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From here, you find the list with a large number of meanings of the figures that may

appear when reading the coffee , of course it is impossible for them all to be there,
since the imagination can be infinite and millions of shapes can be found (just as than in
the clouds) that would be impossible to list, but here I tell you about more than 300
ways that you can see in coffee reading.

They are in alphabetical order so you can easily and quickly find what you are
looking for.


Bee: Social success, good news.

 Near the handle of the cup – accumulation of friends.

 Swarm of bees — Success with a working audience. Prosperity

Fir : artistic success. The taller the tree, the better.

Eagle : sudden danger, jealousy. Also A change for the better.

Needle : Admiration

Alas : Expected messages arrive.

Anchor: An anchor is good news for success. You will quickly complete your projects.
Anchoring also means traveling. If when reading the coffee an anchor appears in:

 The top of the cup – success in business and romance.

 Middle of the cup – prosperous journey.
 Near the bottom of the cup – social success. Anticipate difficulties

Angel: Good news.

Torch : A turn for the better.

Spider : Determination and being persistent, reserved, money coming in. Spoon:

Tree: A tree means that the money you have invested in an agreement, partnership, or
individual project will bring you benefits, but you will have to be more patient. Changes
for the better, ambitions fulfilled.

 Surrounded by dots – your fortune is in your country.

Shrub/shrub: New friends, new opportunities.

Bow and arrow together: A scandal, gossip.

Arc: illness, accident

Rainbow : Happiness, prosperity.

Squirrel : prosperity after a bad time.

Hoops/Earrings : misunderstanding.

Harp : Harmony in love.

Ace of hearts (card): Happiness.

Ace of diamonds (playing card): A gift.

Ace of Spades (card): Success in a building

Coffin : If a coffin appears when reading the coffee, it does not mean death, but bad

Ostrich : journey.

Plane: Sudden trip, does not present any risk. A big disappointment possible. If it is
broken, it indicates an accident.

Wasp : Problems in love

Hoe/Hoe : Hard work leads to success.

Dancer/dancer : Disappointment.

Balance : A demand.

 If it is balanced – justice.
 Unbalanced – Injustice

B allena: It is also a symbol of success, although more related to relationships or love,

possibly a person who is important to you comes closer, takes your side. Indicates
happiness within a friendly, loving or marital relationship. However, some
interpretations associate it with business success.

Flag : Near, imminent danger.

Boat: if you see a boat when reading the coffee, it means the arrival of a friend. A safe

Barrel: A party.
Walking stick : a visitor

Bayonet: A minor accident, a malicious remark.

Baby: It does not mean the arrival of a child, but convenience, comfort, being cared for
and satisfied with your needs. If you are sad, you will be comforted and calmed.


 At the top of the cup – Financial success.

 In the middle of the cup – Good health.
 Near the bottom of the cup – Improved health or finances.

Ball: A person related to sports, or variable fortunes in their life.

Bag: A trap.

 If it is open you can escape,

 If it is closed you are trapped.

Bag: A bag or a form of wallet tells us that money will come to us, but we must be
careful when spending it, we must try to conserve it and be thrifty.

Boomerang: Betrayal, envy.

Boot: An achievement, protection against pain.

 In the opposite direction of the cup handle – dismissal.

 If it is broken – Failure

Bottle: Pleasure. Various bottles -. Disease

Vault: Work abroad, a wedding

Fishing buoy: Keep waiting.

Compass : A change of job.

Loop/curl : Impulsive actions could lead to problems.

Jester/Joker : party or social gathering. Alternatively, avoid frivolity, be serious.

Owl : gossip, a scandal, failure.

 At the bottom of the cup – financial failure.

 Near the cup handle – Internal insufficiency

Vulture : loss, theft, an enemy of authority.

Donkey : Be patient and optimistic.


Easel : artistic success.

Galloping horse - good news from a lover.

Horse head only – imminent romance

Head : New opportunities

Cabin : A disappointment

Goat : threat of enemies. News about a sailor.

Cockatoo : Problems between friends.

Casserole : You will experience anxieties

Chain :

 If she is healthy and whole – an engagement or wedding.

 If it is broken or open – liberation, an expected divorce.

Coffee maker : Mild illness.


 Open : Romantic problems solved.

 If closed : Lost items will be found

Bed: things continue by inertia

Camel : Useful news.

Bell: It means that you will receive unexpected news

 Near the top of the cup – promotion.

 Near the bottom of the cup – sad news.
 Two bells – joy.
 Several bells – A wedding


 If it is empty – money worries.

 If it is complete – a gift.
 If it is close to the handle of the cup – a baby.
 If it is at the top of the cup – possessions.
 If it is full of flowers – social success.
 Surrounded by dots – unexpected money that comes to you.


 Open – a surprise.
 Closed – A warning

Crab : An enemy retreats.

Kangaroo : domestic harmony.

Cannon : News from a soldier or government employee.

Face/Face : a change, setback, setback, adversity.

 Several faces: A party, social gathering.

Wheelbarrow : A reunion with an old friend.

House: This shape indicates consolidation, solidity, family support, the achievement of
a home, security, containment, family, well-being or even the purchase of a property.

 If the house has a chimney it indicates movement, moving, entering new


Waterfall : Prosperity

Castle - financial gains through marriage, a strong desire to make yourself known.

Zebra - adventure abroad, an unstable life.

Fence : Limitation of activities, minor setbacks, inability to do what you want. It is

always negative in a coffee reading.

Pig : material success brings emotional problems.

Cherries : A happy love story

Scepter : Power, authority

Fireplace : Home-related issues. Hidden risks.

Deer : A dispute or fight. In a cafeomancy reading it can symbolize the couple's


Cigars : New friends.

Swan : progress

Nail : Malice, injustice, sharp pain

Car/automobile: Good fortune

Crocodile/caiman: Betrayal, an accident.

Hill : obstacles, setbacks.

Necklace: The dots in the shape of a necklace remind that it takes great efforts to win a
person's heart. You must make sacrifices and fight to conquer that love. It is also
interpreted as dependence on others for success and happiness.

 Complete necklace – admirers.

 Broken necklace: The end of a relationship.

Column/Pillar : Friends give support. Promotion, success, arrogance.

Comet : wishes come true, don't take risks, scandal. An unexpected visit.

Seashell : Good news

Rabbit : Overcome shyness, be brave. sensual passion

Cup : Reward for effort

Heart : Happy love and marriage, a trusted friend

Bugle/clarion : Hard work ahead, need to build, impetuous advances.

Corona: It is a sign of success. You are going to work very hard and you will be
rewarded with great success. Happiness ahead. Honor, success, a wish come true, a

Curtain : A secret surrounds you that you don't know.

Skull or calavera: Don't be scared! It is the sign that the outcome of a governmental or
legal matter in which you are involved will be in your favor.

Cross : When reading coffee, a cross indicates sacrifice, problems, health problems.

 Inside a square – problems avoided.

 Two crosses – long life.
 Three crosses – Obtain a great achievement

Knife : broken relationships.

 Near the handle of the cup – divorce .

 At the bottom of the cup – demands.
 Crossed knives – Arguments.

Horn : Abundance
Raven : Bad news.

Dagger : impetuosity, danger ahead, enemies.

Thimble : domestic changes.

Finger : Underlines the symbol it points to.

Defense/bumper : Be careful of a person you don't like

Devil/demon: evil influences from third parties

Two thick lines: They mean that you or someone close to you will take a sea trip,
which can be for pleasure, but more often it is for business.

Dragon : unforeseen changes, problems. The destination is uncertain, but not bad. It is
simply open and you must carefully consider the choices you make, because that will
become your destiny.


Elephant : wisdom, strength, lasting success, a trusted friend

Nurse : Illness.

Packaging : service to society.

Spiral staircase : Quick career advancement

Beetle: Scandal, a difficult undertaking.

Broom : Small worries disappear. A false friend.

Desk/desk : letter with good news.

Shield : A farewell, the end of a friendship

Sword : Disappointment, quarrels.

Handcuffs/shackles : Trouble ahead.

Skeleton : loss of money, poor health.

 If the star is empty , that is, only the outline is visible, it is a short trip.
 If the star is full , the trip will be long and possibly to another country.

A star can also indicate an important financial investment, and depending on which side
of the cup it is on, it will be successful or not.

Lighthouse : a threatening, but avoided, situation or problem. Success is achieved

through a friend

Railway : long journey.

Arrow: Bad news

Flower: Always indicates something positive, a wish that comes true, the achievement
of love or perhaps a promotion, a salary increase. I wish something comes true.

Lavender flowers : Good fortune

Beans/beans/beans: Poverty.

Fruit : Prosperity.

Fire : Achievement, avoiding hasty decisions

Bellows: Plans will be delayed due to delays, but they will be fulfilled

Source : A birth. Future success and happiness. Another very positive figure.

How are we doing? Don't you think cafeomancy is a wonderful art, symbols that allow
us to reveal little by little what the past tells us and the future holds for us! A wonder...
Let's continue, with the meaning of the figures in the coffee reading ...

Bagpipes: Disappointment.

Hen : domestic happiness

Livestock (cows/pigs/sheep): Prosperity.

Goose : Invitations, unexpected visitors.

Claw : A hidden enemy

Cat : If a cat appears when reading the coffee, this tells us about a fight, a betrayal, a
false friend.

People: People holding hands indicates a good agreement very soon, the consolidation
of a couple, a very profitable business partnership.

 Figures of people indicate meetings, outings with friends, close people to share,
meeting new and pleasant people, going to places with many people.

Globe: short-term problems.

Swallow : speed of decision, unexpected trips.

Gondola : Romance, travel.

Cap : Problems in the future -. Beware.

Gramophone : pleasure.

Scythe : Danger

Glove : A challenge.

Garland : Success, great honor.

Guitar : Happiness in love.

Worm : Scandal.

Axe: If when reading the coffee we find an axe, this represents difficulties and problems
that can be overcome.

Fairy : Joy and enchantment

Buckle : Disappointments will appear.

Fern : Disloyalty, unfaithful lover.

Hay/haystack : Think before you act

Horseshoe : In cafeomancy it is also a symbol of very good luck.

Ivy Leaf - Trusted friend.

Leaf: The image of a plant leaf means reunion with an old friend, news from a distant
friend. It also indicates a successful meeting, prosperity, good fortune.
Man :

 Near the handle of the cup – a visitor.

 In another part of the cup – meeting with a family member.
 If the figure is well visible and defined , the visitor will be dark-haired.
 If the figure is not clear, indefinite, the visitor will be light-haired.
 With his arm outstretched – he arrives with gifts.

Fungus :

 If it is straight , growth.
 If it is reversed , setbacks.
 Near the handle of the cup – Possibility of housing.

Gallows : social failure, confused enemies.

Ant: Success through perseverance

Fork : fights

Vegetables : unhappiness followed by joy.

Sickle : disappointment in love

Egg cup : in cafeomancy it represents a difficult or dangerous economic situation that

passes and is overcome.

Egg : time of prosperity, success – the more eggs the better the outlook.


Iceberg : Danger.

Church/convent/monastery: Freedom from worries

Initials : They are generally related in a cafeomancy reading with the people you know.
If it is next to a triangle, the initials correspond to strangers.

Insects : minor problems soon overcome.


Jug : You are gaining importance. Good health.

Vase : A friend in need.

Bird cage: Obstacles, fights in the family nest.

Cage : Prompt proposal.

Giraffe : Think before you speak.

Jockey/rider : There is speculation surrounding you.

Jewel : You receive a present

Lamp :

 Near the handle of the cup – money.

 Near the edge of the cup – celebration.
 On the opposite side of the handle – personal loss.
 At the bottom of the cup – Postponing social event.
 Two lamps – Two marriages

Long sight/binoculars : A fight, the loss of a friend.

Sink/bowl/basin: Problems at home.

 If it is broken , serious problems


 Lion's Head: It means that your wishes will become reality. You will stop
dreaming to move on to the real plane of concrete things.
 If the whole lion is seen, your success will remain stable and you will have
great recognition from your friends, family, partners, superiors or the
community. influential friends

Leopard : News of a trip. Letter with news.

 Near a group of points – Money news


 If open – Expect legal action, future success.

 Closed – delays, difficult studies.

Hare : Shyness, news from a friend.

Key: If when reading the coffee grounds we find a key, this can mean changing house, a
move, the acquisition of a property, but also a love conquest, conquering someone's
heart, knowing the secrets of the heart of a loved person. , make someone love us.
 If the key appears next to a lock or padlock : It means that you must keep a
secret or maintain strict silence about something that you know and should not
be made known. New opportunities, doors that open to good possibilities.
 If the keys are crossed – Success. Two keys near the bottom of the cup –

Wolf : Jealousy, selfishness.

Parrot : A scandal, a difficult trip.

Moon :

 Complete or full – a love story.

 In crescent – new projects.
 In the last quarter – declining fortune.
 Darkened or new moon – depression.
 Surrounded by dots -. Marriage for money

Hand: Indicates a successful agreement, an early meeting that will be beneficial to you.

 If a ring is seen on a finger it indicates marriage.

Apple: Achievement of matters

Map : A journey and change. If the map roughly shows a country, it could indicate a
visit to that place, or represent someone from there.

Margaret : happiness in love.

Butterfly: It is a sign of a friendship that confuses us, someone who fills our heads with
gossip, someone who tempts us to make decisions we do not want. A butterfly reading
the coffee grounds reminds you that you must react by ending that friendship. Be
careful! Frivolity, inconstancy.

 Surrounded by dots – wasting money.

Hammer : Overcoming obstacles, cruelty, work that is unpleasant.

Mask : deception.

Medal : A reward.

Table : Social meeting.

 Surrounded by dots – Financial conference, money deals.

Mithras : honors.
Windmill : Business success will come through hard work rather than genius or quick

Currency : Borrowed money comes back.

Wallet : Prosperity.

 At the bottom of the cup – Loss

Nun : Quarantine.

Monkey : make a prank, fun

Monster : Hidden terrors, fear of loneliness.

Mountain : Obstacle, high ambition

Monument : lasting happiness.

Bow (a ribbon making a bow): A happy event is near. It could be a sign of your own
commitment or that you could be invited to a wedding.

Fly : domestic irritations. The more flies, the more small problems.

Engine : Fast news, ongoing ventures, advances.

Mistletoe : An important event will happen in the winter.

Woman : Pleasure

Crutch : You receive help from a friend

Bat/vampire: False friends, a journey that ends in disappointment.

Narcissus : great happiness.

Razor : fights, separations.

Bird's nest: Domestic harmony, love.

Musical notes : good fortune.

Clouds : Problems in the future.

 Surrounded by dots : Money problems ahead.

Numbers : Indicates a time period, the number of days before an event occurs.


Bishop: Good luck is on the way

Ear/ear : Unexpected news.

Keyhole : Beware of idle curiosity

Eye: Finding the shape of an eye doing the coffee reading can indicate two things:

 The first is a sign that there is someone who is very envious of you.
 The second is that someone is chasing you, watching you, because they are
interested in you in a loving way.

It tells us that we must try to overcome difficulties, be careful, observe the panorama, be
observed, analyze conscientiously.

Ear: Reminds you that you should not believe everything you hear. Be careful not to
listen to gossip and gossip, do not believe in them, do not listen to everyone since
diverse opinions can confuse you.


 If it is in front – irrational decisions cause difficulties.

 On your back – a journey

Oyster : Amorous courtship, acquired riches.

Sheep : Good fortune

Bird: If while reading the coffee we find a bird, this is the destiny that places you in
another place, it “migrates” you to another place. It also means that you will receive
money or goods unexpectedly, an inheritance or a gift from your friends.

Shovel : Hard work leads to success, or avoid taking the easy path.

Shovel/Trash Picker : News arrives about a friend.

Palm Tree: Indicates a good vacation, visiting other countries, getting to know other
people and cultures. Success, honor, happiness in love

Dove : good fortune.

 If it is inn – an improvement in trade.
 Flying – Important news


 If it is whole , work and a full table, abundance.

 If it is broken, in parts or with crumbs – take care of money and savings,
difficult times, austerity.

Parachutist : escape from danger

Umbrella : Discomfort, a housing necessity.

 If open – shelter found.

 If closed – shelter is denied.

Steps/footprints : An improvement in life.

Duck : money is on the way. The duck represents economic strength, money earnings.

Peacock : Obtaining wealth, land.

 Surrounded by dots – a life of luxury.

 Next to a ring – A rich marriage

Comb : Deception, a false friend.

Pear: A pear is a sign that your problems will soon come to an end. Comfort, financial

Perfume: Love and happiness

Dog : Faithful and loyal friends.

 At the top of the cup , there is good news, happy encounters.

 At the bottom of the cup there is a friend in trouble.
 If the dog is a greyhound there will be good fortune.

Fish : One of the best symbols in cafeomancy as it represents good luck in all things,
health, wealth and happiness.

Feet : Making an important decision

Chess Pieces : Difficulties Ahead

Pepper Shaker : A Troublesome Secret

Pyramid : solid success.

Pistol/revolver : Problems, quarrels. Danger

Dish/source : fight at home, arguments.

Feathers : instability, inconsistency, lack of concentration

Police : A secret enemy.

Portal/gate : Opportunities, future happiness.

President/president: An unexpected guest. Surrounded by dots indicates financial


Bridge: if when reading the coffee we see a bridge, it indicates a great opportunity for

Door : Strange occurrence, an unexpected idea, a new unexpected possibility. In

cafeomancy a door is always a positive alternative.

Sunset: It can mean that your greatest desires suddenly become reality in an
unthinkable and unexpected way.

Octopus : Danger.

Bracelet: If when reading the coffee we find a bracelet, it means imminent marriage.

Fist : A compelling argument for or against


 With the leaves: A birth.

 No leaves – a disappointment

Rana : success through a change of home or job, avoidance of self-importance.

Garden rake/broom : difficulties ahead. Although you will organize yourself.

Rat: betrayal.

Mouse : theft.

Network : traps for the unwary

Hourglass : A decision that must be made

Clock : Avoid delays, think about the future, recovery from illness.

Remo : A small concern, helping in difficulties.

Cabbage/cabbage: This figure when reading coffee indicates jealousy that causes
complications at work.

Reptiles : treacherous friend.

King : A powerful ally

Oak : good fortune.

Rock : job difficulties

Nutcracker : the difficulty is passing.

Pink : Great popularity

Complete wheel - good fortune, you get success.

 If it is broken – disappointment.
 Close to edge of cup – Unexpected money arriving


Corkscrew : Curiosity can cause problems.

Grasshopper/Lobster : News from a well-travelled friend.

Toad : Be careful with flattery.

Snake : hatred, an enemy.

Sierra : External interference.

Question mark : Hesitation, caution.

Mermaid : Temptation, an offer that is not what it seems.

Envelopes : Good news.

Sun : happiness, success, power.

Hat : A new occupation, a change.

 Bent or broken – probable failure.

 At the bottom of the cup – a rival.
 Next to the cup – Diplomacy.

According to other figures that we read in cafeomancy, it can represent hidden ideas,
not say what is really thought.
Parasol : A new lover

Table or a table: A shape similar to a table or a board tells you that you will participate
in a meeting in which your problems will be resolved. It can also indicate a family
reunion, union, agreement.

It can also indicate the separation of a friend, an unexpected separation at the level of

Drum/drum/drum : scandal, gossip, a new job, arguments.

Telephone : Forgetfulness that causes problems.

Telescope : Adventure.

Fork : A false friend, flattery.

Tea/coffee maker : Minor illness.

 Near the handle of the cup – domestic happiness.

 Near or at the bottom of the cup – Domestic dissensions

Tent/tent : Travel

Scissors : weak reasons and arguments. Separation

Bath tub : Disappointment.

Inkwell : a letter.

Ankle: Instability

Bull : Fights, enmity.

Tower: A tower indicates the presence of people who closely observe what you do and
want in some way to be your imitators. Be careful and don't talk about business in front
of anyone. It can also be interpreted

 To the right as Opportunity

 Inverted as a disappointment.

Turtle : You get criticism.

Clover : Good luck, wish it comes true. Prosperity

Trident : Success at sea.

Trunk : A long journey, fateful decisions.

Pipelines : Thoughts, solution to a problem, keeping an open mind


Unicorn : A secret wedding.

Urn: wealth, happiness.

Grapes : Happiness.

Wagon/carriage : A wedding

Sailing : helping to train others, the pursuit of knowledge.

Weather vane : A difficulty, indecision

Window :

 Open – good luck through a friend.

 Closed – disappointment through a friend

Fan : flirting, indiscretion.

Glass/crystal : Integrity.

Violin : selfishness.

Volcano : Emotions out of control.


And Greek: This form indicates an opening, an alternative, a decision to make, two
possibilities to choose from which we do not know if they are good or bad, it is only the
verification that there is always an alternative path.

Yacht : Pleasures.

Yugo : to be dominated.

Yunque: Others become aware of your effort


Shoe : A change for the better

Zeppelin/airship : Delays, perseverance necessary.

Fox : A deceitful friend.

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