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1 A course of ə kɔrs ʌv ˈækʃən Các biện pháp, các
The CEO decided to implement A
action chương trình hành
course of action to improve sales.
2 A number of ə ˈnʌmbər ʌv Một số lượng
A considerable number of tourists
come to Dalat city every year.
3 A wealth of ə wɛlθ ʌv Sự trù phú, sự đa Their data offer a wealth of
dạng, sự dồi dào information for marketing
4 Above all əˈbʌv ɔl Trên hết, quan
Above all, don’t forget to call when
trọng nhất
you get there.
5 After all ˈæftər ɔl Sau tất cả
The rain has stopped, so the game
will go ahead after all.
6 Ahead of əˈhɛd ʌv ˈskɛʤʊl Trước thời hạn
We expect the building work to be
completed ahead of schedule.
7 Along with ə lɔŋ wɪθ Thuận theo, đi I would be happy to go along with
cùng theo the idea.
8 Among other əˈmʌŋ ˈʌðər θɪŋz Trong số những cái
At the meeting they discussed,
things khác
among other things, recent events
in Eastern Europe.
9 As a whole æz ə hoʊl Xét tổng thể The population as a whole is
getting healthier.
10 As early as æz ˈɜrli æz Sớm nhất là
Please reply as early as possible
11 As far as æz fɑr æz Trong chừng mực
It's a good essay as far as it goes.
nhất định
12 As of æz ʌv Kể từ
As of next month, all the airline's
fares will be going up.
13 Aside from/ əˈsaɪd frʌm Ngoài ra
Aside (Apart) from the ending, it’s
Apart from
a really good film.
14 At all times æt ɔl taɪmz Luôn luôn
When you're at the airport, you
should make sure you have your
luggage with you at all times.

15 At least æt list Ít nhất I don’t expect you to get a good

job, but you could at least find
something to do.
16 At the latest æt ðə ˈleɪtəst Trễ nhất là I should be back by 11 o'clock at
the latest.
17 At your æt jʊər ˈɜrliəst Thuận tiện sớm
Could you please telephone me at
earliest kənˈvinjəns nhất
your earliest convenience?
18 Be credited bi ˈkrɛdɪtɪd wɪð Có công, có đóng
Mr. Park is credited with the
with góp
success of the soccer team.
19 Be supposed bi səˈpoʊzd tu Được cho là, được
I was supposed to be working last
to phân công
Friday but I had to study
20 Behind bɪˈhaɪnd ˈskɛʤʊl Chậm tiến độ We are already two months behind
schedule schedule.
21 Box office bɑks ˈɔfəs Phòng vé
Her last movie was a surprise box-
office hit. (Lợi nhuận vé cao).
22 Bulk order bʌlk ˈɔrdər Đặt hàng số lượng
The office ordered copy paper in
lớn, sỉ
bulk to keep down costs.
23 By a wide baɪ ə waɪd ˈmɑrʤ Cách biệt lớn
Just after two months, team A has
margin ən
got more contracts than team B by
a wide margin.
24 By any baɪ ˈɛni ʧæns Tình cờ, nếu có
If your name is Mai, are you
chance dịp, có phải là
Vietnamese, by any chance?
25 By means of baɪ minz ʌv Bằng phương tiện
This is a two year course taught by
means of lectures and seminars.
26 Can you do kæn ju du mi ə Cho tôi nhờ 1 việc
Can you do me a favor? I need
me a favor? ˈfeɪvər? nhé?
someone to proofread my CV.
27 Come up with kʌm ʌp wɪθ Suy luận, nghĩ ra,
We wanted to buy that house but
tìm ra
we couldn’t come up with the cash.
28 Cordially ˈkɔrʤəli ɪnˈvaɪt Thân ái mời, Trân You are cordially invited to our
invite trọng mời wedding on May 9.
29 Deal with dil wɪθ Đối phó với, làm
Most travel agents do not deal
việc với
directly with these companies.
30 Depend on dɪˈpɛnd ɔn Phụ thuộc vào Most people depend on the train to
go to work.
31 Drop off drɔp ɔf Giao đến 1 nơi,
đưa hàng, ngủ quên I’ll drop you off on my way home.

32 Either is fine ˈiðər ɪz faɪn Cái nào cũng được

John wants to play while Dorothy
wants to watch movie. Either is
fine with me.
33 Field trip fild trɪp Chuyến đi thực địa
Mrs. Rhines took her class on a
field trip to the zoo.
34 Figure out ˈfɪgjər aʊt Tìm ra
After 30 minutes, the mechanic
figures out the problem of the car.
35 Fill out = fill in fɪl aʊt = fɪl ɪn Điền vào = điền vào
It took me several hours to fill out
the application form.
36 For further fɔr ˈfɜrðər ɪnˈfɔrˈm Để biết thêm thông
Please contact our agent in Osaka
information eɪʃən tin
for further information.
37 For instance fɔr ˈɪnstəns Ví dụ
There are many ways to apply for
our scholarship. For instance, you
can arrange a meeting with our
38 Get in touch gɛt ɪn tʌʧ wɪθ Liên lạc với
We need to get in touch with our
suppliers right away.
39 Has yet to do/ hæz jɛt tu du/ Vẫn chưa làm / They have yet to finish their
have yet to do hæv jɛt tu du chưa làm
40 In a rush ɪn ə rʌʃ Vội vàng He was in a rush to get home.
41 In a timely ɪn ə ˈtaɪmli ˈmæn Kịp thời
All the reports must be submitted
manner ər
in a timely manner.
42 In ɪn əˈkɔrdəns wɪθ Phù hợp với Both parties must act in
accordance accordance with the terms of
with the contract
43 In an effort to ɪn ən ˈɛfərt tu du Trong một nỗ lực
The taxi driver made a sudden left
do để làm
turn in an effort to avoid crashing
into the truck.
44 In charge of ɪn ʧɑrʤ ʌv Phụ trách Nancy is in charge of arranging
45 In fact ɪn fækt Trong thực tế
In fact, only half of our employees
realize the benefits of our green
46 In for a treat ɪn fɔr ə trit Được thưởng thức
The public is in for a treat when
this new museum opens.
47 In keeping ɪn ˈkipɪŋ wɪθ Phù hợp với His actions are not in keeping with
with his words
48 In person ɪn ˈpɜrsən Tự làm 1 cái gì đó, Applicants are requested to apply in
có mặt ở 1 nơi person.
49 In short ɪn ʃɔrt Nói ngắn gọn In short, this has been rather a
disappointing day.
50 In progress ɪn ˈprɑˌgrɛs Trong tiến trình The meeting was already in progres
51 In the long run ɪn ðə lɔŋ rʌn Về lâu dài
If you plant a tree now, you will
enjoy the benefits in the long run.
52 In the ɪn ðə ˈminˌtaɪm Trong lúc đó The party is Tuesday, but in the me
meantime antime I have to shop and prepare t
he food.
53 In the ɪn ðə ˈprɔˌsɛs ʌv Trong quá trình We are still in the process
process of of redecorating the house
54 In time for ɪn taɪm fɔr Kịp giờ cho/ để
I'm glad you got here in time
to see Julie before she goes.
55 In writing ɪn ˈraɪtɪŋ Bằng văn bản
We need to have your offer in
writing before we can respond to it.

56 Instead of ɪnˈstɛd ʌv Thay vì I wish you'd spend more time at ho

me instead of going out every
57 It has come to ɪt hæz kʌm tu ˈaʊ Chúng tôi đã nhận
It has come to our attention that
our attention ər əˈtɛnʃən ðæt thấy rằng
more and more employees are
coming late.
58 Job fair ʤɑb fɛr Hội chợ việc làm
The organization held a job fair in
New York for people over 40 who
are looking to change careers.
59 Keep in mind kip ɪn maɪnd ðæt Hãy ghi nhớ rằng
Before you go home, keep in mind
that all electronics must be turned
60 Keep up with kip ʌp wɪθ Theo kịp với Rachel is taking evening class to
keep up with her Chemistry
61 Live up to lɪv ʌp tu Xứng đáng với
The concert was brilliant - it lived
danh hiệu
up to all our expectations.
62 Look no lʊk noʊ ˈfɜrðər Hãy lựa chọn (
When you are planning your
further than ðæn nhãn hàng, công ty)
summer getaway, look no further
than Cheapsteak Travel.
63 Look to do lʊk tu du Hy vọng, mong chờ
We're looking to you to advise us
on how to proceed.
64 Lost and lɔst ænd faʊnd Mất và tìm thấy
Passenger can retrieve their
missing belongings at the Lost and
Found section.
65 Make room for meɪk rum fɔr Nhường chỗ cho The security guard tried to move
the potted plant to make room for
his chair.
66 Make sense meɪk sɛns Có lý
The board agrees that it makes
sense to change their logo after 20
years of using it.
67 Narrow down ˈnæroʊ daʊn Thu hẹp
We’re working to narrow down the
list of possible candidates.
68 No later than noʊ ˈleɪtər ðæn Không muộn hơn
The book should be returned no
later than next Friday.
69 No longer noʊ ˈlɔŋgər Không còn He no longer plays in the
basketball team.
70 Not only … nɑt ˈoʊnli … bʌt Không chỉ có mà Not only can he make people
but …. as well …. æz wɛl còn có. Cũng laugh, he can make them cry as
71 Null and void nʌl ænd vɔɪd Không có hiệu lực
Due to irregularities, the election
has been declared null and void.
72 On a budget on ə ˈbʌʤɪt Tiết kiệm chi tiêu They run the magazine on a pretty
tight budget.
73 On the first- ɔn ðə fɜrst- Trên cơ sở ai đến
The free tickets will be given on a
come, first- kʌm, fɜrst- trước được phục vụ
sɜrvd ˈbeɪsɪs first come, first served basis.
served basis trước
74 On average ɔn ˈævərɪʤ Trung bình On average, women live between
five and seven years longer than
75 On behalf of ɔn bɪˈhæf ʌv Thay mặt cho A CEO issued a statement on behalf
of the company.
76 On one’s way ɔn wʌnz weɪ tu Trên một con
Can we stop at the supermarket on
to đường đến
the way to the beach?
77 On such short ɔn sʌʧ ʃɔrt ˈnoʊtɪs Thông báo ngắn The editor was asked to revise
notice như vậy some of the articles at very short
78 On time ɔn taɪm Kịp thời
Despite the bad weather, the plane
is expected to arrive on time
79 Open to the ˈoʊpən tu ðə Mở cửa cho công The new shopping mall finally
public ˈpʌblɪk chúng announced its opening to the
80 Out of order aʊt ʌv ˈɔrdər Không bình
I’m afraid we have to walk up the
thường, bị hư
stairs – the elevator is out of order.
81 Out of paper aʊt ʌv ˈpeɪpər Hết giấy When you hear a loud beep, it
means the fax machine is out of
82 Out of place aʊt ʌv pleɪs Không đúng chỗ, bị
Only after they finished paying for
the order did they realize that the
logo was totally out of place.
83 Out of print aʊt ʌv prɪnt Hết xuất bản Most of her books went out of
print years ago.
84 Out of service aʊt ʌv ˈsɜrvɪs Ngừng phục vụ, bị
The vending machine in the lobby

is currently out of service.
85 Out of shape aʊt ʌv ʃeɪp Bị biến dạng, tăng
I'm so out of shape that I get out of
breath climbing the stairs.
86 Out of stock aʊt ʌv stɑk Hết hàng
Suoimi mineral water is out of
stock until next week.
87 Out of town aʊt ʌv taʊn Ra khỏi thị trấn, đi We should postpone the meeting
công tác because several of our team
members will be out of town next
88 Parking lot ˈpɑrkɪŋ lɔt Bãi đậu xe
Our company's parking lot can
accommodate up to 200 cars.
89 Pass up the pæs ʌp ði Bỏ qua cơ hội
Having finished last, she passed up
opportunity ˌɑpərˈtunəti
the opportunity to enter the
municipal race next month.
90 Pay off peɪ ɔf Thành công, trả hết
All her hard work paid off in the
nợ, mua chuộc
end, and
she finally passed the exam.
91 Plenty of ˈplɛnti ʌv Nhiều Since it is only 2 pm now, we still
have plenty of time to catch the
92 Press prɛs ˈkɑnfrəns Họp báo At the press conference, Nikita
conference Industries failed to issue any
sincere apology.
93 Press release prɛs riˈlis Thông cáo báo chí
The head of Public Relation is in
charge of issuing press release.
94 Quite a few kwaɪt ə fju Một vài
Despite the storm, there were quite
a few people coming to the party.
95 Rather than ˈræðər ðæn Thay vì
He decided to apply for a job rather
than finishing his diploma.
96 Regardless of rəˈgɑrdləs ʌv Bất kể
Regardless of the cost, work safety
is always the number one priority
at the work site.
97 Report to work rɪˈpɔrt tu wɜrk Báo cáo công việc,
Staff will have a Wednesday off
có mặt tại cơ quan
this week and report to work on
98 Right away raɪt əˈweɪ Ngay lập tức You need to have this TV fixed right
99 Room and rum ænd bɔrd Chi phí ăn ở
You will be paid $200 every week,
room and board included.
100 Round-trip raʊnd-trɪp ˈtɪkɪt Vé khứ hồi We
ticket also offer a variety of tickets includi
ng one-way, ten-trip and round-
trip tickets.
101 Run into rʌn ˈɪntu Bắt gặp, tình cờ gặp
Graham ran into someone he used
to know at school the other day.

102 Set aside sɛt əˈsaɪd Để qua một bên, để

He sets aside some time every day
to read to his children.
103 Should you ʃʊd ju hæv ˈɛni Nếu bạn có bất kỳ
Please do not hesitate to contact
have any ˈkwɛsʧənz câu hỏi (đảo ngữ
me should you have any question.
questions của câu IF)
104 Spare no spɛr noʊ ɪkˈspɛns Chi tiêu mạnh tay
The chairman spares no expense in
furnishing his new pent house.
105 Speak highly spik ˈhaɪli ʌv Đánh giá cao về
Though she didn't win, everyone
spoke highly of her personal results
for the marathon
106 Stuck in traffic stʌk ɪn ˈtræfɪk Kẹt xe
I was stuck in traffic for 3 hours as
there was unusually heavy traffic.
107 Take teɪk ədˈvæntɪʤ ʌ Tận dụng lợi thế
Farmers should take advantage of
advantage of v của
the government grants.
108 Take effect teɪk ɪˈfɛkt Có hiệu lực
They had to wait ten minutes for
the anesthetics to take effect
before they stitched up the cut.

109 Took place tʊk pleɪs Đã diễn ra

Daniel suggested that meetings
should take place in the morning
rather than the evening.
110 Thanks to θæŋks tu Nhờ vào
Thanks to careful planning, our
campaign was a success.
111 To whom it tu hum ɪt meɪ Kính gửi ( Không
may kənˈsɜrnd xác định người If you are not sure who will read
concerned nhận/đọc) your email, simply put "To whom it
may concern" at the beginning.

112 Trade fair treɪd fɛr Hội chợ thương mại

This year's annual trade show will
take place at Point Lookout.
113 Until further ənˈtɪl ˈfɜrðər Cho đến khi có
This staircase is closed to the public
notice ˈnoʊtɪs thông báo mới
until further notice.
114 Upon request əˈpɑn rɪˈkwɛst Theo yêu cầu Job references are available upon
115 Wear and tear wɛr ænd tɛr Hao mòn Seat covers on buses take a lot
of wear and tear.
116 Well in wɛl ɪn ədˈvæns Trước khi, làm sớm
Should you wish to cancel your
booking, please notify us in writing
well in advance.
117 When it wɛn ɪt kʌmz tu Khi nói về
When it comes to gardening, look
comes to
no further than G.E.C.K
118 With the wɪθ ði ɪkˈsɛpʃən Ngoại trừ
Our hotline is available during
exception of ʌv
business hours, with the exception
of public holiday.
119 Within wɪˈθɪn ˈwɔkɪŋ Trong khoảng cách
Customers staying at our hotel can
walking ˈdɪstəns đi bộ, gần
enjoy a variety of eateries within
walking distance.
120 Work ethic wɜrk ˈɛθɪk Đạo đức nghề
Due to her strong work ethic, Ms.
Suarez exemplifies as a model

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