Asianism Questionnaire 20 Feb 2023

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Asianism Retold and SIPG at North South University

Asian Values Survey (AVS) - outline of survey

20 February 2023 version
Forums across the world are questioning measurements like GDP as an indicator of progress. This
questioning is not new. In the 1980’s it led to the formulation of the Human Development Index (HDI)
which included areas like life expectancy, education and per capita income as a better representation of
‘well-being’- an important ingredient and outcome of progress.

More recently, different institutions and thinkers across the globe find themselves once again seeking a
more representative indication of well-being. Even HDI does not seem to be sufficient enough. The G20
has taken this up as a whole area of work and aims to support a new indicator.

In a context such as this, the outcome of this survey and report will contribute to these global
conversations. It aims to build on these conversations with actual evidence and thus will be the first of its
kind. In summary, this project focuses on People that move, aiming to understand who these people are,
beyond just an economic identity. To understand their values and what they value. This is being taken up
in consideration of the fact that it is absolutely imperative that this whole being and not just their
economic aspirations are understood by policies. So along with the outcomes of the survey, the report
will also include a section on what are the policy gaps or the newer policy initiatives that will be able to
give these values due consideration.

1. Are you planning to migrate?

o Yes
o No

2. If yes, are you migrating because of common values? (Rate in a scale from 0 to 10, where
0 –Not Important and 10- Very important)

a. Similar Religious Practices

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Individual Freedom

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. Strong family institutions

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d. Strong presence of government or authority in citizens’ life

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

e. Community is prioritized in the destination country

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f. Balance between tradition and modernity

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

g. Shared understanding across different languages

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

h. Spiritual Practices

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. What other reasons are you migrating for? (Rate in a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 –Not
Important and 10- Very important)
a. For a better job

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. For a better quality of life

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. Safety

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d. Political reasons

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

e. Others in my village or community have migrated to this destination

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
f. Health reasons

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

g. Romantic Relationship/Marriage

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

h. Education

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

i. Natural disasters

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. When you migrate, would you like to take your family with you?

a. Yes
b. No

5. When you migrate to another country, in what ways are they different from you?

a. They don’t see family as important

Strongly Disagree o o o o o Strongly Agree

b. My family and I are religious, but they are not

Strongly Disagree o o o o o Strongly Agree

c. Everyone keeps to themselves and there is no sense of community

Strongly Disagree o o o o o Strongly Agree

d. Strong authoritarian government

Strongly Disagree o o o o o Strongly Agree

6. How important is the institution of marriage to your people? (Rate in a scale from 0 to 10,
where 0 –Not Important and 10- Very important)
a. Will stay in a marriage even if it means a lot of sacrifices

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Will not hesitate to leave a marriage in case it is not working

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. Will you choose having a child over a job?

Child Job

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. As a parent what is important to you? (Rate in a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 –Not
Important and 10- Very important)

a. Children should obey their elders

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Children should express themselves freely and say what is on their mind
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. Children should be successful enough to earn money

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

d. Children should be successful enough to have influence in society

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

e. Children should spend time with your extended family

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

f. Children should be taught about their religion

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
----------------------------------------edited up to this--------------------------------------------------------

11. Is your country changing?

1. Money is the main focus

2. People believe in democratic process where there is a process to respect everyone’s view

3. People value having an opportunity to make a difference rather than money

4. People do not want to have children

5. Family is still important

6. People want have a more global outlook than concerning themselves with the country

7. Don’t care about what is happening politically

8. Education is not important, learning on the job is more important.

12. If you had extra money and could spend it in one of two ways, which would you choose?

a) Increase material comfort for myself or immediate family

b) Spending it on extended family or community

c) Save it for a future eventuality

d) Spend it on my health

e) Spend it on my parents’ health

13. What is the preferred way for decisions to be taken in your family?
a) Let the eldest person decide and everyone should follow

b) The most experienced takes the final call

c) Every oneEveryone discusses and the decision should be based on the outcome of that

14. How often do you talk to your neighbors or those in your community?

a) EverydayEvery day

b) 2 to 3 times a week

c) 1 or 2 times a week

d) Rarely

e) Never

4. Would you prefer

a) Friendly neighbors and doing things together with them

b) Being by yourself

5.1. During Covid, you and your neighborhood came together for –

a) Share food

b) Community measures to avoid the spread

c) Taking care of the elderly

d) Nothing. I did not interact with my neighbor

15. During Covid you and your neighborhood came together for-
a). Share food

b). Community measures to avoid the spread

c). Taking care of the elderly

d). Nothing, I did not interact with my neighborhood.

16. When you fall sick- how much are the following in the recovery-

a) Medicines

b) Having your near and dear ones with you

c) Faith / religious practice

17. How often have you visited an Asian country?

a). Which one?

b). I do not consider visiting an Asian country, important

c). I have not had an opportunity to visit, but would like to

18. Have you ever lived outside your country for work? Did you stay alone?

a) Yes

b) No

19. If yes, did you want your family to join you?

a) Yes

b) No

20. What is common among Asians despite the diversity?-

a) Importance of family/community

b) Importance of respect for decisions taken by family elders or local authority figures

c) Religion

d) Food

e) Informal systems

f) Ancestor reverence

g) Zoolatry, or inclusion of animals in worship and reverence

h) Common linguistic heritage, multilingualism (speaking several languages depending on


i) Savings

j) Patriarchy


21. Your degree of willingness to work in the following countries: [PLACE NEAR CHOOSING

No Places (0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

a) Africa
b) South Asia (e.g., India, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka)

c) Middle East & Muslim countries (Saudi Arab, UAE, Egypt, Qatar)

d) Confucian or Far East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea)

e) South East Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia)

f) Europe (Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway)

g) English-speaking countries (USA, UK, NZ, Canada)

h) Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico)

i) Russia

j) Africa (Ghana, South Africa, Libya)

22. Your degree of willingness to work and settle in the following countries:

No Places (0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

a) Africa

b) South Asia (e.g., India, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka)

c) Middle East (e.g., Saudi Arab, UAE)

d) Far East Asia (e.g., Japan, South Korea)

e) China

f) South East Asia (e.g., Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia)

g) Europe

h) USA and Canada

i) Australia and New Zealand

j) Latin America (e.g., Argentina, Brazil)

k) Russia

l) Central Asia (e.g., Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan)

23. In general, what is your willingness to leave your home country and settle/work in abroad?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

24. What is your opinion about the conditions of the following factors in abroad? [CONVERT

No Reasons (0 = Not at all important) (10= Very important)

a) Very individualistic society

b) Too much focus on religion

c) Diverging political ideologies

d) Too many laws/too strict enforcement

e) Family hardship

f) Not enough freedom (to voice opinions/freedom of press, wear what you want to

g) Too much community interference

h) Too many rules and traditions

i) Political corruption

j) High consumerism

k) Immodesty in dress [ADDED BY JM]

l) 6.2. Vulgarity of television / movies / popular music? [ADDED BY JM]

m) 7.3. Children not properly supervised by parents? [ADDED BY JM]

8.4. What is your opinion about the conditions of the following factors in abroad?

No. Reasons (0 = Not at all important) (10= Very important)

a) Lack of work opportunities

b) Insecurity

c) Conflict

d) Natural disasters

e) Family hardship

f) Romantic relationship/marriage

g) Too many people

h) Too many rules and traditions

i) Noise and pollution

9.5. Your degree of willingness to go abroad for

No Reasons (0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

a) Traveling/holidays/visit

b) For higher education

c) Jobs and livelihood

d) Permanently settle

e) Medical treatment abroad

f) Performing religious activities

25. How willing are you to do the following? [TO BE DISCUSSED]

No. (0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

a) Take risks to go abroad

b) Use savings to go abroad

c) I will work as I go

d) I will borrow money to go abroad

e) I will sell something to go abroad

10.6. Your wiliness to take sell properties to go abroad

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

11.7. Rate the following on a scale of 0 to 10

a) Corruption level in your country

(0 = Very low)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10= Very


b) Quality of public services

(0 = Very low)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10= Very


26. Degree of fair treatment [TO BE DISCUSSED]

(0 = Very low)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10= Very


12.8. How worried are you about the future of your family members?
(0 = Very low)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10= Very

27. What is your opinion about the conditions of the following factors in your country?[TO BE

No Factors(0 = Not favorable at all) (10= Very favorable)

a) Following your culture

b) Practicing religion

c) Personal freedom

d) Political freedom

e) Future of my family members

f) Future of my preferred language(s)

13.9. What is your opinion about the conditions of the following factors in abroad?

No Factors(0 = Not favorable at all) (10= Very favorable)

a) Following your culture

b) Practicing religion

c) Personal freedom

d) Political freedom
28. If you go abroad and earn money, how would you want to spend your savings?

a) Interested in donating for non-religious purposes

b) Interested in donating for religious purposes and religious institutions

c) Education for family members or self

d) Buying property for family

e) Not interested in giving away savings

29. How important are the following identities for you?

Identity Not at all important Very important

a) Religious identity 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10

b) Nationality 0

c) Ethnic/communal identity 0

d) Regional (particular district/area) identity 0


e) Political identity 0
30. Independently of whether you come from a religious home or attend religious services (such
as religious ceremonies, festivals, or going to Mandir/Pagoda/Mosque/Church) or not, would you
say you are?

(0 = not religious at all) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

(10= Very religious)

14.10. All things considered (Socio-political, economic, family, etc.), how satisfied are you with
your life as a whole these days?

(0 = Very dissatisfied)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10=

Very satisfied)

31. Regarding the government in your country, which of the following do you think are

a) Level of authoritarianism

b) Law and order

c) Respect for individual rights

d) Freedom of speech / press

e) Transparency

f) More to add…
32. Please say whether you think education in your country is too Western. Does it reflect who
you are?

(0 = Too Western, does not reflect who I am) 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 (10= Reflects who I am, not too Western)

33. On the whole, how satisfied are you with the present state of the economy in your country?

(0 = Very dissatisfied)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (10=

Very satisfied)

34. How would you respond to the following statements about different social relationships?

No. Statements Strongly Disagree

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Strongly Agree


a) Children should follow the instructions of their parents

b) The decisions of top officials in government should be followed, even if you don’t
completely agree
c) It is natural that those with power, money and belonging to a high-status family
background should always be respected and obeyed

d) For the sake of the family, the individual should put his personal interests second

e) In a group, we should sacrifice our individual interest for the sake of the group’s
collective interest

f) For the sake of national interest, individual/group interests should come second

g) When dealing with others, developing a long-term relationship is more important

than securing one’s immediate interests

h) When a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law come into conflict, even if the

mother-in-law is in the wrong, the husband should still persuade his wife to obey his mother

i) Being a student, one should not question the authority of the teacher

j) In a group, we should avoid open quarrel to preserve the harmony of the group

k) Prayer/belief alone can overcome difficult circumstances and bad luck

l) If one could have only one child, it is more preferable to have a boy than a girl
15.11. I am going to name a number of organizations and institutions. For each one, could you
tell me how much confidence you have in them: is it a great deal of confidence, quite a lot of
confidence, not very much confidence or none at all?

Organizations/Institutions None at all

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A great deal of


a) Central Government 0

b) Civil Service 0

c) Political Parties 0

d) Higher Judiciary 0

e) The Police 0

16.12. Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you need to be
very careful in dealing with people?

a) Most people can be trusted

b) Need to be careful in dealing with people

c) Most people cannot be trusted

35. In the past year, how often, if at all, have you personally been discriminated against based on
any of the following:

Discriminated on… Never

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Always


a) Your gender

b) Your religion

c) Your ethnicity

d) Your district/region

e) Political affiliation

f) Social status and financial abilities

36. Which of the following medium is your important source of information?

Sources Not at all A lot

a) Personal inquiry (newspaper, television, radio) 0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b) Facebook/ Social media 0

c) Tea stall/Gathering 0

37. To raise children to have good values considered important in your home country, which of
the following should you stress? [ADDED BY JM]

a) Use terms of respect for elders (e.g., “Sir,” “Ma’am”)

b) Be considerate of parents and grandparents

c) Be frugal and learn the value of money

d) Dress properly and be neat in appearance

e) Be honest and work hard

f) Be reverent toward religious figures (priests, monks, nuns, holy seekers)

g) Wake up early and go to bed early

h) Don’t waste time

38. How important is it that your son or daughter marry someone who shares the values in your
country? ?

Very Important 🡨🡪 Not Important

39. How important is it that your son or daughter and his or her spouse, along with your
grandchildren, live nearby? ? [ADDED BY JM]

Very Important 🡨🡪 Not Important


17.13. Experiment 1

Control Group

Imagine that you got a job in abroad which is sufficient for you and your family to have a good
life. What is your willingness to migrate to that place?

(0 = Very low)(10= Very high)

Treatment 1

Imagine that you got a job in abroad which is sufficient for you and your family to have a good
life. However, there is a problem in terms of “freedom of speech” in that place. What is your
wiliness to migrate to that place?

(0 = Very low)(10= Very high)

Treatment 2

Imagine that you got a job in abroad which is sufficient for you and your family to have a good
life. However, there is strictness in terms of the “dress code” in that place. What is your
willingness to migrate to that place?
(0 = Very low)(10= Very high)

Treatment 3

Imagine that you got a job in abroad which is sufficient for you and your family to have a good
life. However, there is the problem of “security” in that place. What is your willingness to
migrate to that place?

(0 = Very low)(10= Very high)

Experiment 1 (Destination country like Singapore)

Control Group

Your government signed a treaty with a country to bring labor migrants. What is your
willingness to accept them in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

Treatment 1

Your government signed a treaty with a country to bring labor migrants Those people also
belong to your own religion. What is your willingness to accept them in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

Treatment 2
Your government signed a treaty with a country to bring labor migrants. Those people also
belong to your own religion and they are very skilled people. What is your willingness to accept
them in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

Treatment 3

Your government signed a treaty with a country to bring labor migrants. Those people are from a
different religion than yours. What is your willingness to accept them in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

Treatment 4

Your government signed a treaty with a country to bring labor migrants. Those people are from a
different religion than yours but they are very skilled people. What is your willingness to accept
them in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

Experiment 2

Control Group

Imagine, there is a war in a country, and people from that country flee to your country. What is
your willingness to accept them as refugees in your country?

(0 = Accept Even If Non-Asian) (10= Accept If Asian)

Treatment 1

Imagine, there is a war in a country, and people from that country flee to your country. Those
people also belong to your own religion. What is your willingness to accept them as refugees in
your country?

(0 = Accept Even If Non-Asian) (10= Accept If Asian)

Treatment 2

Imagine, there is a war in a country, and people from that country flee to your country. However,
those people are from a different religion than yours. What is your willingness to accept them as
refugees in your country?

(0 = Not at all interested) (10= Very interested)

18.14. Experiment 3

Control Group

Imagine that you are living in a Western country/abroad and need to apply for a visa extension.

How much trust will you have to get fair treatment?

0= No trust at all 10 = A
lot of trust

Treatment 1
Imagine that you need a loan. Would you be more willing to ask a relative or a bank?

0= No trust at all 10 = A
lot of trust

Treatment 2

Imagine that you are at an airport and can choose between interacting with a human agent or AI
(Artificial Intelligence). Which would you choose?

0= No trust at all 10 = A
lot of trust

Experiment 3

Control Group

Would you feel more apprehension traveling to a Western European country or to another
country in Asia?

0= Very low probability

10 = Very high probability

Treatment 1

Would you trust someone from a foreign country who spoke your language more than someone
from a foreign country who did not speak your language?

0= Very low probability

10 = Very high probability
Treatment 2

Imagine you are speaking in your country with two foreigners, one of whom looks like you.
Which would you trust more?

0= Very low probability

10 = Very high probability

Treatment 2

Would you be inclined to trust someone less who ate food different from yours?

0= Very low probability

10 = Very high probability

Experiment 4

Treatment 1

Suppose your country is playing in the final of a regional football tournament. Anyone who can
score in the game and help your country to win will become a national hero. In such a situation,
one player gets a ball near the goalpost of the opposite team, but from that place, it is difficult to

The player still tried to score instead of giving a pass to another player close to the goalpost, and
he was successful in scoring.

How happy are you with this player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all happy 10 =

Very happy
What is your evaluation of the sincerity of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all sincere 10 =

Very sincere

What is your evaluation of the selfishness of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Very selfish 10 =
Not at all selfish

Treatment 2

Suppose your country is playing in the final of a regional football tournament. Anyone who can
score in the game and help your country to win will become a national hero. In such a situation,
one player gets a ball near the goalpost of the opposite team, but from that place, it is difficult to

The player still tried to score instead of giving a pass to another player close to the goalpost, and
he was unsuccessful in scoring.

How happy are you with this player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all happy 10 =

Very happy

What is your evaluation of the sincerity of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all sincere 10 =

Very sincere

What is your evaluation of the selfishness of the player (who got the ball first)?
0= Very selfish 10 =
Not at all selfish

Treatment 3

Suppose your country is playing in the final of a regional football tournament. Anyone who can
score in the game and help your country to win will become a national hero. In such a situation,
one player gets a ball near the goalpost of the opposite team, but from that place, it is difficult to

The player passed the ball to another player close to the goalpost, and he was successful in

How happy are you with this player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all happy 10 =

Very happy

What is your evaluation of the sincerity of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all sincere 10 =

Very sincere

What is your evaluation of the selfishness of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Very selfish 10 =
Not at all selfish

Treatment 4
Suppose your country is playing in the final of a regional football tournament. Anyone who can
score in the game and help your country to win will become a national hero. In such a situation,
one player gets a ball near the goalpost of the opposite team, but from that place, it is difficult to

The player passed the ball to another player close to the goalpost, and he was unsuccessful in

How happy are you with this player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all happy 10 =

Very happy

What is your evaluation of the sincerity of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Not at all sincere 10 =

Very sincere

What is your evaluation of the selfishness of the player (who got the ball first)?

0= Very selfish 10 =
Not at all selfish

Experiment 5

Control Group

Suppose you are a boss/head of an office. Under you, there is an employee. You find that he is
sincere and efficient in his work.

How willing are you to give him a promotion in the next evaluation phase?
0= Not willing at all 10 =
Very much willing

Treatment 1

Suppose you are a boss/head of an office. Under you, there is an employee who is inefficient and
unproductive, but who has a large family to support. How willing would you be to fire that

0= Not willing at all 10 =

Very much willing

Treatment 2

Suppose you are a boss/head of an office. Under you, there is an employee. You find that he is
sincere and efficient in his work. He often demands his promotion from you.

How willing are you to give him a promotion in the next evaluation phase?

0= Not willing at all 10 =

Very much willing

19.15. Visitors from abroad should be treated with utmost hospitality and respect, regardless of
their nationality.

a) Agree

b) Disagree

Socio-demographic questions
1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age range? (give ranges)

3. Are you the eldest in your family?

4. How many children do you have?

5. What is your family’s income? (give ranges)

6. How many years of schooling have you completed?

7. You are a citizen of:

a) Bangladesh

b) India

c) Singapore

8. Which city do you stay in?

9. Do you stay in

a) Your own home

b) Rented home

c) Slum

d) Relative’s home

e) Parents home

f) pavement

10. What is the nature of your work?

a) Manual

b) Domestic work

c) Professional (doctor, lawyer, teacher, etc.)

d) High level executive

e) Organization head

f) Artist

12. Religion:

1. Buddhism

2. Christianity

3. Hinduism

4. Jainism

5. Islam

6. Other religion (Please specify)

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