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Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Pyramid, Cairo, Egypt

Acropolis, Athens, Greece

Times Square, New York, USA

Term Paper On----

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Course Instructor:
Mr. Mahmud Zubayer Senior Lecturer Dept. of Business Administration East West University.

Prepared By:

Syed Mohammad Tauseef Chowdhury. Id No. 2007-210-012 Fahima Tabassum Disha Id No. 2007-2-101

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Tanim.. 2007-2-10Umme Habiba Dipty 2-10-

Id No. Id No. 2007-

Acknowledgem ent
We are grateful to our course instructor for giving us the opportunity to prepare this Term paper. We also want to thank those respective owners and managers who Helped us in our study and research to collect data and information in order to Prepare our paper.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Table of Content
Acknowledgement................................................................................ ...2 Executive Summary......... 4 Brief History (Tourism) ...5 Brief History (Tourism Advertising). .6 Tourism in Bangladesh .9 Methodology of the Study10 Research Method...11 Primary Sources11 Questionnaire.12 Secondary Sources.14 Limitations of the Study.14 SWOT Analysis..15 Types of Tourism17 Some Great Places to Visit.18 Worlds Top 10 Tourism Destinations..19 Perceptions of Tourism Industry in Modern Business Environment20

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Future Growth of Tourism Industry.22 Recommendation.24 Conclusion.24 Sources...25

Ex ecutive Summary
The main purpose of our research and study for this term paper is to represent the current picture of the Tourism and Tourism Advertising. Our research is concentrated mainly among those sectors and organizations which are running their business globally. We also have provided some statistical data so that we can get a clear inspection that how this business is going. Therefore, we tried to include the future condition of Tourism Industry and Advertising in our country. We analyzed some peoples who are customer and we also analyzed some peoples who are employees in different Tourism Organizations in order to give recommendation with highest level of clarity.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Brief History----Tourism
Tourism is traveling for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes or the provision Of services to support this leisure travel. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists As people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more Than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the Exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". Tourism has become a Popular global leisure activity. In 2006, there were over 842 million international tourists Arrivals. Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the large intake of money for businesses with Their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries Associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services such as Cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels and entertainment venues, and other Hospitality industry services such as resorts. The word tourism was used by 1811 and tourist by 1840. In 1936 the League of Nations Defined foreign tourist as someone travelling abroad for at least twenty-four hours. It Successor, the United Nations amended this definition in 1945 by including a maximum Stay of six months.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

The history of European tourism can perhaps be said to originate with the medieval Pilgrimage. Although undertaken primarily for religious reasons, the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales quite clearly saw the experience as a kind of holiday (the term itself being Derived from the 'holy day' and its associated leisure activities). Pilgrimages created a Variety of tourist aspects that still exist - bringing back souvenirs, obtaining credit with Foreign banks (in medieval times utilizing international networks established by Jews and Lombards), and making use of space available on existing forms of transport (such as the Use of medieval English wine ships bound for Vigo by pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela). Pilgrimages are still important in modern tourism - such as to Lourdes or Knock in Ireland. But there are secular equivalents - Graceland and the grave of Jim Morrison in Pre Lachaise Cemetery. During the 17th century, it became fashionable in England to undertake a Grand Tour. The Sons of the nobility and gentry were sent upon an extended tour of Europe as an educational Experience. The 19th century was the golden age of the Grand Tour, and many of the Fashionable visitors were painted at Rome by Pompeo Batoni. A modern equivalent of the Grand Tour is the phenomenon of the backpacker, although cultural holidays, such as those Offered by Swann-Hellenic, are also important.

Brief History----Tourism Advertising

Every person is bombarded with hundreds of advertising messages every day. This range From television commercials billboards to logos on coffee cups. Consumer studies show This Adds up to an average of more than 500 messages daily. Most of these messages Are ignored. Only a few motivate a response, whether positive or negative; only a fraction Result in actual purchase. This sheer message overload makes it essential for the small

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Business owner and the Chamber of Commerce executive to be skilled in using marketing Tools to increase chances of success in the travel marketplace.

Members of local tourism Promotion groups need an awareness of advertising options as Well. Advertising is defined as all nonpersonal forms of communication where paid media Is used and the formal Sponsor is identified. It includes many medium: newspapers, Magazines, brochures, direct Mail, displays, television, radio, and novelty items. Four types Of advertising-brand, Information, image and reminder.

Brand advertising, the most common, tries to stimulate sales by building product loyalty. Brand advertising is competitive: advertisers often hype their product's advantages over Their competitors. Information advertising highlights facts and can introduce a new Product To the consumer. A new tourist destination may convey information to create Awareness as Much as a competitive message. Information advertising is often used where Demand does not presently exist.

Five decisions must be made in selecting an advertising strategy:

Set advertising objectives.

Determine the advertising budget. Create the advertising message. Select the advertising media.
Evaluate the advertising results.

When it comes right down to it, choosing a country to visit for your vacation is much like

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Choosing a product at the grocery story; there are many similar items with comparable Attributes and you've got to narrow down your choices to just one.

Advertising has grown fat and wealthy from the cognitive dissonance which develops over So many choices in our world. Painting a product in a positive light so that it becomes more Attractive to potential consumers, and consequently consumed is the very essence of the Advertising world. So, it comes as no surprise that advertising agencies do the same for entire countries in Order to attract tourists. According to a fascinating article in this month's Travel & Leisure, Advertising execs in charge of a country's tourism campaign treat countries in the same Manner as they treat cars, bottles of ketchup, or sports shoes. They must brand their "Product" and create a "reputation and perception" in the minds of the consumer (i.e. tourist) Which is unique, appealing, and consistent? Just as Volvo has spent years trying to make the Word "safe" pop into your mind every time you think of their car, the brain trust behind Tourism advertising seeks to evoke similar positive attributes associated with places like Portugal, Norway, and Alaska. Author John Cook provides two examples which you should easily recognize. What do you Think of when you hear "New Zealand?" Is it The Lord of the Rings? The national tourism Board has spent millions of dollars showcasing the kiwi nation as the location of Middle Earth and in the process, increased tourism by 50%. Cook also discuses the great advertising campaign touting Spain. I've been seeing the same Hip ads for a number of years now with the same cool Joan Mir swirl. Every time I see this "Trademark" I immediately think of Spain (just as the Nike trademark makes me think of Running shoes). This probably explains why I've been harboring a nagging urge over the last Few years to return to Spain as soon as possible.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

So, whether you realize it or not, marketing is indeed alive and well in the world of tourism. And don't forget, the target of such intricately planned advertising campaigns and A manipulative branding effort is you, the potential tourist.

in Bangladesh


Tourism in Bangladesh is a slowly developing foreign currency earner. The country has Everything to attract international and domestic tourists. In the northern part, comprising of the Rajshahi division, there are archaeological sites, Including the temple city Puthia in Rajshahi; the largest and most ancient archaeological Site, Mahasthangarh in Bogra; the single largest Buddhist monastery, Paharpur in Naogaon; the most ornamental terracota Hindu temple in Bangladesh Kantaji Temple, and Many Rajbaris or palaces of old zamindars. In the south-western part, mainly the Khulna Division, there is the Sundarbans, the largest Mangrove forest of the world with Royal Bengal Tiger and spotted deer. The historically And architecturally important sixty domed mosque in Bagerhat is a notable site. In the south-eastern part, which is the Chittagong division, there are mainly natural and hilly Scenarios along with sandy sea beaches. The most notable beach is the longest unbroken Sandy sea beach in the world in Cox's Bazaar. In the north-eastern part, Sylhet division, there is a green carpet of tea plants on small Hillocks. Natural reserved forests are great attractions. Migratory birds in winter, Particularly in the haor areas, are also very attractive in this area.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Methodology of the study

The objective of this study is to have an overview of current acceptation tourism and its advertising in globally and Bangladesh. We are limited to these fields: Technology, advertising strategies, acceptance, Uses, Advantages and future of Tourism Industry etc. Therefore, here we include some sectors that Have favorable acceptance of Tourism advertising in Bangladesh. To retrieve the Information from Tourism organizations we made a form consisting more approximately Twenty Questions. These questions are regarding to the status of the customers of the tourism Industries and the perceptions of the employees.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Research Method
In our research we used two methods. These two methods are going to clear us the way the Tourism Organizations think and the way the customer think. The methods are, 1. Internal Research Method 2. External Research Method Internal Research Method: We went to Tourism Organization Porjatan and asking their employees about technological developing promotional activities of their company.

External Research Method: We asked few customers about their expectation about the tourism industry, which package they uses among different organizations offer to their customers, does the service coverage is good or bad and so on.

Primary source
For study, we have selected the some tourism organization in Bangladesh and some from abroad. We covered at least renowned organizations from Bangladesh. To collect data we used about twenty questions. 11

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Sec ondary source

We collected data regarding to services of different tourism industries in our country and abroad, customer, employee, management perceptions about tourism from internet and journals published on this topics.

Limitation of the study

Some of the organizations treated the task carefully and appreciated us. They provided the Necessary information and sometimes guidance for better study. However, most of the time We got a hard time to meet proper authority. Sometimes they did not treat well and provided Incomplete information.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis means a search for Strength, Weakness, opportunities, Threat on organizations project. SWOT analysis helps an organization to identify its mistakes. SWOT analysis for the tourism industry results that,

2__Attractions - Castles, River Cruise, Heritage Centers, Mountains 3__Attractive Name

4__Access - Roads, Rail (some areas) 5__Airports - Cork, Shannon, (Waterford) 6__Central Location 7__Crafts 8__Accommodation 9__Activities - Golf, walking, racing, equestrian, (fishing?) 10__Not Overdeveloped 11__Friendliness 12__Hospitality 13__Rural 14__Heritage towns

Weaknesse s

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

2__Marketing 3__Signage - Directional, Place names, attractions, amenities 4__Architectural landscape of villages and towns being lost 5__Lack of coordination between the people / Local Authorities / Tourism groups / Tourism providers 6__Inconsistent implementation of Planning regulations - unfinished walls 7__Ribbon Development 8__Dependence on voluntary labor 9__Number of unregistered providers 10__Effluent - Farm, Industrial, domestic 11__Poor food culture 12__Hotel accommodation 13__Lack of full time tourism officer 14__Local authority lack of commitment to tourism 15__No tourism leadership

1 2 3__Develop Food Culture 4__New Roads, bypasses 5__Coordinated planning 6__County Development Plan 7__County Tourism Committee 8__Marketing the county/Branding

1__Other counties getting stronger 2__New road system 3__Tourism industry fails to act

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

4__Competition 5__Other areas of the country strengthening at a faster rate that South Tipperary 6__Insurance

Types of Tourism

Accessible Tourism Adventure Tourism---Hiking, Tramping etc. Agritourism Archaeological Tourism Bookstore Tourism Cultural Tourism Ecotourism Extreme Tourism Medical Tourism Garden Tourism Music Tourism Independent Travelers Sacred Travel Space Tourism Safaris Heritage Tourism Pop-Culture Tourism
Literary Tourism etc.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Places to Visit

Some Great

Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan

Red Square, Moscow, Russia

Niagara Falls, USA-Canada

Saint Peters Square, V. City

Tajmahal, Agra, India

Colosseum, Rome, Italy


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Royal castle, Poland

Eiffel Tower, Paris

Great Wall of China, China


The Worlds Top 10 Tourism

(International tourist arrivals)

Arrivals (millions)

2007 rank




Percent change 2006/2005

Percent change 2007/2006








Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.








United States


















United Kingdom












Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.














Russian Federation





Perceptions from Different Sectors about Tourism

Management Perceptions:
Size and Use of Technology in the organizations: Large size of organizations

has tremendous success by using technology. However, in case of small organizations, cannot overcome the obstacles of using technology if the management is weak.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry. Office environment: Most of the organizations offices do not have the

environment of doing work independently. They do not have sufficient equipment as well as creative sector for creating advertising to draw customers attention.

Discouragement: In spite of lacking knowledge and having no government

support, many organizations cannot get encouragement for spreading their volume of business.

Fund crisis: For small and medium enterprises, their fund is limited and source

of fund is limited. Therefore, it is very hard to move on.

Lack of Human Resource: Some of the organizations not have enough skillful

human resource. So that those organizations are not skilled enough and can not spread their business with a good reputation as well as not profitably.

Customer Perceptions:

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Most of the tourism companies do not have proper facility to provide their customers. When we go for visiting some places; sometimes we do not find skilled guide.
The way different tourism companies charge to their customers, on return they

do not provide standard level of tourism to their customers.

Lack of proper transportation is another problem.

Employee Perceptions:
Management do not have proper working environment
Employees sometimes miss a great skilled team as well as a proper guidance. Sometimes lack of new technology is a vital drawback for employees.

Governments perceptions :
Most of the owners are illiterate about new information technology and creative advertising. They found using new technology and hiring skilled team of employees very costly. They consider it as expensive and risky for them. They do not have the fund to establish their business in their own country and abroad. Our financial organizations do not provide them financial support and some employees are corrupted and they are not so much co-operative.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Tourism Industry

Future Growth of

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) forecasts that international tourism will Continue growing at the average annual rate of 4 %. By 2020 Europe will remain the most Popular destination, but its share will drop from 60% in 1995 to 46%. Long-haul will grow Slightly faster than intraregional travel and by 2020 its share will increase from 18% in 1995 To 24%.

With the advent of e-commerce, tourism products have become one of the most traded items On the internet. Tourism products and services have been made available through Intermediaries, although tourism providers (hotels, airlines, etc.) can sell their services Directly. This has put pressure on intermediaries from both on-line and traditional shops.

It has been suggested there is a strong correlation between Tourism expenditure per capita And the degree to which countries plays in the global context. Not only as a result of the Important economic contribution of the tourism industry, but also as an indicator of the Degree of confidence with which global citizens leverage the resources of the globe for the Benefit of their local economies. This is why any projections of growth in tourism may serve As an indication of the relative influences that each country will exercise in the future.

Space tourism is expected to "take off" in the first quarter of the 21st century, although Compared with traditional destinations the number of tourists in orbit will remain low until

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

Technologies such as a space elevator make space travel cheap.

Technological improvement is likely to make possible air-ship hotels, based either on solarPowered airplanes or large dirigibles. Underwater hotels, such as Hydropolis, expected to Open in Dubai in 2009, will be built. On the ocean tourists will be welcomed by ever larger Cruise ships and perhaps floating cities.

Some futurists expect that movable hotel "pods" will be created that could be temporarily Erected anywhere on the planet, where building a permanent resort would be unacceptable Politically, economically or environmentally.


Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

At the end of the study, we are recommending the following steps to spread idea about tourism and advertising for greater profit to both consumers and business firms. Recommendations are stated below:

Tourism organizations should implement those technologies and create a great team of employees which may help the customers as well as spread the business.

HI-TECH advertising should contain knowledgeable matters.

It is important to increase public awareness about tourism and tourism advertising for greater result.

After our research and study, we tried to represent current situation of tourism industries from our country and abroad. Including our countrys business condition, we explained the acceptation and adaptation of ideas of tourism (from the companies of abroad) and human resource. After researching the strategy of different tourism organizations, we also have predicted the future acceptation of tourism industry and advertising in our market. At last, we like to add that we should come forward to expand the idea of tourism and tourism advertising among the mass people in Bangladesh.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry.

S ources World Tourism Barometer (p.8) Direction du tourism (p.8), French government website UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. World Tourism Organization (2007). International Association of Scientific Exerts in Tourism Online Etymology Dictionary: tour. Retrieved on 2008-03-01. Theobald, William F. (1998). Global Tourism, p. 10. ISBN 0750640227. Long-term Prospects: Tourism 2020 Vision. World Tourism (2004). airports & tourists. Global Culture (2007). Kirby, David (September 27, 1998). The Tourist Trap; With All Those Visitors

Trampling the Welcome Mat, Can New York Be the Host With the Most for Everyone? (Web). News Article. The New York Times. Retrieved on March 21, 2007.
Nicholls, Henry (Wednesday April 19, 2006). The tourist trap (The Galapagos

Islands are the world's prime eco-tourism destination. Now the sheer number of visitors is endangering their future) (Web). News article. Guardian. Retrieved on March 21, 2007.

Tourism & Tourism Advertising.

SWOT Analysis, Present Situation & Future Growth of Tourism Industry. Kurlantzick, Joshua (Sunday, January 9, 2005). The True Meaning of the Tourist

Trap (Web). News article. The Washington Post. Retrieved on March 21, 2007.


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