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Rhythmic gymnastics is a sports discipline that combines elements of ballet,

gymnastics and dance, as well as the use of various devices such as rope, hoop,
ball, clubs and ribbon.1

In this sport, both competitions and exhibitions are held in which the gymnast is
accompanied by music to maintain a rhythm in her movements, performing a
montage with or without apparatus. Rhythmic gymnastics develops harmony, grace
and beauty through creative movements, translated into personal expressions
through the musical, theatrical and technical combination, which mainly transmits
aesthetic satisfaction to the spectators. Practiced mainly by women, in recent years
the number of male practitioners has increased. The tests are carried out on a mat
and the duration of the exercises is approximately 90 seconds in the individual
modality and 150 in the group modality. Like other disciplines of gymnastics, it has
its antecedents in the studies of Rousseau, transforming over the years always
linked to dance and musicality, until reaching the 1930s, when it began to be
practiced in the Soviet Union. as a sport and the devices we know today begin to
be introduced in Germany.

It is governed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), who develops the

Code of Points and regulates all aspects of elite international competition. The
most notable competitions are the Olympic Games, the World Rhythmic
Gymnastics Championships, the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships
and the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup.

Main gymnastics formations

A gymnastic composition is the choreographic expression of gymnastic exercises

together, in which a group of performers performs different: Lic. Sara Alarcón Afón
Formations and Transformations; Drawings, figures and pyramids; Body
movements with or without devices, on different planes, levels and spaces. All to
the beat of music and with costumes in line with the idea of gymnastic composition.

3. FORMATIONS are the way in which the members of the group are placed in a
certain space. Lic. Sara Alarcón Afón These must be precise, varied, original,
quickly achieved. These are part of the gymnastic composition and must have time
for their execution.

4. TRANSFORMATIONS are the moment in which the group of performers moves

or changes from one formation to another formation. Lic. Sara Alarcón Afón These
must be precise, varied, original, quickly achieved. These are part of the gymnastic
composition and must have time for their execution.

5. FORMATIONS ENTRIES EXITS "Various formations, entrances and exits

for gymnastic compositions" Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon
6. FORMATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon

7. 1 “ROWS” TRAINING Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon

8. 2 “COLUMNS” TRAINING Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon
9. 3 TRAINING “QUARTETS” Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon
10. 4 TRAINING “DIAGONAL COLUMNS” Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon
11. 5 TRAINING “COLUMN AND SQUARE” Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon

13. 7 TRAINING “COLUMN AND SEXTETS” Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon



16. 10 “COLUMN AND INDIVIDUAL” TRAINING Lic. Sara Alarcón Afon

Top 10 steps for children's gymnastics

Basic low impact steps

Why low impact? They are called that because there will always be one foot in
contact with the floor and the heart rate rises between 40 and 60% in relation to the
resting pulse.

Gait: From the initial position of standing with the arms next to the body, the head
up, the heels together and the toes separated, the legs will begin to move, taking
the feet off the floor, at an angle of 30 to 400. so that when one foot goes up the
other goes down and the arms swing alternately.

Balance step: From the initial standing position with the legs open shoulder-width
apart, hands on the waist, back straight, abdomen contracted, perform semi-flexion
of the legs, shifting the weight of the body from one leg to the other without taking
off. the feet off the floor, the one that receives the weight of the body will remain
extended and supported on the sole of the foot, like the other, but supported on the
ball of the foot.

Touch step: From the initial standing position with both legs joined, hands on the
waist, you begin by separating the leg to the right and closing it with the left and
vice versa, this movement is performed with a small semi-flexion of the legs.

Hop: From the initial standing position with hands on the waist, legs joined, perform
a semi-flexion movement of the same, reaching the semi-squat position and
returning to the initial position, this movement can also be done with the legs open
to shoulder width.
Heels to the floor: From the initial standing position, with the legs joined and the
hands on the waist, bring one leg extended in front below, resting the heel on the
floor while the other remains semi-flexed, return to the initial position, repeating the
movement in the same way with the other leg.

Heels to tail: From the initial position of standing with the legs spread shoulder-
width apart, hands on the waist, lift one foot off the floor trying to touch the buttock
with the heel, always remaining supported on one leg that will maintain a small
semiflexion, when one foot goes down the other goes up.

Knee to chest: From the initial standing position, with your hands on your waist,
perform a lifting movement of one leg in front, bent at the knee joint, forming a 90º
angle with respect to the floor, then lower yourself and Raise the other leg in the
same way.

Lange: From the initial standing position with the legs joined, hands on the waist,
twist the trunk leaving the support leg semi-flexed and the other extended behind
supported on the tip of the foot, return to the initial position and then do movement
to the other side.

Double step: From the initial standing position, with your hands on your waist,
begin by opening one leg to the side, with the other close and repeat the
movement of opening and closing to the same side, then return in the same way to
the initial position.

Back crossed step: From the initial standing position with the legs joined, hands on
the waist, begin opening one leg to the side and the other crosses behind, the front
leg opens and the other closes, returning that way to the initial position.

Step crossed in front: From the initial position of standing with the legs joined,
hands on the waist, begin the exercise by opening one leg to the side and the other
crosses in front, the back leg opens and the other closes, thus returning to the
initial position.

The V: From the initial standing position, with the legs joined, with the hands on the
waist, begin by taking a diagonal step forward with one leg and then with the other,
leaving the feet open and parallel; To return to the initial position, you must keep in
mind that the first foot that opens is the first one that closes.

Basic High Impact Steps

High impact because they are performed with small jumps throughout the
execution of the movement and the heart rate rises approximately between 60 and
85% in relation to the resting heart rate.
Jumping Jack: From the initial standing position with your legs joined, with your
hands on your waist, your back straight, your abdomen contracted, perform a jump
by opening your legs, leaving them semi-flexed, with your knees outward like the
legs. tiptoe, then return to the starting position with another jump.

Knee to chest: From the initial standing position and legs joined, with hands on the
waist, perform a jump, bringing one leg in front of you, bent at the knee joint,
forming a 90° angle with respect to the floor, the other leg remains extended, then
lower the one that is semi-flexed and raise the opposite one in the same way.

Kick: From the initial position of standing and legs joined, with hands on the waist,
perform a jump, taking one leg back bent at an angle of approximately 30º in
relation to the floor, then bring it to the front extended, also forming a small angle
with respect to the floor, while the other remains with a small semi-flexion during
this movement, then the working leg is supported so that the opposite leg begins to
do so.

Jogging: From the initial standing position with your legs together, with your hands
on your waist, perform a small jump, carrying one leg bent behind, forming an
approximate angle of 45º with respect to the floor, leaving the other leg with a small
semi-flexion, When the one that was flexed goes down, the opposite one goes up.

Heel-to-tail jog: From the initial standing position with your legs together, with your
hands on your waist, perform a jump with one bent leg behind you, trying to touch
your buttocks with your heels, while the other leg is left with a small semiflexion,
when one goes down the opposite goes up.

Aerial Lange: From the initial position of standing and legs joined, with your hands
on your waist, perform a twist of the trunk, leaving the support leg semi-flexed and
the other extended behind, resting on the tip of the foot, to move to the other side
will be done with a small jump where one foot replaces the other.

Chutes: From the initial standing position and legs joined, with your hands on your
waist, perform a jump and bring one leg extended in front of you at an approximate
angle of 90° to 100°, the supporting leg also remains extended, then lower the leg.
that worked and the other goes up in the same way.

Ñat: From the initial standing position with your legs joined, with your hands on
your waist, perform a jump, taking one leg to the side, flexed at the knee joint,
forming a 90º angle with respect to the floor, the other leg remaining extended,
then lower the working leg so that the opposite leg can perform the movement.

Auxiliary steps (dances)

Steps of different musical rhythms will be used such as: Mambo, and
Chachachá with its corresponding return, among others, always taking into account
the tastes and preferences of the practitioners.

Mambo: Three fundamental steps are performed, which are: dotted steps, leg
elevation and crossed steps, together with the rhythmic movement of the head,
shoulders and pelvis. The arms go forward all the time alternately, with movement
of the pelvis front and back, the head says yes during the execution.

Chachachá: consists of dragging three steps sliding the entire sole of the foot
slightly from back to front and then two steps slower, this is repeated indefinitely.

Chachachá turn: three steps are marked in the place starting with the right foot,
then the left foot is crossed in front of the right side doing a half turn and then
repeat the same on the other side.

At the beginning of the initial stage of classes, the choreographies will be simple
so that the practitioners gain skill and confidence in this sense. The teacher must
prepare them in advance to be able to transmit security to those in the class, after
the end of the class. Over time these choreographies reach a certain degree of

Choreography 1

March in place, crossed step back and forth, low impact lange in place, knee to
chest and extended front kick, all on one side, perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions, when
that side is mastered, go to work the other and then combine the 2, the same
number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 2

Cross step in front, march forward in 4 times and reverse in the same time, conga
turn and kick, all on one side, perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to working on the other and then combine the 2, the same
number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 3

Double step going and crossed step behind on the way back, conga round only
one way, march in place, vee, jumping jack and kick, all on one side, perform 3
sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is mastered, move on to work the other and
then combine the 2, the same number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 4

Back and forth conga cross step, double back and forth step, knee to chest on the
side, front cross step on the way, knee to chest moving to the front in 4 counts,
mark the clock in place , zig-zag step back in 4 times, low-impact knee to chest
with turn all on one side, perform 3 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to working the other and then combine the 2, the same number
of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 5

March in place 4 counts, double step back and forth, squat to one side and then
the other, low impact lange, knee to chest with jump forward in 4 counts and return
with jumping jack in 4 counts, perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to working on the other and then combine the 2, the same
number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 6

Turning in place to one side and the other 4 times, double step forward and cross
step across the front back in 4 times, march forward in 4 times and reverse in 4
times, conga turn back and forth, low impact lange, knee to chest in place, knee to
chest in front in 4 counts, jumps back in 4 counts, perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions,
when that side is mastered, move on to working the other and then combine the 2 ,
the same number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 7

Diagonal knee to chest 4 times on each side, double forward step, vee in 4 times,
return with a crossed step behind in 4 times, jumping jack, kick, perform 4 sets of 8
repetitions, when that side is mastered, move on to work the other and then
combine the 2, the same number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 8

Double side step in 4 counts, forward march in 4 counts, cross step to one side in 4
counts, reverse walk in 4 counts, forward conga turn to one side, return with low
impact lange in 4 counts, Perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to working on the other and then combine the 2, the same
number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 9

Walk in place 4 counts, double step to the side forward, heels to the floor with
movement forward 4 counts, low impact lange in place 4 counts, jog back in 4
counts, jumping jack in 4 counts, knee to chest low impact with twist in 4 times,
perform 5 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is mastered, move on to work the
other and then combine the 2, the same number of sets and repetitions.

Choreography 10
March in place 4 counts, vee in 4 counts, conga round going, knee to chest jumped
forward in 4 counts, knee to chest in place with twist, lange back in 4 counts, kick
in 4 counts, perform 5 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is mastered, move on to
working on the other and then combine the 2, the same number of sets and

Choreography 11

March in place 4 counts, march forward 4 counts, knee on the side in 4 counts,
cross step forward in front, kick in place 4 counts, jog heels to tail back in 4 counts,
squat in the place in 4 times, perform 5 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to work the other and then combine the 2, the same number of
sets and repetitions.

Choreography 12

March in place 4 counts, double forward step, knee to chest in place 4 counts,
knee to chest jump with twist, vee in 4 counts, diagonal march forward in 4 counts
and diagonal march back, conga return return , jump in place in 2 times, high
impact lange in place in 2 times, perform 5 sets of 8 repetitions, when that side is
mastered, move on to working the other and then combine the 2, the same number
of sets and repetitions.

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