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NTC Reviewer 4

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1. 10 seconds ⦁ You have been calling a station 16. Maintain the speaking ⦁ My message will be more
without getting an answer. How volume at a constant effective and understandable if I:
long is it recommended to wait at level
least before making a second call?
17. Message Category ⦁ Distress Calls, Messages and
2. 7600 ⦁ Transponder code for radio Traffic (MAYDAY MAYDAY
communication failure MAYDAY)
⦁ Urgency Messages, Including
3. AFFIRM ⦁ Which phrase shall be used if
messages preceded by the
you want to say "YES"?
medical transports signal (PAN
4. Aircraft Call sign, ⦁ The distress message shall PAN PAN)
nature if distress, pilot's contain as many as possible of the ⦁ Direction Finding
intention, present following elements/details: ⦁ Flight Safety Messages
position, level and ⦁ Meteorological Messages
heading. ⦁ Flight Regularity Messages
5. AIREP Aircraft Report - Routine often 18. Operation Normal Radio call passed on the radio
automated report of in 0 flight to indicate all operations are
weather conditions such as wind functioning normal, made every
and temperature 1 hour
6. AIREP AND PIREP report of actual weather conditions 19. OUT. ⦁ Transmission has ended and no
encountered by an aircraft while in response is expected from the
flight ground station, last word should
7. Air Ground Two-‐way communication between be
Communication aircraft and station or location on 20. PIREP Pilot Report - reported by pilot
the surface of the earth to indicate encounters of
8. Air Traffic Control ⦁ Flight Safety Messages are hazardous weather such as icing
Messages and turbulence

9. Distress a condition of being threatened by 21. Proceed with your ⦁ What does the phrase "go
serious and/or imminent danger message ahead" mean?
and requiring immediate assistance 22. QNH one zero zero one ⦁ What is the correct way of
10. Distress Message ⦁ A message concerning an aircraft transmitting 1001 as a QNH?
being threatened by grave or 23. Radio Frequency Range VLF 3-‐30 KHZ
imminent danger, requiring LF 30-‐300 KHZ
immediate assistance is called? MF 300-‐3000 KHZ
11. Flight regularity ⦁ A message concerning aircraft HF 3-‐30 MHZ
message parts and material urgently VHF 30-‐300 MHZ
required is UHF 300-‐3000 MHZ
SHF 3-‐30 GHZ
12. Flight safety message ⦁ The message addressed to an
EHF 30-‐300 GHZ
Area Control Center "request radar
vectors to circumnavigate adverse 24. Radio Teletype messages ⦁ Which message shall not be
weather" is: handled by the aeronautical
mobile service?
13. I have received all of ⦁ What does the phrase "roger"
your last transmission mean? 25. Readability Scale 1=Bad(Unreadable)
14. Immediately ⦁ What action should be taken first
acknowledge the by the aircraft station upon
distress message receiving a distress message?
15. Level of aircraft and ⦁ Which phenomena will normally
26. Repeat all, or the ⦁ What does the phrase "read
terrain elevations influence the reception of VHF
specified part, of this back" mean?
message back to me
exactly as received
27. SAY AGAIN ⦁ What phrase shall be used if the repetition of an entire message is
28. Seelonce Finee When distress or urgent traffic is terminated
29. Seelonce Mayday or Seelonce Distress used to impose silence upon any radio station interfering with distress
30. Term DECIMAL must always be transmitted ⦁ During a transmission of numbers containing a decimal point:
31. A test made on the radio apparatus to a certain its ⦁ Signal Check means "Sempang Tower this is 9M-‐ABC signal check on
serviceability when the aircraft is about to depart 126.5. How do you read?"
32. Three Thousand Five Hundred ⦁ Correct way of transmitting the number 3500 when indicating altitude or
a height?
33. Twice on the designated frequency ⦁ In the vent that a pilot is required to make a blind transmission, this
should be made
34. Urgency a condition concerning the safety of an aircraft, other vehicles or of a
person on board, but which does not require immediate assistance
35. Use a normal conversation tone, speak clearly and ⦁ What is meant by a good microphone technique?
36. Wait and I will Call you ⦁ What does the phrase "standby" mean?

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