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I'm Studying
■fe Boyacá AVanza

WBoyacá Education Keep it


Forging my Future
Vocational Guidance Booklet

Belonging to
Educational institution

Secretary of Boyaca
Education Keep it
Teachers and counselors participating in the construction process:

Ana Mery Tarazona Medina, IE Juan José Rondón - Soatá

Carolina García Najar, IE Jordan - Moniquira
Carolina Pinzón Romero, IE Agricultural Technique El Marfil - Puerto Boyacá
Deicy Karina Espitia Cifuentes, IE Cerinza - Cerinza
Janeth Liliana Martínez Real, IE Normal Superior of San Mateo - San Mateo
Jeimy Roa, IE Vado Castro - Tópaga
Leydy Patricia Álvarez Estepa, IE San Antonio de Padua - Ventaquemada
María Alicia Vela Pinzón, Technical IE Puerto Serviez - Puerto Boyacá
Sandra Yaneth Figueroa Suárez, IE Technique La Floresta - Quípama
Zuly Bibiana Puerto Cely, IE Técnica El Portachuelo - Santa Rosa de Viterbo

Topic 1. knowing me
My feelings diary Who am I?
My self-xray
The inventory of my life
My family
My friends
My improvement plan

Topic 2. Vocational interests

What are vocational interests?
Discovering my vocational interests
Typological proof of Holland's occupations
Test for the identification of vocational and professional interests

Theme 3. Projecting my future

Life Proyect
the tree of my life
Tracking my goals
Follow-up on my life project

Theme 4. Where can I study?

What do I do when I leave high school?
Technical, technological and professional careers
Educational Institutions of Higher Education in Boyacá
Public Higher Education Institutions in other departments

This booklet is a proposal from Boyacá School Counselors to guide you in the right search
of your professional future addressing aspects such as self-knowledge through the analysis of your virtues
and defects, strengths and weaknesses, and identification of the support networks you have; gives you the
opportunity to investigate your vocational interests by developing orientation tests that
They will allow you to recognize your skills and areas in which you stand out, which would be a point in favor for
develop an excellent higher education process. Likewise, you will find a section where you can
Establish your life project and monitor your goals during the last years of study. And by
Lastly, we provide you with a list of the Higher Education Institutions in your region in order to
locate yourself spatially where you could study the career you choose.

Developing a conscientious process of your vocational orientation, as well as seeking support from the
School Counselor of your institution, your teachers and people you know who are professionals in the field.
area of your interest, it will give you a greater opportunity to make the right decision and avoid dropping out of school more
forward during your career.

Welcome to live this beautiful experience!

“When Alice was trying to decide which
route she should take on one of her trips,
she met the Cheshire Cat with whom she
had the following dialogue:

Alicia : -Would you please tell me which

route I should take?-

Gato : -That depends a lot on where you

want to go.

Fragment of
Alice in Wonderland

Image taken from : https://www.pinterest.ch/pin/121949102390289460/


Topic 1.
knowing me
“Of all possible knowledge, the wisest and most
useful is to know oneself.”

William Shakespeare
emotions intelligently: deliberately making your emotions work for your
SELF-KNOWLEDGE benefit, so that they help you control your behaviors and thoughts for better
results. Emotional intelligence can be nurtured, developed and increased; it is
This is the first aptitude of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and it is based on the not, therefore, a quality that one has or does not have.
fact that, if you do not manage to know yourself well, be aware of what your
strengths and weaknesses are, learn to identify your moods and the DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR SELF-AWARENESS
consequences that these can have on your behavior, you will hardly be able
to control your reactions and use them productively. You will also not be able Being aware of your feelings and behavior, as well as the perception that
to understand well the behavior of those around you, identify their feelings others have of you, can influence your actions in ways that benefit you.
and emotions, nor will you be able to act effectively in your interpersonal
The key is knowing how to tune in to the abundant information that your
feelings, sensations, evaluations, actions and intentions provide you. This
information helps you understand how you respond, behave, communicate,
It is obvious. Knowing yourself is the task and function in various situations.
more difficult because it directly puts into play
Tips to be in harmony with your feelings
our rationality, but also our
fears and passions. If one manages to meet Although our feelings are born within us, they often have external
himself, he will know how to understand others and manifestations. You can begin to understand what is happening inside you by
the reality that surrounds it. paying attention to the visible signs. For example, if you find that your face
begins to light up during a conversation, it could indicate that you are
embarrassed. If you find yourself gripping the arm of your chair tightly while
talking to someone, you're probably angry. Likewise, sensory data provides
you with valuable information that helps you understand why you do what you
Your emotions can provide you with valuable information about
do. They alert you to whether or not you feel comfortable in a given situation,
yourself, other people, and certain situations. For example, having taken
and help you understand your reactions.
out your bad mood on a colleague may indicate that you are overwhelmed by
excessive work; Feeling anxious about an upcoming presentation may be a
sign that you need to better prepare your data.

If you listen to the information that your emotions provide you, you can
modify your behaviors and thoughts in order to transform situations.
For example, in the case of an outburst of anger, you can see the importance
of taking measures to reduce your burdens, better organize aspects of your
life, and learn to manage your emotions.

Emotions play an important role in your personal life and in the development
of daily activities. From anger to enthusiasm, from frustration to satisfaction,
every day you face your own and other people's emotions. The key is to use

Reliving a stressful situation

This exercise doesn't exactly seem like fun, but it has enormous value, because, by mentally reliving a difficult or painful experience, that is when we learn the most about our emotional
reactions to certain situations, and we can de-dramatize the emotions. Normally, you resist reliving stressful emotions, however, these are the ones that teach you the most and, therefore, it is
important that you learn to deal with these emotions.

Below is the summary of the exercise that we propose in this booklet.

- First, find a good time and a quiet place to do it.
- Focus on a stressful situation you have experienced. Evoke that experience that depressed, saddened or hurt you a lot.
- Try to reconstruct the scene with all its details; Reconstruct the conversation, re-experience the emotions you felt during this meeting.
- Ask yourself if your emotions were consistent with the situation.

What happened? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What did you feel? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you think you reacted appropriately? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now draw your own conclusions about your emotions:

What do you want to change? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How can you achieve it? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

By recognizing your emotions, you will also be able to clearly see what you like and what you don't. From there the fundamental basis for a future vocational approach is recognized.
My feelings diary

Its objective is to become aware of your emotions and understand the role they play in your life.

For this, at different times of the day, or at the end of each day, it is advisable to write down the feelings experienced. After two weeks or a month, you review the entries:
Do you see that certain emotions are repeated more than others?
Do you experience the same feelings for the same cause?

By examining your feelings, you will see if it is possible to make some changes, for example to relieve anxiety.

Studying the diary allows you to see which emotions you experience and which ones are repeated. You can also use this information to find out why you hold certain emotions and, if they
are negative, how you can modify the situation so as not to experience them.
Who I am?

Imagine that you receive a letter from a young man from a distant country who offers you his friendship. In his letter he asks you: who are you? what do you look
like?. You must answer in a sincere and precise way, describing your personal values, that is why we will help you with these questions so that, by analyzing
them, you can give an answer to your new friend.

Where I am?
How am I How do I live?

Who do I live with? Do I decide to live on the surface or in the depths?

What are the values that stand out in my actions? What kind of person do I want to be?

What will be the basic goals that I will try to embody in my life?

How far do I want to go?

“People often say they haven't found themselves yet. But the self is not something that
one finds, but something that one creates.” Thomas Szasz
My Self-x-ray
We invite you to answer the following questions that will serve as a basis for your self-knowledge.

Your name and its meaning is: How was your entry into the garden?

How did your parents meet? What was your first spiritual encounter with God like?
Description of each of your parents, highlighting the relationships you have with each Write outstanding events from your primary school.
of them.

What were the nine months of your pregnancy What were the subjects you liked most in school?

What was the moment of delivery and the circumstances of your birth like? What subjects did you dislike?

From what your parents have told you, what was your first year of life like? Who were your best friends in your primary school?

What were your second and third years of life like? How was your entry into high school?

How was your first birthday? Of the high school subjects, which one did you like the most and which one did
you not like?
Describe each of the degrees, noting the most outstanding. Do you treat yourself with respect or do I play to
devalue me?

Do you reserve time to do things you like?

If I could make one wish, I would...

With these answers, I will later be able to establish my Life Project that refers to
Is there congruence between what you are and what the future projection of each person, based on the reality in which they live. A
you do?
project is a future plan that allows us to reflect what we want to do later with our life.
The inventory of my life
We invite you to answer the following questions that will serve as a basis for your self-knowledge.

When do I feel totally alive? What are the things, the events, the activities, that make me feel that life is really worth living, that is the wonderful thing about being alive?

What am I doing well? How can I contribute to the lives of others? What am I doing well for my own development and well-being?

Given my current situation and aspirations, what do I need to learn to do?

What desires should I turn into plans? What dreams have I discarded as unrealistic and do I know I should dream again?

What resources do I have that are undeveloped or misused? These resources can refer to material things, personal talents or friendships.

What should I stop doing now?

What should I start doing now?

How do the answers given to all the above questions affect my immediate plans and projects for the next three months, for the next year?
My family
The family is the one that provides the greatest influence in making professional decisions, because it is in this nucleus in which you have been trained and from
which you have acquired a series of values that make you perceive things in a very particular way.

Not all families are the same, some have parents, uncles, grandparents, others are made up of the mother and her children, or parents and children, but the most
important thing is the union, peace and harmony that allows full development of all its members.

Paste a photo of yourself here


If you lead a
harmonious family life, you should have answered YES to all the questions. If you answered NO to any of the
questions, you should talk to your parents so that this aspect improves.
My friends
Friendship is one of the most important values in our life. Friends are treasures that you must preserve, they teach you respect, solidarity, honesty and
loyalty; A good friend will always correct you when you are wrong and this is why we must choose our friends well.

Write in the circles the names of your best friends and what the value and qualities that identify them are.

Evaluate the relationship you have with

your friends
Answer YES or NO to the following questions:

Do your friends have a good H
opinion of you?

Do you usually talk sincerely

and calmly with your friends?

Do you always act respectfully

in relationships with your

Do you feel that you and your

friends have a relationship of
respect, support and mutual

If you have a good relationship with your friends, you should have answered YES to all the
questions. If you answered NO to any of the questions, it is because perhaps you have not had a very
sincere attitude. You can seek the support of your parents, teachers or counselor for advice.
My Improvement
Once every aspect of your life has been analyzed, it is necessary to make an improvement plan. Remember that it is in your hands to make the
necessary changes so that you can achieve success.

You do not walk alone on this journey, you count on your family, your friends, your teachers and teaching

It's time to define your

Here make a collage with the people who are significant in your life
Do your friends have a
good opinion of you?

Do you usually talk

sincerely and calmly
with your friends?

Do you always act

respectfully in
relationships with your

Do you feel that you

and your friends
have a relationship
of respect, support
and mutual help?

Topic 2.
The only way to feel satisfied is to do great work and

found, keep looking, don't stop.”

Steve Jobs
What are vocational interests?
WE SHOULD KNOW THAT... Interests are preferences for carrying out certain activities. They have always been considered primary factors for career choice and that is why they are known as vocational
interests. To choose a career or study it is necessary to know or recognize what we are skilled at and what things interest or attract us. That is a first step to then move on to the information stage and address the
world of careers and professions.


Order each word and discover the hidden definition

r n and Yo yes and t Yes :

and r F p to n r c yes and Yo

to t n yes or yes and and q or

M an n t eith ye and yes to l
d er s
p eithe r and yes n to yes
c to h Yo to or to n eith
yes to v r Yo to

Y Y to d c t and v d and
o o
j and b yes either t either eith
eithe or v Y n d Yo d
a r o
r r and d t z and z yes to p to r
j and and c or r t to to n
to a b h d to l
Yo to d c to to c d p
rapa yes g neu Cyrus
n or t and v eith Yo b eithe j
er r
and yes r to n and p d n and
ye st and na r enn
y ei to c ei
e th th
s e e
r r
“A boat's engine determines how fast it can go, while the rudder determines the path the boat takes.”
In this sentence, the rudder corresponds to your interests and the engine corresponds to your abilities.
According to your interests and abilities, you can choose which career to study, as part of your life plan.
Discovering my vocational interests

A tool that will help you explore your vocational interests are occupational tests or inventories, which provide a profile of the occupational areas that are most related to your characteristics. This information will
help you learn about the different studies that will train you to carry out a profession. Also, as a lighthouse and guide to continue delving deeper into the world of university careers!


Below are six tables with fifty-four statements. Each describes personal activities and practices in an educational, training, or work environment.

It's time to explore!

Read the statements carefully and then mark (X) the one that reflects your personality or the one that comes closest to it. Use a pencil so you can do the activity again later or so you can change your answers if you
Add the marks from each table; each mark is worth ONE POINT. Each table has a letter that indicates a particular environment.

1 Identify the 3 symbols on the tables that gave you the most points, starting with the one with the highest number.
Read the characteristics of each of the environments with which you are supposed to share characteristics.
2. Attached to each table is a list of the occupations that best suit each personality. Read the list carefully and select the ones that are most compatible; Then analyze the alternatives with your family
members, friends, teachers or school counselor.
Remember: This is an activity about work interests, not an assessment of your abilities, so there will be no right or wrong statements. Personalities vary depending on the person and each one
6. has its own particular characteristics. Carefully selecting statements that reflect your personality will give you more accurate results regarding which environment fits your characteristics.

Think, concentrate and take as much time as necessary!

Table 1 Table 2
1 I prefer to stay in the same job for a long time. 1 I like to install and repair devices.
2 I like work with numbers. 2 I enjoy working with wood manually, such as making home furniture and wooden games.
3 I prefer to carry out projects carefully, doing them step by step. I like a work environment that allows me to solve mechanical problems such as repairing
4 I prefer jobs where I know in advance what I'm expected to do. vehicles and maintaining air conditioning equipment.

5 I prefer clear and specific work rules and instructions. 4 I prefer to work outdoors rather than in an office.

6 I like to pay attention to details. 5 I like work in the field that requires physical effort.

7 I can accept instructions from others without discussing them. 6 I like to build scale toys.

8 I like to make sure I finish the tasks assigned to me. 7 I like natural landscapes.
8 I like sports.
9 I like to organize the workplace before starting the tasks themselves.
9 I like to make daggers and silver jewelry.

Add the quantity of ( ✓ ) from Table 1. Each ( ✓ ) has one Add the quantity of ( ✓ ) from Table 2. Each ( ✓ ) has one point.
Continuation Typological proof of Holland's occupations
Table 3 Table 4
1 I like to read scientific books and journals. 1 I enjoy directing others in their activities.
2 I like to think deeply about solutions to problems. 2 I prefer tasks where I can plan and organize the work of others.
3 I like to carry out projects based on my own ideas. 3 I like to be responsible for planning activities and events.
4 I like doing laboratory tests. 4 I enjoy supervising work teams.
5 I like to work on projects that will give me new ideas. 5 I prefer the type of work that allows me to present particular ideas or points of view.
6 I like the type of work where I can do mathematical calculations.
6 I am able to convince others of my points of view.
7 I enjoy studying and exploring monuments. 7 I like to organize activities in my own way.
8 I enjoy doing scientific research. 8 I trust myself a lot.
9 I like to study specific environmental protection topics. 9 I prefer to have my own business.

Add the quantity of ( ✓ ) from Table 3. Each ( ✓ ) has one Add the amount of ( ✓ ) from Table 4. Each ( ✓ ) has one

Table 5 Table 6
1 I like to help colleagues solve their problems. 1 I enjoy playing a musical instrument.
2 I am the one who initiates conversations in meetings with colleagues. 2 I enjoy writing stories and articles.
3 I like the type of work that is directly related to the public. 3 I enjoy crafts.
4 I like to participate in group school activities. 4 I enjoy writing poetry.
5 I like working in a group. 5 I enjoy drawing people and landscapes.
6 I like to participate in volunteer work. 6 I like to participate in a photography activity.
7 I enjoy taking care of others. 7 I like the theater.
8 I like the type of work that involves improving the social situation of people. 8 I like to participate in school radio activities.

9 I prefer the type of work that involves educating and training others. 9 I like fashion design and decoration.
Add the quantity of ( ✓ ) from Table 5. Each ( ✓ ) has one Add the quantity of ( ✓ ) from Table 6. Each ( ✓ ) has one
point. point.
Now, calculate your results.
2nd step. Identify the three environments in which you obtained the highest number of points and place them
1st step. In the following table, write the total points you obtained in each table:
in the following table, starting with the highest score, as follows:
Atmosphere Symbol Total score Environments Symbol
1 Conventional c 1.
2 Realistic R
These are the three environments that
3 Investigator Yo present my characteristics 2.

4 Entrepreneur AND personal and coincide with my occupational interests.

5 SocialYes 3.

6 ArtisticTO
3rd step. Read the specific characteristics for each environment according to the three environments where you obtained the highest score, in the following table:
Atmosphere Symbol Personal characteristics

It includes people with a high degree of control and who prefer to work with numbers and figures. They are precise in their work and always comply with labor
Conventional c
standards, laws and regulations.

This environment includes people who stand out for their mechanical and sporting abilities. They prefer to work with machinery, equipment, plants and animals.
Realistic R
They may also like to work outside of an office.

This environment represents those who prefer scientific and intellectual professions. They enjoy gathering information, identifying theories or facts, and analyzing
Investigator Yo
and interpreting information.

This environment includes people with administrative personalities. They can efficiently connect their ideas and opinions with others and persuade them.
Entrepreneur AND
Furthermore, they are very confident in themselves and have the energy to achieve their aspirations.

This environment is represented by social people who enjoy helping others. They prefer to work in groups and are also characterized by their great communication
Social Yes

This environment includes people who appreciate the aesthetic qualities they express through their artistic and literary work. They are characterized by their
Artistic TO
flexibility and non-conformity or commitment to a specific system.
International youth foundation, 2015. Typological evidence of Holland's occupations. Discover your vocation. Taken from: www.jovenesneo.org

4th step. From your three environments, what are some of the interests, 5th step. What are the jobs that could have those same interests and
skills and “keywords” that are most related to your personality? skills?

ONLINE ALTERNATIVES: If you want to look for more vocational interest tests, which show you the results, you can find them on these websites: https://quevasaestudiar.com/test-vocacional/
http://aprende.colombiaaprende.edu.co/ lookingcareer


1. Read each of the activities carefully.

2. Mark with an x (x) in the “I am interested” or “I am not interested” columns, according to your own decision. You must do it only in one of the two columns.
3. In general, there are no right or wrong answers. The important thing is that you answer with sincerity and confidence, so that you can better understand your vocational orientation.

Start answering your test!

I'm I'm not I'm I'm not

No Activity interest interest No Activity interest interest
ed ed ed ed
Control income and expenditure of funds and present the final balance
Design computer programs and explore new technological applications
1 15 of an institution.
for the use of the Internet.
16 Do experiments with plants (fruits, trees, flowers).
2 Raise, care for and treat domestic and farm animals.
17 Conceive plans for homes, buildings and citadels.
3 Research about green areas, environment and climate changes. 18 Research and test new pharmaceutical products.
4 Illustrate, draw and animate digitally. Make proposals and formulate strategies to take advantage of
Select, train and motivate the personnel of an organization or 19 economic relations between two countries.
5 company.

6 Carry out excavations to discover remains of the past. 20 Paint, make sculptures, illustrate art books, etc.

7 Solve calculation problems to build a bridge. 21 Develop campaigns to introduce a new product to the market.
22 Examine and treat visual problems.
8 Design courses to teach people about health and hygiene topics.
23 Defend individual clients or companies in lawsuits of different nature.
9 Play an instrument and compose music.
Plan what the goals of a public or private organization are in the 24 Design machines that can simulate human activities.
10 medium and long term.
25 Investigate the causes and effects of emotional disorders.

Design and plan the mass production of items such as furniture, cars, 26 Supervise sales of a shopping center.
11 office equipment, food packaging and others.
Caring for and performing exercises for people who have physical
27 limitations, language problems, etc.
12 Design logos and magazine covers.
13 Organize events and serve your attendees. 28 Prepare to be a professional model.
14 Caring for the health of sick people. 29 Advise people on savings and investment plans.
Continue with your Test to identify Vocational and Professional interests

I'm I'm not I'm I'm not

No Activity interest intereste No Activity interest interest
ed d ed ed
Prepare maps, plans and images for the study and analysis of 50 Restore pieces and works of art.
30 geographic data.
51 Check and maintain electrical, electronic devices and computers.
31 Design interactive electronic computer games.
52 Teaching children from zero to five years old.
32 Carry out food quality control. 53 Investigate or explore new markets.
33 Have your own commercial business. 54 Take care of people's dental health.
34 Write journalistic articles, stories, novels and others. 55 Treat children, young people and adults with psychological problems.

35 Write scripts and scripts for a television program. Create promotion and sales strategies for new national products in the
56 international market.
36 Organize a distribution and sales plan for a large warehouse.
57 Plan and recommend diets for diabetic or overweight people.
37 Study cultural diversity in rural and urban areas.
Work in an oil company in a technical position such as production
Manage and evaluate international cooperation agreements for social 58 control.
38 development.
59 Manage a company (family, private or public).
39 Create advertising campaigns.
Work investigating the reproduction of fish, shrimp and other marine
40 animals. 60 Have a repair and maintenance workshop for cars, tractors, etc.
Dedicate themselves to manufacturing food products for mass
41 consumption. 61 Execute mining and metallurgical extraction projects.
Assist managers of multinational companies with knowledge of several
Manage and evaluate development projects in an educational 62 languages.
42 institution and/or foundation.
Redesign and decorate physical spaces in homes, offices and 63 Design educational programs for children with disabilities.
43 commercial premises.
Apply statistical knowledge in research in various areas (social,
64 administrative, health, etc.)
44 Manage a tourism company or travel agencies.
Apply alternative methods to traditional medicine to treat people with Photograph historical events, significant places, faces, landscapes for
45 various types of ailments. 65 the advertising, artistic, journalistic and social areas.
46 Design clothing for children, youth and adults.
66 Work in national and international museums and libraries.
47 Research living organisms to make vaccines.
67 Be part of a theater group.
Handle or maintain technological devices on airplanes, ships, radars, Produce short films, advertising spots, educational programs, fiction,
48 etc. 68 etc.

Study the influence between marine currents and climate and its
49 Study foreign languages—current and ancient—to do translation. 69 ecological consequences.
Continue with your Test to identify Vocational and Professional interests

I I don't
N Activity
intere intere
sted sted
70 Know the different religions (their philosophy) and transmit them to the community in general.
7 Advise investors in the purchase of goods and shares in national and international markets.
72 Study ethnic groups, their customs, traditions, culture and share their experiences.
73 Explore outer space, planets, features and components.
74 Improve people's facial and body image, applying different techniques.
75 Decorate home gardens and public parks.
76 Manage and renew food menus in a hotel or restaurant.
77 Work as a television presenter, radio and television presenter, host of cultural programs and competitions.
78 Design and execute tourism programs.
79 Adequately manage and order (plan) the occupation of the physical space of cities, countries, etc., using satellite images and maps.
80 Organize, plan and manage educational centers.

Do you want to know the results of

your Test?
In the results table, which you will find below, circle the numbers of the questions you marked in the “I am interested” column. Then in the “total” column, write down the
number of your answers in each of the areas.
To find out which area interests you the most, look for the one in which you got the highest result (that would be your first choice of vocational interest).
Next, identify which area you got the second highest score in (that will be your second choice of vocational interest).
- Those areas in which you obtained a lower score will be the ones that interest you the least vocationally.
In the “List of professions by area”, look for the professions related to the areas of vocational interest in which you obtained the two highest scores.
Don't worry if you get very high or low scores in one or some areas. This means that you have many or very few interests in certain fields.
- Talk about the results with your parents, teachers and counselors.

Remember, these results will help you decide what to study after school.
Find out the results of your Test for the identification of Vocational and Professional interests


Yo Art and creativity 4 9 12 20 28 31 35 39 43 46 50 65 67 68 75 77

II Social Sciences 6 13 23 25 34 37 38 42 49 52 55 63 66 70 72 78

III Economic, administrative and financial 5 10 15 19 21 26 29 33 36 44 53 56 59 62 71 80

IV Science and Technology 1 7 11 17 18 24 30 41 48 51 58 60 61 64 73 79

V Ecological, biological and health sciences 2 3 8 14 16 22 27 32 40 45 47 54 57 69 74 76

Below you find the List of Professions by Area

Graphic design, interior design and decoration, garden design, fashion design, jewelry design, plastic arts (painting, sculpture, dance, theater, crafts, ceramics),
AREA I advertising drawing, restoration and museology, modeling, photography, graphic management and advertising, voiceover and advertising, acting, camerawoman,
Art and creativity industrial art, audiovisual and multimedia production, communication and production in radio and television, landscape design, film and video, stage
communication for television, music.
Psychology, social work, languages, international education, history and geography, journalism, digital journalism, law, political science, sociology, anthropology,
archaeology, social management and development, family counseling, communication and advertising, educational administration, special education,
AREA II psychopedagogy, early stimulation, simultaneous translation, linguistics, early childhood education, library science, museology, international relations and
Social Sciences
diplomacy, social communication with emphasis on marketing and business management, creative and advertising writing, public relations and organizational
communication, hospitality and tourism, theology, institution priestly.

AREA III Business administration, accounting, auditing, sales, strategic marketing, management and international business, business management, financial management,
Economy, administration commercial engineering, foreign trade, banking and finance, human resources management, integrated marketing communications, administration of ecotourism
and finance and tourism companies hospitality, economic and financial sciences, administration and political sciences, business sciences, electronic commerce,
entrepreneurship, management of public organizations (municipalities, ministries, etc.), management of educational centers.

Computer systems engineering, geology, civil engineering, architecture, electronics, telematics, telecommunications, mechatronic engineering (robotics), image
AREA IV and sound, mines, petroleum and metallurgy, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, physics, applied mathematics, statistical engineering, engineering
Science and Technology automotive, environmental biotechnology, geographic engineering, military careers (navy, aviation, army), coastal and port works engineering, computer statistics,
systems programming and development, educational computing technology, astronomy, geographic science engineering and sustainable development.
Biology, biochemistry, pharmacy, marine biology, bioanalysis, biotechnology, environmental sciences, zootechnics, veterinary medicine, nutrition and aesthetics,
AREA V cosmetology, dietetics and aesthetics, medicine, obstetrics, medical emergencies, dentistry, nursing, technology, oceanography and environmental sciences,
Ecological, biological and agronomy, horticulture and fruit growing, food engineering, gastronomy, physical culture, sports and rehabilitation, environmental management, environmental
health sciences
engineering, optometry, homeopathy, reflexology.
Theme 3.
Projecting future
The life project is the planning of what you will do to achieve all the goals that you have set out to achieve in the different stages of your life. It is important that you recognize your strengths and weaknesses
because they are directly linked to your dreams and aspirations, as well as with the vision and mission that you, as a student and as a human being, have.

Think very carefully and answer the following seriously and responsibly:
The vision is related to the mission. Vision is how a person sees themselves in the long or short term, their dreams and goals. To develop your mission you must have important aspects such as God, your
studies, your family, your friends, etc.

On the front write YOUR VISION taking into account:

1. What things do you want to have?
2. What things do you want to do? What do you want to be?
3. When you imagine doing something enjoyable, what is it?
4. Where are you going?
5. What are your short, medium and long term goals?
6. How do you see yourself in the future?

Let's see how your ACADEMIC ASPECT is

What do you need to be academically successful? Evaluate your attitude towards your intellectual training, answer the following questions and explain the reason for your answers.


Do you assume a positive attitude in various activities?

Do you have clear goals about what you are going to do with your life?

Do you watch educational and cultural programs?

Do you feel motivated to go to school and learn new things?

Do you give more than what is asked of you in the studio?

Do you evaluate in which aspects of your studies you are failing and do you strive to improve?

If you assume commitment to your training, all the answers should be YES .
If you have answered NO to any question, you should stop and analyze where you are failing and seek help to improve in that aspect.

• What will you do to overcome the behaviors and attitudes that negatively interfere with your school performance?
• What commitments should you make with yourself to achieve your school life project?
the tree of my life
Below you have a tree in which you will identify your life in each of its parts. Think very well and build it!!

What nice things do I have to give? (Flowers)

What are my wishes? (Leaves)

What important people are in my life? (Birds)

What have been my achievements?


What sustains me in life? (Stem)

What should I get rid of? What hurts me? (Parasites)

What is my start? (Estate)

the tree of my life
Now, keep analyzing a little more about yourself...

What are my dreams, aspirations, or ideals in life? What aspects should I change in my life to achieve my dreams?

Which ones can I really do? What should I do to achieve this?

What are my three (3) year goals?

What are my goals for one year?

Actions to take to meet my goals In how much time? Date on which I will finish the
1. Graduate in _____ years December 20________

2. Get a good job January 20______

Tracking my goals
Follow-up on my Life Project

Year 20_____ Degree _______ Year 20_____ Degree _______ Year 20_____ Degree _______

What are my

What should I do that I

didn't do last year?

What are the areas in

which I excel most?

In what areas should I


What professions do I
see myself in?

What should I do to
achieve this?

When am I going to
fulfill it?
Read and think about your personal experience

We settle instead of taking risks. Without thinking that with each passing day, he will not return.
Nothing is written, nothing is impossible, not even possible... everything depends on our will, on those forces that come
from within us, to say from within is to say that I can face every challenge.
We have the power when we are convinced, when we are determined, when we really want something.
There is no obstacle capable of imposing itself.
If we want we can go further, if we want we can go higher, if we want we can do anything...
"You just have to propose it"
Life is a beautiful thing, as long as you do it your way, without letting anything or anyone give your opinion for you, without
letting anything or anyone get into your affairs trying to fix them.
Never let anyone ruin your life.
There is only one life, live it step by step and don't stop doing anything.
You'll probably regret it and when you realize it you'll be too lonely.
Don't stop living your dreams and illusions either, without them, life has no meaning.
Always try to go straight ahead without turning around...
Don't trust all the people around you, sometimes you think they are the best person in the world and in reality they are a
real enemy.
Always walk with the truth, no matter how painful it may be, anyway, it is worth much more than a lie.
If one day you feel lonely and feel like crying, do it, it often helps you let off steam.

When faced with any problem, do not run away for fear of facing it.
Theme 4.
Where can I study?
What do I do when I leave high school?
When you are finishing high school, you realize that it has been years of rigorous study and work, and suddenly you see a light at the end of the
passage... It seems like you are on another planet and with it comes the question: What am I going to do now? Where do I want to go? Who I want
to be?

It may be one of the most significant decisions you will make in your life, so it is necessary to be aware of the variety of possibilities that are
presented to you.

Remember that the main option is to continue studying, now, something that you are passionate about and in which you want to be the best, but
if there is no possibility of doing so, looking for a job can be a good option, always thinking about saving to start to study and look for a
professional future.

After having developed the orientation tests that you found in the booklet, you have a clearer idea of your inclination towards your vocational
shütter stock, com • 109202252 interests so now, in this section, you can search for the educational option in the universities of the Region.

Remember that to go as far as you want, you require effort, confidence, dedication and a lot of discipline.

In addition, if you want to go deeper into the areas of study, the value of the semester, the duration of the degree, etc., you can enter “Looking for a career”, a virtual tool from the Ministry of National
Education that provides you with complete and reliable information about the undergraduate programs offered by higher education institutions in Colombia in the technical, professional, technological
and university categories.

But what are technical, technological and professional careers?

You will find out below…

Higher education
The Ministry of National Education, the regulatory body of the Colombian educational system, tells us that in our country education is defined as a process of
permanent, cultural and social personal training that is based on a comprehensive conception of the human person, their dignity, of their rights and duties.

Likewise, the Political Constitution gives the fundamental notes of the nature of the educational service indicating, for example, that it is “a right of the person, a public
service that has a social function and that corresponds to the State to regulate and "exercise supreme inspection and surveillance regarding the educational service in
order to ensure its quality, the fulfillment of its purposes and the best moral, intellectual and physical training of the students."

The Colombian educational system is made up of: initial education, preschool education, basic education (primary five grades and secondary four grades), secondary
education (two grades and culminates with the bachelor's degree), and the higher education that is taught. at two levels: undergraduate and graduate.
Technical, Technological and Professional Careers

The undergraduate level in higher education has, in turn, three levels of training:

• Professional Technical Level (related to Professional Technical programs).

• Technological Level (related to technological programs).
• Professional Level (related to university professional programs).

In turn, postgraduate education includes the following levels:

• Specializations (related to Professional Technical Specialization, Technological Specialization and Professional Specialization programs). • Master's degrees.
• PhDs.

So, taking into account your vocational interests, you have the option to choose between some undergraduate level, like this:

• Technical education is fundamentally characterized because its curriculum focuses on the practice of what has been learned, that is, it enables students to perform specific
functions in the operational area. It is training intended to train for a specific job or function. The programs
are short in duration, generally four to six semesters.
• Technological education that has a higher degree of specialization, comprising programs that are
closely linked to technical processes, but simultaneously have a higher component of theoretical
knowledge. This modality is designed to perform intermediate level positions in companies. Its duration is
between five and seven semesters.

• Professional education that is at the top of the pyramid and brings together aspects of the previous two,
but the emphasis is placed on the theoretical aspect of research. Professional careers require a greater
analytical and critical sense, which encompasses all the knowledge available in a specific area of study.
They are designed so that their graduates can hold management positions. The professional modality is
the longest of the three since it lasts from eight to twelve semesters. In the official sector there is no free
offer, but the cost varies depending on the stratum to which you belong.
Higher Education Institutions in Boyacá


Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia – UPTC Tunja, Duitama, Sogamoso, Chiquinquirá www.uptc.edu.co

Tunja, Duitama, Sogamoso, Chiquinquirá, Soatá, Garagoa,

National Open and Distance University – UNAD www.unad.edu.co
Boavita, Cubará, Socha

National Learning Service SENA Tunja, Duitama, Sogamoso www.sena.edu.co

Higher School of Public Administration - ESAP Tunja www.esap.edu.co

University of Boyacá – UdB Tunja, Sogamoso, Yopal www.uniboyaca.edu.co

Santo Tomas University – USTA Tunja www.usta.edu.co

Juan de Castellanos University Foundation – JDC Tunja www.jdc.edu.co

Antonio Nariño University – UAN Tunja, Duitama www.uan.edu.co

Cenis Institute of Colombia Sogamoso, Chiquinquirá www.institutocenis.edu.co

Remington University Corporation Tunja, Duitama, Sogamoso, Chiquinquirá www.uniremington.edu.co

Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia -
UPTC MUpt Pedagogical University


FACULTY OF SCIENCES: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry.
FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES: Agronomic Engineering, Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics.
FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES: Business Administration, Public Accounting, Economics.
FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: Plastic and Visual Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Environmental Education, Bachelor of
Social Sciences, Bachelor of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Bachelor of Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Preschool Education, Bachelor of
Arts in Philosophy, Bachelor of Modern Languages Spanish – English, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology, Bachelor
of Foreign Languages with emphasis on English and French, Bachelor of Literature and Spanish Language, Bachelor of Mathematics, Bachelor of Music,
Bachelor of Psychopedagogy emphasis in Educational Consulting, Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages with an emphasis in English.
FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES: Nursing, Medicine, Psychology.
FACULTY OF ENGINEERING: Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Systems and Computing Engineering, Transportation and Road
Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering.

ERS: Business Administration, Industrial Administration, Tourism and Hotel
Administration, Industrial Design, Electromechanical Engineering, Bachelor's Degree VIRTUAL PROGRAMS
in Mathematics, Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Statistics, Bachelor's Degree Professional Technician in Health Administrative
in Technology. Processes
Professional Technician in Agroindustrial Processes
Professional Technician in Commercial and Financial
Business Administration, Public Accounting, Finance and International Trade, Mining Technology in Administrative Management of Health
Engineering, Systems and Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Geological Technology
Services in Agroindustrial Management
Technology in Commercial and Financial
Engineering, Industrial Engineering. Management
Agroindustrial Administration
CHIQUINQUIRÁ HEADQUARTERS: Commercial and Financial Administration
Business Administration, Public Accounting, Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Health Services Administration
Recreation and Sports.
National Open University and Distance - UNAD National University

ONE Open and Distance


administration. Emphasis in English, Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, Bachelor's Degree in Childhood Pedagogy.
BASIC SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING : Electronic Engineering. Management, Technology in Management of Associative Companies and Community
Organizations, Technology in Management of Civil Works and Constructions, Technology in
Agronomy, Agroforestry Engineering, Zootechnics.
SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES: Bachelor's Degree in Ethnoeducation,
in Management of Associative Businesses and Community Organizations, Technology in
Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy.
Management of Civil Works and Constructions, Technology in Transportation Management.


HEALTH : Technology in Pharmacy Regency, Technology in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.


Agricultural Production, Technology in Animal Production, Technology in Environmental Sanitation,
Technology in Agroforestry Systems.


Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Multimedia Engineering, Systems Engineering,
Telecommunications Engineering.
Commercial and Business Management, Technology in Industrial Management.
HEALTH: Health Administration
LEGAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES : Political Science Technology in Industrial Management, .

HEALTH: Technology in Safety and Health at Work

SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, ARTS AND HUMANITIES : Visual Arts, Philosophy, Sports Management, Music, Psychology, Sociology.
National Learning Service SENA

Analysis and Development of Information SystemsManagement of data networks Health administrative support
International Physical Distribution Human talent management Kitchen
Accounting for commercial and financial operations
Market management Document management
table and bar
Banking and financial entity management Business management Logistics Payroll and social benefits
Management Event organization Loom weaving for handicraft products
Administrative management


Agricultural production Meat processing
Agrobiotechnology Ecological Environmental management Agricultural projects
Food Quality Control Production of Minor Species Food agroindustry Nursery management
Business Management Livestock Production Ecological agricultural systems Conservation of natural resources
Environmental management
Agricultural systems livestock production Goat and sheep production Dairy
Natural Resources Management Agricultural production Production and harvest of cocoa cultivation processing
Food Processing Agricultural Management in environmental management Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Production systems Agricultural crops Dairy Processing
Occupational security


Automotive mechanical maintenance : Mechatronic maintenance in automobiles. Automotive mechanical maintenance : Maintenance of: diesel
Mechanical maintenance : Design of mechanical systems, Design of mechanical elements for manufacturing engines, gasoline gas engines, motorcycles, electrical systems
with CNC machine tools, Industrial electromechanical maintenance, Industrial mechanical maintenance. in automobiles.
Electrical maintenance : Industrial electricity, Industrial electrical maintenance, Low voltage electrical Mechanical maintenance : Industrial machinery mechanic.
installations, Residential electrical installations, Maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Welding : Manufacture of welded mechanical structures, plate
Automation : Industrial automation, Design and integration of mechatronic automation, Electronic maintenance welding, cutting and shaping of metal products.
and industrial instruments. Furniture design and manufacturing : Design and manufacturing
Design : Design for graphic communication, 3D animation, video game development, production of digital of contemporary and modular furniture, Carpentry, Cabinetry.
o audiovisual media. oy Systems and telecommunications : Systems, Maintenance of
O Systems and telecommunications : Maintenance of computing equipment and structured cabling, Analysis and z computer equipment.
z Construction : Construction of aqueduct and sewage networks,
•[ development of information systems, Management of data networks, Design, implementation and maintenance «iu

of telecommunications systems, Systems, Maintenance of computing equipment. Construction : Civil works, Construction of roads, Construction of buildings, Architectural
Graphic development techniques for architecture and engineering projects, Construction. drawing.
Integrated management systems : Environmental control, Occupational Health, Integrated Management Integrated management systems : Environmental management,
Systems. Production Management : Industrial production management, Project formulation, Industrial product Occupational safety, Industrial safety.
design. Industrial clothing : Climber pattern maker.
Industrial clothing : Design for the fashion industry, Industrial clothing.
OO Higher School of 000 Public
Administration eged U University of Boyacá

• Territorial Public Administration SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING : Systems Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering,
• Public administration Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Multimedia
• Technology in Public Accounting Management Engineering, Civil Engineering.
• Technology in Public Financial Management HEALTH SCIENCES : Medicine, Physiotherapy, Respiratory Therapy, Surgical
• Technology in Environmental Public Management Instrumentation, Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory, Nursing. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN
AND URBANISM : Graphic Design, Architecture, Fashion Design
LEGAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES : Law and political sciences, Social communication.
administration, public accounting, business administration.
HUMAN AND EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES : Psychology, Bachelor's Degree in Childhood




Business Administration
Social comunication Juan D Castellanos
Public accounting University Foundation
Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation
Environmental engineering FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES : Social Sciences and
Civil Engineering Humanities, Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports.
Electronic Engineering FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES : Tourism and hotel administration,
mechanical Engineering
public accounting, social work.
Telecommunications Engineering
Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and Spanish FACULTY OF LEGAL SCIENCES AND INTERNATIONAL POLITICS : Political sciences
Language and international relations, Law.
International Business FACULTY OF ENGINEERING : Civil Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Systems
Psychology Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering.
Medicine, Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering


administration, international trade, public accounting, hospitality and tourism.
engineering, Electronic engineering, Industrial engineering, Mechanical engineering,
Environmental engineering, Civil engineering.



Technology in software construction, Technology in industrial operations
management, Technology in industrial electromechanical maintenance.


Systems labor technician
Accounting Assistant Secretariat Technician
Technician in graphic design
Judicial Investigation Technician
Labor Technician in Accounting and Finance
Labor Technician in Environmental Sanitation
Systems engineer
Public accounting
International Business management
Business Administration.
Technology in Human Rights Management, Peace and Conflict

Financial administration
Graphic design professional
Public accounting
Agricultural business administration
Business Administration
Industrial engineering
Systems engineer
Technology in Advertising Graphic Design
Technology in Software Development


If you have already completed this booklet, you are prepared to continue your path to higher education in search of
fulfill one more goal in your life, such as being a professional.

We wish you success in your future and that you can achieve what you set out to do during development.
of the activities.

Remember that…

It's not about where you are but where you want to go!

Forward!! You have a successful path ahead…

Follow us… . Guiding Teachers

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