Official Basic Facial Attractiveness Manual

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Facial attractiveness

• Start
• Appearances matter
• The pillars of the house
• Position
• nasal breathing
• Teeth in contact
• Sealed lips
• Mewing
• steel jaw
• hollow cheeks
Hello winner here is Mr. Jaws, I hope you are doing well.

Here I am bringing you the basic and escalating facial attractiveness guide so you can go
from 0 to 10 with this book.

We will focus on your facial attractiveness, which is what I am an expert in and that is
what I will give you the tools to start seeing results.

Keep in mind that we will not treat any medical or dental problems, we will focus on
everything you can do to enhance your attractiveness from home and naturally.
Do appearances matter?
In a single word yes.

Yes, appearances matter and many will tell you to love yourself as you are and if you love
yourself but don't stagnate, always look for your best version. Many say love yourself as
you are to stay as you are and not move in the direction that will make you have a better

Others will tell you that only your interior matters, trust yourself, work on your personality
and your attitude and you will be successful in love, well no, your attitude, personality and
confidence are fine to work on, but that does not mean that you leave your attractiveness
alone. On the other hand, people who are attractive have more opportunities in life in
practically any area.

The first thing people see is not your personality or your attitude, nor if you are confident,
the first thing they see is your face and body and they get an idea of who you are.

That's why they rule you out as a future partner or accept you as a suitor.

People see attractive people as better, brave people, someone who must be respected,
and not so attractive people as dishonest, fearful, evil people, someone who should not be

How they see you they treat you.

This is what they instill in us since we were little, do you remember Sherk? How did they
treat him when he was an ogre and how did they treat him when he became a handsome
and attractive man?

You're starting to see where we're going.

Although it doesn't sound good and your ears don't like hearing this, appearance=life.
Unattractive people become frustrated by not finding a partner and end up depressed,
spending a lot of money on motivation courses or social skills in the best of cases, in the
worst of cases the frustration leads them to hate others or even to suicide.

Beauty is not subjective.

There are patterns of beauty in women and men that attract us.

If we simplify them, they would be good genes, status (that he is a born leader) and that he
has a future, that is, he is not starving and can manage with his own means.

If we get more detailed we could say that the patterns of attractiveness in a man are:
marked and projecting jaw, wide chin, compact almond-shaped eyes, straight or neutral
eyebrows, short philtrum, neck at the same anchor as your jaw, healthy hair and sexy,
healthy skin, thick and full eyebrows, medium long eyelashes, tall (6.2+) mouth with normal
or a little more fleshy and well-defined lips, corners at the same level as the pupil, hunter's
eyes, projected and prominent cheekbones, thick and masculine eyebrow crest, optional
beard, ears that do not protrude, straight nose, projecting jaw, good orbital supports, space
between the eyes not so long or short, straight and white teeth, hollow cheeks, etc.
Speaking of women: well projected jaw, straight or slightly raised nose, more arched and
thinner eyebrows at the end, large and horizontal but compact eyes, thick lips, chin in
harmony with the face, prominent cheekbones, healthy skin, healthy hair, long eyelashes,
projecting jaw, height does not matter so much, well-shaped body, etc.

Many of this can be improved naturally, our lifestyle from a young age influences whether
we are going to be more or less attractive. In men, if they do not eat well, especially during
puberty, then they will have low testosterone, which will give them low bone density. , lower
voice, less loud voices, small penis.

If they have high testosterone at that time they will have the opposite, especially bone

The difference between an attractive face and an unattractive one is bone density,
muscles, skin.
The skull of someone attractive is equally large, the splanchnocranium (facial bones) and
the neurocranium. (Skull bones)

In this I am going to help you give you the bases on which you should start and the tools
you should learn to take advantage of yourself.
The pillars of the house.
Our house has six pillars, once all six are in place we can go up to the second floor, if you
don't have the pillars you can't go up.

The pillars are:

1 .-your posture

2 .-nasal breathing.

3 .-teeth in contact.

4,-sealed lips.

5 .-exercise.

6 .-feeding

If you already have them internalized you can skip them, but if you don't read this because
what you do later will not work if you don't apply this, it's serious.

We are going to review each one and you must put them into practice.

Learning to maintain perfect posture is very important. Your health, mental well-being,
facial and physical attractiveness depend on how good your posture is.

If you want to maintain perfect posture, you need to sit correctly, sleep correctly, and do
certain exercises. The aesthetic and health challenges associated with poor posture are
numerous and severe, so you should do everything in your power to keep your posture as
stable as possible.

Your posture is who you are and affects how your body grows, develops and maintains
itself. Your posture can make the difference between a healthy lifestyle and a poor one.
Read on to learn the importance of perfect posture and what you can do to improve yours.

Why good posture is important

The quality of your posture can determine whether or not you will have problems in the

Posture increases height

Since people stop growing after puberty, working on your posture is one of the few things
you can do to increase your height. Hunched over, anterior pelvic tilt, nerdy neck, rounded
shoulders, everything will serve to make you shorter. Working on your posture will literally
make you stand tall.

Posture affects mewing results.

The ability of your tongue to press hard on the roof of your mouth depends on your posture.
A forward head posture will cause your tongue to stretch out and you will not be able to
have the back third of your tongue resting on the roof of your mouth. Without this proper
oral posture, your face will develop poorly. You will be more likely to breathe through your
mouth. Your oral posture is affected by the entire postural chain , starting from your feet to
your hips and neck.
Good posture improves self-image

Posture is also important for your self-image. Poor posture does not speak well of
someone's character. If you have poor posture, people may perceive you as lazy, untidy,
and lacking in good qualities. However, excellent posture speaks volumes to viewers. A
perfect posture represents someone attentive, hard-working, organized and ready for
anything. Someone with their back straight and head held high looks instantly confident.

Poor posture gives you cramps in your bones, organs and muscles

Poor posture limits the amount of space inside your body, causing your bones, organs, and
muscles to narrow. This means that blood cannot circulate freely through the body. If the
organs do not receive enough blood, they cannot obtain the vital nutrients and resources
that blood cells supply.

Without these blood cell resources, your body will weaken over time. This leads you to be
more susceptible to illness and injury.

Poor posture leads to health problems

Poor posture can lead to several health problems such as headaches, joint pain, muscle
spasms, and other health problems. If you continue to maintain poor posture, you will suffer
from these health problems at an earlier age and become weaker over time. Good posture
leads to the opposite of this. If you have perfect posture, your organs will always have room
to breathe and blood can easily circulate to your body parts.

Poor posture contributes to stress and fatigue

Poor posture can cause fatigue, stress and lack of concentration. This means that your
brain will have a difficult time operating due to the added stress. Maintaining perfect
posture can lead to a healthy mindset. The brain will be able to function more efficiently
because it can receive blood easily. This will allow for better mental concentration and you
will be able to complete tasks without getting tired.
In short, posture may not seem very important, but it can affect your life across several
spectrums. Good posture depends on the state of the spine and muscles. The spine
resides in the back and is made up of smaller bones called vertebrae, which protect the
spinal cord. Your spine can withstand the pressure of gravity and serves as an attachment
point for the bones in your body.

Although your muscles are made of soft tissue, they do a great job of keeping you upright.
Your muscles not only serve as a wall of defense for your bones and organs, but they help
you maintain your balance so you don't fall. Your spine and muscles constantly fight
against the force of gravity. Without them, your body would quickly succumb to the effects
of gravity.

Your posture affects how well your spine keeps your back straight. Your spine is very
flexible, but as you age, it takes on the shape it has been in for a long time. Poor posture
causes additional stress to the spine and leads to many health problems. Learning and
constantly maintaining correct posture keeps your spine in good shape and the rest of your
body healthy and happy.

Nerd neck

The stereotypical forward head posture that is the hallmark of modern life is nerd neck.
Instead of having a straight profile with the head directly over the shoulders when standing,
the neck juts forward. This ruins your oral posture and is a big cause of turkey neck.

The pitfalls of modern life, such as staring at your cell phone, watching television, reading
books, staring at a computer monitor, and more, will cause and contribute to nerd neck.
This is the biggest postural problem created by the modern lifestyle.
Poor posture at rest

If you are not suffering from a traumatic experience, but still have poor posture, then there
may be a different culprit. Your posture is something you should be aware of and always
strive to maintain. It's easy to become lax in maintaining perfect posture, especially if you
get too comfortable.
However, you should be careful to avoid this. If you maintain poor posture for too long, your
body will adjust to that position and it will be very difficult to get out of it.

The type of pressure you put on your body can affect good posture. A person can develop
poor posture by standing incorrectly, sitting incorrectly, sleeping incorrectly, or not getting
enough exercise. Below are some things you may be doing to harm your posture, along
with some tips on how you can improve your posture.

Rounded shoulders
Rounded shoulders are a cause and symptom of nerd neck. When you are at your
computer desk, hunched over, you will develop rounded shoulders. Basically, every time
you look down, your shoulders will tend to sink your head.

Anterior pelvic tilt

Anterior pelvic tilt is caused by weak hip extensors, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominals.
Again, this comes from our modern lifestyle, which includes a lot of sitting and a lot of
bending. If you spend most of your time sitting, your hips will adapt to this new position.

To find out if you have anterior or posterior pelvic tilt, look in the mirror from your side and
compare it to the image above. Remember that some anterior pelvic tilt is normal. If you
don't see a slope that's very obvious, don't do corrective exercises. You would only be
hurting yourself. For direct confirmation, visit a physical therapist or other medical
Posterior pelvic tilt

The posterior pelvic tilt leads to the back and glute tuck, also known as Hank Hill***. Sitting
in a hunched position is a major cause of posterior pelvic tilt. With posterior pelvic tilt, you
have weak hip flexors and spinal erectors, but tight hamstrings, glutes, and abs.

foot posture

The entire postural chain begins at the feet. Your body should be slightly leaning forward.
Misalignment in your feet can completely change how you distribute your weight and which
muscles are under tension. This may be due to doing activities where your center of gravity
is unbalanced. Make sure your squat and deadlift technique in the gym is correct. Don't
stomp your feet when you walk and try to have a softer step. Make sure your weight is
evenly distributed across your toes and that your ankles distribute force evenly to the inner
and outer edges of your feet. Don't tilt your foot (bend it inward).

Shoes have given our feet an unnatural support structure not found in nature. Imagine
going to the gym in power armor. This is what shoes basically do to your feet. You need to
relearn how to run without shoes. As soon as you take off your shoes and go for a run,
you'll be working a different set of muscles than normal. However, you need to take it slow
because you don't want this to lead to an injury. Remember, you've spent a lot of your life
not using these muscles. Start by simply not wearing shoes around the house.

Maintain your posture by standing correctly

Standing up may not seem like a big deal, but your body does a lot of work to help you stay
on your feet. Your brain is constantly sending messages throughout your body that help
you maintain balance, walk without falling, and keep your spine straight. However, even
standing can damage your spine if not done correctly.

If you are tired, you may slouch a little. Bending over or leaning in one direction for too long
is not good for your spine. This is because prolonged slouching causes a curvature to
develop in the spine. If you continue to continually curve your spine, it will continue to do so
as you age. It is important that you learn to be aware of this and correct it before it
becomes a permanent habit.

If you want to have good posture, you must always remember to stay upright. While you
don't have to stiffen your body and stretch, you should make sure not to slouch even a
little. If you start to feel comfortable slouching, then it will become a habit and damage your

When you walk through a door, lift your chin, head back, shoulders up and back, and hold it
for as long as you can.

Correction of standing posture

The correct way to stand is to relax your body and distribute your weight evenly. Your heels
should support most of your weight and your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Avoid
bending your knees too much and keep your shoulders relaxed and to the sides. Avoid
letting any part of your body protrude beyond your feet, as this can lead to uneven weight
distribution; Make sure you get your belly and butt in.

Your head should not be tilted forward or back, it should be in line with your shoulders.
Relax your spine while keeping your form straight. With practice, you will be able to
maintain this form even when you feel tired.

If you are lifting an object, remember to lift it with your knees and not your spine. Lifting with
your spine can strain the smaller muscles in your lower back and cause long-term damage.
When lifting with your knees, you move the weight through the larger set of muscles in your
two legs and not through the smaller set of muscles in your spine. Keep your body upright
as you lift the object slowly so as not to strain yourself.

The less pressure you put on your spine, the easier it will be to maintain an upright position
and perfect posture.

Maintain your posture by sitting correctly

One of the most common things that can affect your posture is your sitting posture. As I
said above, your spine plays a big role in how good your posture is. The spine always
resists gravity to keep you upright. When you sit, this resistance increases and your spine
has to work harder to maintain an upright position. The way you position your body while
sitting can have a big effect on the shape of your spine, which affects your posture.

Bending over while sitting is not good for your spine. This position curves the shape of the
spine and brings it closer to the ground where gravity pulls it down. Eventually, your lower
back will start to hurt because your spine should not be in this position. If you continue
doing this for a long period of time, your posture will slouch. This can lead to back problems
and increase the chances of developing spinal injuries.

Correct posture by sitting

The correct way to sit is with your back completely straight. Keeping your spine straight
removes some of the gravitational pressure on your spine. Don't lean too far back in your
chair because it will put pressure on your back and cause lower back pain. If necessary,
you can place a pillow behind your back to help give your spine some support while sitting.
This will make it easier to sit upright without leaning too far back or forward in the chair.

Another factor that can harm your posture when sitting is crossing your legs; Crossing your
legs while sitting is not completely dangerous. However, if you have been sitting for a long
time, crossing your legs can lead to more health problems. When you sit down, you cut off
blood circulation in your legs a little. This means that the heart must pump harder to get
blood through the legs and back.

Crossing your legs adds more pressure to your blood vessels because you are now putting
more pressure on your legs. This also means additional stress on the spine and other
organs since they don't receive as much blood. Crossing your legs can disrupt the
alignment of your spine and pelvis if you cross your legs repeatedly for long periods of time
while sitting.

The best position for your feet while sitting is to lie firmly on the floor. By keeping your feet
straight and on the ground, you take some of the weight off your spine and lower your
blood pressure. Doing this can also help keep your back straight so you don't lean forward
or backward. Make sure the backs of your legs are away from the chair. This way, there will
be no pressure on the blood vessels and the blood can flow freely.

Be sure to take some breaks if you have to sit for long periods. Standing up and walking
around a bit will relieve pressure on your spine and help your blood resume normal
circulation and pressure. When sitting, be sure to keep your head up and relax your
shoulders. Don't lean too far forward or bend your neck down too much, as this will cause
neck pain.

Lastly, invest in a chair that supports your spine and lower back. The chair should be
comfortable for your body and support your spine and legs. When you sit in the chair, your
body should be at a 90° angle with your feet firmly on the floor. If necessary, place a pillow
on your seat to help support your back. This will help relieve pressure and back pain.

Keep this in mind when you are driving. You want your back to be straight in your seat and
your body at a 90° angle. The seat should not recline too close or too far from the steering
wheel. Close enough for you to keep your arms at a comfortable degree while maintaining
good posture.

Maintain your posture while sleeping

To maintain perfect posture, you must remain alert and constantly work to avoid poor
posture. This includes when you sleep because the position you sleep in can also damage
your spine. When you fall asleep, your body is usually in the same position for a long time.
Although you can move around while you sleep, lying in the correct position can prevent
back pain and muscle stress from developing in the future.

The sleeping position you should try to avoid is sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on
your stomach puts great pressure on your organs, especially your lungs. It also disrupts the
natural curve of your spine and causes neck pain because you have to turn your head to
the side. Sleeping continuously like this can cause pain in the chest, back and neck. If you
must sleep on your stomach, try placing a pillow under your body to serve as a supportive

Correct sleeping posture

The best sleeping position is on your back or left side. Sleeping on your back helps support
and relieve tension in the spine and neck. Your organs don't get crushed, so they can still
do their job while you sleep. Sleeping on your back helps reduce facial wrinkles because
your face is exposed to the air instead of being squashed like a pillow.

If you have sleep apnea or another sleep condition, you may want to avoid sleeping on
your back. Your tongue can block your airway while you are lying on your back and cause
you to wake up. Unless you have a device to help manage your sleep apnea, I suggest
sleeping on your left side.

Sleeping on your left side is another good sleeping position because it has many useful
benefits. Sleeping on your left side helps your heart circulate blood throughout your body,
stimulates digestion, relieves heartburn and acid reflux, and helps your body eliminate
toxins. A side note is that sleeping on your side can cause the arm you are lying on to go
numb. To fix this problem, try switching sides from time to time to get the blood flowing
through your arms.

Make sure you sleep with a pillow that supports your neck. This will elevate your head off
the flat surface of the bed, decreasing your chances of waking up with neck pain. If you
sleep in a bed that doesn't fully support your spine, try placing a pillow under you to support
your back. This can help maintain proper spinal curvature while you sleep.

The important thing is that you choose a comfortable sleeping position. If you wake up with
numbness or pain, try changing your sleeping position. Make sure you get a mattress that
is comfortable for your back, so you don't wake up with back pain. If you like to watch TV
before bed, make sure you do it sitting up. Trying to watch TV while lying down puts extra
pressure on your neck.

Maintain your posture by exercising

If you've done all of the above and still have poor posture, try doing some exercises.
Exercise is not just a method to lose fat and gain muscle; It helps develop spinal flexibility
and helps correct bad posture. As you age, your body becomes less flexible and you may
find it more difficult to perform certain activities. You can slow this process by doing
workouts that promote flexibility and fluid movement in your body.

McKenzie Chin Tuck

This exercise directly combats the nerdy neck and forward head posture we get from our
modern lifestyle. Consider this exercise the polar opposite of looking at your cell phone.
This exercise should become your life and you should do it 24/7. Simply bring your chin
towards your face and repeat this as much as you can. Here is a short video explaining this

You should practice this exercise for at least 15 minutes a day.

Stomach vacuum cleaners

Stomach vacuums are a great help with anterior pelvic tilt. This exercise will activate your
pelvic floor muscles and make sure your abs look good.

Try to literally get your anus and urethra inside your body. This will activate your pelvic floor
muscles. If you have anterior pelvic tilt, pay special attention to squeezing your glutes and
abs to rotate your pelvis posteriorly. Many people attribute 8 pack abs to this exercise.

Pull Ups and Face Pulls

Pull-ups are key to good posture and establishing rounded shoulders. They tighten your
shoulder muscles so you actually walk upright instead of hunched over. Get really good at
these exercises. Pull Ups are self-explanatory, but here is a short video that demonstrates
how to do face pulls correctly.

Simple posture exercises

Core exercises, yoga and Pilates are exercises that can improve your posture and tone
your muscles. These exercises help tone your core muscles, pelvis, and spine. The only
equipment you will need is yourself, sports clothing and a mat. Be sure to start slow if you
haven't exercised in a long time. You won't do your body any good if you overwork it. Start
slow and work your way up from there.

plank pose

One pose you can start with is called a plank, which is meant to help strengthen your core
muscles. To do plank pose, place your forearms and feet on the floor. Stretch your feet
behind you, with the tops of your feet on the floor. Raise your body until it is stiff and level
like a plank of wood. You should only use your forearms and toes to support your body.
Look down at the floor and hold this posture for about 30 seconds.

When the 30 seconds are up, return to your original position. Over time, you will be able to
increase the amount of time as your core muscles get stronger.

cobra pose

The next pose is called the Cobra pose, and it is a pose meant to stretch the spine.
However, it can strain your back if you're not careful. First, lie face down and place your
palms on the floor. Place the tops of your feet on the floor and inhale and exhale slowly.
Next, exhale and slowly lift your chest off the floor.

Extend your arms for support as you rise and slightly curve your spine using your lower
back muscles. Don't lift your hips off the floor and don't bend your back too much. Hold this
posture for 30 seconds and slowly return to your original position.


Your posture says a lot to anyone who sees you. Having perfect posture gives a good
impression about you to others and promotes good health. Making small changes to your
posture helps improve it greatly, especially through these methods:

• Practice the McKenzie chin tuck religiously.

• Standing correctly affects the quality of your posture. Keep your spine
straight, the weight distributed evenly on the feet and avoid putting too much
pressure on the spine.

• Sitting correctly relieves pressure on the spine and organs. Your organs will be able
to breathe, blood will be able to circulate easily, and you will not develop stiffness in
your back.

• Getting proper sleep will help you relax while maintaining good posture.

• Exercise keeps you physically healthy and flexible. This is the best way to maintain
your posture and keep your spine flexible.

Posture trainers don't work unless they force you to change your posture on your own. This
has to be something you consciously remind yourself to do because your posture is what
you are 24/7. As such, it is one of the hardest things to change.

Perfect posture doesn't happen overnight. If you want to maintain good posture, you will
need to strive to maintain it consistently.
Breathing through your nose is important. Something that is involuntary and necessary,
can sometimes be replaced by mouth breathing (especially when fatigue appears),
something that prevents the functions of nasal breathing from being carried out.

Breathing through the nose is important for the following reasons:

• The air that we introduce into the respiratory system is cleaned , so we can
avoid possible respiratory infections, especially now in winter where we may have
lower defenses.

• The air entering the respiratory tree is pre-warmed , which reduces one of the
risk factors for respiratory diseases: cold.

• The air is also humidified before entering the lungs. If this air were dry, the
mucosa that covers the respiratory system could partially dry out, causing
respiratory problems and reducing respiratory functions.

When we have a cold and suffer from nasal congestion, not being able to breathe through
the nose causes those unpleasant symptoms of dryness, itching or discomfort in
respiratory function to appear. Hence the importance of breathing through the nose ,
since it acts as a filter for the air that enters the body.

Constant mouth breathing causes your attractiveness to decline in the long term.

Your molars are a support for your facial structure and without it gravity will cause it to sink,
giving you a long, flat face.

If you can't breathe due to allergies, start worrying, change your environment, buy
supplements or pills to combat it.

If your mouth opens while you sleep, I'll give you a hack, put a tape on your mouth and
sleep on your back so that you can sleep peacefully and do not cause facial asymmetries,
because sleeping on your side always causes asymmetry in your face due to the pressure
it exerts. on the side of your face.
Use products that unclog your nose to allow you to breathe through your nose because
your attractiveness and health depend on it.
Your teeth should be in contact whenever you are not talking or eating, it is crucial for
mewing to work and so that your attractiveness does not get worse over the years.

Teeth in contact is like a small bite but without pressure or a smile.

The normal position of the teeth, you cannot do mewing if you have your teeth separated,
that will not have an effect.

Remember it is not squeezing, it is having your mouth closed and your teeth or molars
being more specific in contact.

This is simple, just seal your lips naturally so that air does not enter your mouth or
escape, this will help your tongue stay stuck to the roof of your mouth.
Up to this point you have already made a lot of progress.

You have good posture, you breathe through your nose, your teeth in contact with your
lips sealed.

Let's move on to the last ones.

I'm not going to tell you what to eat or what exercises to do, that's up to you.

But you should do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to keep your body with low fat
levels, plus a good diet so that you have an ideal hormonal level and it is much easier for
the exercises to work for you.

If you don't eat well, start little by little, increase one glass of water a day, or one push-up
each day and there will come a point where you make it a habit.

Very good winner, you have finished the pillars of the house, it is time to level up.
Mewing [The definitive guide]

What is Mewing?

Mewing is a long-term technique to improve facial structure. It is one of the most

important things you can do to have a chiseled jawline, prominent cheekbones,
hollow cheeks, and achieve the overall model-like look.

I have to admit, when I first heard this years ago, I thought it was the silliest thing and
tantamount to nonsense. It's all genetics! Changing your face or bone structure is ridiculous.
This attitude is due to the fact that people think of bones only in the context of fossils,
hardened, immovable objects. But that's not how bones exist in our bodies. Bones have a
vascular supply and help produce new cells from bone marrow.

Bones in adults are still malleable and are continually undergoing bone remodeling. Babies
have a 100% bone remodeling rate and, in adults, it is approximately 10%. It is still within
the realm of possibility to obtain positive and permanent changes in bone structure. If you
don't believe that
bones change, look at the differences between the young and aged skull ( Eduardo et al.,
2017) :

However, it takes a lot of work and dedication to get your bones to do what you want. It also
gets more difficult with age. After 25, it's still possible, but it will be an uphill battle. As a
prehistoric human, your life at age 25 would have been more than half over and things
would have started to slow down. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't do mewing, as
bones can and will get worse with age.

One of the most famous examples is this progress report posted by a lookism user:
YouTuber AstroSky also changed his face for several years through his dedication to
Here's a 2-year progress photo from a Reddit user:

Because mewing is a relatively new concept that challenges the traditional medical
discipline of orthodontics, not much research has been done directly on mewing itself.
Although Dr. Mew's results with children speak for themselves, only he and a few other
doctors are collecting data on this topic. However, there is a lot of scientific evidence about
the basic principles behind mewing, namely that tongue posture can guide growth, facial
bones can change in adults, mouth breathing leads to malocclusion, and more.

And if you still doubt that mewing works, check out more mewing before and after photos.

Mewing is especially effective at younger ages, where bones are more flexible than in adults
and are still growing. In children, the sutures in the face have not yet fused, allowing
postural changes to move the bones like jelly. The treatment of craniofacial problems with
this method is orthotropic.

These two children below received a mouth training device that forced them to keep their
tongue in the correct position. This saved them from expensive orthodontic treatments in the
future and improved the shape of their face:
Mewing device mewing device results

Plus, mewing has real health benefits that could save your life. As your face lengthens due
to incorrect posture, your tongue slides into your throat and you are more likely to have
sleep apnea. Learning to breathe through your nose and mewing correctly can help prevent
sleep apnea, where you don't absorb enough oxygen during sleep. Sleep apnea also
increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to the 2001 Sleep Health Heart

It doesn't stop there. People who suffer from sleep apnea have a 2-3 times increased risk of
stroke, according to a 2010 study in the American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care
Medicine. They also face more than three times the risk of premature death.
An incorrectly shaped face will not work correctly . In addition to sleep apnea, you are
more likely to:


They have less horizontal space for teeth (which eventually leads to crooked teeth)

Suffer from a stuffy nose

Having hearing problems due to blocked Eustachian tubes

Get less oxygen to your brain and have a lower IQ

Breathing through your mouth also causes chronic stress. Mouth breathing is for stressful,
high-demand situations, such as chasing prey or fleeing from a lion. You should not breathe
through your mouth 24/7.

Many people overcomplicate mewing and don't understand the technique, but it's actually
quite simple. Doctors John and Mike Mew invented "mewing." Check out his Orthotropics
YouTube channel for videos on mewing and how it works.

Also, remember that mewing is a long-term strategy to optimize your appearance and
health. It's not something you can do in a few months unless you're very young. Be
prepared for it to take a literal/actual decade before you achieve great visible results. It will
require constant dedication every day, especially if you are over 25 years old. You must
have realistic expectations.

Also remember that mewing will not make you look like someone else. Although it will
undoubtedly make you look better, your genetics are still your foundation.

If you're wondering whether you should do this or not, the answer is a resounding yes. It
doesn't take time away from your day. It is simply a healthy posture. Your face changes with
age, whether you like it or not. People rarely become more attractive with age. If anything,
you should do this to ensure that you don't get uglier with age.

How does Mewing work?

To understand how mewing changes bones, it is necessary to realize that bone structure
is not static in adults. While bones don't change overnight, they definitely deform when
exposed to constant pressures over long periods of time. The downside for us is that this
means that successful mewing takes a long time.

In patients who have had strokes and have lost the ability to contract the muscles in their
face, one side of the face has a completely different bone structure because the muscles
cannot contract.

In ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, as in the case of Stephen Hawking, the condition clearly
deformed the bones of the skull. But ALS is a disease of the muscles, not the bones.
Muscular dystrophy, another muscle disease, also deforms the facial bones. Notice how
the image on the right shows a recessed jaw and an outline of where it should be on a
completely healthy face.

Once again, the moral of the story is this:

Small force and long duration > Strong force and shorter duration

Think of a tree that has grown around a rock, fence, or other obstruction. It does this
because the force exerted by the fence is always constant. It's the small, consistent
changes that add up. If you press too hard with your tongue and your tongue gets too tired
to stay on the roof of your mouth because it's tired, you've just wasted your time.
But what about MORE STRENGTH+LONGER DURATION? The jury is still out on that.
Biomechanics are different from normal mechanics. It is possible that the harder you press,
the more the bone hardens and adapts to prevent future injuries. There may be a strength
threshold that could wipe out your mewing gains if you exceed it.

Bone remodeling versus sutural growth

There are two main methods by which bones can change in adults: bone remodeling and
suture growth.

bone remodeling

Bone remodeling involves the work of two specialized cells: osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
There are three stages:

Resorption . Osteoclasts break down existing bone.

Investment . Osteoblasts appear on the surface of the bone.

Training . Osteoblasts begin to form new bone.

This process is much slower in adults than in newborns. However, 10% of bone is
remodeled per year. With mewing, this means small incremental changes that take a long

Sutural growth

There are multiple sutures in the skull that serve as growth centers for newborns and during
puberty. In children, these sutures are like jelly.
As a result, changing bone structure in children is very easy.
Middle palatal suture

The suture of the midpalate along the upper palate, for example, is responsible for palatal
expansion and facial width. Many people with poor facial development cannot mewing
properly due to their narrow palate. In these cases, the maxillary skeletal expander (MSE)
device can divide the mesopalatine suture. This causes a sudden increase in new bone

However, the growth of sutures practically stops after the age of 17. Without resorting to
invasive methods like MSE, your body essentially stops growing at the suture sites,
although some could still happen.

So what does this mean for you? Dr. Mew says adults should not worry about whether their
growth is due to bone remodeling or suture growth. Keep mewing. If you can't mewing due
to language space, consider expanding with MSE.
Facial changes by doing mewing

Now, what exactly does mewing do for your skull? To understand, first, look at the bones of
the skull:

The mandible is your jaw and the maxilla is basically your mid face. When mouth breathing
lengthens your jaw, you end up with a long, unattractive face.

So now the mewings come to the rescue. After doing it consistently for years, it causes
some of the following basic bone remodeling:
Rotation of the jaw, also known as. half of the face up and forward

Rotation and growth of the mandible, which follows the maxilla.

Enlargement of the zygomatic bones

mewing effects

Essentially, it completely reverses craniofacial dystrophy.

The hyoid bone also moves upward due to continuous pressure from the tongue, making
the jaw line stand out.

Gonial angle

Mewing leads to a more attractive face because you will have a more square prominent
jawline, visible cheek hollows, eye support, and prominent cheekbones. When the midface
moves up and forward, the cheekbones also separate and widen. This creates a larger
space beneath them, which leads to sunken cheeks as long as you have enough body fat.
This also does several things to the eye area and mainly makes you look more attractive by
decreasing your orbital height, increasing the slope of your canthus, and making your eyes
sunken deeper into the back of your skull (hunter's eyes). .


a Occipit

Mandibl ic

Ideal facial growth

Ideal facial growth

The image above describes both the optimal direction for facial growth and the direction
in which you should push with your tongue.
mewing force

The image above describes the forces generated by the mewing. The first skull shows an
upward force that comes from the tongue and having the teeth together. This force will
cause your cheekbones to bulge.

Every force has an equal and opposite reaction. The second skull demonstrates this
strength. The upward pressure of your tongue will create a downward force on your ramus,
increasing your gonial angle. Additionally, the antagonist muscles of the tongue are
activated, i.e. the masseter and hyoid/neck muscles. The masseters will cause your jaw to
enlarge and your gonial angle to increase over time. But it won't be a huge amount of
growth, especially compared to gum.

Since the TMJ complex and your teeth lock your upper and lower jaws together, your lower
jaw will follow and advance along with your jaw.
How to do mewing correctly

Straighten your back, stop slouching and straighten your neck.

Close your lips. This will create a seal and prevent mouth breathing.

Make your teeth touch. Don't clench your teeth all the way, but make sure your lower jaw is
supporting your maxilla.

Next, rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, not just the tip of your tongue. Press your
entire tongue on the roof of your mouth. Cover as much surface area of the upper palate
as you can. Focus on your back by your wisdom teeth. Since the roof of your mouth is
curved, you won't be able to flatten it completely. So simply contour your tongue to cover
as much of the palate as you can. Again, focus on making sure the back third of your
tongue is on the roof of your mouth.
Proper placement of the mewing

Tighten the muscles under your chin to help force your tongue toward the roof of your
This is your hyoid bone. You should be able to contract the muscles around this area and
watch this part of your neck rise. A useful way to think about it is to suck the hyoid bone up
into the skull.

Hold this posture for as long as possible. Remember to do it constantly throughout the day.
Keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose at all times.

Tips for mewing.

Just practicing proper tongue posture will get you on the right path. However, there
are still several more things you need to pay attention to if you really want to
maximize your results.
• You will know you are doing mewing correctly when your hyoid bone moves up and
inward. Watch yourself mewing in a side profile and note your submental-cervical
angle. Your hyoid bone should be high and tight.
• If you're having trouble applying the technique, try starting from the back of your
tongue and working your way up. Press as hard as you can into the rear third. Then
slowly place half of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Finally, focus on the tip
of your tongue, which rests just before your front teeth.
• Your tongue does not come off the floor of your mouth at the back, but this is
normal. If you have trouble lifting the back third of your tongue, focus on the hyoid
muscles under your jaw and use them to push the back third of your tongue up.

• Remember that it is key to keep your teeth together because your jaw should
naturally support your maxilla. If you have your tongue on the roof of your mouth,
but you don't clench your jaw, you are not mewing. His midface still lacks support
and his jaw is still dropping if his teeth don't lightly touch.
• Never forget to remember to press with the back third of your tongue. This will feel
uncomfortable at first and means you are doing it right. Lifting the back third of the
tongue is the most difficult part of mewing correctly. Some people feel that
mewings are cutting off their airways. This is normal. Focus on the back third of
your tongue as much as you can.
• Don't press too hard. The changes in bone structure that come from mewing come
from applying a little pressure for a long time, without applying intense pressure for
a short time. The bones will not change simply by pressing hard against the roof of
your mouth for an hour. It is much better to maintain the exercise for 20 minutes
than to push hard for 5 minutes. The last thing you want to do is wear yourself out
from pressing hard and have periods where your tongue is not up.
• Don't put too much pressure on your teeth with your tongue. Sometimes it is normal
for the tongue to look like this after mewing:
• But don't take this too far. You may be trying to expand your palate, but you're not
trying to ruin your teeth.
• If you don't have enough space on your upper palate to accommodate your tongue,
devices like an MSE (maxillary skeletal expander) will literally separate your teeth
and stretch your jaw. This is important, especially if you have trouble mewing
without putting pressure on your teeth. With an extremely narrow palate, mewing
will not help you, mainly because you cannot use mewing to its full potential.
The woman below used a bioblock (a palatal expander), illustrating the importance of
intermolar width and palatal expansion:

It is training yourself to keep your tongue in the proper position that will change your face
over a long period. The benchmark for knowing if you are mewing correctly is if you find
your tongue resting on the roof of your mouth while you are not thinking about it, or when
you wake up. It should be completely automatic. Until then, keep practicing and don't
waste all your effort by pressing it against the roof of your mouth as hard as you can.

Duration is more important than intensity. If you find that you are always pressing TOO
hard, reduce the amount of force you are applying in half. And then do it again until your
tongue rests gently on the roof of your mouth.

My favorite tip for success with mewing is to have inanimate objects as memory triggers.
For example, think about something you do quite frequently, like opening a door or
checking your cell phone. The doorknob or your cell phone could be a trigger to mewing
and fix your posture.
Even if you only remember it for 5 minutes after seeing the object, the frequency of these
events will ensure that you are doing it all day long, consistently. And consistency is what
is important if you want to see results. Try mewing 24/7. Breathing completely through your
nose should be normal, and this should be your new lifestyle. Remember, you are literally
making yourself uglier if you are not doing this.

Breathing through the mouth

Mouth breathing is the opposite of mewing. Since your jaw does not support your maxilla,
both your jaw and maxilla move downward, giving you a long face. Breathing through your
mouth will take you further and further away from the ideal face. If you breathe through
your mouth at night, have it manipulated. Consider purchasing a strap. If you have
sinus/allergy problems, you should be aware of them at all times.

Observe the progression of facial changes that occur when you breathe through
your mouth:

Effects of mouth breathing

This kid had the potential to be attractive, but breathing through his mouth really set him

Posture and orthotropic treatment fixed this girl's face. Clearly, his facial development was
headed in the wrong direction.
Environment trumps genetics in this case. The excuse that "it's all genetics" doesn't apply

You should make sure not to breathe through your mouth at night. People who sleep
primarily on their back tend to breathe through their mouth at night because their jaw
simply opens due to gravity. Get a chin strap and sleep with it every day for the rest of your
life if you think this is happening to you.

Body posture

Proper body posture is of utmost importance. It supports your mewing efforts, and you
should spend a lot of time doing posture work alone. The main reason is that when people
stretch their necks forward and look at books/mobile phones all day, their mouths naturally
open. It can sabotage your mewing efforts, and this can start from your pelvis or even your
An anterior pelvic tilt or dropped shoulders will cause you to naturally stick your head out.
When his head is too far forward, he will tend to open his mouth, drop his tongue, and
won't have as much contact area in the back third of his mouth for mewing. This is why
some people can only mewing properly by bending their chin back.

Check out this video for posture exercises at the gym:
Stand up straight and do a Mckenzie chin tuck whenever you can. This is directly
combating that “nerd neck” we get from looking at cell phones. Here is a video explaining
how the McKenzie chin curl works:

Literally, put your chin back and hold it for an hour while you work on something at home.
Stretches your neck muscles and improves your posture over time. Helps mewing by
giving you more room and leverage to push up on the back of your tongue. If you find that
you have difficulty pushing up the back third of your tongue and/or holding it, practice this
as much as you can.

Notice how performing a chin curl automatically makes you mewing. That is why posture is
essential. With perfect posture, you will be able to exert more force on your palate with less
effort. Practice this exercise as much as you can.

Proper swallowing

Proper swallowing involves using the masseter muscles, the muscles responsible for
chewing hard foods, instead of the cheek muscles. Most people suck their food and have
an infantile swallowing technique. This sucks the teeth inward. What you want to do
instead is chew your food as best you can and roll it into a ball. Then, use your tongue to
sweep the food bolus back into your throat. This also pushes up the jaw, which is what it
should do anyway.

You'll know you're swallowing correctly when the back third of your tongue gets stuck
tightly on the upper palate after swallowing.

Proper swallowing takes some practice, but if you keep doing it consistently instead of
using your cheek muscles to swallow, you will atrophy those muscles and achieve a
sunken-cheeked appearance. Here is Dr. Mew's video on proper swallowing.
Basically, if in doubt, just pay conscious attention to the buccinator muscles:


For them to atrophy, you should not use them at all, at all. Never suck anything. Don't
swish food in your mouth, don't do anything with it. The only thing you can do is chew up
and down in the vertical plane using your masseter muscles.

Suction Hold (Advanced Technique)

Once you've gotten used to keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth 24/7 for several
months, I recommend learning how to apply a suction hold. This will help you hold the
position longer and with less effort. If you find that saliva continues to build up, it is
because you are opening your salivary glands, which will become less noticeable over

To do the suction, first start mewing. Then, when saliva builds up, use the tip of your
tongue to swallow properly. As before, without removing your tongue from the roof of your
mouth, pass the saliva across your tongue and down to your throat, as you would with a
piece of food. Eventually, this creates a void between your tongue and the roof of your

This is not an intraoral vacuum. Again, the void is only between the palate and the
sensitive part of the tongue. You still have to actively push up with your tongue, especially
the posterior third. Suction clamping simply makes it easier. But only the front 2/3 of the
tongue is actually sucked. That's because the hard palate ends at the back of the tongue,
and that point is mostly soft tissue.

Chewing gum

Ancient humans would work very hard to chew their food. The food itself was hard and less
calorie dense. Like animals, we would grind our teeth from chewing so much. With a
modern diet full of carbohydrates and soft foods, we don't have to do that anymore. We
don't have to fight just to get our nutrition, but our faces are literally melting as a result of
this luxury. Check out this comparison of tooth wear between ancient humans and modern
Fortunately, we have gum, which activates a large number of mouth muscles that are key
to developing good facial structure. It's also hard work and won't wear down your teeth.
Chewing gum will make your face more square instead of oval. There are two techniques
to develop your face using gum, and I recommend purchasing falim gum or other sugar-
free gum.

First, there is "tongue chewing," which is a technique that also pushes up the jaw. It's
exactly what it sounds like: Instead of using your teeth to chew the gum, push the gum up
into your jaw. You can also do this with food. This helps with your mewing goals, obviously,
as you are also creating upward and forward growth in the jaw by pressing on it.

Second, and what you should focus on if you want a more prominent jaw, there is "big
bolus chewing," which involves chewing gum with your teeth as usual, but moving the gum
around your teeth from the left side to the right side. repeatedly. to keep it in one place. It is
also made with several pieces of gum that form a large bolus (hence the name) so you
have a real challenge.
I suggest Falim gum. It's cheap, it has no sugar, it doesn't taste very good, but it's much
harder than regular gum. However, if you are new to chewing gum, chew regular gum first
for a few months before moving on to Falim gum. Be careful not to get TMJ. Start with 20
minutes a day, 5 days a week. Add 5 minutes each week and your jaw will grow.

If you are ugly, there is hope. You can change your face. But it's hard work and sacrifice.
Bodybuilders have worked for years to improve their bodies. You can do the same with
your face. Remember to use inanimate objects as memory triggers and focus on bringing
the back third of your tongue toward the roof of your mouth. This is a slow process and the
results will be slow. This discourages most people and they will quit smoking. But there is
now a lot of evidence that mewing works. Good luck!

While you mewing, get the rest of your aesthetic ready. Work on your skin, hair, fitness,
etc. These things have much more immediate and rewarding results.
How to have a good jaw

Along with your eyes, your jawline is possibly the most important part of your face. In this
article, I will discuss the anatomy of the perfect jawline and what you can do to achieve it.

To improve your jawline, you should focus on chewing gum, mewing, and losing body fat.
Invasive plastic surgeries for your jaw include distraction osteogenesis, Genioplasty, and
MSDO. Jaw implants can also successfully augment the jaw.

Importance of the jaw line and lower third

The lower third is made up of the mandible, maxilla and chin. Along with the eyes, the
lower third is one of the most important parts of your face.

The mandible is your lower jaw and creates your jawline. The maxilla is half of the face
(middle third of the face). It is responsible for the width of the face, cheekbones and eye

Testosterone helps stimulate jaw growth. The width of your jaw correlates with your height.
When girls look at your jaw, they're going to make several assumptions about you right off
the bat: that you're tall, aggressive, and dominant.
Watch our Appearance Theory episode to learn more about the importance of the jaw and
lower third:

Attractive Jaw Features

The chin should extend to the forehead. Even a few millimeters of underprojection
(mandibular deficiency) or overprojection (mandibular excess) will spoil your appearance.

facial profile

The facial angle is the angle created by the forehead and mouth. The ideal facial angle
should be 90 to 92 degrees, which creates a straight facial profile. If it is less, you have a
convex facial profile. If it is larger, it has a concave facial profile. Several things can alter
your facial profile:

Forward positioning of your jaw. Retrognathism is too far back and prognathism is too far

The size of your jaw. Micrognathism is a jaw that is too small and macrognathism is too

Forward positioning of your chin. It can be retrogenic (too far back) or progenic (too far

The thickness of the soft tissue chin pad of the chin.

The ideal jaw gonial angle should be prominent, defined and around 125 degrees or less
for men. Women can get away with a larger gonial angle. A gonial angle that is too large
means that your jaw is probably sinking due to mouth breathing and subsequent rotational

The male jaw is wider at the gonial angle and generally larger than the female jaw. The
gonial region in men is more angular. The branch descends downward and turns sharply
forward. But in women, the gonial curve is much more gradual and gentle.

Sean O'Pry Jaw

A sharp jaw

The lower edge of the jawline should be prominent and clearly defined, creating a clear
separation between the face and neck. If it doesn't appear, it could be due to:

A sharp jaw.
• an increased gonial angle
• a mandible with too much posterior rotational growth (increased mandibular plane
• a reduced jaw length
• excess tissue/fat
• any combination of the above

Ideal jaw proportions:

To find out if your jaw is normal, you should take front and side profile photos of your head
in the natural head position. It's hard to get it exactly right and all photos are going to have
some kind of distortion, so some of your dimensions may look wrong.

Here are some jaw proportions that can tell you how close you are to normal/ideal:

Ramus height to mandibular body length (5:7)

Length of maxilla to length of mandibular body (2:3)

Length of cranial base anterior to length of mandibular body (1:1)


Normal values (mm):

Mandibular body length: 119±5

Branch height: 59±4

Anterior cranial base length: 72 ± 3

Bigonial Width

Bigonial width is the distance between the two gonions of your jaw:

Basically, this is the "width" of your jaw when viewed from the front. The normal bigonial
width is 99-113 mm. for men and 90-100 mm. for women. The bigonial width should be
around 80-85% of the bizygomatic width (the widest part of your face by your cheekbones).


Malocclusions can occur when the length of the mandibular body is too long or too short,
leading to an overbite or underbite. There are 3 kinds of malocclusions that orthodontic
surgeons typically treat.

If you have malocclusions, you have a poorly developed jaw.

Mandibular plane angle

The angle of the mandibular plane can determine how "long" your face is. Basically, a face
is long when the maxilla and/or mandible have sunken enough to alter their proportions. If
the angle of your mandibular plane is too high, you have a hyperdivergent facial growth
pattern also known as. "Long Face". If it is too short, you have a hypodivergent facial
growth pattern, also known as a short face. The ideal mandibular plane angle for men is 26


Lips are an extremely important part of your lower third. It is the part that the opposite sex
wants to kiss. For men, you simply don't want the lips to be too thin and small but this is
another topic. Ideally, you would have a macho mouth look.


The hyoid bone is a floating bone that supports the tongue:

hyoid bone

Its positioning has a great impact on your facial profile. It should be at the same level as
the chin. Otherwise, it will give a double chin appearance, even if the person is not

The angle between the jaw and the neck is the submental-cervical angle. This angle is
determined by both body fat and the position of the hyoid bone. Having a low-set hyoid
bone also contributes to sleep apnea.

Cervical submental angle

The position of the hyoid bone is essentially determined by genetics and also by the proper
posture of the tongue during development. Moving the tongue toward the roof of the mouth
contracts the muscles that move the hyoid upward. If you have proper tongue position for
life, it is unlikely that you will have a low hyoid.


The chin should be in harmony with the rest of your facial features because it determines
the facial profile and facial angle. If your chin retracts or projects too much, it could be due
to the following:
• the forward position of your jaw
• the size of your jaw
• the size/position of your bony chin
• anterior/posterior rotation of the mandible
• the thickness of the chin soft tissue pad, etc.

However, if the protruding chin is due to a prognathic jaw (protruding jaw), then you need a
mandibular osteotomy (the jaw is cut and moved backwards).

Perhaps your protruding chin is just due to excess chin bone, in which case you need a
horizontal reduction Genioplasty to shave your chin bone. Or your jaw could be set too far
back and your chin too large, in which case you would get mandibular advancement and a
geniusplasty to shave the bone.

You should discuss this with your surgeon. Make sure you find someone experienced and
accredited in these types of surgeries. They should have lots of reviews and before/after
photos from real patients that will really show you.


The biggest impact a beard can have is increasing the perceived size of your jaw. Growing
a beard can fix a sunken/weak jaw. Any mandibular deficiency that exists is literally filled in
with beard hair.

beard side profile before after

Dan Bilzerian's beard helps him look extremely dominant, but also mitigates the
appearance of his overly long mid-face.
Dan Bilzerian without a beard

By making your jaw appear larger, the overall proportions of your face appear closer to

jaw exercises

The main exercises you can do for your jaw are mewing, which is a long-term strategy, and
chewing gum, which produces short- and long-term results. Starting when you are young
will get the best results for any of these exercises. It is difficult to change bones in
adulthood, but it is still possible for years and decades.


Mewing is literally the correct posture of the tongue. Unfortunately, most of us don't have it
and we have to ingrain the habit into our daily lives, which is not an easy process. Proper
tongue posture basically involves keeping the tongue on the roof of the mouth, especially
the back third of the tongue.
mewing force

The upward force generated by the mewing will act on your cheekbones and cause them
to become prominent, increasing your facial width. The upward force of your tongue also
pushes down on your ramus, which will increase your gonial angle. The masseter muscles
are the antagonist muscles of the tongue. Therefore, mewing also activates the masseter
muscles and over time can lead to a larger jaw.
Chewing gum

These images compare the teeth of a prehistoric human with those of a modern human.
You can see that the prehistoric human has worn teeth. Years of chewing hard foods have
really filed them away. In ancient times, we had to work very hard to get nutrients from our
food. But now our diet contains soft carbohydrates that require almost no work on our part.

Chewing gum will make up for it. It will increase the size of our masseter muscle, leading to
the appearance of a larger jaw. But there are two important points about this exercise that
you need to understand to realize why it is one of the most important things you can do for
your jaw:

1. This is not necessarily a lifelong exercise. You will always chew food, so the
benefits you get from chewing gum are essentially permanent, with little to no
2. The bone will actually proliferate in its gonial angle in response to the tension
exerted by the masseter muscle during chewing. In contrast, patients with muscular
dystrophy have very poorly developed gonial angles. But changing actual bone
structure will require years, if not a decade, of constant chewing.
I recommend Falim chewing gum. It's very cheap, hard and has no sugar, although it
doesn't taste very good. Start slowly. If you feel pain in your jaw joint, you have gone too
far. Do this as often as you can and rest your jaw too, just like you would the muscles you
work out at the gym. Work up to several hours a day. Or start with regular gum if you don't
chew gum.


If you haven't heard of fillers, it is a type of gel that can be injected deep into facial tissue.
The beautiful thing about them is that they are made from a substance that our body also
produces naturally (hyaluronic acid). If you get a result you don't like, the filler can also
dissolve easily, unlike plastic surgery.

A cannula (think IV) is inserted into your face and pumped with this filler. It hurts a little, but
it's not bad considering the fact that you're not having plastic surgery.

Fillers can fill defects or increase certain characteristics.

jaw filler

In the image above, the injector did a good job adding mass to the existing bone and the
patient has gained a more pronounced jawline. The downside is that this is almost
prohibitively expensive when you have to use so much filler. If I had to guess, this cost
thousands of dollars at a minimum. On top of that, you will have to complete it every 4
months. An implant would be a better option at this time.

Worse yet, the filling is not good at holding its shape. The image above was taken
immediately after the injection and looks great. Within a few days, I would venture to say,
the patient lost much of his acuity.

However, if you go the filler route, you'll want an injector who knows the differences
between male and female facial structure. You want someone who is good at using
padding to augment, rather than "fill out" existing features. But this can be a challenge with
fillers because they are inherently a soft substance. They are not ideal for raising or
making hard edges.

Personally, I recommend avoiding filler altogether if you need that kind of work. Instead,
you should consider surgery or jaw implants.

jaw implants

Jaw implants are custom-created silicone pieces that a surgeon will graft directly onto your
existing bone. Unlike fillings, these will hold their shape.

First, a CT scan of your skull is performed, and then custom 3D modeling software will be
used to show you exactly what you will look like after surgery so there is no guesswork.
Here is a before/after of MixedMakeup jaw implants:

Jaw surgeries are performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons and plastic surgeons. With
jaw surgeries, it is helpful to have a medical reason for doing it, such as sleep apnea or
malocclusion. Most of the time, a really sunken jaw will cause health problems, and you
can get it covered by insurance. If this applies to you, undergoing this surgery should be
your number one priority if you want to optimize your appearance.

Regardless of which surgery you choose, keep in mind that you are looking at 3 months of
brutal recovery, possibly having to eat with a straw the entire time. Also, while it will make
you look better, it won't completely transform you or make you look like a different person.

Distraction osteogenesis

Distraction osteogenesis is the most common way to enlarge the jaw. This is a surgery that
forces your body to grow its own bone. The surgeon creates a fracture and installs an
appliance that gradually separates the fracture further and further apart. The body tries to
heal and fill the space, and the bone increases in length. My recommendation is to find a
very skilled surgeon with a lot of experience in distraction osteogenesis.


Genioplasty is your surgery of choice if you have a convex facial profile and only need to
augment your chin. Basically, the surgeon will cut the chin bone diagonally or horizontally
and then advance the chin forward.
The chin bone heals easily and your chin gains greater projection. Here is a before/after
MSDO stands for medial symphyseal distraction osteogenesis. The chin is divided at the
midline and a device is installed to help expand the chin:

The mandible widens as a result, however, the bigonial width remains the same. This is
usually done after MSE treatment (which expands the jaw). While this is a minimally
invasive surgery as far as jaw surgeries go, make no mistake, it hurts. Bone expands at a
rate of 0.5 mm every 12 hours (1 mm per day).
Genioplasty + MSDO + Rapid Palatal Expansion

Chaudhary et al. (2015) reported a case study of a 14-year-old boy with crowded teeth and
basically all the symptoms expected from a small jaw.

• First, they did MSDO and started cracking his chin. His chin was cut in half and split
at a rate of 1mm per day.
• Two weeks later, they expanded their upper jaw with rapid palatal expansion.
• He was then given orthodontic braces to fix his teeth.
• Then he had a genioplasty to enlarge his chin.
• And finally, 8 weeks after the genioplasty, the braces were removed.

His jaw was small enough that traditional extractions would have compromised his tongue
space and facial aesthetics. The key is to find orthodontists who are really good and take
facial aesthetics into account rather than simply trying to fix your functional issues.
How to have hollow cheeks

Sunken cheeks are a coveted look in the modeling industry. When you see a person with
cheekbones, you immediately unconsciously assume that they had proper nutrition,
development, and a healthy life. Studies show that prominent cheekbones indicate sexual
maturity and trustworthiness.

You can get sunken cheeks by losing body fat, mewing, chewing hard foods, and
swallowing properly. More invasive options for sunken cheeks include buccal fat pad
reduction surgery or dermal fillers.

The cheekbones are a fusion of two bones, the maxilla and the zygomatic bones. The
cheek hollows are essentially the space between your jaw and these cheekbones.

jaw anatomy

During normal craniofacial development, the jaw and cheekbones lose the baby fat around
them and increase in size. A cheek socket is simply the space created between the jaw
and the zygomatic bone.

This is the oral region of your face:


So, getting hollows in your cheeks is a double goal:

1) Increase the zygomatic bone and jaw.

2) Find a way to decrease the oral region.

Two jaw bones and two zygomatic bones (cheekbones) make up the middle part of the
face or upper jaw. The nasoorbitoethmoidal complex consists of all of your sinuses.
Protects your brain from the forces of chewing.

When the middle part of the face does not project forward, it is called midfacial recession
or sagittal maxillary deficiency. This leads to a lack of support for the eyes, where the lower
orbital rim (lower eye bone) is too low and a droopy eye area with dark bags appears. In a
side profile view, the most forward part of the upper eye bone should be 2-3 mm anterior to
the lower eye bone.
Assuming relaxed eyelids and forward gaze on a normal midface, the sclera of the eyes
should not be visible below the iris. However, if the sclera is visible, that is due to a midface
deficiency causing retrusion of the orbital rim (lower eye bone).
Normal eyes versus greater scleral show

Normal eyes versus greater scleral show

Take a wet cotton ball, squeeze it to measure 5-6mm. thick and then place it under your
upper lip. Then, if you think you look better from a side profile view, you may have
midfacial recession and could benefit from maxillary advancement surgery.

The curvilinear contour line of the midface originates in the soft tissues above the
zygomatic arch and:

• advance through the arch

• forward and towards the center of the face to the solar pupil region below the eye
• on the soft tissues of the cheek
• to the region near the nose
• back and to the side leading to the side of the upper lip
• and then ends next to the oral commissure (corner of the mouth where the upper
and lower lips meet).
mid face recession

It is this line that is responsible for the appearance of prominent cheekbones and what is
known as the ogee curve. Midfacial recession (seen above in purple) leads to a concave
curvilinear contour line when it should be convex.

The cheeks are supported by the maxilla, malar bones, malar muscles, subcutaneous
tissues, malar fat, and buccal fat pad. The buccal fat pad is independent of the degree of
total body fat, although it decreases with age. Depending on how thin you are, it can
contribute to making your cheeks look hollow. Sometimes buccal fat removal achieves this
look, but again, keep in mind that it also decreases with age, so you don't want your
surgeon to overdo buccal fat removal. As you age, the fat pad decreases, which increases
the volume of the cheeks on the outside of the jaw, causing the appearance of a double
chin. Additionally, your midface fat will atrophy, your midface soft tissues will droop, and
your cheeks will have a concave appearance similar to a double chin anyway, which is a
normal part of the aging process.
Facial Width to Height Ratio (FWHR)

One of the best indicators of facial attractiveness is the face width to height ratio (FWHR).
Measure the width of your face at the widest part near the zygomatic bones (bizygomatic
width) and divide it by the height of your face from your lip and forehead. The higher this
ratio, the more people will perceive you as dominant and aggressive.


Several studies have been conducted on FWHR. The importance of the FWHR is that it
correlates with the following qualities:

- Being perceived as dominant and brave.

- Being perceived as more aggressive.

- Less likely to die from physical violence.

- More financially successful.

- Best in team sports.

- More psycho.

- Be more willing to cheat.

- More willing to exploit/deceive people.

- Have more success with women for short-term casual relationships.

- Better opportunities to have children and reproduce.

If you're a man, the last two qualities tell us pretty much everything we need to know and
that a higher FWHR is ideal. The best FWHR is between 1.8 and 2. Too short and you are
perceived as weak because of your long face. On the other hand, too high and you look
weird, but you would still look better than if you were too short. A high FWHR is also
attractive to women because it looks young.

Having larger cheekbones will increase your FWHR.

Body fat

The most important thing to do before doing anything else is to lose body fat. It's almost
too obvious and, as a result, most people underestimate it. Most guys think they have to
bulk up. Plus, losing weight is difficult. Most people with normal metabolisms will not enjoy
cutting calories. This is more true the older you get and the more your metabolism slows
down. This is why you don't often see people running with model cheekbones.

Don't base your weight loss too much on BMI or body fat percentage. Body fat percentage
may have no value as a metric depending on how much muscle you have. A guy with 10%
body fat can look crazy or scrawny depending on how much muscle he has.

So what I suggest doing is losing weight until you get a 6 pack. Then lose another 5-10
pounds. This is the range that many models walk in, and you should have some
cheekbones. If not, keep reading.


Before you start working on the cheekbones, you need to realize that the bones are not
static. Everyone thinks of bones as hard, immovable objects. After all, bones must be hard
and unbreakable. That's literally their only job. However, bones change throughout life.
When we are babies, we
Bones remodel at a rate of 100% per year. In adults, this number drops to 10%, but is still
quite significant.

Just look at the normal aging process of the skull:

skull aging differences

Look at Stephen Hawking, who was diagnosed with ALS. This is a disease that affects the
muscles and not the bones. And yet the muscles, over a long period, deformed the bones
A similar process occurs in muscular dystrophy. This patient was not born with an open

Muscular Dystrophy


This boy was unknowingly allergic to hamsters and made the mistake of getting one. Over
time, this caused him to breathe through his mouth and change more slowly to the typical
mouth breathing face:

So where does mewing fit in? Well, basically, mewing is simply correct tongue posture and
body posture. This is something we humans have lost as we transitioned from a nomadic
outdoor lifestyle to living in houses. Allergens such as dust mites have affected our ability
to breathe through the nose at a young age. Additionally, the poor posture that is common
in today's society aggravates poor tongue posture. Tilting your head forward to look at a
phone or computer causes your mouth to hang open. So, you need to do the opposite.

The technique itself is simple:

1. Straighten your back, stop slouching and straighten your neck.

2. Close your lips. This will create a seal and prevent mouth breathing.
3. Make your teeth touch. Don't clench your teeth all the way, but make sure your
lower jaw is supporting your maxilla.
4. Next, rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, not just the tip of your tongue.
Press your entire tongue on the roof of your mouth. Cover as much surface area of
the upper palate as you can. Focus on your back, for your wisdom teeth. Since the
roof of your mouth is curved, you won't be able to flatten it completely. So simply
contour your tongue to cover as much of the palate as you can. Again, focus on
making sure the back third of your tongue is on the roof of your mouth.
5 .-Tighten the muscles under your chin to help force your tongue toward the roof of your

This is your hyoid bone. You should be able to contract the muscles around this area and
watch this part of your neck rise. A useful way to think about it is to suck the hyoid bone up
into the skull.

6 .-Maintain this posture for as long as possible. Remember to do it constantly throughout

the day. Keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose at all times.

As you push up on the roof of your mouth and make your teeth touch, this creates a
constant force that pushes up on your cheekbones.
mewing force

The masseter and hyoid muscles are the antagonist muscles of the tongue. They push the
rest of your face forward and improve the gonial angle of your jaw.

So what kind of results can you expect? Here are two people who have managed to sink
their cheeks through their constant dedication to mewing:
mewing results


Time: 1 year

Source: YouTuber AstroSky

Time: 6 years


Chewing hard foods is one of the most important keys to proper craniofacial development.
The forces exerted when chewing prevent the jaw from falling. This is the force that pushes
directly towards the cheekbones. If you want cheekbones, you have to mewing. Or, if you
simply don't want your cheekbones to shrink with age, you should still mewing.

Look how worn out our ancestors' teeth are:

Our modern soft carbohydrate diets do not require our teeth to function at all. Modern
humans simply don't have to work for their calories. But this is screwing us because it
leads to craniofacial dystrophy and we are not reaching our genetic potential.

Keep in mind that the masseter (chewing muscle) is the strongest muscle in the body in
terms of volume. The world record for strongest bite force is 975 pounds.
zygomatic bones

With that in mind, look at the relationship between the teeth and the zygomatic bones (in
orange). Imagine how much force moves up the cheekbones during the type of chewing
that can wear down our teeth and generate 900 pounds. bite force. The width of the
cheekbones would be extraordinary, and this would create the hollow cheek that we all
strive to achieve.

Proper swallowing

Proper swallowing is an important part of achieving cheek hollows.

It atrophies the muscle that is located exactly in the area we want to empty:

This is the buccinator muscle. If you want sunken cheeks, you need to be aware of how
you swallow. First, let me explain improper swallowing. Throwing food into your mouth with
your cheeks is the first mistake. The second mistake is sucking food, instead of using your
tongue. Most people have never progressed from a childhood swallow to an adult swallow,
which is why this muscle enlarges in many people.

Instead, you should chew your food up and down in a vertical direction using your
masseter muscles. Then, roll the food into a ball using your tongue and only your tongue.
Then, slide the ball into your esophagus with your tongue. Think of the worm dance. But do
that with your tongue instead of your whole body.

When in doubt, just look at the muscle in the image above and make a conscious decision
not to use it.

Over time, this will atrophy the buccinator muscle and hollow out your face. But have
realistic expectations and keep in mind that the buccinator muscle is not that large in most
people. This will help. But the effect can be minuscule. And since muscle atrophy is not a
quick process, you may not even notice that this is doing anything.
Buccal fat reduction

Buccal fat reduction is a surgery to remove the buccal fat layer in adults.

As you can see, it is located right above the oral area that we want to reduce. Basically, the
way this surgery works is that they first make an incision inside the mouth. This means that
there are no visible external scars from this surgery. Then, they cut their way into the deep
fatty tissue. The surgeon then removes as much buccal fat as necessary and re-sutures
the patient.

One criticism of this surgery is that since the buccal fat pad decreases as we age, you will
look abnormally emaciated when you are 60 years old. But really… that's the goal of
surgery. Most surgeons are experienced enough to know that some of that fat needs to be
preserved and will be conservative in how much they remove. But even if that criticism
stands, the question is: Would you rather look good in your 20s and 30s? Or your 60s?

If you haven't heard of fillers, it is a type of gel that can be injected deep into facial tissue.
The beautiful thing about them is that they are made from a substance that our body also
produces naturally (hyaluronic acid). If you get a result you don't like, the filler can also
dissolve easily, unlike plastic surgery.

A cannula (think IV) is inserted into your face and pumped with this filler. It hurts a little, but
it's not bad considering the fact that you're not having plastic surgery.

Fillers can fill defects or increase certain characteristics.

male cheek filler

In the image above, the injector did a good job of adding mass to the existing bone and the
patient has gained more pronounced cheekbones. That's what you want, especially as a

You want an injector who knows the differences between male and female facial structure.
With women, the goal is to restore a youthful appearance by filling in missing cheek mass.
With males, this may also be our goal, but our main goal is to increase the zygomatic bone.
But this can be a challenge with fillers because they are inherently a soft substance. They
are not ideal for raising or making hard edges.

Complete the facial attractiveness manual for beginners, there is still a lot to do and it is
time to work on those new habits that will give you a more attractive life and change the
way you see yourself in the mirror.

More free books are coming for you, if you want to level up, it's time to put this into

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