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Topic: Origin of Coronavirus

Student: Alejandro Gabriel Sáenz Toro

Section b"

Course: Text comprehension and production


Cycle: II

Origin of the coronavirus, a market selling
raccoons, foxes and bats to eat
FEBRUARY 13, 2020 8:49 PM PT
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The outbreak centered on a seafood market in the south of the country of China, with
sellers and buyers as the main affected.

The market, which has been closed, sold animals such as raccoons, snakes, rodents,
foxes and bats to eat, among various other wild and sea animals.

The coronavirus outbreak was first reported by Chinese officials on December 31 in the
city of Wuhan, China, home to at least 11 million people.

So far, the virus has killed more than 1,000 people and infected more than 42,700 after
jumping to fewer than 20 people.

Medical specialists indicated that the outbreak originated from animal to person. And hypothesis
although it is still uncertain which animal was the vector of the outbreak, many
speculate that it is the bat, since they had already been the origin of other coronavirus
epidemics, according to BBC Mundo.

Bats previously caused the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome, better
known as SARS, which infected more than 8,000 people in China, 800 of whom died.

It had already been discovered that bats also harbored the Hendra and Neepa viruses.
Even so, the animal is consumed as food in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Guam, and
other cultures and countries in the Pacific and Asia.

However, the new coronavirus likely originated in bats and then jumped to an
“intermediate host” before infecting humans, according to World Health Organization
(WHO) officials.
Scientists are conducting tests on several animals, but so far have not found the
responsible host.

There have currently been 319 cases of coronavirus in 24 countries and territories
outside, says WHO.

Last month, a group of scientists said that snakes, particularly the Chinese krait and
Chinese cobra, may have been the source of the new virus. But WHO officials later cast
doubt on that theory.

Dr. Steven Abelowitz, board certified in pediatric medicine, emphasizes that the virus is
contagious through person-to-person contact, especially through respiratory droplets contagion
from infected people, as well as contaminated surfaces.

This particular viral strain is of more concern due to its likely increased contagion and,
more importantly, due to its apparent significantly increased rate of complications and
even death (morbidity and mortality), compared to other common viruses. of cold and characteristic
flu, says Abelowitz.

“We should have a higher level of awareness due to the cases now confirmed in the
United States. "Since it is very likely that there are many more recent travelers from
China who do not yet exhibit symptoms, but who could be spreading the virus in
different communities," he maintains.

“It is essential to practice regular prevention strategies, but one should be especially
aware when coming into contact with anyone who has recently returned from Wuhan
province,” he adds.

Rivera, S. (2020, February 13). Origin of the coronavirus, a market selling raccoons,
foxes and bats to eat. Los Angeles Time . Retrieved from
un-mercado-de-venta-de-mapaches-zorros-y-murcielagos-para- eat

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