Physics 5&3 MRK Vol 1

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ch- 4. 3 Sony 2 bt xl Bkelate Breld due 4 an clectsfc digck at petds on ta safle Che. be consider an dlectric dike laced on a aif, Electrtc Fld abo qweit p dueto Gt &). +o a ine BPR = Cop - 08" o «OW Bp = ir -a)* \ #4 ter = (ya) Foe 1 Ales (r-a)> +150, 4+ Blebric Pdd ata epi pdueto-qe Er. oe ee " Ap> op ton AMeo one Ap= ta AP Ap = Carta) fo = I -t — All) Cata)* as k The bh elechr'c Preld tg, Eel = Ett. e- 1 - 1 =-t AMeo (4-0) ATE Cay a \ ale ATee | ow (ota) ee Petey — -0y toe el Te ca oe We a = & Ato Alo eG Te Very Srall Compare to rv. $o,-a! Gr be Vor tara — (to? 290) _ vH = i ate ake = 4g. [ All€o = AUYe AT eo 4 . 2 Alito > a: ten] Ate | “gas P 7 aq o = e AT a = oP THe Feld doe tom -chechic Aipele of 0 fet om tie ap Bend Plone. ‘ consider a etd B ate &idone * the mid - we oor * Bleetrte Qed . E * Lies 3 & dice a we. 4 Eafidld ato pot p duc te i= Cpt ca BP = to i Se SO) Alo (eta?) | ERdd ate cpottt p duete 2. trade z s, AoP Ap>= op? + ORE ; ie Se is ie ia Qe = a 2 Atl€o (W407) Ae z Hence, Er ond Ee Gre ayrol ie Ew -. fond f. vesole Rabo hve Componerds. x EL sino (4) ganeeee oy e kos’ : E- Sine). 2 i) Ee Sih and EF Stro oe L Components Thay, are th Gn be Gncel. ) e wd aR att Componerds along wilh Sowe di f adled re 2 ra vets op te 8 Ber. pa B= @rtde Lr = oot CeO ae eure (fa) =O) Sub eqprn © ad @ in @,. ES ze 2) ete re > Be i Se eee Alito Geter) (eta?) - mG) a Tiree Go te)! «Ghee 5 OA Ate Cotta ots wey Small than v. $0.0" Con be Gnceld- Ailes (#4 [ = P ee Ait 3 3. Flectsottodie Potendfal due fo an deche dipole & — aoneidey a two cqpal ard oppacite charges, Separcaked by a Srvall distance te . ve oo ot im +t The port'p is lotodod A ae qs - a ~ ot ‘the Selene ee Lom -~ 2 Oo °¢ ‘2 wid point - Waiple’. £1) mH = dishne & te poict p fron +4, Yo = distance & the gett p Prom — 4 | 4 plechwsblie polerdtal aftiespatctp! dete 4. - Ht +t | BM Allo & Elechostlie pbadial atthe petit “pf due te -9 | we - ee AWS To + the tebol clechoglal’e poterdiol ra, Ma Ny tVe ve te tLe Algo Ao TH > 4 fit -~ A ANG [. Na — TR oa ak BoP. ¢ ry contre law KS e b Bac eg A= P4 -a Obe. 1 CO30 = 9? 4-4? B 21H COS® 290 = Y> 402 % FP = ne 4e2 = 030 oe. at of) +98 — cosepa. : = ~ “1. aig Very Seal Compare $0.0 Con be neglokad . ar= W-) [| -— _Cose2a ' [ oie =J 4 Sparivg on beth ide, a7 Ne art Cos@ 20 ee 2 Ms ¥ [! seseee Tt ed ' Recépretal 6 peels rc ef aml ae 2 By f z ig te < eS > Zub eapr © NO) Li g@) = ha a, > OF At Eo nu" v |e “a Lf sass Atlbo im eve = Joa eal yr? sacois a sense) AMEo 5 | 2.0cosO” ay Ga sey an Win greoigft urtre how's unter Loe a + tek p be fhe lotded Ge A Wea ore Crore gee ame. + Gos Louw, \ be - GEIR x ‘oso + pdaccgo ei rae cos0 oie pe b& > (te Le We Ae GAL. pan ae 5 Seda aa | ets =A. ieedae oat] +E deperds on 1 and alway 1 to fre direction (¥')4o vive. ee: the & poiwks L. ouduoonds to ustve B) TG X40 tone por | tevords to wire, Is. pechic fede + o chanel RPitte plane shed 4 condor a Tefire 2 thed & teks citer sucvface charge ree ten, ont & Id pis telat te 1 dishacc? Prom pane chedd. & Quay laws. be = GER ces + \folrcos® C = €3da +efda a. Sa = A. = EA+tEA Sook WokKT. _ OBR -_Geebod be GE ee $e.dRr = €o + ofA = _@ fo. . g-= @& [agian > 2EK= th Zo ) %ore tee B poids ts 1 cubvard; to plore - so theP peach ie L fo trwordy fe plane 0). Bepwosion Gor the tesqua enpamfenced by co diyole due 4 “a. uniform dectefe Feld. t cceuteg ear eed dipde womart B placed tro untfosm electric. Peald attte arde © ott tee Piald . Re ge + The Charee tq sil experience toe force 428 & direction & te Pidld. 6 ° apes | k The George -q will experience the kone az yest Ercker geld. | + when ned force 8g gevo nel =O. T= (aeloh 4 [Hae |-08 = Abo iho +H Fading : = 24 Fo Bino (P= 299) T= _PEging i t =Pxe + Wohen T= PE gre $8! MOKIMns Grom = A Tow 2 PE 4 Th tee decried te vet wren 1% ‘Te addiblor te ory, on there will be ao nak Rree acting on th. ts eto fyb nee ee for cledreaball ¢ poert®) dus fo: Pt r C= me a cer chomp. q , a yeeen abdidane 9 oon Me chore 1 ke The leche. polortial aktie pet p RS v2 Rea? so ed) Elke tee een oe 7 ies Bub eye ris ' ? ae ah = eee ah Alo [ oa 6] Work 3 done by tte bathery Ths i See t lon in tee alecraslodte | poten deal me Gace nes e gad aI Ve cogncten FA) - Za = & Te energy ts Storal % babrah te Ylokes othe + Tre Saas ot entte dledete field od notte. Size of fee a. obleln tte a ae Grodionce oto forllel pale Gy 5 ~ tho: fr, foo Palo mayoc ey On ae -. tealtee ey Lee Rfinck, parr jloky 13 stheen, a. = =o. 13 tho € dent) on the eftahae é a oe A The Byacthnee & tte Gyortlo ty, ec = & Vv > a : Gc Rea) Coe inca ‘ d ! @pacilance ig D A dotle avead Mo 28 gackion il bitte Alslance bebuoon tha lodeg . Q@ -peore the eupresriong Rene pescabbouct CopacHance ') Capacitors Sin Savoten !- & coraider He Capactres & CUBR Ox aC S one, Crete a & Vellore “4 SNe S Each fuode Gyorstog honethe - Qeigloaas me.) oF 4 he VeHlage f2 Vi Vo & Va the too) Veltoge 13 | i) Vpbal = Vi #V2 +N 20 Pe F | wWkT_ a7 Gyadber, 4 Goatdes a Gyacthr : apc are (lhneded Fn poral) wrth a batery- oe veltage a 4 lab the chorgpi s . = Lol lle o|- mst gad steed ST « Acarding serena at G comgervadion IG Sola charges 83 Pe Q = A tar.t&3 ; & N K WET. Coyarttor, adv Q@= Av Tanvtcev = Ce +a +a) . TE Ne op hos capvalert Gyadtene , ae Bei(ic, ter 40) d-o ‘a eee dlectrtc Crile eet a. 3 eee mcuis Covad b> A. Faplvant veattonce of a rst, and parallel vestehonce ndkwotke 5- wl oe he) 6, tow ‘the of tro Calls xq Compared Uf; tes bicenberw’ a. txpoin ues cee K rreogunmat & 2 ted cn hoa wi usieg & ae bekveen Lk veon Dat ft velershy €, Comat Q. Corr Code for Geto roststos. aie oe Cds th Parallel. + (ct A Coby ae’ Connected bn to Rarollel lehueen the rows A ond B and o vassionce &. Ee Em? & - gy Baeeral readonce & te bottery. * ea Sdearol seatchance Gite battery w3 me ial | af Lf attach a wm i. Na 4 Th the exp sivalet federnol eee ae n Ch. leg n Ci = > Ye = at ™ “olat’ resistance cee le) 4 a (a) TP, yzeeR, then. rom © 2 = iba as EGS eee = AE KR pm a Cagee (b) *- if, Tsss QR, than , Le re, = 2 Rank ® T=" See se d.wste ano on Cols connected tr dukes, + ‘Suppose ni celg & cach emp Heb it alli e Lett avd cvegistance 7 ore Connectaty Pr doves with an ex } Rishne RK. seas 22 emily ve i rexiston ce R= external rwaislnte , onl reraf= né tal ‘eatelance = ny LR ; A By Usivg on ons lous pe teh! emp a total register ce 95, . Mewoscopie model & 0 Gooart. Consider a Condudoy with area & n—de 3 Cre Sectional A oud an leche field ; Te applied fale to fet 1 od + tha duift Westhy is, hog dt 3 Vd= ae : G ey eee) ™ + te rebut eee cH ekecwrg bebscon dic ano mows votth a Sore Velocy ty Vd = is ce Velocity = dlilaenl : ) de = Ade + the Whine is, Vd = Ady here Haw pumber & dlechorg oe tn Nahsaerg Vd= Ade xn —93@ Sb apn Bin a. ©) Vd = Avddt xn 1 dociPt vcloxtt, - no.& abectrena()= Avddén . a ay + Tobl cheng (dod oan da=ne o Copapdageo ry da = Addn xe oe 2 Coen Se THB del ined oMe Quod chan unit arco. of a Tt S.Dientt § Am Le oe 4 T= Avdne_ a J = Ndne J= Ane 34 Sub Copan Oj @ 73 ue =2tine ent ¢ m twhere . Conduclivihy g- = -O7En et P= 2. The eqpotion % Ged microscopic Yom chiaiglo> + Tha veciprotel & Cenduelivily % Colle saaisttcthy aes = Lal eEGiaw AL G) pesister Connected & Servis , 4% fosthrs R,, Ro, Ba are connected fn Bene, Be Cire ig (el # Te Gerad i te Gaal, elt Wi oad \y be be Va= tk —<=@ = ORs. Pa= Ri tates , Cit) Resizkrr connected 7, barrvolte! eye we BSR, BoB ove convestal patel + AU resishrr, + Cument 13, Ea Ag te gto + Applying dhm'S lon. 5 UN ov Tee eo “Rp fsa egptolet nesistoree . at foto! Vdltogel= Va + Wait Va = TR FER +R = EC Ri tka Ry + there ug Pe tg tee eqyidaledt reatelance 7 | z ae "3 shop hp Lawe tehardial diPerence v 5+ Wheolsone!s berfdep + whisgafined on ta ste fied unknown + Uceatstone’s bri consids four cvesistoree py arRs8 . is rye Cennec : Saeco q it piers belween the ponds Bad Dd. 4 He babbesy ts Conneded t bebuean the dei Aandc. 4 The Crorvent treroufh 0 Golvanomeks 18 etre hofP5i tle 4 pe nue ato te guneion oe -Ttq-Ty +0 + as ONT ee, ioe Ris pce ict ee # Veltsaz rule ane ‘loop ABDA, IY Nae Wag as ae, 5) @) 4 Noltese rule fo tte leop AGEDA Sa eee ede Oech -. then to thos Bad B gate owe tettal, te beidep ts 28d tobe balanced. & As there tz no qoladtal diflerante beltooen tha ates Bad D no wat Mog thre ugh, a pdluonomeker. P+ MA -To$ -Lak GP +r C2 +h » © Liv Sth, gun GB) in © nptna PS | wp Tak (pte) CAC 8+) ! we bd R YG see eae " e a_ Ste 6 e «This ip the Corbin Le bridge Holonue , uses DT we know fhe VYalues fuso adjaxaxt resighnce, fro ater two yeristonce Gr be Peyared. i) % tree & te resign lnm the Value & urnown | erexistonce en beprponed . 6. Relakin bekwon — t dvi velocity E+ Corman + toh. Qe Length of tte torducbor. pegs t Aa aren h& cross Sastival & [ yen a Conductor « i a ARE Vol. & the Conducdr. | fa ene & dechen bey unit whines : Y le . k MAL Totol no.& Poo clectrors. B. Pood wibhawe Za co Othe prbaa tne, ch-3 al He ato. potat duc to an fnfinitely. long shot conductor Cov: m3 quvownt vatng, Bit Sart ow ! 9,2 ato port akng Po ants & Citulon cofl roving | ewarl using Bil Saveavt lous hr & Q duce featong tong Straight Rondusctox using Arepexe Crtultall a 3. cyelehon tm Detotl, : ch o changed partide wo uniform ragnele tea & ise tagnelte Prald due toa long Gwvond Corveing sdlenck AN p at a potut due to an Sn Piaitely re ae Cordurcor Corveying using Biot - Zavart fro a. t DS yy? bo tte ‘nbiettalay long shraligtt conductor and 2 Tbe the Cwowsd tarough Conductor pis the poled 5 ata distance fron {te wire. ; £ Usag Bist Saumd'!s tow , rognelic Bold p due 4o on Goowrt” element «td . det Tdl 2r0 _ XE B= 42, td she ALsO AT en n= unt Vector 6 = Arde behweer, Cwocoxt clement. f v= apedleatte fechuséon tha Gre dement ofp to tte Pomd p. + Prawn o 1 fo Ae tole BP. * Ina Aa, Snbe AO Be eee cemerg a ree t Tha A Ape -Ape- dq Tn a APpC ‘ gn d= AS dd = AL Ac -%dp +. Ac= da sino = vd i: es a n e Ao 4, Au Q- Aor j oe A Wa yi Aol z sas | [4 BABE Fata sha] aia fore Trbthelity larg, conductor 4 S do = 40 : B- Aer gh e. Hagel Paid Produced akng tho ams A Cwoart Gooyiny Crrtulan oth. fq \ Citron Cot! a corgthy a Covet Coron candace h Radiug R. * The te Goat Plows’ Through on usive . # Congtder ao tue iarvolyt Cally apposthe Vne Bogpaards chmanks & Coil ech & length dd ts ¢ and D, * Aecondbing to ta Bist - Saved 's low eMagnel’& Reel. atop due dn Covad aement We i d@= Mo da»? AT 8 = Ao rede sino pean. vs dg = Ao rdisho Oe a AT ye ee Oi Orde basen ade cud ¥. =o. “ry 4 he died rich GRE Gd. Geena Ap. terbpre pris | ap. 4% the mekic Preld & d@ due fo each Cusment leant Ps resclud Fido fu20 Components, de cond og tta2 O i ipa Gat alowg x ctedtion. ay # The lerizendal Componendgdzoss ts Gneel ot whore ax tio VewtiCal cornponents de strd ts odd. [Fe pee = ae sing asda toy eae Cbte. > Tok poe TL ond Sings BR 770 find =) te Rte ve VR \ rs Gee . ie Aol & ak ie 4 Th the Cirtudan coil Confaing Pe te i Ne kumy ten, at a Corte) Ts UENO cel _ fuer . exe. cyt ak Ar a dot te torha & lho cil pa =O) R= pont oe Si Deeg the mollen ca Charged fardiile o utter tmognedte Pld. fore % consider o gles. ratty 4 & charge a hawk ~ > orcexs Peto o sot dh ede 4 \ a fild B with Velocity? ’ galt to tte i va Re a charged Particle artery fade 0 “pad, Lovatz Bree ads ontt tr rection | bitte Velontly ound wage field, +t lok fore Bo charged paviek, al(v xB) 4 Fo= ANS + Thast os fle couke*pabal Deemed ene qier waNas mavé dvs vs MY eB menmic= P. Ge “ae “48 : Linesn Rromentun Ah tte ba ve Tae aty aS = army wep = orm 1B. 4 PRapency 13, | + a I earns i 18 8 ee 21m * pngulan fragporey Oe ome amd > owas ae Saba acQibs a ie Selene’. Ae Hagnelic Field. due toa long Geos Goeryivy xm * Consider a gelensid & legit L lout M tung. The, owoker ee a = a h the NE er sae | Loken Compa 3 eS te Cieeed \c, closely, ae congidey. OW sectangulon cop abcd 03, + Brom the Ampere Gatatial, (0, $B = 40 Now, | ‘ « Sede - § [8] ddl wage’ =0 b b d i g.da= §/R. (dQ) cosqe’ =0 4 8 Eaince, mf oublde tee Slenod * zer, B LaF ias ged = § (®[Hel= 0 ; p! [Wel=0. + lab D Geoant Paria firvough o golenetd & N bury - ped? = BL BL. UoNT B = MentT_ A) iE +e no.& bums pert unt lengt, aii an B= Aonr, Since Nn 1B 0 costut dgenotd and Ue 0 Congtord fox a fired Gorent T , the masonkie Grekd vgide Tho Blenotd tg oho Covstanh. . Coe P 5. Working of — Cyclotvon detest , Cplotren B a devices Uyed to c larged qpandicle t gain lara birekc energy. Charged cpordice moug orpendiGan Osedlarcte tha Princip le Wen o: to roel Rild thon % enperanial ro. rvagnelfe Lovenb_ dene Covshwuction: Tha Partiles ano allavad to move fh bebveon two Semi-CProwlon mal conte Catted Deer. Deeg ane.-encloed fh Ig beyt mo ee & Lrsfeorn Baa 18 Se iy the aes & tho Cenfserin the ee eel Kel I paced Grenyreney abivileg Pobdtol difference. For this Cirtulan mation, the Carbripalal fence. ts act on tha, Charged porkileq fs provided by laronte Groce . R= 202 xe) Fr = VVB oe 2 vB : s = ie ve rye ~ awe - ve ImN |G ee yw , Troease tn Velocity tere fn rrodits & Srtulor spot . pee is cute a. neces qhadiele movry tn Catton Spral Pot H increasirg vodiug, condition Yore sesovance:- the freaqueny at which the festive feng dra CProulatad tm moagnelfe Pld = Poeguncy H elects ast (Motor Fase = 2. 2i™ . We fxs Friel art exci 0 ‘3 te ae (Grete erongy dorged podile KE Belo myt = Sox Cyclotron a y anf fon 13. mite. e/, eh ke acelosstad. ¥ as Gannt be acccerated. */

+ The Pree clectrong duit omastlo to, dectton 6 Gorath. 4 te ralafin bekoren Cumnedt ond daift decisis T=-neA —30 ; ® According fo ardorhe force, RB =a?) * Aw g cron im ae ious by tha elechon tia, a -e(%x8), [We nv-] : : 4 twa: = Add a+ aa fed [N= nade] 1e We Hence, ‘ La > ae oak d@- Nx 7 7 ee he ae nada x —¢ (PF xe) ba Tea Fuse dFi= tda.x -B Aloe mr Pa let, 0k pr ale ride, e- | Alte = &- [de - — Br | ge rekon Fay — ey 4+ Trdegrok on both aides . + Fleming ah Cand : 2 Tahoe Pros fo Sbt | =) Lead asad Corvs koret; wale ts ae Sde= er Sde oasis aa eae pire es gr i Te apihede fom, SUSIE tag a | ir [r= ere mo] tidbede tee mon & Today 1 4. Fore bekoen two Lorg Povallel Grned Grouping 7 1 Covdustor . = | a lof rs Consider tte two one | fora parol Cureaxk Qoouy nor | tay ara Seporoked Poa f. shel &. i te distane “Y" in alr rediurn, s : 4, WpbeTord it, one cledaiabp rng | Covert yossivg though the torductyy Aovd & oo tn a doaection i.e - al ~ - Atyaalion, | creapecttvelu), ‘ ?) ome + Prom tle thumb sule,tia dPrachGr & meh fail toi Noo & loxede force action the Curert lament do (ar Betty ] Fron O dee Meri Te | Jo 20 a on ett Stdeg. 7 Mo Ty La _ Ao Quy Sp See are Quay bp eee QT sales Fe & eras & Tho nd magelte trductton due 4p iecarsaa oes + From He tim oul, tre direction 6 magnehic Qald ty ae to We wpapin ond Pane and cubenrds. + Jooviohe bene tas, cores} domes dQ. Ps yersa oy Fs Aetite 2 2Wy ‘ a6 ‘ chaper - 4 ovtontadion of tha tefl Me Cook py: 951J~> ‘ ps adoy [Book 32.23) , aa Urea (eenaay onby an dirducter . [Beck p9:23%ho » AC Cust Conbabaieg only on Gpacttor [oo py: a4 . Production & trduced om by chaning traareo & tre Cofl, faa) » Energy eae fa a tronshpwer (py: 220) in ee aoe 2 teal a eta C8 GN bums, waa H's o edie frelal , oe mo a Cloke diection with i . A fo tra mametic eld) to {te plowe Mire & te coil | to ho ™ em smut, ¢ , * Consider Nida = MGA 4 casut && normal fo tte plane & tte parpon and wt % parallel 4s tre plone & ta teil 807 neoted + Te Gil bos wonimum Value (ie citreus | vte- uno + pcconding t the Forredou!'s igs? 4 oe 5 Ades At Coomale de . —d_ [Ne =f Li wey 3 nal CN dn Cos DAT = —Nbm (-sh4)O ; £ = NbnwWSndt. > NBAD sndDt = file! masini | tyme ome igh GIR Smt = Qo= 1 ss bik S DE = dte = -l. Em = NgmO Bhao° Em = Nomw ache i a Em= NBAD- Bo Oped) peice) omf obey abd Q. Ae CRreutt containing 2n only inductor. pdueler Goce @ é pee aes —______wasnh= * Pe Ne Veo Bin Dt a alternating Unltage Sune “vy', + The Veglartonensg Values & Veltoge crea, given '- Vs Vn Sin 6 A T be tte abtemalig Ganat Plowing tn the Grart : | \ + Gf tle Poe Aductor & fuductonce om Connected acresg | 1 t er tl. de MS: # From te kerchho®'s leop ae, Ve-OL Nee Ge “de. @i = Im sm 9t -M) # Voltage leads onf by We + Tnductive reackunce x, Ty this properly than Ac Chutt ulieh °F the Change fa tte Govwt P38 Called TrductQ vooconce XL. [ee o4] Peas ienmnish 3. AC Grtuit dordaining an only @yacttor. VeVi Sin «lone vee Gypactance ~¢' axe Connectod accrss tha formative, Voltage Source Vv". * & fa alkrnalig volley v' is , = dew “ae = dd Ce Vast) ae = Dewy, . cosw+t = ve feel +772), i Ya | phere i Ve 2 Tm —> peak Value & AC - Yor Ea len Sin (COE te) ey : Soa \ | | pet i. + Copacihive Recon Doe STA Pure Capacitor ee te fs the reyrtonte dpsed key {fo Graciter "3 Gled Coyad fre nwactonce . NES wil 1% ohm co), oa A. aw te. by the Copssitow fox tee Pleo & pt % GU Cayroci hve ye octone. 4A. Productton & eo, Cand ee f sf x Dx op x ¢ B + lod Us Consider tte Wiking od & dorgth Q «We (on mow tre Corductig ed from ore Bide tovrndg Gok dirrvecttn sith ualecityu Frduced mf by donging tra awa cb tee & Red mow Prom And De. + Te entire are paral Th tte urtfown Ltd + Ara we erelosad by tte lop and magnebie fare §8 deow03@. = = Ge Gs ae A cone) change tn mognelic Pure. d= Ba. dog =8 xda ye de See lard ae é de. a de- Bide. ~-de = Vde. dhe = Bout. S. Eraxgy Stored Tr Tductor - [sm + whenoky a Cuvend f estebUshed Pr tre Creuitt, Frductonce epposss the growth & t Ga order b cstabiha {he Kusvad %% tte Grout, work done 3 agoirst tb adppesition <6 ettorol enemy - + The oorkdone 3 Gerad $n magnelle yrotential nergy - + The Ydbied om) of ony Ms 18, ee ee re =a® 2023109106)22:4 4 lets sLoMi cue (Gesverdene: acl apinsk apposition . ae Milla oie dy oe male dian “he, idt dw= Lidi =® taka Pdesrefe on fot ate, Fei = 1 Sie By Ce) x ke dene Slowed fy rragnekte thonbal enorgy, Cs ty Ty tte energy Sted ° dfe Space ‘3, ( L= Mon Ong Mon” (Bt Cm 2 Bk Moni _, @ a2) % jo on apn @) , Bago iy Suet omnes Ts rs [a a 6 ae ere Aes : ‘cag + The amvog Cr) mean ude Ac ef 1 dined ay the aurve abe & Govand ovyve +ve Gple Cow ( -ve hale Ggle . a Pt The mamptlede ACh a Grult F Durteg pockbe Pol Gye 0 coe f hatte. KDuatva -Ve balG Cycle, a Covert Jy cegakive . + weed toxmeon Value dy ae 2% Syrmerttal ord ovr a me complete. Lytle ‘8 zew0. + The fastantaneoug Value & Knugorda) altemaling Govent 7S . Su VOMVIIPIO) Dual Gasiara Arno. a Pesitive hol& Gyete 7 = Jam sm odo ° = len. cose] = Tm [cost ~ caso] = -Tm [1-9 A = 2m —»@® Bub Qn © i. O- Tar = 2tm_ = Woy) =e Ose Srey, + Por a nespdiie balg Cycle, oe once tees FMRC wireaSigeey Neale tene a Considers © Wrisoy axe Connected across eee eS Voltage Source ~ V! tnglardanes: Q ae rg eee qe) Ne wd shat ta®. + betkging oe An 5) (aoe Vez tho @ F Aecanding fo the Kvch®S ule , — gs Tn Sin DE] ee, = Peak Volue & Ae - + Comparing an © 6 @ ayn : Vile ard tard ore fn Phage woth cach otter. a g. RNS Volue & Ac. The Yeot ban Sqyan & Ae B debined of ‘the ste Rent & Area dh one Jane Sqpored rare fo Bose Length one Cycle. i= Dm Sawt t= Dn Sin | T pus - [Art one Gycle & Sayosad Bare engin & one Grle . A= Eat [er-» s (sham re vin 00) ho Do Carn ne aaa Po SEG 1) Teas. = 0.107 T. q. Ac Qenexotor Cetra) (sro) . 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