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2 10 0 7 CSL-10717/ CSL-10224
Apply the basic principles, techniques and procedures in comprehensive health care to people with medical-surgical problems with different degrees of complexity and
dependence on nursing care.
The medical surgical I subject is very important for the area of nursing, it is characterized by providing necessary tools for the care of patients with pathologies susceptible to
medical treatment that contributes to the comprehensive training of the student through the application of the nursing process, which offers the student the necessary bases for
timely and adequate care for risk prevention, conservation and restoration of health to the population that comes to care centers. The subject program consists of
UNIT 1: Medical clinical nursing.
UNIT 2: Alteration of the hydro-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance
UNIT 3: Alterations of the respiratory systems
UNIT 4 : Alterations of the cardiovascular system.
UNIT 5: Alterations of the digestive system
UNIT 6 : Alterations of the renal system
UNIT 7: Alterations of the endocrine system
UNIT 8 : Alterations of the immune and endocrine system.


• Real Didactic Dialogue: In-person activities (learning communities), tutorials and electronic activities.
• Simulated Didactic Dialogue: Academic self-management activities, independent study and student support services.
The evaluation of the student's learning and, consequently, the approval of the subject , will be given by the mandatory assessment of a set of elements, to which a
percentage value of the final grade of the subject was assigned. Some indicators and possible evaluation techniques and instruments are suggested that the teacher can use for
this purpose.
• Carrying out theoretical-practical activities
• Carrying out field activities
• Contributions of ideas to the Community (Information and dissemination)
• Live experiences in the professional area
• Carrying out short and long written tests, work defenses, presentations, debates, etc.
• Self-assessment / co-assessment activities and student evaluation.


Describe the Nursing Clinic Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical Guide for
Medical and its importance in the care of activities. Care Planning , Mexico:
patients in acute or chronic conditions. Carrying out field activities. McGraw-Hill.
1.1 Medical clinical nursing. Concept. Importance,
Contributions of ideas to the Community • Carpenito, L (1994) Care plans and
(information and dissemination). documentation in nursing .
1.2 Diseases Chronicles : concept,
Experiential experiences in the Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
characteristics general, prevention,
professional area • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
frequency and effect on the patient and his
Participation records. Manual Doctor –
Short and long written tests, work Surgical . 9th Edition.. Spain:
1.3 Clinical Procedures. Surgical drainage:
defenses, debates, etc. McGraw-Hill.
management and complications.
Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care .
State of
evaluation of the chair. McGraw-Hill.
consciousness, tranquility, hemorrhage, nausea
• Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
and vomiting, signsof shock,
Medical Surgical Nursing .
respiratory, vital signs, pain. Nausea and
• Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
vomiting, bleeding, pain, cardiovascular
Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
complications, infection of wounds,
Edition. McGraw-Hill.
wound dehiscence, vital signs.
1.4 Nursing process. Concept. Aim. Importance.
Stages: Assessment, data collection, direct and
indirect interview, physical assessment, nursing
history, data analysis, detect problems, develop
nursing diagnoses, nursing actions.
Interpret the conceptual and practical UNIT 2: ALTERATION OF THE HYDRO- Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for
elements of Hydro-electrolyte Balance ELECTROLYTIC BALANCE AND ACID-BASE activities. care planning . Mexico: McGraw-
and acid-base balance applying the BALANCE Carrying out field activities. Hill.
nursing process. Contributions of ideas to the Community • Carpenito, L (1994) Care plans and
2.1 Balance hydroelectrolytic: concept, (information and dissemination). documentation in nursing .
importance, values normal, balance Experiential experiences in the area Mexico: McGraw-
positive, balance negative, Actions of professional Hill.
Nursing. Participation records. • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
2.2 Procedures in the alterations Short and long written tests, work Manual Doctor –
hydroelectrolytic: control of liquids defenses, debates, etc. Surgical . 9th Edition. Spain:
ingested and eliminated. Intravenous infusion. Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and McGraw-Hill.
Addition of medications to intravenous evaluation of the chair. • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care .
solutions. McGraw-Hill.
2.3 Nursing process for a patient with • Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
hydroelectrolyte alterations: assessment, Medical Surgical Nursing .
planning, execution, assessment, McGraw-Hill.
precautions, complications, assessment, • Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
evaluate the nursing care process. Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
2.4 Diseases Chronicles: concept, Edition. McGraw-Hill.
prevention, frequency and effect, general
characteristics, effect on the patient and his
Recognize alterations of the respiratory UNIT 3: ALTERATIONS OF THE Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for
system by applying the Nursing Process RESPIRATORY SYSTEM activities. care planning . Mexico: McGraw-
in the pathologies Carrying out field activities. Hill.
respiratory. 3.1 Pathologies respiratory: concept, Contributions of ideas to the Community • Carpenito, L (1994) Care plans and
pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. (information and dissemination). documentation in nursing .
3.2 Bronchial diseases: bronchitis, Experiential experiences in the Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
asthma. Pleural diseases: pleurisy, professional area • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
pneumothorax. Participation records. Manual Doctor –
3.3 Lung diseases: embolism, edema, hypertension, Short and long written tests, work Surgical . 9th Edition. Spain:
tuberculosis. defenses, debates, etc. McGraw-Hill.
3.4 Alterations ventilatory: concept, Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care .
hypoventilation, hypoxemia, hyperventilation, evaluation of the chair. McGraw-Hill.
compensatory mechanisms. • Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
3.5 Respiratory functional tests: concept, Medical Surgical Nursing .
equipment, procedure, McGraw-Hill.
complications, • Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
spirometry, functional capacity, application of Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
expiratory volume per second (VEMS). Chest Edition. McGraw-Hill.
X-ray, bronchography, bronchoscopy, laboratory
data, RAB, sputum test. Nursing process in each
of the respiratory pathologies: assessment,
assessment, biopsy, proof of sputum.
Medicines, dose, precautions,
Describe the alterations of the UNIT 4: ALTERATIONS OF THE Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for
cardiovascular system applying the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM activities. care planning . Mexico: Mc
Nursing Process to a selected case Carrying out field activities. Graw
4.1 Cardiovascular Pathologies Pathophysiology, Contributions of ideas to the Community Hill.
diagnosis, treatment. Care of (information and dissemination). • Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans and
Nursing. Experiential experiences in the documentation in nursing .
4.2 Heart Failure . Concept, types, signs and professional area Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
symptoms . Participation records. • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
4.3 Coronary Failure. Concept, types, signs and Short and long written tests, work Manual Doctor –
symptoms. defenses, debates, etc. Surgical . 9th Edition. Spain:
4.4 Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction . Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and McGraw-Hill.
Concept, differences, hypotension, evaluation of the chair. • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care .
hypertension. state of shock, Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
4.5 Arrhythmias . Concept. Guys. Characteristics. • Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
Nursing process. Medical Surgical Nursing .
4.6 Education sanitary to thepatient McGraw-Hill.
hospitalized and the family. Case study • Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
assignment. Application of the nursing process. Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
Edition. McGraw-Hill.

Describe the alterations of the Digestive UNIT 5: ALTERATIONS OF THE DIGESTIVE Carrying out theoretical-practical
System applying the Nursing Process. SYSTEM. • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for
care planning . Mexico: McGraw-
Carrying out field activities.
5.1 Pathologies of the Digestive System. Signs and Contributions of ideas to the Community Hill.
symptoms, types, characteristics. (information and dissemination). • Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans and
Pathophysiologies. Diagnosis. Experiential experiences in the documentation in nursing .
Treatment. Concepts of: professional area Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
Dysphagia, Heartburn, Eructation, Reflux, Participation records. • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
Nausea, Vomiting, Anorexia. Stomach and Short and long written tests, work Manual Doctor
Duodenum Disorders: Gastritis, Esophageal defenses, debates, etc. Surgical . 9th edition. Spain:: Mc
varices, Gastric-peptic ulcers. Graw-Hill.
Self-assessment/co-assessment and
5.2 Intestinal disorders : diarrhea,
constipation, enteritis, colitis, malabsorption. evaluation of the chair. • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing
5.3 Liver Alterations: Gallbladder and Pancreas. Care . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
Jaundice. Cirrhosis. Hepatic coma. Portal • Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
hypertension, Hepatitis. Concept, types, Medical Surgical Nursing .
characteristics. McGraw-Hill.
5.3 Procedures applicable to patients with • Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
digestive disorders: Endoscopy, analysis of Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
gastric contents, ultrasound, gastric drainage, Edition. McGraw-Hill.
biopsy, rectoscopy. Medication administration:
effects, dosage, precautions and complications.
Nursing process

Describe the pathologies that generate UNIT 6: ALTERATIONS OF THE Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide
alterations neurological in the NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM. activities. for care planning . Mexico:
people. Carrying out field activities. McGraw-Hill.
6.1 Pathologies neurological: Concept. Contributions of ideas to the Community • Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans
Characteristics, pathophysiology, signs and (information and dissemination). and documentation in nursing .
symptoms, types: Cerebrovascular Accident, Experiential experiences in the Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
edema Cerebral, hemiplegia, quadriplegia, professional area • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
disease of Parkinson's, syndrome of Participation records. Manual Doctor
Guillant Barré, myasthenia gravis. Short and long written tests, work Surgical . 9th edition. Spain: Mc
6.2 Diagnostic tests and most used procedures: defenses, debates, etc. Graw-Hill.
Types , characteristics, nursing intervention. Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and • Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing
evaluation of the chair. Care . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
Medical Surgical Nursing .
• Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
Edition. McGraw-Hill.

Explain the alterations that affect the UNIT 7: ALTERATIONS OF THE RENAL Carrying out theoretical-practical • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical Guide
Renal System and the tests SYSTEM. activities. for the planning of
diagnostic… Carrying out field activities. care Atkinson. (1997) Clinical
7.1 Kidney Failure: concept, classification, signs Contributions of ideas to the Community guide for care planning . Mexico:
and symptoms. Treatment. (information and dissemination). McGraw-Hill.
7.2 . Hydronephrosis. Syndrome Nephritic. Experiential experiences in the • Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans
Hypertension arterial: Concept, guys, professional area and documentation in nursing .
characteristics, pathophysiology. Participation records. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
7.3 Procedures doctors, evidence Short and long written tests, work • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
diagnostics and equipment used: Types, defenses, debates, etc. Manual Doctor
characteristics. Nursing intervention. Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and Surgical . 9th edition. Spain: Mc
evaluation of the chair. Graw-Hill.
• Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care .
Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
Medical Surgical Nursing .
• Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
Edition. McGraw-Hill.

Describe system alterations Immune UNIT 8: ALTERATIONS OF THE Carrying out theoretical-practical
and Endocrine IMMUNE AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS. activities. • Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for
through the application of the Nursing Carrying out field activities. care planning . Mexico: McGraw-
Process. 8.1 Pathologies of the Immune System: Concept, Contributions of ideas to the Community Hill.
characteristics, signs and symptoms, (information and dissemination). • Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans and
pathophysiology, guys: Hypersensitivity, Experiential experiences in the documentation in nursing .
allergies, anaphylaxis, reactions to medications professional area Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
and to transfusions blood, lupus Participation records. • Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Nursing
erythematous, contact dermatitis : Short and long written tests, work Manual Doctor
8.2 Evidence Diagnostics: Guys, defenses, debates, etc. Surgical . 9th edition. Spain: Mc
characteristics. 8.3 System Pathologies Self-evaluation / co-evaluation and Graw-Hill.
Endocrine: concept, types, characteristics, evaluation of the chair. • Luckman, J. (2000) Care of
diagnosis and treatment. Procedures Nursing . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
applied in alterations of the Endocrine System, • Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001)
pathophysiology, types: Nutritional : Obesity, Medical Surgical Nursing .
malnutrition. Thyroid Gland : hypothyroidism McGraw-Hill.
and hyperthyroidism . Pancreas : Diabetes, • Smeltzer, c. S. (2002)
pancreatitis: Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th
8.4 Diagnostic tests of thyroid function : Edition. Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
Thyroxine (T4), thyroiodothyronine (T3)

• Atkinson. (1997) Clinical guide for care planning . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Carpenito, L. (1994) Care plans and documentation in nursing . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Johnson, J. AND. (2001) Medical-Surgical Nursing Manual . 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
• Luckman, J. (2000) Nursing Care . Mexico: McGraw-Hill.
• Reeves, C. J. And Roux, G. (2001) Medical Surgical Nursing . McGraw-Hill.
• Smeltzer, C. S. (2002) Medical Surgical Nursing . 9th Edition. McGraw-Hill.

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