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41 I am a leader among my friends

42 The most important thing is to persuade others

Below you will be presented with a list of questions, phrases that contain
43 I appreciate political power more
different skills of which you will have to categorize considering these 3
criteria: 44 Admire political geniuses more
5=> You have a lot of skill
45 I am energetic and argumentative
3=> You have fair ability
1=> You have no or little ability 46 You are a little dominant with others
47 You look for action, you avoid disorganization
48 Admire the military leaders
1 raise and feed cattle 4
49 I like being the boss
2 withstand working in very intense climates
50 I am confident in myself
3 operate tractors or agricultural equipment
51 I am and have good handwriting
4 direct sowing and harvesting
52 The most important thing is to respect law and order
5 resist country life far from the city
53 Appreciate economic achievements more
6 Handle mechanical tools
7 Assemble equipment or fix household breakdowns 54 Admire great managers more

8 Organize a carpentry and hardware store 55 I am calm and self-controlled

9 Manage the control board of electronic equipment 56 You are cautious and defensive of others
10 Resist factory life with rough workers 57 You look for the regulated, you avoid the improvised
11 Drive motor vehicles 58 Admire the tycoons
12 Have good vision, aim and manual coordination 59 I am attracted to offices
13 Have height, weight and athletic stamina 60 I am obedient and detail-oriented
14 Know Karate or self-defense
15 Resist strict life in military barracks Before returning the token, verify that you have
16 Understanding biology books answered all the questions.
17 Explain the role of DNA in genetics questions….. :) :)
1 10
18 Describes the biochemical action of the most common drugs
16 I'm a little distant
19 Read and understand Anatomy books
17 You seek accuracy, you avoid the subjective
20 Resist life working with contagious diseases
18 Admire the philosophers and wise elders
21 Solve "Physics" school problems
19 I am attracted to the complicated
22 Use the periodic table of elements
20 I'm curious
23 Understand more the number courses
21 I am expressive and original
24 Memorize and apply many mathematical formulas
22 The most important thing is art and attractiveness
Resisting life by solving complicated mathematical problems
23 I appreciate harmony and aesthetics more 25
24 Admire creative geniuses more
26 Read and understand "Logic" books
25 I am imaginative and idealistic
27 Know the latest about computing
26 You are direct and warm with others
28 Learn how to use new software on my own
27 You look for the original, you avoid routine
29 Fix my computer if it helps
28 Admire great artists
Resist life working in front of a computer for 12 hours ras per
29 I am attracted to art day
30 I am imaginative and intuitive 31 Participate in modern dance or folk dance
31 I am kind to the unfortunate 32 Act in plays
32 The most important thing is to help the poor 33 Recite or sing in an auditorium
33 I appreciate cooperation and family more 34 Have a harmonious voice or belong to the musical choir
34 Admire humanitarian leaders more 35 Play a musical instrument
35 I am understanding and discreet 36 Make models of houses or draw an architectural plan
36 You are tolerant of impertinent people 37 Make caricatures or portraits
37 You look for the emotional, you avoid the mathematical 38 Handle graphic design software
38 Admire religious leaders 39 Make drawings, sculptures, paintings and/or carvings
39 I am attracted to helping people 40 Design posters, covers, clothing or banners
40 I am pious and charitable 41 Write a school report
42 Read musical scores
43 Write stories, poems or stories
44 Re-write a play script or school novel Next you will be asked: How often do you do this? these things? . You will
respond in the following way, considering these at the alternatives.
45 Recognize literary genres and styles 5=> If you do it very frequently
46 Read books about world historical events 3=> If you do it regularly
1=> If you do it infrequently or not at all .................■
47 Read books about archaeology, philosophy or religion
48 Understand more the literature courses
49 Read texts written in a foreign language
1 I practice athletics and have mechanical skills
50 Resist the life of being an exhibitor and writer of cultural
books I think the most important thing is to have your feet on the
51 Applying "first aid" to unknown people ground. rra"
52 Caring for small children with a lot of patience 3 I appreciate the effort and hard work more.
53 Help your friends with their tasks 4 Admire more the Olympic athletes
54 Read and understand books on "Psychology" and "education" 5 I am sincere and of few words
55 Resist the life of solidarity aid campaigns for others 6 I am too frank with others
56 Listen to other people's problems with patience 7 You look for the concrete, you avoid the abstract
57 Organize the end of the year party 8 Admire the gymnasts and karate fighters
58 Have memory for birthdays, faces, voices and names bres 9 I am attracted to diamonds
10 I am realistic and practical
59 Quickly recognize other people's intentions
11 I am reflective and intellectual
60 Resist life serving and helping customers
61 Defend the rights of others 12 The most important thing is to read and be well informed.

62 Call a group of neighbors and friends to protest 13 I appreciate the accuracy of science more

63 Win arguments that arise with your friends 14 Admire more those who are scholars

64 Know how to negotiate and obtain labor benefits 15 I am analytical thinker

Resist the life of political campaigns and persuasion to your

future voters
42 Embassy or consulate

3 8
43 Comptroller General of the Republic 73 Be the "life of the party" at celebrations
44 Export and import service 74 Have charisma to make people like you

45 supermarket chain 75 Resist the hectic life searching for news in the city

46 Armed Forces Officer School 76 Operate a cash register, balance money

47 Real estate consortium (sells houses/cars) 77 Fill out tax returns or forms

48 Advertising agency 78 Understand census statistics or tax forms cough

49 Radio and television programs
79 Do simple math calculations in your head
50 Advertising agency
80 Resist life doing accounting in a company
51 Study of accountants
81 Perform routine activities in an office
52 Ministry of Economy 82 Write in shorthand, have good spelling and handwriting
53 Savings and credit bank 83 Have a good memory for dates, figures or payments
54 Statistics National Institute 84 Have patience to carry out procedures
55 official customs agency 85 Resist life by organizing documents, books or desks
56 Superintendency of Tax Administration SUNAT 86 Take inventory of a warehouse
57 National Identification Registry 87 Type very quickly and be careful with details
58 Executive Secretariat Institute 88 Manage the photocopier or mini telephone exchange

59 Telephone Telemarketing Center 89 Manage the Excel program

60 Book or text typing services 90 Resist life by writing letters, letters and memoranda

66 Being captain of a sports team

67 Supervise or control a group of adults
Below we present the following list of companies, for which I invite you to
68 Be the boss or leader of your group of friends
ask yourself the following question: Would you like to work at? and
69 Organize a club or business answer by placing any of the three alternatives.
70 Resist the life of business and sales or being a promoter 5=> A lot
3=> Little
71 Speaking to a crowd of people with confidence 1=> you do NOT like it or you are indifferent
72 Represent your friends before the authorities

25 Interior decorator house
26 art gallery
1 Agroindustrial company
27 Comics and comics editions
2 Oil extraction and mining company
28 Academy of Fine Arts
3 Livestock and zootechnics company
29 Independent journalists and writers
4 Factory of soft drinks, food and canned goods
30 Orchestra or music conservatory
5 Construction and hardware company
31 National Library and History Museum
6 Factory of threads, fabrics and carpets
32 Supreme Court of Justice
7 Manufacture of wood, metal and leather furniture
33 Institute of Anthropology and Archeology
8 Metal machinery factory
9 Passenger and heavy cargo transportation company 34 Christian missionary movement

10 Armed Forces Non-Commissioned Officer School 35 Initial, primary and secondary school

11 Dental Center 36 foreign language academy

12 Psychiatric clinic 37 Aid and Social Assistance Foundation
13 Rare Diseases Hospital 38 Casino and nightclub
14 Aerospace Flight Center 39 Restaurant and tourist hotel
15 Experimental laboratory of pharmaceutical products 40 tourist travel agency
16 Geophysical Institute 41 Congress of the republic
17 nuclear power plant

18 Internet service and web pages

19 Software designer advisors
20 Manufactures computer assembly plants
21 Theater Company
22 film company
23 House of Models, fashion and haute couture
24 Architectural or urban planning studies

5 6

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