Budget Directorate, it is responsible for executing the
Properties is updated. Foundation's Budget and presenting the corresponding Budget
15. Supervise policies for the use, disposal, transfer, and Reports. This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and
disposal of assets. said position will be considered freely appointed and removed,
16. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those and will also have the following functions:
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 1. Plan, process and analyze information and/or data necessary
his competence. for the preparation and preparation of the budget.
2. Carry out the programming and execution of the
SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The person who holds the position Foundation's budget project.
of the General Directorate of Administration and Finance will be 3. Apply and evaluate short, medium and long-term budget
the person designated as the person responsible for the assets of plans and projects.
the Foundation's public assets. 4. Review, analyze and control budget execution.
5. Issue technical opinions and reports on his
Article 39: The Planning and Budget Directorate is attached to 6. Carry out the different budget modifications.
the General Directorate of Administration and Finance, it is 7. Prepare and present the physical execution report
responsible for establishing the reference budgetary criteria for together with the Accounting Division.
the action and use of human, material, technical and systems 8. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
resources; will develop strategic instruments for planning and authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
management control that guarantee the development of the his competence.
Foundation in accordance with the current legal framework and
established policies. It will guarantee the planning, programming, MANAGEMENT CONTROL DIVISION
formulation, control and evaluation of budget management, the Article 41: The Management Control Division is attached to
efficient and effective use of budgetary resources assigned to the Planning and Budget Directorate, it is responsible for
meet the objectives and goals of the institution, proposed in the coordinating and controlling the Foundation's Plans for budget
annual operational plans. This Directorate is under the formulation, compliance with goals and, as a consequence,
responsibility of a Line Director and said position will be carrying out management control of the Foundation. institution,
considered freely appointed and removed. The Planning and generating timely and appropriate recommendations,
Budget Directorate is made up of the Budget Division, the implementing measures that lead to raising the degree of
Management Control Division and the Organization and Methods effectiveness and efficiency through goals, management
Division, in addition will have the following functions: indicators, instructions and other techniques applicable in the
area, maintaining discretion and reserve due to the degree of
1. Design jointly with the General Directorate of Administration confidentiality of the functions performed. , in order to guarantee
and Finance and the President the budgetary policies for the at all times the opportunity for improvement of the Foundation.
formulation of the annual Budget. This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and said
2. Plan, process and analyze information and data necessary position will be considered freely appointed and removed, and will
for budget formulation. also have the following functions:
3. Coordinate the programming and execution of the 1. Prepare and Coordinate with the different departments the
Foundation's budget Annual Operational Plan, POA, as a fundamental tool for the
4. Analyze the budget credits assigned for the preparation of formulation of the Foundation's budget.
the Foundation's final budget. 2. Coordinate work tables for strategic planning, annual
5. Design, supervise and coordinate the activities of the operating plan, annual budget, management indicators,
Foundation's planning system. evaluation of results and preparation of the annual
6. Direct and execute the process of formulating the activities of management report.
the planning, rationalization and procedure system in 3. Verify the achievement of the objectives and goals of the
accordance with the Planning and Budget Secretary, Foundation and its dependencies by evaluating the planned
SEPLAN, of the State Government. activities with those executed at the end of each quarter of
7. Review and control budget execution. the year.
8. Collaborate with other Divisions in achieving the established 4. Prepare the quarterly management analysis report of the
goals and objectives. Directorates and Divisions of the Foundation.
9. Issue technical opinions and reports on matters within its 5. Prepare the semi-annual and annual report and account to be
jurisdiction. sent to the General Directorate of Government Management
10. Check to verify any errors or problems when carrying out the of the Carabobo state.
budget execution. 6. Advise the Foundation's workers in the design of
11. Carry out, Verify, Coordinate and Present budget management indicators, writing and preparing reports and
modifications, upon request of the Executing Units. filling out forms to control the management of the Institution.
12. Ensure compliance with the Foundation's objectives and 7. Evaluate and monitor strategic and operational plans.
goals through the application of Management Indicators. 8. Establish management indicators, which serve as a reference

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

to measure and compare each activity of the Foundation's removed. The Directorate of Administrative Services is made up
management. of the Treasury Division, the Acquisitions and Services Division,
9. Execute and monitor system activities of the Accounting Division, the Goods, and the Contracting Division,
Foundation planning. will also have the following functions:
10. Direct and run the 1. Direct, coordinate and supervise the implementation,
formulation process the implementation and evaluation of the different administrative
activities of the planning, rationalization and procedural and/or financial systems that are developed in the
system in accordance with the guidelines formulated by the Directorate and its attached dependencies.
Secretary of Planning and Budget, SEPLAN. 2. Design the various administrative and/financial systems,
11. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those methods and procedures.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 3. Supervise financial operations and authorized investments
his competence. that occur in the Foundation.
4. Coordinate the issuance of payments regardless of the
ORGANIZATION AND METHODS DIVISION means used (bank checks and/or bank transfers) to cover
Article 42: The Organization and Methods Division is attached the various expenses of the Foundation.
to the Planning and Budget Directorate and is responsible for 5. Approve the basic budgets for acquisition and basic services
ensuring that the Foundation's Internal Control System is updated for the proper functioning of the Foundation.
and applied by all departments. This Division is under the 6. Supervise and control the accounts payable and receivable of
responsibility of a Chief and said position will be considered freely the Foundation.
appointed and removed, and will also have the following 7. Guarantee the report of financial availability to the Secretariat
functions: of Treasury and Finance of the State Government.
1. Analyze and modernize organizational structures, integration 8. To ensure by the timely
and progressive implementation of the Foundation's and correct presentation of the
processes, avoiding duplication and dispersion of Financial Statements of the Foundation.
functions, in accordance with the functions and activities 9. To ensure by he prompt
currently carried out. process development of
2. Analyze and develop the documentary structure of the acquisition of goods and provision of services in order to
Foundation under organizational and methodical criteria. guarantee the operation of the Foundation.
3. Participate in the design, updating and/or remodeling of the 10. Ensure that the uninterrupted flow is carried out adequately
rules, policies, procedures, formats, mission, vision, general and in a timely manner in the acquisition of goods and
and specific objectives and values among others, both for the provision of services, considered essential or basic services
different administrative units of FUNDADEPORTE and for essential for the proper functioning of the Foundation, that
itself, to optimize processes in the Foundation, and these can are required.
subsequently be approved and authorized for physical and 11. Guarantee control and adequate registration of the
electronic publication. Foundation's Assets
4. Respond to related requests for the design and use of 12. Ensure correct and timely compliance with
formats as work tools. the
5. Study and recommend work simplification procedures in the legal regulations that govern public goods.
design of forms that tend to improve efficiency and quality 13. Guarantee that the inventory of movable property
between units. and
6. Provide information to all departments of the Foundation properties are updated.
regarding methods and procedures. 14. Establish policies for the use, disposition, transfer, and
7. Carry out induction activities in the management of the disposal of assets.
Standards and Procedures Manuals in order to guarantee 15. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
their compliance. authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
8. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those his competence.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
his competence. TREASURY DIVISION
Article 44: The Treasury Division is attached to the Directorate
of Administrative Services, it is responsible for guaranteeing the
Article 43: The Directorate of Administrative Services is correct management of financial resources, through the use of
attached to the General Directorate of Administration and different physical and electronic means for the issuance of
Finance and is responsible for implementing administrative payments in a timely manner. This Division is under the
policies, as well as the control mechanisms and internal responsibility of a Chief and said position is considered free of
procedures explicit in the laws, which guarantee both the appointment and removal, and will also have the following
optimization of legal control as operational of the Foundation's functions:
resources in order to optimize the Foundation's economic 1. Control and verify administrative movements and records;
resources, promoting their improvement and performance, in account statements and bank reconciliations.
accordance with current legal guidelines, which guarantee the 2. Control the registration and control of the Foundation's
proper development of the Foundation's operational and support accounts payable.
activities. , likewise plan, coordinate and control with the agencies 3. Verify and control payment orders.
functionally assigned to FUNDADEPORTE, the formulation and 4. Carry out the surrender of the Commitment Fund
administrative execution in accordance with current legal Social responsability.
regulations. This Directorate is under the responsibility of a Line 5. Make the surrender of the Tax Withholding to the
Director, and said position is considered freely appointed and Government.

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6. Maintain adequate and timely control of the bank accounts Government. .

that are managed in the name of the Foundation. 6. Prepare, analyze and present the Quarterly Report of the
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those Physical and Financial Execution, Accounting Information.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 7. Analyze and reconcile the Foundation's income by Financing
his competence. Source.
8. Custody the files that support the payments and income
ACQUISITION AND SERVICES DIVISION made by the Foundation, for which it must maintain
Article 45: The Acquisitions and Services Division is attached adequate control of the management of the file.
to the Administrative Services Directorate, it is responsible for 9. Associate the Accounting Accounts with the Budget
guaranteeing the operation of the Foundation, carrying out in a Accounts at the level of the system managed by the
timely manner the different acquisitions and provision of services Foundation.
required by the Foundation. This Division is under the 10. Generate the financial information necessary to facilitate
responsibility of a Chief and said position is considered free of decision-making for those responsible for public financial
appointment and removal, and will also have the following management, the adoption of appropriate public policies on
functions: the management of public resources and for third parties
1. Guarantee the uninterrupted flow in the acquisition of goods interested in it.
and provision of services, considered essential or basic 11. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
services essential for the functioning of the Foundation, that authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
are required. his competence.
2. Verify and manage the reception of various office materials.
3. Ensure compliance with the documentation required in the SINGLE PARAGRAPH: The Closed Contracting files will be
regulations by legal or natural persons, in the acquisition of stored in the Archive of the Accounting Division, in accordance
goods and provision of services. with the provisions of the Public Contracting Law, as well as all
4. Develop the acquisition, supply and maintenance processes, financial files. They may also be digitally supported and in
for the proper functioning of the Foundation, as a accordance with the regulations that regulate them.
Contracting Unit.
5. Prepare basic budgets for acquisitions and basic services for Article 47: The Assets Division is attached to the Directorate
the proper functioning of the Foundation. of Administrative Services, it is the unit financially responsible for
6. Ensure the correct receipt of the goods and services the public assets of the Foundation, it is responsible for carrying
acquired as required together with the requesting Unit. out the tasks corresponding to the registration, conservation,
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those safeguarding, control of acquisitions and disincorporation of the
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of assets. public movable and immovable property assigned to
his competence. and/or property of the foundation, as well as those that are
donated, or as bailments, with the purpose of guaranteeing the
ACCOUNTING DIVISION necessary control, execution and inspection measures aimed at
Article 46: The Accounting Division is attached to the achieving the correct registration, management and custody of
Directorate of Administrative Services, it is responsible for FUNDADEPORTE assets. This Division is under the
presenting in a timely manner and in accordance with the Public responsibility of a Chief and said position is considered freely
Sector Accounting Principles, the Financial Statements of the appointed and removed. It will also have the following functions:
Foundation, through the set of policies, principles, bodies , 1. Carry out the diagnosis of the Foundation's public real estate
technical accounting standards and procedures that allow the and personal property.
assessment, recording, processing and presentation of economic 2. Request information from the Directorates and Administrative
and financial events that affect or may affect the assets of the Units that make up the Foundation as well as from
Foundation. This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief individuals who hold or have held any position in it regarding
and said position is considered free of appointment and removal, the public assets, movables and real estate of the
and will also have the following functions: Foundation under its conservation, protection and custody.
1. Carry out the systematic record of all events and transactions 3. Receive and respond to suggestions from the Directorates
that affect the financial situation of the Foundation. and Administrative Units that make up the Foundation,
2. Produce, at the end of the financial year, financial statements related to the conservation, protection and custody of the
that show the assets, liabilities, equity, income and public assets, personal property and real estate of the
expenses, as well as the cash flow and movement of the foundation.
Foundation's equity accounts. 4. Participate in the formulation of internal policies for the
3. Present accounting information, financial statements and the registration, safeguarding, acquisition and disincorporation of
respective supporting documentation, to facilitate the assets, furniture and real estate by FUNDADEPORTE.
exercise of control and internal and external audit by the 5. Establish efficient mechanisms for the registration,
Fiscal Control Bodies. safeguarding, acquisition and disincorporation of assets,
4. Carry out the reconciliation of financial movements in the personal and real estate.
different accounting accounts in order to guarantee sincerity 6. Design, prepare and execute actions for the registration and
and transparency in the records and accounting information inventory of FUNDADEPORTE's assets, furniture and real
presented. estate.
5. Prepare the Financial Statements required for the 7. Safeguard and distribute among the various organizational
Formulation of the Budget, and Budget Modifications, units all information referring to inventories of assets,
according to Instruction No. 4 issued by the National Budget furniture and real estate of the Foundation.
Office, ONAPRE, as well as the instructions issued by the 8. Send to the competent body in matters of fiscal control the
Secretary of Planning and Budget, SEPLAN, of the State

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communications and administrative files related to the authority the declaration of void or termination of the
registration, safeguard, acquisition and disincorporation of procedure, for the acquisition of goods, provision of services
assets, movable and immovable. and execution of works, in the modalities of Price
9. Maintain updated information about the existence, location, Consultation and Direct Contracting, as well as, in the
condition, maintenance, needs, surpluses and deficits excluded procedures. of the application of the modalities.
related to the assets, furniture and real estate of the 9. Establish and update, together with the immediate superior,
Foundation. the manual containing rules and procedures for the
10. Verify the movement of assets, inside and outside the processing and procedures within their jurisdiction.
Foundation. 10. Advise in the area of your competence.
11. Prepare the reports or reports corresponding to the inventory 11. Supervise and distribute the activities of the personnel under
of the assets, furniture and real estate of the Foundation. your charge.
12. Plan and execute the physical inventory, in accordance with 12. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and
current regulations, at the request of the president or any those authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the
management of FUNDADEPORTE. area of his competence.
13. Present an action plan for the maintenance and protection of SINGLE PARAGRAPH: In carrying out open and closed
the assets assigned to FUNDADEPORTE. tenders, the Contracting Commission will act as the Contracting
14. Keep the Foundation's inventory updated. Administrative Unit.
15. Process, at the request of the Directors, the divestment of
assets; once their diagnosis has been made. SECURITY DIRECTORATE
16. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those Article 49: The Security Directorate is attached to the General
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of Directorate of Administration and Finance, it is responsible for
his competence. efficiently and effectively providing the security of the
Foundation's facilities and equipment. This Directorate is under
CONTRACTING DIVISION the responsibility of a Line Director and said position is
Article 48: The Contracting Division is attached to the considered freely appointed and removed. The Security
Directorate of Administrative Services. The Contracting Division Directorate is made up of the Security Division, and will also have
is the administrative unit in charge of planning, organizing, the following functions:
executing, controlling and ensuring the optimal functioning of the 1. Design strategies that allow maintaining and safeguarding
technical, legal and administrative procedures, the request for the order in the sports and administrative facilities of the
granting of the award, the acquisition of goods, provision of Foundation.
services and execution of works, aimed at efficiently fulfilling the 2. Clarify any event or criminal act that occurs at the facilities.
contracting tasks entrusted by his immediate superior, and thus 3. Issue and subscribe to the news, through the necessary
addressing the strategic lines, the Annual Operational Plan, the means; reports or minute books, where warranted; as well
legal framework, policies and priorities established by the as in the participation of events that involve athletes, sports
Foundation. This Division is headed by a Chief, this position coaches, workers and users of the Foundation's facilities.
being freely appointed and removable, and will also have the 4. Direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of security
following functions: personnel in all sports facilities.
1. Communicate and agree with your immediate superior, and 5. Coordinate with the Carabobo State Security agencies, any
with the competent administrative units, on the resolution of type of support that is necessary in the facilities.
matters whose processing falls within the competence of 6. Reserve the right of admission to sports facilities for people
the administrative unit in charge. who are presumed to be under the influence of alcoholic
2. Determine and implement, according to their competence beverages, psychotropic substances and narcotics, among
and together with the immediate superior, the standards, others, in coordination with the police force.
criteria, systems and procedures of a technical, legal and 7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
administrative nature, which regulate the processes and authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
guide decision-making in the programs and activities his competence.
established in the administrative unit. of its competition.
3. Guarantee that the phases of contractor selection, as well
as the acquisition of goods, provision of services and Article 50: The Security Division is attached to the Security
execution of works, are carried out based on the principles Directorate, it is in charge of guaranteeing the protection of
framed in the regulations that regulate the matter of property and people, as well as, it is in charge of regulating,
contracting. maintaining order, good customs and preventing events that
4. Request the competent administrative unit, and analyze the damage the facilities and the physical integrity of the people who
offers, for the acquisition of goods, provision of services and live in the Foundation. This Division is under the responsibility of
execution of works; a Chief and said position will be considered freely appointed and
5. Prepare the recommendation report for the acquisition of removed, and will also have the following functions:
goods, provision of services and execution of works; 1. Maintain and safeguard the order of the Foundation's
6. Ensure the integrity of the formation and custody of the file facilities, people and property.
containing all documents, reports, and opinions, for each 2. Clarify through investigation any criminal event or fact that
contract, in accordance with the regulations governing the occurs at the facilities.
matter; 3. Issue reports, reports, analysis when the case warrants it to
7. Promote the use of technological and electronic means, to sports personnel, coaches, workers and users of the
guarantee that technical-administrative procedures can be facilities.
controlled. 4. Direct, supervise and coordinate the activities of security
8. Recommend to your immediate superior or to the competent personnel at all sports facilities.

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5. Coordinate with the Security agencies of the Carabobo state, departments, in accordance with technical and professional
any type of support that is necessary in the facilities, in order criteria, guaranteeing well-being and professional
to restore order or preventively. development.
6. Reserve the right of admission to sports facilities for people 8. Coordinate and supervise everything related to the payment
who are presumed to be under the influence of alcoholic of the payroll of the Foundation's workers.
beverages, psychotropic substances and narcotics, among
9. Promote through plans the improvement, well-being and
comprehensive development of the workers of the
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those Carabobeña Foundation for the Development of Sports.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 10. Start, keep record and process procedures
his competence. administrative, to the workers of the Carabobeña Foundation
for the Development of Sports, who have incurred acts, facts
HUMAN TALENT DIRECTION or omissions related to work, and that give rise to the
Article 51: The Human Talent Directorate, is attached to the application of disciplinary sanctions, within the framework of
General Directorate of Administration and Finance, is responsible the current legal system. .
for the design, implementation, execution, monitoring and control 11. Represent the president of the Carabobeña Foundation for
of the policies and programs regarding the development and the Development of Sports, with prior express written
administration of human resources, of the Foundation. authorization, referring solely and exclusively to the possibility
Carabobeña for the Development of Sports. This Directorate is of carrying out negotiations, before the conciliation and
under the responsibility of a Line Director and said position will be arbitration boards, administrative labor organizations, and
considered freely appointed and removed. The Human Talent other institutions, reserving the signature. of the final
Directorate is made up of the Human Talent Development agreement of the highest authority.
Division and the Human Talent Administration Division, and will 12. Prepare and present to the Secretariat of Planning, Budget
also have the following functions: and Management Control of the Carabobo State Executive,
1. Plan, design, implement, and control through programs, the execution of the budget regarding personnel expenses of
projects, plans and strategies the following processes or the Carabobeña Foundation for the Development of Sports.
subsystems of the Human Talent Management: recruitment 13. Prepare the budget modifications regarding personnel
and selection of personnel, induction, description and expenses of the Carabobeña Foundation for the Development
analysis of positions, and evaluation of the of Sports, and send them to the Secretariat of Planning,
performance, compensation, labor relations, social security Budget and Management Control of the Executive of the
and health and safety at work, Carabobo State.
training and training of personnel, audit of human talent, 14. Prepare the quotas for budget commitments and
database and information systems, in order to promote the disbursements, in terms of personnel expenses, assigned to
personal and professional development of human talent, the Carabobeña Foundation for the Development of Sports,
based on the operational needs of the Carabobeña and send them to the Secretariat of Planning, Budget and
Foundation for the Development of Sports. Management Control of the Executive of the Carabobo State.
2. Advise the President of the Carabobeña Foundation for the 15. Design, guide and coordinate development and training plans
Development of Sports in the design and execution of and programs for the staff of the Carabobeña Foundation for
strategies, policies, plans and programs regarding human the Development of Sports.
resources, as well as verify compliance with applicable official 16. Design, program and implement through plans
and labor regulations; all for the purposes of guaranteeing the adequate, occupational health and safety services, with the in
functioning of each of the subsystems and processes of the purpose of guarantee workers and
Human Talent Department. workers, of the Carabobeña Foundation for the Development
3. Ensure that the preparation, approval, execution and of Sports, the conditions of safety, hygiene and work
monitoring of the Position Assignment Registry, RAC, is in environment, as indicated by the current legal framework.
accordance with what is formulated in the Annual Operational 17. Supervise the execution of the plans and programs of the unit
Plan, POA, and the budget of the Carabobeña Foundation for that provides the occupational health and safety service.
the Development of Sports. 18. Manage and guarantee together with the team
4. Implement the necessary policies for the execution and assigned to the occupational health and safety service unit,
monitoring of public opposition competitions internally, the continuous care to the workers and
according to the current legal framework. workers, throughout the working day.
5. Coordinate with the competent agencies or bodies, that the 19. Ensure that the administrative units responsible for the
programs and projects associated with the development and contracting processes carry out timely contracting of
administration of human talent are in congruence with providers of the services provided to the staff, monitoring
he Annual operative plan, POA, of the Foundation compliance with the signed contracts.
Carabobeña for the Development of Sports. 20. Coordinate with the Communication and Information
6. Coordinate and supervise the design, development, Directorate, the dissemination of the guidelines, plans and
maintenance and improvement of the systems necessary for programs, regarding Human Talent, implemented by the
the proper administration and control of the different units that Human Talent Directorate, together with the highest authority
constitute human talent management. of the Foundation.
7. Promote, coordinate, and execute the relevant 21. Establish planning, coordination, execution and evaluation
comprehensive studies and reviews of the functional structure mechanisms, with the purpose of guaranteeing that the
of the Directorate, with the objective of management results contribute to the achievement of the
recommend redesign, objectives and goals established by the Foundation.
improvements, and updates based on the Foundation's 22. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
requirements, and at the same time provide its assigned authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of

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his competence. workers and the workers, in that same sense

Human Talent Development Division, is attached to the Human legal advice, and representation in subject labor
Talent Directorate, is responsible for providing, through and
organization, planning, coordination, execution, and monitoring, official, in accordance with the applicable legal system in force.
everything related to the recruitment and selection processes of This Division is under the responsibility of a Chief and said
personnel, induction, updating and review of processes and position will be considered freely appointed and removed, and will
procedures, as well as the description and analysis of positions, also have the following functions:
performance evaluation, training and training of personnel, 1. Prepare payroll projections and estimates for active, retired
personnel movements, referring to workers of the foundation; as and pensioned personnel of the Carabobeña Foundation for
well as the development of policies aimed at managing social the Development of Sports, for the purposes of processing
security for the benefit of the worker. This Division is under the the respective commitments and disbursements.
responsibility of a Chief and said position will be considered freely 2. Prepare the budget management report, and its modifications,
appointed and removed, and will also have the following regarding personnel expenses of the Foundation.
functions: 3. Prepare in the area of its competence the information required
1. Coordinate the review, adaptation and updating of the relative by the Secretariat of Planning, Budget and Management
processes and procedures described in the previous article, Control of the Executive of the State of Carabobo, and by the
framed in the laws, regulations and current regulations, taking Executive Directorate of the Central Personnel Office, for the
into account new trends in the matter. respective processing.
2. Design the programs, projects and plans for each process 4. Coordinate and supervise the processes related to the
within the Division's jurisdiction, taking into account the Position Assignment Registry, RAC, and the remuneration
guidelines and current legal basis on labor matters. scales applicable to the Foundation's staff.
3. Coordinate and supervise the execution and monitoring of 5. Custody the files containing the files of each of the
each relative process described in the previous section, Foundation's workers, and ensure their content and physical
ensuring that they are consistent with the Annual Operating integrity.
Plan. 6. Receive, process, and process everything related to the
4. Carry out and keep up-to-date studies on the market and payment of the payroll of active, retired and pensioned
labor matters, in order to ensure that the Foundation has the personnel of the Foundation, and other benefits established in
necessary information to recruit, select and maintain high- the laws that regulate civil servant and labor matters, as well
quality personnel with competitive benefits, at the service of as those benefits established in collective agreements, and in
the regional public administration. decrees issued by the highest regional and national
5. Update and organize the Foundation's registry of eligible authorities.
people, in order to guarantee available candidates for timely 7. Keep updated on systems, records
selection of personnel. related to income, and expenses,
6. Coordinate and supervise the processes of opening and movements and
consolidating the life files of each worker, at the time of their variations of Foundation personnel and their respective
entry, in order to guarantee that they contain the supports that physical and digital backups.
support the veracity of the information, related to the new 8. Coordinate the execution of the process of calculating social
entry, in compliance with the legal and internal regulations benefits for personnel graduated from the Carabobeña
established on labor matters. Foundation for the Development of Sports.
7. Coordinate the execution of the Annual Training Plan, and at 9. Coordinate the completion of the calculation process for
the same time interact with the different organizations and granting the retirement or pension benefit, as well as
technical and academic institutions, for the provision of adjustments for salary increases.
training and training services for the workers of the 10. Document and process the administrative procedures opened
Foundation. to the workers of the Foundation, who have incurred in
8. Carry out the respective monitoring of budget formulation and acts, facts or
execution, inherent to the powers of its management. omissions based on their work, and that give rise to the
9. Request updates from the respective unit to the Position application of disciplinary sanctions, within the framework of
Assignment Registry, RAC, of the Foundation's workers. the current legal system.
10. Interact with the different Directorates for the attention, 11. Represent the president of the Carabobeña Foundation for
channeling and management of requests for admissions, the Development of Sports, with prior express written
transfers, promotions and other personnel movements, authorization referring solely and exclusively to the possibility
among other processes. of carrying out negotiations, before the conciliation and
11. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those arbitration boards, administrative labor organizations, and
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of other institutions, reserving the signature of the definitive
his competence. agreement of the highest authority.
12. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
HUMAN TALENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Article 53 . The authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
Human Talent Administration Division, is attached to the Human his competence.
Talent Directorate, is responsible for attending to and controlling, INFRASTRUCTURE DIRECTION
through the organization, planning, coordination, execution and Article 54: The Infrastructure Directorate is attached to the
monitoring, everything related to the process and procedure of General Directorate of Administration and Finance, it is
the records system of the active, retired and pensioned personnel responsible for guaranteeing the optimal functioning of the
of the Foundation; as well as the calculation of compensation and facilities belonging to the Foundation, carrying out activities that
incidents generated by the services provided by each of the allow them to be maintained, improved, adapted and managed in

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order to especially strengthen the sports infrastructure of the communities of the Carabobo State.
region, without prejudice to the conservation activities of the 2. Participate in plans and projects related to repairs and
administrative infrastructure. This Directorate is under the maintenance of facilities.
responsibility of a Line Director and said position will be 3. Supervise and control the inspection engineers of the different
considered freely appointed and removed. The Infrastructure works and maintenance carried out by the Management.
Directorate is made up of the Projects Division, Inspection 4. Review the performance evaluations carried out by the
Division and the Sports Facilities Division, and will also have the inspecting engineers of the companies that carry out
following functions: maintenance of green areas and general cleaning at the
1. Maintain the green areas and common areas of the Foundation's facilities.
administrative and sports facilities, managed by the 5. Review and approve the Valuations of Works and Services of
Foundation, so that the population has adequate the companies hired by the Foundation.
infrastructure for the practice of sports. 6. Receive information from the Head of Sports Facilities,
2. Maintain, remodel and improve the sports facilities built by the regarding their status and future events, in order to adapt
Carabobo State Government to optimize the use of sports, them for such events.
recreational and cultural space for the various communities. 7. Control, direct and supervise the Infrastructure Directorate
3. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those warehouse.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of 8. Carry out, together with the Infrastructure Department, the
his competence. requisitions of materials, tools and equipment for the
provision of the Infrastructure warehouse.
PROJECT DIVISION 9. Prepare and review the projects to be executed in the
Article 55: The Projects Division is attached to the Foundation.
Infrastructure Directorate, it is responsible for guaranteeing the 10. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
correct and adequate design and presentation of works projects authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
in accordance with the legal regulations that regulate the his competence.
construction and design of sports facilities, as well as ensuring its
correct execution. This Division is under the responsibility of a SPORTS FACILITIES DIVISION
Chief and said position will be considered freely appointed and Article 57: The Sports Facilities Division is attached to the
removed, and will also have the following functions: Infrastructure Directorate and is responsible for guaranteeing the
1. Carry out all projects, both new constructions and expansions good condition of sports facilities. This Division is under the
and remodeling of existing facilities, naturally with the responsibility of a Chief and said position will be considered freely
collaboration of each member of the Management. appointed and removed, and will also have the following
2. Prepare the justification and description reports that functions:
accompany the projects that are sent to the organizations that 1. Organize, direct, inspect and supervise the daily maintenance
finance the works. activities carried out in the facilities belonging to the
3. Advise contractors who carry out works and/or projects for the Foundation.
Foundation, establishing guidelines and criteria to follow, 2. Carry out supervision of the state of the facilities, providing
giving technical specifications and indicating, in the case of immediate solutions for the development of its proper
special works, the most appropriate procedures for the functioning.
execution of different works. 3. Supervise the work of contractors in the facilities in terms of
4. Prepare the interior designs of the administrative offices of maintenance and works.
the Foundation and the accommodation environments for the 4. Supervise the work carried out by the Foundation's workers,
staff and athletes of the Village. verifying that the functions are fully carried out, in addition to
5. Carry out sanitary installation projects, which includes design creating a daily work plan for the proper development of the
and calculation of outdoor networks and wastewater installation.
distribution, rainwater collection and drainage. 5. Participate in valuation reviews.
6. Determine the capacity and type of air conditioning equipment 6. Ensure the attendance list of the personnel assigned to the
to be installed in the environments that require it, both at the Infrastructure Directorate.
project level and in existing areas. 7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
7. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of his competence.
his competence.
INSPECTION DIVISION Article 58: The IT Department is attached to the General
Article 56: The Inspection Division is attached to the Directorate of Administration and Finance, and is responsible for
Infrastructure Directorate, it is responsible for inspecting and efficiently and effectively managing the use of information and
supervising the different works carried out to guarantee adequate communication technologies within the foundation, through the
preventive and corrective maintenance in the different facilities administration and maintenance of computer equipment as well
attached to the Foundation. This Division is under the as such as the development of information systems that support
responsibility of a Chief and said position will be considered freely the processes carried out in each of the agencies, considering
appointed and removed, and will also have the following the priority use of technologies based on free software and
functions: hardware that meets quality standards in each and every one of
1. Organize, direct, inspect and supervise preventive and the agencies that make up the foundation. This Directorate is
corrective maintenance activities, which are carried out both under the responsibility of a Line Director and said position will be
in the facilities belonging to the considered freely appointed and removed. The IT Directorate is
Foundation as to the units in the different made up of the Systems Development Division, and will also
have the following functions:

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1. Prepare an annual maintenance plan for computer equipment, 5. Update data network use policies within the Foundation.
to prevent, maintain and correct hardware, software and 6. Notify the Divisions about data network use policies within the
connectivity failures that each of them present. Foundation through electronic messaging.
2. Update the functions of current computer systems, by editing 7. Manage use of the telephone exchange.
source code at the same time as compilation, with the 8. Guarantee through systems audit, use
purpose of enforcing laws, resolutions, standards, or any adequate computer equipment, in order to know the status of
legal instrument in order to guarantee the proper functioning computer equipment in the Foundation
of present systems. 9. Document activities carried out through digital systems or
3. Manage and maintain technical support services that allow tools to obtain general management information.
you to maintain the operational continuity of your equipment 10. Monitor existing services using digital tools to understand
and technological services. their operation within the Foundation.
4. Centralize all information related to activities, through different 11. Manage and ensure the availability of networks,
databases required by the foundation. communication, servers and computers.
5. Carry out inventory of spare parts, consumables, others of at 12. Maintain the security of the communications network.
least 30% of the 13. Keep an inventory record of the Foundation's computing
present inventory of equipment of equipment, external to it, systems in production, services,
computing, to attend to eventualities within the others.
Foundation. 14. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those
6. Implement new technologies that allow the development and authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
maintenance of the computer system, with the use of tools his competence.
that support the execution and management of internal
processes to improve or replace those present within the
7. Guarantee confidentiality of information, through access TITLE III
restriction processes. FROM OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS
8. Make decisions in the area of information and communication
technologies, to make necessary corrections for its regular
9. Support each and every one of the foundation's departments,
through suggestions and recommendations when necessary CHAPTER I
and design tools to facilitate functions. GENERAL DISPOSITION
10. Support each and every one of the foundation's departments,
through reports and information present in the database.
11. Document the functions of the processes carried out by the Article 60: The documents emanating from the Foundation will
computer system as well as the technologies present, using be prepared in accordance with the guidelines indicated in the
digital tools to have timely information when an eventuality respective manuals of standards and procedures.
12. Maintain complete protection of all computer equipment, Article 61: All communication will bear the seal of the
designating a person responsible for its use at the time of its respective agency and will be identified with the code established
delivery, as well as control all movements of computer in the respective Manual of Standards and Procedures.
equipment or electronic devices and know their location.
13. All responsibility regarding the use of information and Article 62: For any matter that is processed in the
communication technologies within the foundation falls on the Directorates, Divisions, Coordinations and other Offices that
IT Department, whether or not they are present in this make up the structure of the Foundation, a file will be formed, in
document. which the respective documents will be inserted, in order of date
14. The others assigned to him by current regulations, and those of receipt, even when are produced by other organs or entities.
authorized by his immediate superior, inherent to the area of
his competence. Article 63: Administrative documents and files must be
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION uniform, so that each series or type of them obeys the same
Article 59: The Systems Development Division, is attached to characteristics.
the IT Department, is responsible for analyzing, designing,
supervising, developing and making continuous improvement of
the information systems present, doing CHAPTER II
corrections of results processed incorrectly, in order to timely OF CORRESPONDENCE
enforce the nature of the systems. This Division is under the
responsibility of a Chief and said position will be considered freely
appointed and removed, and will also have the following Article 64: Requests, letters and writings of any nature
functions: addressed to the Foundation will be delivered at the reception to
1. Direct work teams to respond to requests made through be distributed to the Directorates, Divisions, Coordinations and
electronic messaging. other Offices. To this end, a daily record of the correspondence
2. Report progress status and fulfill requests in a timely manner. received and sent will be kept in numbered books, continuous
3. Implement innovations or improve existing processes in forms, pre-printed forms or any other means that guarantees the
present computer systems. security and permanence of the record, as established in the
4. Restrict access to computer equipment outside the standards and regulations manuals. procedures.

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

Article 65: Workers in charge of receiving documents will warn Article 74: Each Directorate, Division, Coordination and Office
interested parties of any omissions or irregularities they observe, will keep a temporary file in which the documents and information
without being able to refuse to receive any document and will they require or issue in the development of their functions will be
record the following information: kept.
1. Identification of the interested party or representative.
2. Object of the writing, official letter or communication. Article 75: The Foundation's archives are, by their nature,
3. Number of documentation presented and its annexes. reserved for the service of the entity.
4. Consecutive registration number.
5. Date and hour of presentation. Article 76: The Foundation's records may be preserved
through photographic reproduction systems, digital media;
Article 66: Upon receipt, receipt of all documents presented scanner or other technical means, in which case the original
and their annexes will be given, indicating the corresponding documents will be removed when the deadlines have been met.
registration number, place, date and time of presentation and any Such documents preserved by media other than paper, may
defects observed. The Directorates, Headquarters and other be
Offices will keep the same record. The photostatic copy of the considered as a means of proof. To do this, the Foundation must
documents presented may serve as a receipt, once the receipt regulate it in the Standards and Procedures Manuals.
note has been stamped on it, after comparison with the originals.
Article 77: Foundation workers are prohibited from keeping
Article 67: The workers in charge of reception and registration any document from the archives for themselves, taking or
will send the documents presented to the authority responsible publishing copies of them. Likewise, they must maintain secrecy
for processing the matter, within a period that may not exceed regarding the matters that are being processed or have been
two (02) business days. processed. Failure to comply with this article will entail the
sanctions established in the Laws with jurisdiction in the matter.
Article 68: In the correspondence received, a record of the
date and time of receipt will be stamped and on its back, the seal Article 78: The determination of the final destination of inactive
in which the President or General Director will determine the documents will be the responsibility of a commission designated
Directorate, Division or Office to which its knowledge corresponds by the President of the Foundation.
and the instructions to follow for these.

Article 69: The Foundation may incorporate as

correspondence reception mechanism, that received by email,
which must be regulated and controlled through the Standards
and Procedures manuals.


Article 70: The certified copies that are requested will only be
issued by order of the President and will be signed by him or her
or by whomever said competence is attributed through express
delegation, unless, due to legal provisions or reasons of security
or opportunity, it is decided. that the documents whose certified
copy is requested are of a reserved nature.

Article 71: Certified copies of documents may consist of

handwritten, typewritten, photostatic or photographic

Article 72: The workers of the Foundation may not issue

certifications of mere relationship, that is, those that only have the
purpose of recording the testimony or opinion of the declaring
worker about any fact or data of their knowledge, contained in the
files. archived or in progress or those that they have witnessed on
the occasion of their duties.


Article 73: In the Foundation, there will be a Central Archive,

where the entity's documentation and the files of matters
concluded or whose processing has been paralyzed will be kept.
Likewise, the Historical Archive of this will be formed

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

OFFICIAL GAZETTE............................................................................................................................................1
FROM THE STATE OF CARABOBO...............................................................................................................1
TITLE I.............................................................................................................................................................3
GENERAL DISPOSITION..............................................................................................................................3
Of the powers................................................................................................................................................3
TITLE II...........................................................................................................................................................4
OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE...............................................................................................4
CHAPTER I......................................................................................................................................................4
OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE...............................................................................................4
Office of the President..................................................................................................................................4
CAPITULO II...................................................................................................................................................5
OF THE PRESIDENT......................................................................................................................................5
CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE......................................................................................................................6
CAPITULO IV.................................................................................................................................................6
OF THE POWERS AND POWERS OF THE INTERNAL FISCAL CONTROL.........................................6
INTERNAL AUDIT UNIT..........................................................................................................................6
DISPATCH ADDRESS................................................................................................................................7
EXECUTIVE DIRECTION.........................................................................................................................7
DIVISION OF INTERINSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS............................................................................8
LEGAL CONSULTING DIRECTORATE..................................................................................................8
COLLECTION DIVISION...........................................................................................................................9
COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION DIRECTORATE................................................................9
DIVISION OF CEREMONIAL AND PROTOCOL....................................................................................9
PRESS DIVISION........................................................................................................................................9
GENERAL DIRECTORATE OF SPORTS...............................................................................................10
HIGH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................10

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

METHODOLOGY DIVISION...................................................................................................................11
SPORTS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION....................................................................................................11
SPORTS DIRECTORATE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES...........................................................11
HIGH PERFORMANCE DIVISION FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES...........................................11
SPORTS MASSIFICATION DIRECTORATE.........................................................................................12
SPORTS DIVISION FOR EVERYONE....................................................................................................12
MEDICAL SERVICE DIRECTORATE....................................................................................................12
SPORTS VILLA ADDRESS......................................................................................................................12
OPERATIONS AND SERVICES DIRECTORATE.................................................................................12
PLANNING AND BUDGET DIRECTION...............................................................................................13
BUDGET DIVISION.................................................................................................................................14
MANAGEMENT CONTROL DIVISION.................................................................................................14
ORGANIZATION AND METHODS DIVISION.....................................................................................14
DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES...........................................................................15
TREASURY DIVISION.............................................................................................................................15
ACQUISITION AND SERVICES DIVISION..........................................................................................15
ACCOUNTING DIVISION.......................................................................................................................16
PROPERTY DIVISION.............................................................................................................................16
CONTRACTING DIVISION.....................................................................................................................16
SECURITY DIRECTORATE....................................................................................................................17
SECURITY DIVISION..............................................................................................................................17
HUMAN TALENT DIRECTION..............................................................................................................17
INFRASTRUCTURE DIRECTION...........................................................................................................19
PROJECT DIVISION.................................................................................................................................19
INSPECTION DIVISION..........................................................................................................................20
SPORTS FACILITIES DIVISION.............................................................................................................20
INFORMATION DIRECTION..................................................................................................................20
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION.................................................................................................21
TITLE III........................................................................................................................................................21
FROM OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS AND FILES..........................................................................................21
CHAPTER I GENERAL DISPOSITION.....................................................................................................21
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................................................21
OF CORRESPONDENCE.............................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER III.................................................................................................................................................21
OF THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFIED COPIES...........................................................................................21
CHAPTER IV FROM THE ARCHIVES......................................................................................................22

Valencia, June 12, 2018 EXTRAORDINARY Nº 6783

This Gazette contains 23 pages ………………………………………………………………………..…

No. Legal Deposit: pp76-0420
Printing: 08 copies

No.______________________________________ ………………………………………………………………………..…

First: The Administrative Providence is repealed ………………………………………………………………………..…

No. 02-03-2018 , dated February 7, 2018, containing the
Internal Regulations of the Carabobeña Foundation For the
Sports Development (FUNDADEPORTE), published in the
Official Gazette of the Carabobo State, Extraordinary No. 6683 of the
April 13, 2018.

Second: Doubts of interpretation and what is not foreseen in the ………………………………………………………………………..…

this Regulation, will be resolved by the President or
President of the Foundation.

Third: Be notified of this Providence ………………………………………………………………………..…

Administrative to all Directorates, Divisions,

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Coordinations and Offices of the Foundation. ………………………………………………………………………..…

Fourth: This Internal Regulation will come into force on ………………………………………………………………………..…

from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the ………………………………………………………………………..…
Carabobo state. ………………………………………………………………………..…

Fifth: Publish this Administrative Ruling in ………………………………………………………………………..…

the Official Gazette of the Carabobo State, for legal purposes

Sixth: The Board of Directors of the Foundation will take care of the ………………………………………………………………………..…

execution of this Administrative Ruling.

CONTACT AND PUBLISH …………………………………………………………………………..

Given, signed and sealed in Valencia, Carabobo State, to the
sixteen days of the month of May of the year two thousand and eighteen ………………………………………………………………………..…
(16/05/2018). Years 208th of Independence, 159th of the
Federation and 19th of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Atty. Richard Alexander Navarro De la Rosa PRESIDENT OF FUNDADEPORTE

Designated according to Decree No. 018 dated 10/20/2017,
Published in Official Gazette of the Carabobo State
Extraordinary No. 6421 of 10/20/2017


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