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Second Terminal examination-2076

Class:- Ten [X] F.M :-75
Time:- 2.15 hrs Subject:- Science P.M :- 30

Group-A] [15x1=15
1. Answer the following questions.
a. Write the value of acceleration due to gravity at the poles of the
b. Define relative density.
c. What is the normal human body termperature?
d. State Pascal's law.
e. Why is there possibility of energy in the world?
f. What is meant by one calories heat energy?
g. What is anemia?
h. What is pulmonary circulation?
i. What is systolic blood pressure?
j. What is marsh gas?
k. What is isomer?
l. State Mendeleev's periodic law?
m. Write down the structure of glycol?
n. What is chromosems?
o. Write down the full form of DNA?
Group-B [13x2=26]
2. Write any two differences between a mercury thermometer and a
digital thermometer.
3. How does the use of renewable source of energy help to solve the
problem of energy crisis? Describe in short.
4. Males are responsible for the birth of a male baby. Justify the
5. How is ethane saturated hydrocarbon? Clarify on the basis of it's
molecular structure.
6. How does density of liquid support on sinking and floating of bodies?
Explain briefly.
7. Differentiate between artery and vein.
8. Write any two difference between worker and drone bees.
9. What do you mean by Down's syndrome? Write any two symptoms.
10. Differentiate between outosomes and sex chromosomes.
11. Draw a well labeled diagram of chromosomes.
12. Write any two symptoms and two preventive measures of uric acid.
13. Why alkenes are called olefins?
14. What is glucose? Write it's two uses?
Group-C [6x3=18]
15. What measures are applicable in Nepal to push energy crisis further?
Mention any three points clearly.
16. What is the importance of gravitational force? Write any three points.
17. Define functional group and homologous series. What does IUPAC
stand for.
18. Draw neat and well labeled diagram of internal structure of heart.
19. Differentiate between mendalion disorder and chromosome
20. Study the given electronic configuration to answer the questions.
Element Electronic configuration
A 1s22s22p63s2
B 1s22s22p1
C 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
D 1s22s2
a. Identify a metal and a non-metal of them.
b. Which element of them is inert? Why?
Group-D [4x4=16]
21. If the density and depth of liquid are constant, which factor affects its
pressure? What part (Fraction) of a wooden block (v=1.6m 3) remains
above the surface of water when the wooden block is placed in water?
Density of wood-800ck/m3 and density of water = 1000kg/m3.
22. What are paraffins? Write down the structure of glycerol and also
mention its three uses.
23. Study the diagram and
answer the following questions.
a. Label 'A' and 'B'.
b. Which part of them consist of silk?
c. What is process by which 'B' is farmed called?
d. What is the cause of keeping the stage in boiling water before
unwinding the silk fibre?
24. Answer the following
questions with the help of diagram.
a. Label its part.
b. Mention them parts of
chromosomes attached to
the nuclear membrane.
c. What is chromonema?
The end.

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