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Concept of Logistics in Nursing

The term logistics originated in the military, to refer to the movement of equipment and
supplies to troops on the battlefield.

It is commonly used to refer to the process of coordinating and moving resources -

people, materials, inventory and equipment - from one location to another for storage.

Computer services focused on the nursing profession are constantly evolving through
contact feedback between programmers and nursing professionals who use them as a
way to enrich the possibilities they allow, making their work more efficient.

Nursing Logistics and Hospital Communication allows each unit to manage requests for
products and services that patients need and that come from other functional areas of
the Hospital, such as Central Services, Laboratories, Pharmacy and Hospitality.

Through communication systems already existing in the institutions and others that are
added to them, the sending and control of requests from the units to the internal
suppliers of the Center is allowed and in this way their immediate reception and control
in real time.

Another component of computer programs focused on the tasks of nurses is the

enhancement of electronic messaging systems that are developed specifically for this
purpose. This is of fundamental importance considering that 7 times in emergency
situations are vital, and the electronic exchange of data between nursing units and the
corresponding services (mainly laboratories, pharmacies and hospitality) can be
obtained in real time.

Importance of logistics

The logistics area must play an important role in every company, no matter how small it
may be, since in all cases this area must supply a series of inputs for the normal
development of the activities of the establishment or establishments under its
jurisdiction. and it is in this function that it must demonstrate its importance in the
economic-financial management of the establishment, achieving the normal operation
of the establishment at the lowest possible cost, without detriment to the quality of care
or service.

The shortage of materials constitutes a serious problem, often difficult to overcome, but
which implies going out in search of new markets. Likewise, technological changes
must be assessed in order to establish the importance and timing of supply. The
replacement of materials and equipment must be planned and scheduled. The
technical, legal, political and economic barriers must be known and a way to overcome
each of them must be found.

Nursing Logistics and Hospital Communication, due to its importance, is contemplated

in these computer programs in a hierarchical manner, allowing each unit of the
organization to be managed from it and to monitor requests for the products and
services that patients need and that come from other functional areas. of the Hospital,
such as Central Services, Laboratories, Pharmacy and Hospitality.

Through communication systems already existing in the institutions and others that are
added to them, the sending and control of requests from the units to the internal
suppliers of the Center is allowed and in this way their immediate reception and control
in real time. The stocks of drugs, nursing materials and household items of each of the
related units are also efficiently controlled.

Another component of computer programs focused on the tasks of nurses is the

enhancement of electronic messaging systems that are developed specifically for this
purpose. This is of fundamental importance considering that times in emergency
situations are vital, and the electronic exchange of data between nursing units and the
corresponding services (mainly laboratories, pharmacies and hospitality) can be
obtained in real time.

The incorporation of computer programs as auxiliaries in the nursing task makes it

possible to eliminate several factors that often conspire with efficient management of
the professional, due to having to invest a significant part of their time in administrative
tasks instead of applying that time to their tasks. technical knowledge and evaluate the
best options for the patient. Currently, there are various computer tools for the nursing

Role of logistics in nursing

Public health logistics is an essential part of the technical assistance provided

during a public health emergency and covers a variety of functions, such as stock
maintenance and distribution, handling and transport management of substances.
infectious diseases for laboratory testing, and the coordination of operations during
epidemic outbreaks. WHO provides logistical support on the ground during
humanitarian crises and epidemics or pandemics, and supports countries through
the International Health Regulations (IHR).
Hospital logistics is aimed at effectively supplying the health products and drugs
necessary for proper care of the patient, our final consumer.


We can determine that for the correct functioning of health services, such as hospitals
or health modules, logistics is one of the most important pillars for their correct
operation, since without logistics or a very poorly planned one the only thing What we
can assure is a poor functioning of health institutions, since it can affect many areas,
both economic and human and material resources, but also with the infrastructure of
the workplace.

Usually in a hospital, most of the expenses come from different areas of care provided
to patients, but for better administration within a hospital. Hospital logistics forms one of
the pillars within the analysis of the income and expenditure of money. In hospitals that
have already achieved the implementation of the logistics department, they are better
managed and the tasks that are handled in it are, for example, inventory management
and of both internal and external planning of the hospital.

Achieve the execution of logistical tools such as forecasts, reduction in waiting time, for
patient care, improving care in the different specialties, and not only that, but it also
greatly improves the image of the hospital that performs it. in a general way in all its

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