Sublevels of The Organisms of Living Beings

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Sublevels of the Organisms of Living Beings

At this molecular level, four sublevels are distinguished:

- Subatomic sublevel: It is made up of subatomic particles; that is, protons,
electrons and neutrons.
- Atomic sublevel: Consisting of atoms, which are the smallest part of a chemical
element that can participate in a reaction.
- Molecular sublevel: Consisting of molecules; that is, of material units formed by
the grouping of two or more atoms through chemical bonds (examples: O 2 , H 2 O),
and which are the minimum amount of a substance that maintains its chemical
properties. We distinguish two types of molecules: inorganic and organic.
- Macromolecular sublevel: It is made up of polymers that are the result of the
union of several molecules (examples: proteins, nucleic acids).
Cellular level: Includes the cell, the anatomical and functional unit of living beings.
There are two types of cells:
Prokaryotic cells : are those that lack a nuclear envelope and, therefore, the
genetic information is dispersed in the cytoplasm, although condensed in a region
called the nucleoid.
Eukaryotic cells are those that have genetic information surrounded by a nuclear
envelope, which isolates and protects it, and which constitutes the nucleus.
Multicellular or organic level:
It includes all living beings made up of more than one cell. In multicellular beings
there is a division of labor and cellular differentiation, reaching different degrees of
increasing complexity:
- Tissues : it is a set of very similar cells that perform the same function and have
the same origin. For example cardiac muscle tissue.
- Organs: Group of cells or tissues that perform a certain function. For example,
the heart is an organ that pumps blood in the circulatory system.
- Systems : it is a set of several similar organs that function independently and are
organized to perform a certain function; for example, the circulatory system .
- Apparatus: A set of organs that can be very different from each other, but whose
actions are coordinated to constitute a function.

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