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The definition of globalisation is a growth to a global or worldwide scale.

This basically means a

business or service that has grown to a worldwide scale from the smaller business that was originally
the starting points of their business. Globalisation could also be conceived as the process by which
regional economies, societies and cultures have become interrogated through a global network of
political ideas through communications, transportation and trade. The term is most closely
associated with the term economic globalisation; this basically means the integration of national
economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows,
migration, the spread of technology and military presence. However, globalisation is usually
recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, sociocultural, political and
biological factors. The term can also refer to the translational circulation of ideas, languages or
popular culture through acculturation. An aspect of the world which has gone through the process
can be said to be globalised.

There are both positive and negative aspects of globalisation that have affected the world in different
yet also similar methods as well. There are a few positive effects that I would like to focus on as I see
them as some of the most important aspects of globalisation, the first of the four points that I have
researched and chosen is the idea of technology and services that have dramatically changed
through globalisation. This means that the technology has dramatically changed since globalisation
started to appear, in other words the technology that was around years ago has improved in the
shortest amount of time and has changed the way live to a certain extent. For example the way that
computer technology has changed, so the technology has advanced from simple basic windows
software to the highest quality technologies. Now we can change and adapt a simple word document
to something that suits our criteria where as in the past we could only have a simple word document
and nothing was adaptable apart from perhaps the font and size of the font. This is a positive change
in the industry as having computer software change that drastically means that in the past all the
industries and businesses could only work at a snail pace and now creating a document is more time
and cost efficient as businesses can create a document in the quickest time and it doesn't cost a
penny apart from when originally purchasing the software which comes at a bargain price
considering the amount of work and time you would be using that particular piece of software.
Another aspect of positive effects of globalisation is the idea of movement, in other words this
means travel and how the community can travel from place to place and this can be through public
transport, personal travel or further travelling. An example of public transport is that the trains were
lacking in technology in the past, the presentation of the trains, the amount of trains there are, the
services of the trains and the destinations in which train stations have been situated. This means that
in the past the presentation of the first great western trains showed that it was a poor quality and
now just from doing primary research and extra funding from the government the train services
were able to change this and they have adapted the trains to have seats and appropriate standards
for travel. The amount of trains has dramatically increased as again through extra government
funding the trains were able to at least triple the amount of trains they already had in use so that
more people could travel around the country. Another factor of the trains is that the quality of the
train services has improved so for example the actual train stations have improved in quality and
improved the services that the trains can offer. The final factor of importance is that the train
services have been able to place train stations in a lot of destinations so that the trains can be
accessible for more customers and travellers. An example of personal travel is the use of cars as in
the past the use of cars were limited due to technology and cost efficiency. This means that cars were
so limited due to the fact that the technology and mechanics of cars were limited as there were a
limited amount of people that new the skill and had the educational factor of manufacturing cars.
This also means that the efficiency of manufacturing was lack and the cost efficiency was also lacked
because to manufacture these cars was difficult as the technology was not around at that time and
had not yet been developed and therefore to gain the technology and mechanics for the cars such as
the car manufacturers jaguar cost an immense amount of money. Although when the technology and
information was discovered in how to manufacture and improve the general efficiency of the cars it
started of a route in which the technology of cars dramatically improved. Also there was a greater
access to money as people and industries noticed the market for cars and therefore the funding
increased drastically in the years up

until now where the manufacturing of cars has extended to other industries that not only involve

but other areas as well.

A final example of movement is further travelling which means planes and ferries, in the past there

were hardly any planes made at all due to the access of technology and the access to the amount of

money needed to run and manufacture this type of travel. As time had passed on the access to

planes such as virgin airways became greater as the industries started to develop an understanding

of planes and the services to run the planes, not only did the technology and manufacturing change

but the amount of money that the plane companies had access to changes dramatically and became

much more accessible. This is a positive change in the industry as from these changes and

adaptations travel and movement has become more accessible and more efficient for the entire

country and other countries as well.

Another aspect of the positive effects of globalisation is common trade, this basically means how the

industries began to trade with other countries as labour and materials were cheaper in other

therefore having them imported to this country would mean that the entire system is cheaper than if

we had not have began common trade. An example of common trade is how when the world began

the method of common trade in the past and through common trade the first world countries began

abusing the idea that it was cheaper to have products made in third world countries as they were

cheaper to employ and there hard working nature, for example gap abused this right and began

underpaying and abusing the employees working conditions. Once industries and government heads

were realising that this method of common trade was unfair and needed to be changed otherwise
would have possibly lost alliance with the countries that were manufacturing our products so

something had to be improved otherwise the world would lose its common trade. This means that

world had to come up with a solution so they could keep their manufacturers so they could in effect

keep their businesses or services up and running, therefore they created a system called fair trade

which is an adaption of the common trade. Fair trade is the idea that the manufacturers in third

countries were paid equally for their work and we had to improve their working conditions so that it

was fair that for the price we paid for their particular service was not unreasonable as long as the

workers and employees had a fair outcome to the work they produce for our countries and

businesses. Therefore this was a positive outcome of globalisation as the businesses and products

needed their services to grow along with the rate of globalisation so that they did not lose business.

was also a positive outcome as the manufacturers were able to produce products at a more time

efficient rate and therefore for our businesses we were able to sell at a faster rate to compete with

other businesses and as it was still cheap to trade with other countries the businesses could expand

and adapt to improve their businesses.

The final positive outcome of globalisation that I found of somewhat importance was the factor of

efficiency; this basically means that the effects of cost efficiency have dramatically changed especially

in branding. An example of how cost efficiency has changed in a positive light is that if you had

bought a particular product such as a television in the past it would have cost a substantial amount

money which is almost unaffordable except for those who were earning enough money at the time

afford such luxuries or so they were at the time. Since the time in which those sorts of luxuries were

basically unaffordable until globalisation started to increase pricing but also began increasing the

employment salary as well which made products such as televisions affordable. Cost efficiency has

improved along with the common trade which is the reason for pricing becoming more affordable,

to purchase a television from a business such as Sony would of cost an unaffordable amount of
money until it started to become affordable due to other aspects in the industry improving such as

common trade, the government funding and the globalisation of the world. It is also down to the

that as in the past there were only a select few businesses or not even that just perhaps one

particular business that were selling their own particular product that was essential such as

and technology and then when technology and money started to become more available, industries

and other people started to invest in that area of the business industry therefore more businesses

were selling the same product but had their own unique twist on their brand started to become

and more by the day and then eventually we had multiple businesses that were producing the same

brand but putting a particular outlook on their own products therefore when it came down to

purchasing this particular product there were multiple choices therefore all the businesses in that

industry were in competition with each other therefore lowering their prices and perhaps offering

certain discounts. This is a positive aspect of globalisation as this competition in cost motivated other

businesses and kept all the businesses on edge so that they could always improve and adapt as they

have in the past to get to the stage that their at now. This would keep the business going and that

particular industry going the more people that invested into that particular area of interest.

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