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Unit 8 Extension
1 Write a second sentence that logically follows the first one. Pay attention to the
words in bold.
1 Eating this fish has caused a scare.

2 Milk doesn’t have a long shelf life.

3 This is a real treat.

4 He deserves an apology from you.

5 There’s an adequate amount of time to do this.

6 There’s a famine in this part of the country.

7 I’d like to exchange this shirt.

8 This machine is faulty.

2 Complete the sentences in a logical way. Pay attention to the phrasal verbs in bold.
1 The restaurant is going to make up for the .
2 I refuse to put up with your .
3 Before we travel abroad, I think it would be a good idea to brush up on
4 It’s important for everyone to stand up for .
5 I’m sorry, but I haven’t got around to .
6 I’ve always looked up to him because .

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Unit 8 Extension
3 Complete the sentences using idiomatic expressions that contain the word in
1 Google’s main source of income is advertising It’s their
. (bread)
2 It’s already done and there’s nothing we can do about it. I wouldn’t
. (milk)
3 Let’s keep all our options open. We don’t want to
. (eggs)
4 That’s a lot of studying to do before tomorrow – don’t
. (bite)
5 She’s going to have to admit she was wrong and
. (pie)
6 We can’t go to the beach and to the swimming pool – we can’t have
. (cake)
4 Complete the e-mail with a suitable word or phrase below. There are more words
than you need.
leading ■ cuisine ■ bland ■ dish ■ run out of ■ raw ■ edible ■ compensation ■ major ■ rude
promote ■ health-conscious ■ risk
Subject: Complaint about Friday 15th March (Jefferson booking)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about my visit to your restaurant yesterday, Friday the 15th.
We booked a table for six to celebrate a birthday because we had heard that you were one
of the 1 restaurants in the area but unfortunately, our evening turned
into a 2 disappointment.
First of all, we were extremely unhappy with the choice of food on the menu. All the
advertisements we saw to 3 your restaurant led us to believe that it specialised in Italian 4 , so
you can imagine our surprise when we found not one pasta
on the menu!
Secondly, when some of our party ordered pizza, the waiter told us that it would be served
without cheese, as the restaurant had 6 mozzarella. Again, we found this to be most surprising
coming from an Italian restaurant and, of course, most of the pizza choices from the menu
were no longer relevant. I decided to take the 7 and ordered a Capricciosa pizza but when it
arrived, the toppings were 8 and the crust was hard. In fact, we found most of the food to be
only just 9 . (My wife described her salad, which appeared to consist of nothing more than
tomatoes and lettuce, as extremely
I informed the waiter that I would be writing to complain and, given that the evening was such
a disaster when it was supposed to be a special occasion, I expect an apology and some kind of
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Jefferson

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Unit 8 Extension
1 Complete the sentences without changing the original meaning of the first sentence.
1 Tom and I don’t want to go out tonight.
Neither .
2 We are no longer bothered by the noise of the trains.
We have .
3 We were so bored last night. We left early.
We had such .
4 I’m warning you not to go there.
You had .
5 It’s not a good idea to call him now.
You .
6 Pasta and rice are the two options for a side dish.
Either .
2 Finish these sentences in a logical way.
1 We can either or or .
2 She’s used to because .
3 My brother had better not or he’ll .
4 We were so that we .
5 I am getting used to after having .
6 We would often because .
7 It was such a that everyone .
8 You should because .
3 Complete the sentences with a logical ending.
1 If I were a restaurant owner, .
2 The customer asked the waiter .
3 He won’t eat there unless .
4 That’s the chef whose .
5 We are having our kitchen .
6 The food was so spicy .
7 You had better not eat this if .

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Unit 8 Extension
4 Complete the dialogues with a suitable word in each gap.
1 “She meet us for lunch today.”
“Why not?”
“She said that she finished her presentation yet.”
2 “Sorry I’m late!”
“We’ve waiting for an hour! The restaurant will closed by now!”
3 “If we leave now, we be there in time for lunch.”
“You be joking. We’ll never make it.”
4 “ we have lunch in that new place today?”
“No. Let’s order sushi and it delivered.”
5 Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the
original sentence.
1 Have you finished eating? (already)

2 We would go to the beach every day. (used)

3 The chef hasn’t cooked the meat properly. (been)

4 He’s a physics student and he goes to my university. (who)

5 “Please pick up some bread on the way home,” Mum asked. (me)

6 Our new fridge was delivered this morning. (had)

7 Perhaps he got stuck in the lift. (might)

8 I think you should eat healthier food. (if)

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