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Second Terminal examination-2076

Class:- Ten [10] F.M :-75
Time:- 2 hrs 15 mins Sub:- Health, Pop.&Env.Edu P.M :- 30

A. Very short answer questions. (any 11) [11x1=11]

a. What is brain drain?
b. Give any two importance of sustainable development.
c. Mention two components of quality of life.
d. Who developed the concept of HDI?
e. Which country in SAARC has the highest HDI?
f. Write any two indicators of PQLI.
g. List out the types of biodiversity.
h. Mention any two medicinal herbs of Nepal.
i. Mention the share of Nepal in global flora and fauna.
j. Name the fish only found in Nepal.
k. Write the unique features of cordyceps.
l. Write the scientific name of Arna.
m. Write any two rare birds found in Nepal.
B. Short questions answers. (any 9) (9x4=36]
a. What do you mean by carrying capacity?
b. What do you mean by sustainable development? Mention any four
c. How does construction work affect the environment? Describe
d. What is quality of life? Write its importance.
e. How do education and small family size help us to achieve a quality
of life?
f. "Small family is fundamental basis of quality of life". Clarify it.
g. Briefly explain about the types of biodiversity.
h. Clarify in-situ and ex-situ conservation.
i. List any 2 reasons of rareness of wildlife with 3 conservation
j. "Nepal is rich in biodiversity". Justify it.

k. Write short note on:

i. Red Panda ii. Giant pied hornbill
l. Why is sustainable development importance in terms of
C. Long questions answer.( Any 4) [4x7=28]
a. Introduce sustainable development in your own word. What can be
done locally for sustainable development?
b. How do you maintain health? Briefly mention any seven measures.
c. List out any 10 rare mammals.
d. List out any four rare plants in Nepal and describe any two of them.
e. Briefly recommend any seven measures of protecting rare animals
and birds in Nepal.

The end.

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