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1. When the temperature of an intrinsic semiconductor is increased some coavalent bonds are broken
to release free electrons and holes. With an increase in number of charge cariers conductivity also
increases conductivity.

2. P- type semiconductor is formed when an intrinsic semiconductor being tetravelent is doped with a
trivalent element. The trivalent elements forms three covalent bonds with the tetravelent element.
Therefore the trivalent atom attracts electrons from the neighbouring tetravalent atom to make up for
the the one remaining electron. This creates a more holes than free electrons forming a P-Type

3. Conductivity is increased due to the number of holes being higher than the number of free electrons.


1.i)A conductor has no gap

ii)An insulator has a wide gap

iii)A semiconductor has a narrow gap

2)i) N-type semiconductor introduces free electrons into the material

ii)P-type semiconductor introduces holes into the material

3) The Band Theory helps in explaining the behaviour of electrons in materials especially semiconductors

4) This is because different groups of elements exhibit unique atomic characteristics which influence the
semiconductor behaviour

5) A




1. Free electrons are electrons which are not bound to any specific atom and are able to move freely
within a material.

2. Holes are the absence of electrons which are created when electrons move from the valence band to
the conduction band.


Doping refers to process of introducing impurities in its right proportion into a semiconductor.

Doping improves the conductivity of a semiconductor by increasing the number of charge cariers which
help in conduction

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