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Mr. Director Julio Soto, Mr. Elsa Basurto, Deputy Director Norma Mayaute, dear
teachers and dear colleagues:

I am pleased to address you on behalf of my colleagues to share with you the

following words:

Today, December 18, 2012, is a very special date since it is the last time we will be
together as 2012 promotions.

We know that we have gone through many conflicts, rivalries, sadness and joys
that we will not forget and that from each of these we learned the lesson that made
us grow more as people.

Those days when the competitions began, there was no shortage of the words “he
who wins first loses” that we shouted from goal to goal, nor will we forget our
nicknames that fall so accurately on our person, much less the times when we
shared so much. the great victories and the tremendous punishments that we
suffered for the sake of our formation as good people with the desire to improve,
but above all, understanding that we are a great and unique family.

Now begins a new stage in your lives, a stage of dreams and goals to achieve, a life
full of obstacles where we recommend that if you fall once, get up a hundred times,
because this life is not for failures but for winners like us.

Dear colleagues, make an effort, move forward and do not forget to fulfill all your
goals, good and joy is for yourselves and especially for your parents. We hope that
this afternoon will be pleasant for you:

(Here are all the names or surnames of those in the room):

Thank you all.


Mr. Director Julio Soto, Mr. Elsa Basurto, Deputy Director Norma Mayaute, dear
teachers and dear colleagues:

Today we say goodbye to school to start a new stage. The experience lived in these
three years fills us with enthusiasm to continue outside of it. Since here we
understood the true meaning of friendship, union, solidarity, joy and trust.

Over time, life puts various people on our path who are difficult to forget because
they have left an important mark on our hearts, accompanying us in a moment of
our life, however we cannot always stay with them but No matter how short the
time they shared, they leave us a part of themselves that will always be present to
help us grow.

This graduation is the result of the efforts of our parents, teachers, assistants and
tutors, each of them was responsible for sowing in us knowledge that will make us
more capable, but above all values, friendship and dedication that we will always
remember for the rest of our lives. lives.

That is why, on behalf of the students of this generation of Fatima students, we

thank you:

First of all, to God for allowing us to know him through you and putting you on
our path.

To our parents and siblings, for encouraging us and giving us their support despite
economic and family difficulties. They are always with us.

To Julisa and Paolo, our tutors: for being attentive to us in every situation, for
having the word of encouragement at the right moment, for their advice, support,
wisdom, cooperation, sense of humor and great friendship that emerged.

To the teachers and directors; for providing us with their knowledge, preparing us
academically, for sharing their experience, for their time even outside of work
hours, for their demands and their advice to be able to face the world that awaits

We leave with the great satisfaction of having met great friends and those people
who accompanied us along the way.

This generation is unique, since each one gave everything of themselves to succeed
as a group. It will be impossible to forget the class hours where we share our
youth, our joys and sorrows, the breaks, the walks, the dance competitions, and
above all for the math exams, the meetings at our classmates' houses, the
participation and the pranks and nicknames from which not even the teachers were
spared, among others that will make us remember that despite our age we will
always have a child inside, although sometimes he is distracted to discover new
feelings, to be more precise, at this stage some They met their first love.

It is difficult to say goodbye to the institution that for many years was in charge of
our training. We know that what is coming will not be easy, but we are excited to
know that we will always count on you. THANK YOU is not enough to express
what we feel, this mixture of sadness, happiness and satisfaction upon reaching the
goal, and having to say GOODBYE to this family, Our family!

We can only wish you much success and remind you that you can always count on


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