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Rizal Ideals

1. On Nationalism - he put emphasis on the need of recovering this great ideal to awaken
the nationalistic spirit among the Filipinos who were quite passive.
2. Nationalism on Education - Education is a powerful weapon in propagating nationalism.
- Means educating for a social purpose
- Means consciously educating filipinos to be filipinos
3. On Moral values - moral values can exist only in a free being and his voluntary human
acts. By willingness to be morally good, a man becomes good.
4. On cooperation - Rizal at an early age was awakened to the necessity of cooperation
among men and, thus was a forerunner to the United Nations and the other world efforts
at peace keeping.
5. On Nation-building - was one of the magnificent obsessions of Rizal. The blueprint of
Rizal for nation-building included the importance of instilling racial pride and dignity
among his people, the promotion of national consciousness, re-orientation of values and
attitudes, and the willingness to sacrifice for the country through education.
6. On Democracy - the twin ideals of democracy and liberty , were emphasized by Rizal ,
carried reverberations throughout the world especially in Asia.
7. On Education - he emphasized the need of the people for education before they could
aspire for freedom and all the blessings it would bring. Without education, no reform is
possible, that is no tranquility and happiness are possible
8. On Governance - the citizens should be encouraged to participate in government
undertaking and productive activities by way of consultation through peaceful and lawful
means. The people managing the affairs of government shall have brains and ability,
political maturity and experience.
9. On the Family - the basic and oldest social institutions, is very important in shaping the
character of the child. Family determines the child’s social class, religious orientation
and the language use and each of these factors have a profound influence on the
upbringing of the children. The family teaches the children values they hold dear
throughout their lives.
10. On Livelihood - rizal objected vehemently to Marx's communist ideology, he believed
that human progress was guided by cooperation, not conflict. The people's livelihood
determined the economic status of the family . He was convinced that an enlightened
and constructive economic program was necessary. He regarded livelihood as one of
the focal points of the government to alleviate poverty.
11. On Justice - justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due. He
attested that the twin ideals of the system of justice are swiftness and fairness. This in
effect, is consistent with legal maxim, “ that justice delayed is justice denied”
- Rizal was undoubtedly very idealistic , but his ideals were attainable. He proved this in
his exile in Dapitan where he played very successfully the roles of educator, physician,
scientist,businessman, artist, and civic-spirited citizen.

On Nationalism: Rizal emphasized the need to revive nationalism among Filipinos, who were
then passive, to awaken their national spirit.

On Nationalism in Education: He believed education was a powerful tool for fostering

nationalism, advocating for consciously educating Filipinos to embrace their identity and
purpose in society.

On Moral Values: Rizal asserted that moral values stem from free, voluntary human acts,
emphasizing that willingness to do good makes a person morally upright.

On Cooperation: Recognizing early on the importance of cooperation among people, Rizal

anticipated global efforts like the United Nations for peacekeeping.

On Nation-Building: Nation-building was a key focus for Rizal, involving instilling pride and
dignity, promoting national consciousness, reshaping values, and advocating sacrifice through

On Democracy: Rizal highlighted democracy and liberty as crucial ideals, resonating not only in
Asia but globally.

On Education: He stressed the necessity of education as a prerequisite for freedom and societal
progress, believing it essential for tranquility and happiness.

On Governance: Rizal advocated for citizen participation in governance through peaceful

consultation, stressing the importance of capable leadership.

On the Family: Rizal recognized the family as fundamental in shaping a child's character,
influencing social class, religious beliefs, language, and values.

On Livelihood: Rejecting Marxist ideology, Rizal emphasized cooperative progress over conflict,
viewing livelihood as pivotal in alleviating poverty and advocating for enlightened economic

On Justice: He defined justice as consistently giving each person their due, emphasizing the
importance of fairness and swiftness in legal proceedings.

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