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Health and the environment that surrounds us are closely related. The air we
breathe, the water we drink, the work environment or the interior of buildings have
a great implication in our well-being and our health. For this reason, the quality and
health of our environment are vital for good health.
We will deepen our knowledge about the Environment, its natural factors and its
importance, Comprehensive Health and its importance. Relationships will also be
established between the environment and comprehensive health among other points
to be discussed.

* What is the environment?:

It is the set of abiotic elements (solar energy, soil, water and air) and biotic elements
(living organisms) that make up the thin layer of the Earth called the biosphere,
sustenance and home of living beings. It includes the set of natural, social and
cultural values existing in a given place and time, which influence the life of human
beings and future generations. On June 5, World Environment Day is celebrated.

* Natural factors:
Currently there are high levels of pollution caused by man. But not only does it
pollute, but there are also natural factors that, as well as benefiting, can also harm
the environment. Some of them are:

Living organisms:
Grazing animals such as cattle are beneficial for vegetation. Their feces fertilize the
earth. Goats, with their hooves and their way of obtaining their food, erode and
adversely affect the land.

* Rain is necessary for plant growth, but too much rain causes plants to drown.
* The wind serves to disperse pollen and seeds, a beneficial process for vegetation,
but - unfortunately - too much of it causes erosion.
* The snow burns plants. However, to bear fruit, some types of vegetation such as
araucaria require a cold shock.
* Sunlight is fundamental in photosynthesis.
* Heat is necessary but in excess it generates drought, and this, sterility of the land.

Land relief:
There are beneficial reliefs (such as mountains full of trees) and harmful ones, such
as volcanoes, which can affect the terrain either due to ash or the risk of magmatic
Any irregularity that occurs on the earth's surface forms the relief. Therefore, it can
lead to both elevations and subsidence in the terrain. The current relief of the Earth
is the result of a long process. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the
lithosphere is divided into various tectonic plates that move slowly, which causes the
Earth's surface to be in continuous change (theory of continental drift).

It is a factor that greatly affects the earth because trees and plants take a long time
to grow again and are important elements for the environment.

This extreme is also harmful to the environment, since too much vegetation absorbs
all the minerals from the surface where it is found. In this way the soil is left without
sufficient minerals for its own development. One way to avoid this is to use Crop
Rotation appropriate to the area.

Forest fires:
It could be called a type of deforestation with massive and long-lasting adverse
effects on the land. Land that has been exposed to fire takes hundreds of years to
become usable again.

* Importance of the Environment:

As a family and social entities we have a great commitment to protecting the
Environment, since our quality of life and that of our successors, as well as the
development of our country, depends on this. The Environment is the set of all living
things that surround us, from it we obtain the raw materials that we use to live. This
is why when we abuse or misuse the natural resources we have at our disposal, we
put them in danger. The air and water, both essential for living, are becoming
contaminated, therefore we must be aware of the use we give them. Defending the
environment is part of our duty, since it makes us a dynamic agent and thus we
promote cooperation that will guarantee us a better future and a healthier country.
As a family we can assume both individual and collective attitudes in defense of the
environment, seeking solutions that prevent its contamination and degradation. The
deterioration of the environment requires that we assume responsibilities for
environmental pollution and the dangers they represent for the development of our
society, in order to contribute to counteracting them.

* Integral Health:
Health as the best state of comprehensive physical, mental and social well-being
that a person can achieve and not only as the absence of diseases.
Comprehensive health is the main condition for human development and the truth
is that we care little about caring for it, preserving it and enhancing it.
It is called comprehensive health, because the ideal state of well-being is only
achieved when there is a balance between physical, biological, emotional, mental,
spiritual and social factors, which allow adequate growth and development in all
areas of life.
Health allows the development of the skills and abilities that each human being has,
as an individual and unique person and despite or in favor of the differences that
exist between each one.
Individuality is one of the factors that has the most weight in comprehensive health,
since no person can be compared to another, each person has grown up under
different circumstances, has had different opportunities, their physical conditions
are different and their physical and emotional reactions to environmental factors,
medications and/or medical treatments are also important.
However, and although each person, family, community gives health a different
value, for everyone it is clear that it means being well, looking well, feeling well,
acting well, being productive and relating appropriately with others.
Fortunately, at this time we can have a lot of information about taking care of our
health, however it is of no use if we do not make it our own, that is, we empower
ourselves or take control of it to make it our own.
Information gives us the power to decide and act, since no person, of any means,
race, age, socioeconomic situation or religion is exempt from losing it.

* The environment and health:

As human beings, we live in an environment that keeps us physically, mentally and
socially healthy. However, if any factor alters this balance, our health is also affected.

If we want to be totally healthy, it is not enough to have good personal hygiene, we

must also take care of the hygiene of the environment that surrounds us; We must
keep it healthy by collecting and recycling our garbage, using only the necessary
amount of water, taking care of biodiversity, responsible energy consumption,
promoting sports practices, healthy recreation and consuming food in appropriate
quantity and quality, in addition to regular visits to the doctor.
* Main health effects attributable to environmental factors:
Nowadays there are a certain number of health effects that are supposed to be
caused by environmental factors; Some examples:
-Respiratory diseases, asthma and allergies, due to air pollution, in closed or
outdoor environments.
-Childhood cancer, due to a series of physical, chemical and biological agents (p.
e.g., tobacco smoke in the family nucleus).
-exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of sudden infant
death syndrome, low birth weight, reduced lung function, asthma, respiratory failure
and middle ear infections.
-Pesticides probably have an effect on the immunological situation, alteration of
endocrine processes, neurotoxic disorders and cancer.
-Ultraviolet radiation can repress the immune response and is one of the main
sources of skin cancer.
-Exposure to high or persistent noise levels near schools can negatively influence
schoolchildren's learning.
Our absolute dependence on the environment makes us vulnerable to major
environmental changes, such as climate change, a process with important
consequences on people's health, which is explained in another section, and can be
the source of severe alterations in ecosystems and in the health of human

* What influence does the environment have on health?:

The environment is the place where we live, the air we breathe, the water we
drink, the food we eat, so it is directly related to health.
Foodborne diseases, poisoning or infections, waterborne diseases (cholera,
parasites, viruses, bacteria), respiratory diseases (flu, pneumonia), all depend
on the environment.
Caring for the environment has a direct influence on the health of the

Honesty is the value of being decent, modest, reasonable, fair or honest. From a
philosophical point of view, it is a human quality that consists of acting in accordance with
how one thinks and feels. Since in that language, being honest means not being given to
lying or deception, unlike Spanish, whose term for that meaning is "sincerity" or
"frankness", not "honesty".

Friendship (from Latin amicĭtas , from amicitĭa , from amicus , friend, which derives from
amare , to love) is an emotional relationship between two or more people. Friendship is one
of the most common interpersonal relationships that most people have in life.

Friendship occurs at different stages of life and at different degrees of importance and
significance. Friendship is born when people find common concerns. There are friendships
that are born within minutes of interacting and others that take years to do so.
There may be "friendly" relationships where a person and another type of "personality"
(angels, saints) or in an animal form intervene. For example, some people classify their
relationship with a dog as friendship; it is not in vain that the latter is known as "man's best
friend." Friendship can also occur even between two or more animals of different species.


Peace is the fruit of healthy coexistence between human beings. To make it

possible, a fair social order is necessary, in which all citizens have the same
opportunities to develop as people and their fundamental rights are respected.
Those who practice peace know that this is not simply the absence of conflict,
since men have always been and will be conflictive, but the ability to manage
said conflicts and overcome them through non-violent methods such as
peaceful protest, dialogue and negotiation.

Companionship : The term companionship is used to designate a type of relationship or bond that is
established between colleagues and whose main characteristics are the attitudes of kindness,
respect and trust between the members who are part of it. Companionship is especially
characteristic of certain types of ties such as fraternal relationships, relationships of work
colleagues, schoolmates, etc.

Love: Love is the basic condition of happiness and fulfillment of the individual. Love is the pillar of
human coexistence, love is feeling, solidarity, tolerance, forgiveness, helpfulness.

Solidarity (sociology)
In sociology , solidarity refers to the feeling of unity based on common goals or interests, it
is knowing how to behave with people. Likewise, it refers to the social ties that unite the
members of a society with each other. Some sociologists introduced specific definitions of
this term. Among them, one of the most famous was Émile Durkheim .

I respect
Respect or recognition is the consideration that someone or even something has a value in
itself and is established as reciprocity : mutual respect , mutual recognition . The term
refers to moral and ethical issues, it is used in political philosophy and other social sciences
such as anthropology , sociology and psychology . 1
Respect in interpersonal relationships begins with the individual, in the recognition of the
individual as a unique entity 2 that needs the other to be understood. 3 It consists of knowing
how to value the interests and needs of another individual in a meeting. 4

Responsibility is a value that is in the conscience of the person, which allows them to
reflect, manage, guide and evaluate the consequences of their actions, always on the moral

Once it moves to the ethical level (implementation), the magnitude of these actions and
how to confront them in the most positive and comprehensive way is established.

The responsible person is the one who acts consciously, being the direct or indirect cause of
an event that occurred. He is obliged to answer for something or someone. It is also the one
who fulfills his obligations or who pays care and attention to what he does or decides. In
the criminal field, guilty of something, act or crime. In another context, it is the person who
is in charge of directing an activity.

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