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Surya Bheda
(solar breathing)
Entry of vital energy to Stimulates the right meridian, Samavṛtti
lungs. connects with the masculine. It consists of equalizing the
Candra Bheda (breathing
Antar-kumbhaka four o'clock time
Air retention, Give the Stimulates the left meridian,
time to "digest" it. connects with the feminine. 1:1:1:1
Anuloma Viloma (breathing
Rechaka bipolar)
In which the expiration lasts
Balances left and right side.
It is the exhalation, it helps twice as much as inspiration; the
eliminate toxins now Bhramarî (hum of the retention with full lungs
bee) lasts twice as long as the exhalation,
chill out.
Harmonizes the visuddha-chakra.
and retention with the lungs
Bahir kumbhaka Sîtkârî empty lasts half or equal to
It serves to nourish the body. The inspiration.
Hold with your lungs
empty. This breath is refreshing, it soothes 1:4:2:1
the body in cases of high pitta.

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