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Readings on Kerala


Pictures Drawn on Water

K Satchidanandan

K Satchidanandan is a noted literary figure. Currently he is the President of Kerala Sahitya
"Pictures Drawn on Water" is a poem written in the wake of the great flood in Kerala
in 2018. It is in five parts: each devoted to the different phases of the flood.
The poet draws a parallel between the coming of flood waters and an encroacher who
comes into the house, eats, has a siesta and then forces the residents to leave.
The poet also portrays the courage and resilience shown by the people in the face of a
tragedy. He says that hope shines like the sun over all miseries.

1. Describe how Satchidanandan uses the deluge as a metaphor for social and ecological

K Satchidanandan is a noted literary figure. "Pictures Drawn on Water" is written in the wake
of the great flood in Kerala in 2018. In the poem, the poet uses the flood as a metaphor for
social and ecological concerns.
The poet says that water comes into the house like a long-known neighbour. It enters
the house, reaches everywhere, eats, has a siesta and then forces the residents to leave. The
rescue-boat has space left only for one. The three people quarrel among themselves not to get
into the boat, but for the other to get into the boat. Tragedy makes human beings selfless, and
death fearless.
The cat was abandoned in the house. It saw fishes coming, tickling him and laughing
at him. He wondered how preys could laugh like that. When there is no way to escape, even a
cat becomes a philosopher. The slate, sitting under the water in the vacant house, remembers
its past. When the water recedes, it will again be part of the earth.
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The slush gathered in the house is full of confused memories. It has now become
solid. It remembers nature in all its various forms and moods: the fields, paddy, pond, lily,
children, parrots, butterflies, cows and rain.
In this way, Satchidanandan uses the deluge as a metaphor for social and ecological
concerns. The flood is a result of the unscientific developmental activities in the region. It
also stands as a powerful reminder to the need for promoting a sustainable environment.

1. How does water come into the house?
Water comes into the house like a long-known neighbour. It enters through the gate
and goes to the courtyard, the steps, the corridor, the drawing room and the storeroom
without caring to announce its name.

2. Why do the three people quarrel as the boat arrives?

The rescue-boat has space left only for one. The three people quarrel among
themselves not to get into the boat, but for the other to get into the boat.

3. What makes a cat a philosopher

The cat was abandoned in the house. It saw fishes coming, tickling him and laughing
at him. He wondered how could preys laugh like that. When there is no way to escape, even a
cat becomes a philosopher.

4. What does the slate remember?

The slate originally lay hidden in a rock from which it was cut. It remembers the
history of evolution, and the words and sketches scrawled on its grey surface by small hands.

5. What happened to the slush gathered in the house?

The slush gathered in the house is full of confused memories. It has now become

6. What does the slate stand for?

The slate is a symbol of the evolution and the eternity. Sitting under the water in the
vacant house, it remembers its past. When the water recedes, it will again be part of the earth.

1. Describe the coming of the water into the houses.
As people look on, water comes into the house like a long-known neighbour. It comes
through the gate to the courtyard, the steps and the corridor. From the drawing room, it goes
to the storeroom without even caring to tell its name. After entering the house, the flood has a
siesta. Then it slowly wakes up. It straightens its back and scares the residents with its
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exposed muscles. It breaks fast on whatever it comes across. It touches the ceiling with its
swollen belly. Then the people in the house exclaim in fear that they will leave.

2. What are the memories of the slush gathered in the house?

The slush gathered in the house is full of confused memories. It has now become
solid. It remembers the fields, paddy, pond, lily, and the blue flowers in the harvested fields.
It also recollects the picture of the children, with little flower-baskets hanging from their
necks, racing to gather flowers. There were green parrots, yellow butterflies, grazing cows,
and men and bulls. Light rains made the earth fertile. When it was burnt out, it had rained. It
turned the soil into slush. Then there appeared the first blade of grass.

3. "The flood makes the people selfless and fearless." Comment.

Water comes into the house like a long-known neighbour. It enters through the gate
and goes to the courtyard, the steps, the corridor, the drawing room and the storeroom
without caring to announce its name. The rescue-boat has space left only for one. There are
three people at home: a sick mother, a pregnant daughter, and a son who looks after all at
home. They quarrel among themselves not to get into the boat, but for the other to climb in.
Each one is concerned about the safety of the other. The poet says that tragedy makes people
selfless, and death fearless.

Prepared by:
(formerly) Associate Professor of English
Panampilly Memorial Govt. College

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