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Argumentative text


In Peru, violence against women is one of the main problems that the
country is trying to solve. It is one of the most common causes of death in
the national territory, mainly in Ayacucho, Tumbes, Piura and Lima.
According to the WHO, one in three women worldwide will be a victim of
violence at least once in their lives. Violence against women is any violent
action that a woman receives for the simple fact of doing it. In the following
text, the most common forms of violence against women will be presented.
First, physical violence against women is one of the most frequently reported
types of violence. First of all, this type of aggression is caused by several
factors, mostly social, that comprise people's daily lives. The relationship of
hierarchical power that men have over women is one of the most common
causes why physical violence is applied to women, since it creates an idea as
a being inferior to men. The man, feeling superior, believes he has every right
to attack, humiliate, and isolate the woman when something does not go the
way he wants. A recent example of aggression due to the feeling of
superiority is the case of an individual from the town of La Natividad in
Tacna. This subject savagely attacked his partner after she woke him up by
pouring water on him, because the drunk man fell asleep on the street.
Jealousy, too, may be the most common incentive to initiate physical
violence. Likewise, when a person is jealous, afraid of losing his partner, he
resorts to aggression so that she knows "what will happen to her if she leaves
him." This violence and aggression can manifest itself as hitting, pushing, and
even the use of knives or firearms to subdue the woman. In second place.
The attacks cause temporary and permanent consequences for the affected
women. An attacked woman can suffer serious injuries, both temporary and
permanent. Femicide is the worst consequence; Peru, according to the WHO,
is the third country in the world in cases of feminicide. Attacks can also cause
psychological damage, which could, in order to stop it, lead the woman to
Second, sexual violence is another form of aggression against women. On the
one hand, the causes of sexual violence are reflected in society. One cause of
sexual assault is traditional gender roles that naturalize violence and attacks
on women's dignity. An example of this is that some men view women as a
sexual object or some others in the home harass their partner and satisfy
their sexual desire with them. On the other hand, these manifestations can
bring various consequences, such as phobia towards the male sex,
irreparable psychological damage, involuntary prostitution. In Peru, many of
these manifestations occur. Like the case of a girl who was raped in a well-
known nightclub, causing her psychological damage and permanent trauma.
Third, psychological violence is another form of abuse against women for
gender reasons. Its causes manifest themselves in various ways. On the one
hand, for not satisfying or complying with the mandates imposed by the
aggressor, who is generally the victim's own partner or someone from the
same social environment. It occurs through acts that seek to harm mental
health. For example, insults, humiliation, threats and ridicule occur. Also,
these forms include acts of devaluation, control of money, destruction of
documents or personal objects. On the other hand, it is caused by isolation
from friends and family, who turn their backs on them and do not provide
them with the necessary help. This type of violence causes consequences on
psychological health, such as feelings of hopelessness, sadness and anxiety
that lower self-esteem. Likewise, it generates insomnia, physical and mental
fatigue due to the worry that the acts will be repeated again. Such is the case
of “Lorena”, a young Ecuadorian woman, who received 500 extortion
messages, a very poor alimony for her children, as well as discredit at her job,
which caused her to be fired because of her ex-husband. Despite this, the
victim did not continue with the complaint for fear of suffering further abuse.
Just like this case, more have been presented and, in Peru, 50 to 60% of the
complaints are psychological violence, of which many women committed
suicide because they did not know how to cope with all the emotional
damage and others acquired psychological disorders.
Finally, patrimonial violence is another form of aggression which constitutes
any emission of money income by the aggressor. First of all, it manifests itself
in different ways. The aggressor exercises abuse through limitations aimed at
controlling the income of economic perceptions, or the perception of less
salary for equal work, reducing the victim's income. Likewise, this also occurs
through the theft, destruction or retention of objects, personal documents,
property, heat and economic resources intended to satisfy the needs of the
victim. Secondly, this type of aggression has great consequences for the
victim. The economic dependence of women on men is caused by the
deprivation of the victim's economy. Furthermore, men often ignore their
responsibilities to support their partner. This is exemplified in the case of a
father in Junín who killed his youngest daughter for not paying alimony.
In summary, we can conclude that violence against women is a problem that
involves society and must be eliminated at its roots. The text expresses the
different forms of violence against women, both sexual and psychological
violence that severely deteriorate the victim's mind, leading them to think
that suicide is the best solution to their problems; Likewise, physical and
patrimonial violence create an environment of superiority for men, but
hostility for women. In my opinion, the State should become more aware of
this issue and have an action plan that provides psychological help to the
victims of this abuse, in order to put an end once and for all to this problem
that affects all women in the country.

Expositive text

First of all, we are going to write the definition that the RAE gives of football
is: ''Game between two teams of eleven players each, whose purpose is to
get a ball into a goal in accordance with certain rules''

Below we will give you the rules and regulations of football:

The playing field will be rectangular. The length of the touchline must be
greater than the length of the goal line, the match will be played by two
teams made up of a maximum of 11 players each, the players will not use any
equipment or carry any object that is dangerous to themselves or for the
other players.

Each match will be controlled by a referee, who will have full authority to
enforce the rules of the game. The assistant referees assist the main referee,
but the one who has the authority is the main referee.

The match will last two equal halves of 45 minutes each, a coin will be tossed
and the team that wins the toss will decide the direction in which it will
attack in the first half of the match. You cannot touch the ball with your
hand, unlike basketball in which it is a foul to touch the ball with your foot.

Football is a bloody hell for the team that loses, but for the team that wins it
is the best of pleasures.

Football is more than just a sport, it is a revitalization of a city because it

significantly influences: commerce, tourism and work.


My mother has long, dark brown hair. Their ears are small and cropped. His
face is triangular and dark. He has thin eyebrows. His nose is flat. His mouth
is voluminous, and he has a mole next to it. His eyes are brown and dark. The
neck is straight and rigid. Wide and round shoulders. She is slim and
measures 150 cm.
My mother is fun, has a sense of humor and is friends with her friends. She is
very positive and sees the good side of things, people and life experiences.
She is very family-oriented, flexible, she doesn't like injustice, hard-working.
One day I went downtown with my mother and I noticed that she was
approaching a rosemary bush to pick up some branches. I yelled at him:
Mom, mom! What are you doing?
I'm going to take a sprig of rosemary to make a chicken in sauce.
Mom, stay still, the police will come and fine you.
My mother stood still like a statue from the scream I gave her, and then we
started laughing. We noticed that people passing by were looking at us in

Once upon a time there was a very small Koala who got lost in the forest and
was very sad because he missed his mother.
One day he woke up next to a chicken and the chicken asked him: Who are
I am Roberto, said the Koala. Then the hen chased him out of her house.
The Koala went very sad to look for his mother and at night he was very
afraid. The next day he woke up with a Partridge.
Who are you? Mr. Partridge asked him.
I am Roberto, said the Koala and the Partridge chased him out of his house.
The Koala left very sad to continue looking for his mother. Night came again
and Roberto looked for a place to sleep. The next day he woke up with a
Who are you? the butterfly asked him. “I am Roberto,” replied the Koala.
And what are you doing here, why aren't you at home? asked the butterfly.
I got lost and I don't know how to get home, I don't know how to find my
mother, Roberto responded.
Don't worry," said the butterfly, "I'm going to help you find your mother;
Come, let's go look for her.
The butterfly knew where all the koalas lived in the forest, so it didn't take
them long to find Mrs. Koala's house.
He finally arrived home! Roberto and his mother were very happy.
Now, Roberto thought, I can sleep peacefully because thanks to my friend
the butterfly, no one is going to throw me out of this house anymore.

Water is one of the most important elements on earth: in fact, it covers three
quarters of our planet and, without water, no living being could live.
The total amount of water on Earth is, more or less, always the same, but it is
not always in the same place.
Most of the water is in the seas and oceans, in rivers and lakes, but there is
also water below the ground: men get it from there, digging holes that we
call wells.
With the heat of the sun, water evaporates and rises through the
atmosphere: upon reaching a certain height, with the cold, the vapor
condenses again into water droplets, thus forming clouds.
Those clouds move, pushed by the wind. If they reach somewhere colder (for
example, if a mountain forces them to climb even higher) or if the droplets,
when they gather, increase their volume too much, rain occurs: the droplets
fall to the ground.

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