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1. Would you choose the physical characteristics of your unborn children, or
would you prefer not to have that possibility?

2. Is it okay for humans to modify the bodies of animals and plants in order to
increase production? Because?
Genetic engineering is a term that was first introduced into our language in the 1970s,
to describe the nascent DNA recombination technology and some of the things that
were happening around it.
Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to
alter the genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have indirectly
manipulated genomes by controlling reproduction, as well as selecting offspring that
have the desired characteristics. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation
of one or more genes. Most commonly, a gene from another species is introduced into
the genome of an organism to produce the desired phenotype.

As most people who read textbooks know, recombinant DNA technology started with
very simple things, cloning very small particles of DNA and growing them in bacteria,
and has evolved into a huge field where entire genomes can be cloned. and
transferred from one cell to another, using techniques that could be defined very
broadly as genetic engineering. To me, genetic engineering, in a general sense, means
that you are taking pieces of DNA and combining them with other pieces of DNA. This
doesn't really happen in nature; It is something we produce in test tubes in the
laboratory. And then what we have produced is taken and propagated in different
organisms ranging from bacteria cells, to yeast cells, to plants and animals. So while
there is no more precise definition of genetic engineering, what best defines it is that
it includes the field of recombinant DNA technology, genomics and genetics in the 21st

1. I would prefer not to have the possibility, it seems wrong to be able to modify
life as we wish, the possibility of this happening will be a great scientific
advance but having this possibility would be genetically altering nature, things
are for a reason and each one has a destiny.
I would rather leave my child's characteristics to chance than genetically alter
him just to fulfill a fleeting whim on my part.

2. This has many points of view, on the one hand it is fine for human beings to
modify living beings with the aim of overpopulating them to avoid the
extinction of one form or another of said animals or plants, for desperate
problems desperate measures are needed, it is seen well seen not only because
the objective of doing this is to save entire races but also because the simple
fact that human beings are capable of doing something like this would mean a
great scientific advance of colossal magnitudes, which would entail to many
more consecutive advances.
On the other hand, it is frowned upon for human beings to play with the lives of
living beings only to overpopulate them and exploit them worldwide. The fact
that human beings modify some living being just to guarantee the increase in
production of any company does not leave a good moral, ethical or political
After all, in my opinion I can conclude that morally it is frowned upon but in
terms of technological advances sooner or later it will happen, with or without
our consent.

Other types of genetic modifications

Other branches of Biotechnology

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