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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan Agricultural State College

Institute of Education - Graduate Studies
Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Name: Mendigorin, Mariel U. Subject Code: MAESCI 206

Year & Section: I - MAED Science A Faculty: Dr. Annalene Grace Edu Co


The following are some of the undeniably evident issues and their effects that we can
all observe in the environment together with the things that we can do to address them:

Water Pollution
As someone living near irrigation, one of the most significant problems in our
community is water pollution. It can be observed in rivers and lakes and is possibly due
to industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and domestic waste. Major factories and
industrial plants are primarily responsible for releasing untreated wastewater into water
bodies. And since we live in an agricultural landscape where farming is a major work,
farmers also participate in this problem through the excessive use of fertilizers and
pesticides, and households through improper waste disposal. As a result, water pollution
affects aquatic life, reduces the quality of drinking water, and poses health risks to
communities relying on contaminated water sources.

Frequent flooding in Bulacan and even in neighboring places is exacerbated by
poor urban planning, deforestation, and inadequate drainage systems. I think it is the
local government units (LGUs) and urban developers who are responsible for planning
and maintaining infrastructure, while illegal logging and land conversion for agriculture
and urban development contribute to deforestation. Because of that, it causes
property damage, disrupts livelihoods, and displaces communities. It also contributes to
soil erosion and can spread waterborne diseases.

Air Pollution
One big issue that we can all experience in most of the urban areas is air
pollution. It is a growing issue due to vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and the
burning of waste. The transportation sector, particularly jeepneys, tricycles, and trucks,
significantly contributes to air pollution. Factories and power plants also emit pollutants,
while residents contribute through the burning of garbage and agricultural residues. As
an effect, it leads to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health
issues among residents. It can also negatively impact visibility and the overall quality of

Solid Waste Management

Improper solid waste management, including illegal dumping and inefficient
waste collection, leads to environmental degradation. For me, LGUs in Bulacan to be
specific are the ones responsible for managing waste collection and disposal, but
residents also play a role in waste segregation and proper disposal practices. This
problem results in littered streets, clogged drainage systems, and increased flooding risk.
It also attracts pests and can lead to the spread of diseases

Quarrying and Land Degradation

Quarrying activities in our province, particularly in the Sierra Madre mountains,
lead to land degradation and loss of biodiversity. Quarry operators, often backed by
local permits, are primarily responsible, but regulatory bodies may also fail to enforce
strict environmental standards. This kind of issue leads to the loss of forest cover, soil
erosion, and habitat destruction, affecting biodiversity. It can also contribute to
landslides and reduced agricultural productivity.

How are you going to solve these issues?

In general, environmental problems like water pollution, flood, air pollution,

management of solid wastes, and land degradation cannot be managed by single
strategies. For water pollution, the solution entails the enhancement of existing
legislation on industrial discharge, sustainable farming practices, awareness creation on
pollution and waste disposal among the public, and the involvement of societies in
cleaning exercises. Some ways to decrease flooding are better urban planning,
forestation, proper use of zoning regulations, and timely cleaning of drainage facilities.
The extent of the measures to control air pollution is defined as stricter emission
standards, cleaner fuels and renewable power, buyer transportation, and exhaust
emission controls.

The increase in better waste collection and segregation, recycling and

composting programs at the community level, tough anti-littering laws, and awareness
creation for proper waste disposal. To mitigate the effects of land degradation caused
by quarrying, better policies and laws need to be put into practice, reforestation and
reclamation of the quarried land, check on illegal activities, and get the public
involved in conservation practices. These combined strategies they have are to make
sure that the environment is protected and sustainable development is enhanced.

By addressing these issues through a combination of stricter regulations, public

awareness, and community involvement, our community can work towards a more
sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

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