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Family therapy

Indication and space to submit task #2

Dear: after reading and analyzing unit II: THE FAMILY, CONCEPT,
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS of the basic text: Vergés, Luís. Concepts
and skills in Family Therapy. First edition. Owl. Santo Domingo. 2008.
Take the following actions
1- Create a mental map highlighting the concept of family and its

Bibliography : Vergés, Luís. (2008). Concepts and Skills in Family Therapy. Santo
Domingo: Owl.

Complete Reading Summary Critical comment .

The concept of family The family is a group of people who live

together in the same space. It is made up of a
The family is considered the most father, mother and children.
fundamental institution among all those
that make up society. It is attributed Depending on how the family is made up, it
sexual, reproductive, economic, can be classified into: Nuclear family
emotional, educational and socializing
functions. Large or extended families and they are
subdivided into:
The dictionary of the Royal Spanish
Academy defines the family as a group of Multigenerational families.
people related to each other, collateral Multinuclear families
and related to a lineage. Children or
offspring. Number of one's servants, Trunk families
although they do not live together within
polygamous families
their house. Group of individuals who
have something in common. The family has specific functions and they
are: sexual, economic, reproductive and
Types of family
educational functions.
nuclear family

Large or extended families and they are

subdivided into:

Multigenerational families.
Multinuclear families

Trunk families

polygamous families


Murdock proposed four key functions of

the family: sexual, economic,
reproductive and educational functions.
Despite the changes that have occurred
in the world, these functions are still

3 to 5 provocative quotes from the Reasons why you consider them

reading provocative.

Fernandez M. Garrido, the family is a Because they propose that the family is a
society made up of the husband, wife and society made up of the husband, wife and
children of both, and united by legal ties, children. But that term will depend on each
with prescribed rights and obligations, as author.
well as by psychological and emotional

Alberto Espinal family is a group that has For me, the family is a group of people made
a basic structure (father, mother, children) up of a father, mother and children who live in
living in a space during various life cycles, the same space.
which has as it were not fulfilling sexual,
reproductive, economic, socio-
educational and emotional functions and
which functions as a system with their
own rules.

Murdock 1995 proposed four key

functions of the family: sexual, economic,
reproductive and educational functions.
2- - Build a double-entry diary of the Family Structure according to
Salvador Minuchín's approach.
Minuchin's ideas have been very influential in the understanding of family
structure and functioning. From his approach, the family is seen as a social unit
that faces a series of developmental tasks. These differ according to the
parameters of cultural differences, but they have universal roots.

The first axiom states that the

psychic life of an individual is not
exclusively an internal process.

The second axiom that underlies

change is that modifications in a
family structure constitute the
production of changes in behavior
and psychic processes.

The third axiom is that when a

therapist works with a patient or a
patient's family, his or her behavior
is influenced in that context.

3- Name the types of family and describe their main characteristics.

 Nuclear Family : made up of the mother, father and children, it is the

typical classic family.
 Extended Family : made up of relatives whose relationships are not only
between parents and children. An extended family may include
grandparents, uncles, cousins, and others related or related.
 Single Parent Family : made up of only one parent (most often the
mother) and their children. It can have various origins: separated or
divorced parents where the children remain living with one of the parents,
due to an early pregnancy where a single mother family is formed and
finally the death of one of the spouses.
 Homoparental Family : formed by a homosexual couple (men or women)
and their biological or adopted children
 Blended Family : it is made up of aggregates of two or more families
(example: single mother with children joins a widowed father with
children). This type also includes those families made up only of siblings,
or friends, where the meaning of the word “family” does not have to do
with blood relationship, but above all with feelings, coexistence and
solidarity, who live together in the family. same space.
 De facto family : this type of family takes place when the couple lives
together without any legal relationship.

II-You have asked yourself if family therapy can offer all types of
psychological support, explain your answer.
Family therapy can help improve problematic relationships with your spouse,
children, or other family members. You can address specific issues such as
marital or financial problems, conflicts between parents and children, or the
effects of substance abuse or mental illness on the entire family.
According to the description of family types, what type of family do you
belong to and why?
Single-parent family : formed by only one of the parents (most often the mother)
and their children

Indication and space to submit task #3

Distinguished participant, after the analysis of unit III: Evaluation of the
family system, in the text: Concept and basic skills in Family Therapy, by
the author, Luis Verges.

I-Make a double-entry diary on these subtopics:

Evaluation using the genogram Evaluation of family competencies

technique. and effectiveness.

They are an important part in the design It is a concept that allows us to assess
of the therapeutic intervention process. family functioning in light of the
fulfillment of the sexual, reproductive,
Mapping the family structure cultural, economic and socializing tasks
that are reserved for them.
Collection of information about the family
Personal development
Delineation of family relationships
Personal satisfaction


II-Represent the members and the relationships of closeness or distance

that occur in your family of origin, using the genogram technique (scan,
photo. physical)
Indication and space to submit task #4

Distinguished participant, after reading and analyzing chapter VI: The

intervention models in family therapy of the book: Vergés, Luís. Concepts
and skills in Family Therapy. First edition. Owl. Santo Domingo. 2008. P.

1- Prepare a comparative table that contains: different types of family and

systemic family therapy. Research in different bibliographies, basic book,
complementary to the program and the book, Family Therapy techniques,
By Salvador Minuchin.

Solution Therapy: Palo Alto Therapy:

Unlike the problem-focused This brief therapy approach was
approach that is limited to exploring created around 1968, with a group
the problem and discovering what consisting of Paul Watzlawick,
sustains the problem, the solution- Richard Fish, John H. Weakland and
focused approach expands on all Lynn Segal. The approach is
those moments (exceptions) in which characterized by focusing on the
the presents the problem or when the problem or difficulty of the consultant,
problematic situation is controlled by but it is not an approach that is based
the consultant, thereby identifying on pathologies. Specifically, it
those solution patterns, placing intervenes in the so-called "attempted
emphasis on their development and solutions", these being those
establishment. responses that the consultants give to
the problem with the intention of
During the first session it is not solving it, but who ultimately fail to
necessary to talk much about the provide a true solution, however, their
problem that leads the clients to "attempted solution" continues to be
request therapy; a brief description is applied over and over again. time,
enough to begin the therapeutic believing that if they do more of the
work. same they will be able to solve their
After this description, the therapist's problem. In fact, the term "attempted
efforts must focus on finding effective solution" is used by Paul Watzlawick
solutions through exceptions as a concept within the theory he
(occasions in which the problem manages and places a lot of
does not occur). emphasis on it. This approach
proposes that these attempted
The objective sought by therapy is to solutions are those that maintain the
expand the exceptions and this problem that leads them to therapy or,
requires a thorough description of to put it another way, they consider
them by the consultant, thereby that a difficulty becomes a real
finding the solution patterns that, problem when a solution is given to
when expanded, begin to generate that difficulty and it does not work.
the desired change. result, but despite this it is reapplied,
increasing it even more.

Structural Therapy: Strategic Therapy:

In general, it is worth mentioning that This is a general approach that

the therapy is divided into three constitutes therapy derived from
parts, during the first part the Milton Erikson. This therapy focuses
therapist's function is to join the on social solutions not on the
family maintaining a position of individual. Your goal is to identify
authority or leadership, in the next solvable problems, set goals,
part, the therapist separates in order examine the responses you receive to
to evaluate the structure of the family correct your approach.
and in the last part the purpose is to
create situations that allow the family
structure to change. "The evaluation
is based on a series of hypotheses
about the systemic interaction
between the total family context and
the symptomatic behaviors of its
individual members and continues to
test these hypotheses through a
process of interaction between the
therapist and the family called "co-
participation" that also allows
creating a strong therapeutic
relationship. Structural family therapy
considers that a family is effective
when it is an open social system,
which is continually in transformation
and has links with the extra-familial,
which allows it to have a capacity for
development and an organizational
structure made up of subsystems.

Likewise, it maintains a "continuous

exchange of inputs with the extra
familiar and that adapts to the
demands, in each case different, of
the evolutionary state in which it is
found." On the other hand, within a
family transaction patterns are
developed designed to ensure that
the behavior of its individual
members is regulated in harmony
with the general script, which
commands the survival of the family
in the surrounding world .

Social Constructivism Therapy in Transgenerational Therapy:

Family Therapy:
Transgenerational analysis quickly
This model consists of grouping a brings to light the dynamic that
series of theories based on the idea causes suffering and, if the
that reality is an intersubjective appropriate circumstances are met,
phenomenon that is built in corrects it on the spot.
conversations between people. The This Therapy differs from others
most dominant idea in constructivism because of its extreme speed. In the
is what we perceive as real, which is Transgenerational session, the true
often due to dominant beliefs. What issue causing the problem presented
is between us and society? by the consultant comes to light and
is addressed, as opposed to
processes that can last years in other
types of Therapies, such as
Psychoanalysis. That is why more
and more psychologists, psychiatrists
and psychoanalysts are interested in
the Family Tree as a therapeutic tool.

The scope of the work is not limited to

the person who has made their
Family Tree, but also to their family
system, since when one element of
the system moves, all are relocated in
turn, finding a better balance.

"Half of your Being consists of your

mother and half of your Being
consists of your father. You are here
for them. Everything that is happening
to you is, in a way, because of them."

Experiential family therapy:

In this model, the family space is

described as the place to share
experiences. According to this
approach, the denial of impulses and
the suppression of feelings are the
roots of family problems. The main
goal in experiential therapy is to
increase personal integrity. and
expand the experimentation of
emotions and individual growth that
merges with the goal of
strengthening the family unit

Behavioral therapy:

Behavioral family therapy owes its

origins to Gerald Patteson, who
worked with children with behavioral
disorders, and Robert Lieberman
with adult mental illness. Their
theories highlighted the importance
of teaching strategies to reduce
problematic behaviors.

Functional family therapy: Triangulation family therapy: these

are the tactical and emotional
Functional family therapy among the alliances between the members of the
objectives of this therapy is to system. It is typical of the family with
promote change in long-term negative aspects and family conflicts.
relationships and improve family
effectiveness in different scenarios.

II- After studying and comparing these models, answer these questions:

a. What is the principle of each intervention model in family therapy.

Cognitive family therapy has origins in individual practice, Beck,

Rush, Emery, & Shaw, 1979, Ellis 1962.

The rational emotive therapy of Ellis 1962 tells us that it is not so

much the facts that are involved in a given situation that matter,
but rather the way of evaluating each event as positive and

Structural emphasizes the distribution of power and flexibility. This

model that manages the hierarchy, where the elders have higher

Structural therapy is restructuring the system as the family allows

or resists it.

The MRI promotes that through quality interactions between family

members, it is possible to resolve conflicts that exist between
The Milan school was developed in the decade from 1971 to
1980, through the research of the team by Mara Selvini, Prata;
Boscolo, Cecchin.

The palo school has its origins in palo alto. Don Jackson, a
psychiatrist, decided to found Metal Researsh in 1959.

Systemic therapy is the key, family therapy starting in the 1950s

developed a systems theory, considering that problems within the
family unit are the result of a transmission process.

b-Mention the main techniques applied in each model.

The historical model of systemic models is linked to the evaluation of

family therapy.

In the 1950s, some therapists trained in Psychoanalytic orientation

began to include the family in treatment.

In this decade the Milan group and the Palo Alto group were most
influential in family therapy.

Structural therapy focuses on the activities and interactions that occur

between family members.

Experiential therapy developed work focused on optimizing

communication channels within the family.

The Milan school, a prominent aspect of this approach is the so-called

treatment demand analysis through which it develops its first hypothesis
on the role played by the so-called patient identified with family

c-. What do you understand to be the main one? Because?

I identify with solution-focused therapy, because family members seek the

resources and strength to solve their problems and thus changes are achieved.
This therapy focuses on solutions and that it is possible to change.

2- Prepare a comparative table of development crises considering:

a- Types of development crises

b- Characteristics

c- Treatment.

Crises can be developmental (expected) or circumstantial (accidental,

unexpected or unforeseeable).
Development crisis:

Developmental crises are more predictable and occur when a person goes
through stages in their life from childhood to old age. They present
undifferentiated behavior and mark a disorder in the intellectual and emotional

_Crisis of birth and childhood

_Puberty crisis and adolescence

_Crisis of early youth

_Midlife crisis

_Elderly crisis

Circumstantial crises:

Circumstantial crises are unexpected, accidental and depend above all on

environmental factors.

They encompass a psychological and behavioral alteration in the event of loss

or threat of loss of basic contributions (physical, psychosocial and sociocultural,
which are interrelated).




_Body diseases


- new job

-economic failure



The circumstantial crisis has five characteristics:

1) It is sudden: it appears suddenly.

2) It is unexpected: it cannot be anticipated.

3) It is urgent, since it threatens physical or psychological well-being.

4) Massive: many circumstantial crises affect many people at the same time (for
example natural disasters).

5) Danger and opportunity: the crisis can lead to an improvement or worsening

of the person's situation.

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