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Plaintiff's name

Defendant's name
Family Order Controversy

c. FAMILY JUDGE ON TURN. Name plaintiff, by my own right, indicating as

address to hear and receive all types of notifications and documents, The
house (street), neighborhood (name of col) delegation or municipality (name
of) CPxxxx", authorizing to receive notifications to the Gentlemen,
“guardians, parents, lawyers or relatives, before you with due respect I
appear to present:

That through this writing, in the context of family disputes, I come to sue my
brother (name) who lives at home; street (name) number (name),
neighborhood (name), CPxxxx, of this city, the following.


a) The payment of Alimony, both provisional and definitive, in favor of the

subscribed party.

b) The payment of the expenses and costs that may arise as a result of this
trial. The action is based on the following points of fact and legal


FIRST.- On date xx to (month) of (year), Take care and educate Mr. (Name),
at our home in the house marked with the number xx, on the streets of
(name) Colonia (name), Postal Code xxxx.
SECOND.- Under oath of truth, I say that during that time, I took care of and
supported my brother, fulfilling as much as possible each and every one of
his needs, both physical and emotional.

THIRD.- Since the date of (date), I am physically unable to take care of

myself, and I am sick with (illness), making my personal maintenance even
more difficult.

FOURTH.- My brother works in (name job), receives high income and is in a

better economic position; And, despite the desperate economic situation and
the shortcomings of the undersigned and being in a state of abandonment,
flatly refusing to provide food, that is, the defendant refuses to comply with
his food obligations in favor of the undersigned.


Regarding the substance, the provisions contained in articles 292, 293, 296,
297, 300, 301, 305, 306, 308, 309, 311, 311 bis and 321 other relatives of
the Civil Code for the Federal District apply. The procedure to follow is
regulated by articles 940 to 956 of the Code of Civil Procedures for the
Federal District.


FIRST.- The confessional, by the defendant Name of the defendant (name),

in accordance with the positions contained in the document that in a sealed
envelope will be shown to this court in due course. For the relief of this
evidence, I ask your Honor to order a personal summons to the defendant at
his home, so that this H. may appear personally, and not through a proxy.
Judged to absolve the positions that are articulated to him and that are
previously classified as legal, and must be warned to be declared confessed
to the positions that are articulated to him, in the event that he does not
appear without justified cause on the day and time that his Your Honor,
please fix it. This evidence relates to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth
and seventh facts of the complaint. This proof is intended to prove and will
be proven that the defendant has failed to comply with his maintenance
obligations in favor of the undersigned and our minor children. The reason
why I believe that this proof will prove my statements is because the
confession is full proof.

SECOND.- The testimonial, in charge Name of the people who give their
testimony who have their address, both, on the streets of (street), number
(xx), Colonia (name), Zip Code xxxx, of this City, people to whom I
undertake to present this Brother. Judged on the day and time that your
Honor would like to set for them to give their testimony.

This evidence relates to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and
seventh facts of the complaint. This evidence is intended to prove and will be
proven that the defendant has not complied with his support obligations in
favor of the undersigned. The reason why I believe that this evidence will
prove my statements is because the aforementioned witnesses are aware of
the facts narrated in this lawsuit.

THIRD.- The documentary, consisting of the certified copy of the birth

certificate, issued by C. Judge of the Civil Registry, which is attached to this
writing. This evidence proves the relationship with the debtor, which is why I
believe that this evidence will prove my statements, because the attached
documentary has the character of a public instrument that provides full proof
in terms of the law.


As immediate and urgent provisional measures that I ask of your Honor, they
are the following:
1.- Decree the custody and custody of my person, as it is essential due to
my situation.

2.- Decree a provisional alimony, charged to the defendant, that is sufficient

to satisfy the needs of the undersigned during the processing of this trial, for
which purpose I ask your Honor to send an attentive letter to the work center
where the Respondent provides his services, (functions), with domicile
(place), to inform this H. The amount of all the defendant's ordinary and
extraordinary earnings has been judged, as well as to proceed to deduct
from the defendant's salary the percentage that your Honor decides to set.

3.- Send a careful letter to the Institute of Security and Social Services of
State Workers (ISSSTE) or equivalent, so that this H can be informed.
Judged the cause or reason for which the undersigned (Name), in order to
be a creditor of said service.

For the exposed,

TO YOU C. JUDGE, I sincerely ask that you serve

FIRST.- To have myself presented in my own right, demanding in Family

Order Disputes from my brother Mr. (name), the fulfillment of the benefits to
which I contract in the preface of this writing. SECOND.- Enter the claim in
the proposed manner and manner, ordering that the defendant be
summoned to the indicated address, so that he can produce his response
within the terms of the law.

THIRD.- Set a provisional and definitive alimony in favor of the undersigned

and my minor children at the expense of the defendant, ordering the letters
requested in the chapter on provisional measures of this document to be
FOURTH.- In due course and prior to the legal procedures, issue a final
judgment, in which the defendant is sentenced to comply with the benefits


Mexico, D. F. as of January 18, 2012

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