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Planning Reading Comprehension Strategies

Lesson plan

Subject: Spanish 4th. Language and communication degree

Purpose: Read fluently and comprehensively a non-literary text, flexibly
applying reading comprehension strategies.
Content(s): 1. Develop the capacity for dialogue and respectful
participation in different communicative situations.
2. Express personal experiences of daily life, developing the
ability to communicate experiences, emotions and thoughts.
3. Develop and increase understanding of the natural
environment to protect and preserve it.

Previous Efficient management of fluent reading and some reading

knowledge: comprehension techniques.
Expected learning Activities Resources

They show interest 1. Generic Technique :

in reading an
informative text Reading: C. Q. TO.
about butterflies to
 They read non- Know – Want –
expand their
literary texts applying Learn
knowledge on the
strategies before,
during and after
 They recognize the
structure of the text.
They use other sources
of consultation.

2. Classroom
I. Starting
Interest and
1.- They observe Participation
Sheets with
various pictures with butterflies.
They work with  Very interested.
butterflies from
metacognitive  Little interested.
different places and
strategies and  Not interested.
comment on them.
become aware of Technique
what they know and 2.- They use the
“Brainstorming” Stake
their objectives to “brainstorming”
read and learn about technique to activate  Very participatory.
the topic. prior knowledge on the  Little participatory.
topic. Team work  Does not
Worksheet participate.
Answer the first two Ask questions about
questions of the c the topic:
technique on the
worksheet: Know  Always
 Sometimes
*What do I know  Never
about the topic? Q
*What would you like I want to learn
to know?
3.- They record the
ideas on the board or TO
on transparencies,
I learned
grouping them into
categories based on the
list of the group's
previous knowledge.
Examples: types of
butterflies, size, colors,
habitat, feeding,
usefulness, prejudices
they cause, others.

4.- They formulate and Projections with Ask questions about

record in writing the question records. the topic:
questions about
butterflies that they  Always
want to answer  Sometimes
through reading.  Never
They practice II. Developmental Text They demonstrate
reading the understanding of the
informative text 1. They read the "The butterflies". text read:
“The Butterflies” informative text “The
and identify the Butterflies” (scientific  Always
explicit information in nature) in silence.  Frequently
contained in it.  Occasionally
2. They read the text  Never
orally individually.
3. They contrast their
prior knowledge
recorded on the
They use worksheet with that
metacognitive which appears in the
techniques during reading and confirm its
reading. correctness or
4. They correct their
previous mistakes.
They recognize the 5. They identify in the
organization and text read whether the
structure of previous questions
informative text to about aspects they
locate information. wanted to learn were
6. Answer in writing
stage A of the
technique “What did I
learn?” in the lecture.
7. Write the questions
that were not answered
on the worksheet.
8. They consult other
texts to answer them or
research the topic on
the Internet.

III. Closing Activities

1. They share with the He expresses himself
course the information clearly, precisely and
They report orally consulted in the
on the topic attached material. Graphic organizer fluently:
expressing 2. Complete the  Always
themselves with worksheet with the  Sometimes
clarity, precision answers not answered  Never
and fluency. previously.
3. Make a graphic Show understanding
organizer, individually, of meaning through
with the main graphic organizers:
characteristics of
 Always
 Frequently
 Occasionally
4. Display the different  Never
graphic organizers
complemented with
illustrations in the wall
5. They use digital
writing to edit their
Evaluate with
They evaluate the 6. They evaluate the
work based on their use of the CQA  Always
ideas.  Sometimes
technique as a support  Never
for learning.

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