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Regulation of respiration

Chemical regulation of respiration

★ ⇧Arterial CO2 ➜ ⇧CO2 in ECF of brain ➜ ⇧H+ ions in ECF of brain ➜(+)➜Central chemoreceptors
(Chemosensitive area in medulla)
★ ⇩Arterial O2 (mainly), ⇩CO2, H+ (Slightly) ➜(+)➜Peripheral chemoreceptor (Carotid & aortic bodies)
○ Central + Peripheral receptor ➜Stimulation of respiratory center ➜(+)➜ Motor neurons to
diaphragm & External intercostal muscle ➜(+)➜ ⇧Ventilation

Central chemoreceptor:

(Correction: below pneumotaxic center, there is apneustic center. Its a part of respiratory center)
● Mechanism of action of central chemoreceptor
Peripheral Chemoreceptor:
● Carotid bodies (mostly) → Located bilaterally in bifurcation of common carotid artery
● Aortic bodies (few) → Located along arch of aorta
● Mainly → O2 in blood
● Less extent → CO2, H+

● pO2 below normal

Powerful stimulation of chemoreceptor

Nerve signal through vagus & glossopharyngeal nerve

DRG of medulla

● pCO2 & pH above normal

Slight stimulation of peripheral chemoreceptor
Central VS peripheral chemoreceptors

Central Chemoreceptor Peripheral chemoreceptor

Location Chemosensitive area in medulla Carotid and aortic bodies

Stimuli Increased arterial CO2 Decreased Arterial O2 (Mainly)

Increased CO2 & H+ (Slightly)

Innervation Nerve fibers directly project to Aortic bodies by vagus nerve,

respiratory center Carotid bodies by
glossopharyngeal nerve

Rapidity in response Slower response as compared 5 times as Aortic rapid as central

to peripheral receptor stimulation

Neural regulation of respiration

Respiratory centers
- DRG → Mainly causes inspiration
- VRG → Mainly expiration (in forced breathing)
- Pneumotaxic center → Controls rate and depth of breathing

Dorsal respiratory group

- Controls inspiration
- Controls rhythm of respiration
Most of neurons are located within Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS)
Receives sensory signals from:
- Peripheral chemoreceptors
- Baroreceptors
- Lung stretch receptors
DRG mainly generates Basic Rhythm of respiration → Inspiratory “ramp” signal (During quiet breathing)
Ventral respiratory group
- Found in Nucleus ambiguus (rostrally) & Nucleus retroambiguus (caudally)
- Quiet breathing → VRG inactive
- Forced breathing → VRG active → Both inspiratory & expiratory (mainly) signals → Abdominal muscles

Pneumotaxic center
- Located in Nucleus Parabrachialis of upper pons
- Transmits signal to Inspiratory area (DRG)
- Main function → “switch off” of inspiratory ramp → Thus, limits duration of inspiration (Ultimately increased
respiratory rate, upto 3-40 breaths/min)

Apneustic center
- Lower pons
- Tonically active
- Apneustic center → DRG → Prevent switch off of inspiratory ramp.

Hering-Breuer Inflation reflex:

1. Define chemoreceptor

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