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Paradise Lust - All in One Guide

Jack's Quest ....................................................................................................................................2
Cath's Guide....................................................................................................................................9
Gabby's Quests ............................................................................................................................. 13
Andrea's Quests ............................................................................................................................ 17
Karen's Quests .............................................................................................................................. 20
Maria's Quests .............................................................................................................................. 24
Reyna's Quests .............................................................................................................................. 26
Raven's Quests .............................................................................................................................. 32
Jenny's Quest ................................................................................................................................ 36
Mi Sun Quests ............................................................................................................................... 40
Olga's Quests ................................................................................................................................ 42
Tori's Quests ................................................................................................................................. 45
Girls Location ................................................................................................................................ 49
FLOWERS ...................................................................................................................................... 53
STATS ............................................................................................................................................ 57
SWIMSUITS ................................................................................................................................... 61
LINGERIE ....................................................................................................................................... 62
Jack's Quest
Explore the Beach
Quest Description: Explore the nearby area.

 Look for anything useful.

 Click on the Hat to obtain Cath's Hat and the Wreckage to obtain the Backpack.
 Head over to the Wreck and find Cath.
 Interact with Cath to save her.

Explore the Boat

Quest Description: Explore the beached Moby ♥♥♥♥.

 Head over to the Poopdeck to further unlock locations within the ship.
 Heading over to the Bar (upstairs) will contain a Poster Piece and will initiate a
minigame. You'll obtain an Olive Jar and a Cherry Jar.
 Heading towards Upperdeck (doors) further unlocks the Bridge. Inside the Bridge, you
can obtain the following items by picking them up on the floor: Glass Shards, Water
Container, and a Crowbar. You can also click on the tattered map to assemble it,
unlocking the Map Function.
 Heading towards the Gangway (downstairs) further unlocks the Cabin Rooms. You'll find
your room here, Cath's room, and also meet Gabby (requires crowbar) in one of the

Get Some Rest & Check Outside

Quest Description: Head to bed in your cabin room.

 Go inside your cabin. This will unlock the Smartphone Function.

 Click on the bed to sleep, you'll be waked up and prompted to see what made the noise.
Head outside.
Explore the Resort
Quest Description: Check out the Resort.

 Use the Map function to visit the resort.

 Upon arrival, you'll need to talk to the Maria outside to further unlock the Gas Tanks and
the Lobby.
 Head over to the Resort's Lobby to meet Karen, who will prompt you to look for Erik. This
will also unlock an additional location in the Lagoon (Radio Tower), as well as the
Resort's Hall, Pool, Balcony, and Basement.
 You can find Erik in the Pool by heading over to the Hall (center roof) and proceeding
forward outdoors. This will unlock the Resort's Beach and Dock location.
 You'll be asked to repair the Generator which is located in the basement (exit sign in the
Resort's Lobby), you can do so by talking to Gabby and bringing her to the Generator.
 You can also meet Raven in the Resort's Balcony during the Evening.
 You can also talk to Karen to check her out.
 Heading over to the Resort's Beach during the Day to meet Reyna, and during the
Evening to meet Rick.

Girl by the Dock & Hooking Up

Quest Description: Help out another survivor & Learn how to Fish with Reyna.

 Automatically starts when you talk to Reyna who will ask you to help her out fishing.
 Head over to the Radio Tower in the Lagoon and click on the pile boxes on the left to start
a minigame. You'll obtain the Machete which can be used to cut down Bamboos in the
Resort's Gas Tanks location.
 Talk to Karen for a Fishing Tackle and you'll be prompted to finish another quest with
Maria. The reward for this will be the Rusty Lure.
 Return to Reyna with a Bamboo and the Rusty Lure and you'll unlock the Fishing
 Your first catch will become a Fish Fillet which can be turned over to Karen.

Spanking Clean & Totally Not Exhibitionism

Quest Description: Clean your room! & Shower time!

 Click on the messy luggage on the floor to clean up your room. Requires 40 Energy.
 Once you're done, you'll initiate a minigame. Finishing it will reward you with Soap and
initiate the second part of the quest.
 Head over to the Lagoon and click on the waterfalls to take a shower, this will give you
some energy but will progress the day forward.
Jungle Boogie & A Whole New World
Quest Description: Go to Ridge & Find Out What's on the Other Side of the Bridge

 Cross the bridge.

 You can check both left and right path, but check the left path first.
 On the left path, you'll encounter the Big Ass Lizard again and will block your path. Head
back and check the right path towards the Planewreck.
 Head inside the Planewreck and you'll see a Radio. Click on it to finish the quest.

I'ma ♥♥♥♥ That Door Up

Quest Description: Open the Dressing Room

 After talking to Cath, click the last door on the Gangway and finish the minigame. Once
you're done, you'll complete the quest.

My Newt Problem
Quest Description: That Big Ass Lizard is Blocking the Way

 Wait for Cath to contact you about this issue and you'll be able to interact with the lizard.
You'll complete the quest afterwards, unlocking the Vista and Sunbeach areas.

Get High
Quest Description: Build a Ladder

 You'll need some Bamboo and Rope to build a ladder. The rope can be easily be
purchased from Karen's catalogs and you can harvest the bamboo nearby. The rope
costs 1$ex Chip.
 Once you have everything, return to the grove to make the ladder.

Hope It's Not a Possum

Quest Description: Get a Pool Net to clean the Pool from Karen's Catalog

 Purchase the Pool Net for 2 Sex Chips.

 Once you're done, return to the pool and initiate a minigame by clicking on it. (Costs 30
Grab Karen's Hose
Quest Description: Spray the Pool Clean, Get a Hose to Clean the Pool from Karen's Catalog.

 Purchase the Hose for 4 Sex Chips and return to the pool to clean it (Costs 20 Energy)
and complete the quest.

Latex Needs
Quest Description: Use Latex Glue to fix the Pool Tiles.

 Head towards the basement to find the bucket of latex and return to the pool to initiate a
minigame. Finish it to complete the quest.

Straighten My Pipe
Quest Description: Get a Wrench to fix the Poolhouse Pipes from Karen's Catalog.

 Purchase the Wrench for 3 Sex Chips and head over to the Left Pool's Pumphouse.
Finish the minigame to complete the quest.

My Chemical Romance
Quest Description: Get some Pool Chemicals from Karen's Catalog to treat the water.

 Purchase the Pool Chemicals for 3 Sex Chips and head over to the Right Pool's
Pumphouse. Finish the minigame to complete the quest.

One Night to Get Wet

Quest Description: Wait for the Pool to Fill

 Simply rest for the night to complete the quest.

Maybe If I Ask Nice...?, Build a Bar, Beer Run, Stock em' Up
Quest Description: Fix up the Bar

 Head over to the Storage room in the Morning and talk to Karen.
 Head over to the Bar area and fix it with 5 Bamboos.
 Once done, you'll need to talk to Karen in the resort to retrieve the beers.
 Once you have the beer, head over to the bar and complete the minigame to complete
the quest.

Let's Split Up, Gang!

Quest Description: Look for Clues

 One of the clues can be found in the Ridge's Vista.

 Second one can be found in the Resort's Gas Tank Areas.
 Last one can be found in the Resort's Storage room area.

Hiro's Code
Quest Description: Find Out What the Passcode is for

 Find Out what Hiro's Passcode is for

 After finding what's the passcode for, you'll need to play a mini game in order to complete
the quest

Do I have to...
Quest Description: Rummage through the sock stash

 Rummage through Hiro's sock stash.. Hopefully for something

 You'll need to play a mini game in order to complete the quest

A Cut Above the Rest

Quest Description: Cut Open the Snorkel Set

 Find a cutter to open the snorkel set

Cloth Encounter
Quest Description: Look for the Sturdy Fabric

 Search around the island for some sturdy fabric. Maybe asking around would help.
Expanding Coverage
Quest Description: Set up signal trackers

 Set up the Signal Trackers in the Ridge Area

 Set up the Signal Trackers in the Wreck Area
 Set up the Signal Trackers in the Caves Area
 Set up the Signal Trackers in the Gorge Area

Bunker Mentality
Quest Description: Check the Bunker

 Check the Bunker out during the daytime

Walk the Dog

Quest Description: Bring Shiki to the Resort

 Bring Shiki to the Resort during daytime

Jack's Quest (December Update)

Swimsuit Pursuit & A Bit Chilly
Quest Description: Get Olga's Bikini

 Headover to the Ridge's Sunbeach and interact with the lizard. This should automatically
complete the quest and start a new one.
 Return to the Ship's Upperdeck and it will automatically complete the quest.

No Paint, No Gain
Quest Description: Find Jack's Paints

 Click the cupboard on the Upperdeck and finish the minigame to obtain the paint.
 You'll trigger the sketch minigame and upon completion, you'll gain a new option to sketch
the other girls.
Sketch the Girls
Quest Description: Paint the girls

 You can find a new Pencil Icon on certain areas and clicking on it will trigger the sketch
quest for a character. You'll use up 1 Paint each time you do so (can be re-purchased
from Karen).
 For Cath, it's on the Engine Room.
 For Gab, it's on the Tower Path.
 For Andrea, it's on the Cove.
 For Maria, it's on the Ravine.
 For Raven, it's on the Split Path.
 For Cath and Gabby, Its on the Cave.
Cath's Guide
Engine Repair & Some Thirsty Girls
Quest Description: Figure out a way to repair the engine & Find some water.

 After talking to Cath, you need to go to the bridge and talk to Gabby. After having
conversation with Gabby, Go to the Engine Room (Located outside the Ship), they'll
ask you to get water from Lagoon. (Which will be automatically unlocked, and will be
accessible in your Map.)
In Lagoon, you'll meet a girl showering in the waterfalls, and her name is Andrea. She's
going to ask you for your help about a big ass giant lizard who stole her clothes! Finish
that quest and go to Andrea at the Riverside to talk to her about where you can get the
water Cath and Gabby's asking. And this will finish the Thirsty Girl's Quest.
 For the Engine Repair's Quest, All you need to do is to find the Spare fuse.
 The spare fuse is located in the Tower Path in Lagoon (to go to the tower path, all you
need to do is click on the dirt path) and check inside the house. This will unlock the
Control Room.
 Go to the Control Room, and click on the boxes. Finish the minigame there to get the
Head back to the Engine Room where Cath & Gabby are waiting, and you'll see the
start of something interesting!

A Handy Job
Quest Description: Help Cath and Gabby

 In the engaging interactive experience called "Handy Job," your objective is to establish a
meaningful connection with Cath and amass a total of 20 Relationship Points. Through
a series of conversations, you'll navigate through various topics and choices, shaping
the bond with Cath.
The more you interact, empathize, and respond to the likes of Cath, the higher your
Relationship Points will soar. Your journey with Cath promises to be an exciting and
immersive adventure! Enjoy this captivating experience as you unveil the magic of
forging a special bond with Cath.
 After interacting with Cath, She'll tell you to meet her in the lagoon. You should wait for 3
days before talking to Gabby to finish this quest.
A Bad 80's College Move
Quest Description: Get with Gabby to get with Cath.

 This quest is a prerequisite to the quest: Casual Networking, Pt. 2 (Gabby's Quest)
 Drop by to Cath's room, converse with Cath and let some magic in the air begin! After the
breathtaking magic, the quest will be finished automatically

More than Meets the Eye

Quest Description: Help Cath around the boat.

 Embark on an exciting adventure as you'll meet Cath at the Poopdeck, where she enlists
your help to clean the ship.You have to tidy up both the Poopdeck and the Upperdeck,
but it'll cost you 40 Energy for each location.
 Upon completing the cleaning task, you'll be rewarded with towels.
Next, Cath urges you to retrieve a Transformer from Karen in the Resort's Lobby to fix
the A.C. However, Karen requires you to complete a quest for Maria and build a closer
relationship with her first. After fulfilling both requirements, you can purchase the
Transformer from Karen at 1 $EX Chip.
 Return to Cath with the Transformer in hand to successfully complete the quest and earn
the satisfaction of a job well done!

A Little Chitchat
Quest Description: Cath wants to talk

 Go to the Engine room and converse with Cath about having drinks on the island for fun!
You'll be asked to grab some beers from Karen, initiating another quest for Karen.

Girl Bonding
Quest Description: Wait a Few Days

 So the girls are out! Probably having the time of their lives on this island!
For you to finish this quest, all you need to do is to sleep 3 times to trigger the next part
of the quest, follow through it and the quest will complete itself.
Project Ice Ice Ladies
Quest Description: Set up a cold storage

 Head over to the Engine Room and talk to Cath about setting up a cold storage at the
ship! Continue talking to Cath to further progress this quest.

Strange Transmissions
Quest Description: Salvage the Radio

 Go to Cath and help her to salvage the radio remains. Continue talking to Cath to further
progress this quest.

It's the Climb

Quest Description: Talk with Cath tomorrow

 When this quest is activated, you have to wait 1 day (or you can just sleep) and talk to her
the following day about climbing the Gorge.

A Costume From... Cath

Quest Description: Get A Costume To Wear For Maria

 Get the code for the dressing room from Cath.

 Continue the conversation to progress the quest.

Deployment Time
Quest Description: Set up the scarecrows

 Go to Cath, and help her set up the scarecrows for that spooky thing or so... This will help
all the girls across the island to scare off something, or someone..
A bit of Motorboating
Quest Description: Fix the Motorboat Engine

 Help Cath in fixing the motorboat engine, then after fixing it wait for 1 day (by sleeping)
then talk to Cath. Continue conversing with Cath to finish the Quest.
Gabby's Quests
The next step
Quest Description: Meet with Gabby

 Head over to Gabby anytime of the day and have a conversation with her. Talking to her
will automatically finish this quest.

Procurement Process
Quest Description: Get Walkie Talkies

 Go to Gabby and talk with her. From there, she will ask you to go to Karen and buy
walkie-talkies at her catalog. Walkie-talkies costs 20 $EX chips.
Note: (to have $EX chips, you can sell bananas, coconuts, and fishes to Karen)

Casual Networking
Quest Description: Gabby needs help with the WiFi

 Head over to Lagoon then go to Control Room to locate Gabby, and have a conversation
with Gabby. You'll be asked to get a Solder from Karen for Gabby, and you can
purchase one for 1 $EX Chip.
 Head back to Gabby and give her the solder. Afterwards, a minigame will be initiated.
Finish it, and the quest will automatically be completed.

Casual Networking, Pt. 2

Quest Description: Gabby needs help with other things...?

 Go to the Lagoon during the evening and head over to the Tower Path, and from there
you'll see Gabby.She's been waiting on you! Then she's going to ask you to go to the
Control Room to do a task, from there click on the computer and initiate an intense
(and hot!) minigame.
Once you're done with it, head back to the tower to finish the quest, and you'll get what
Cath requested you to... Gabby's Panties!!!
Quest Description: Show Magazine to Gabby

 Head over to give the magazine to Gabby who is in the Tower Path's Control Room.
Complete the map minigame, and you'll gain access to the Ridge area.

More Than Smeat

Quest Description: Get Computer Components

 Head over to the Resort and talk to Karen, finish the conversation and you'll trigger a
This will trigger another quest, in which you'll need to wait for another day before
talking to her again.
You need to purchase the component to Karen afterwards for 3$EX chip. Once you
bought the item, head back to Gabby and you'll trigger another minigame and finish the

Anyone Out There?

Quest Description: Wait for Any Response

 For this quest, all you have to do is to wait for 5 days. Sleep, fish, walk around, talk to
other girls. Do whatever you want, then after 5 days, Gabby will message you and the
quest will automatically be completed.

Refractor the Camera

Quest Description: Get Camera Widget for Gabby

 Head over to Karen and access her catalog to buy the Widget that Gabby needs for
refracting the camera. The widget costs 3$EX chips.
Once you got the item, head back to Gabby and talk to her. A minigame will trigger,
finish it and you'll complete the quest.
Distress Call
Quest Description: Make sure Gabby doesn't actually hurt Mi Sun.

 When two beautiful girls collide, for sure they'll be alright, right?
All you need to do is to continue the dialogues between the girls and the quest will
automatically be finished.

I Swear It's Not Porn!

Quest Description: Film Gabby

 Head over and meet Raven at the Hidden Cove to Film Gabby during the Day. This will
initiate a minigame and after completing it, the quest will also be finished.

What's Gabby's Deal?

Quest Description: Find out what Gabby thinks about Reyna.

 Gabby is just anxious about what people think about her. Visit her in the control room,
and talk to her to finish the quest.

This Isn't Creepy. I Swear.

Quest Descrption: Proper marketing requires you use lotion Gabby in her room in the evening.

 Go to Gabby's room in the wreck (Cabin B) during the evening and talk to her about
Reyna's lotion and maybe some touching? Or more! Afterwards, report back to Reyna
with Gabby's Opinion about the lotion to complete the quest.

Beefing Up Security & Making a Stand

Quest Description: Build a Camera Alarm

 Visit Gabby in the Control Room in the morning and talk to her. This will initiate a
Finishing the minigame starts the Making A Stand Quest and you need to bring 5
Bamboos to Gabby in Andrea's Hut.
(You can get bamboos in the Gas Tanks located in Resort)
Give Gabby the 5 Bamboos you obtained and you'll finish the quest.
Gabby Wants Some Fun
Quest Description: Have fun with Gabby

 For sure, all this quests makes Jack tired, no? Gabby wants to have some fun! Head over
to Gabby's room at night and give the best you can and enjoy the night! After the "fun"
you guys did, the quest will automatically be finished. Alas, a rest indeed.

Quest Description: Get The... Thing

 Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz, that things shaking! Visit Gabby at the Control Room to initiate the
minigame. Finish it and bring back the widget to Cath. (This will cost you 20 energy)
The quest will be finished after you have a conversation with Cath.

Hot n Cold
Quest Description: Find the Signal

 Gabby will request you to go to the Gorge in the morning, to find a signal.
After going there, she will tell you that the signal has been located. Continue talking to
her to complete the quest.

Prep Work
Quest Description: Get a climbing kit

 Go to Karen and access her catalog to buy the climbing kit for 5$EX chips.
head back to Gabby, and continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Making Connections
Quest Description: Calibrate the Radio

 Go to the Bunker and access Hiro's computer at the bunker to calibrate the radio.
Continue the conversation to finish the quest.
Andrea's Quests
A Reptile Dysfunction
Quest Description: Andrea is missing her clothes.

 Head over to the tower path to encounter the Big ass lizard, interact with it and you'll be
prompted to look for help from Andrea. After talking to Andrea, return to the ship's
engine room and talk to Cath and Gabby about the girl you just met and ask for help
about the problem with the big ass lizard. And they'll ask you to find food for the lizard
for it to get baited! To find the food, head over to the Cove and click on the nest to
initiate a minigame. After finishing the minigame, you'll obtain an Egg, return to the Big
Ass Lizard and give him the egg, this will cause it to drop Andrea's Dress on the floor.
Click on it and return to Andrea.

Quest Description: Andrea wants to build something.

 Head over to talk to Andrea about building a hut, this will initiate a minigame. Finish this to
continue progressing the quest. Then, you'll be then prompted to look for materials to
build it with, you'll need to get some bamboos (The bamboos can be located in the
Resort's Gas Tank area) and you'll need the Machete for it (The machete can be found
in the tower). You'll need a total of 11 Bamboos and spend 120 Energy to complete the
quest. And once you're done, you'll unlock the Farmhouse, in which Andrea will live on!

Hoe. Garden.
Quest Description: Andrea wants to plant some seeds.

 Head over and talk to Andrea about planting some seeds.. Or something like that, and
she'll ask you to grab some hoes. (It's not the hoes, that you think!) You can find it in
the Generator room of the resort beside the cabinet. Interact with it, and it will be on
your bag. You'll need to spend a total of 80 Energy to complete the quest.
Chill with Andrea
Quest Description: Andrea wants to chill with you.

 Visit Andrea during the Evening at the riverside. After an unfortunate series of events
from Andrea, you'll need to help build a fence for her. You need to get 3 Bamboos and
spend 40 Energy to complete this part of the quest. Then, Andrea will ask you to look
for a rug that can help her out, you can find this inside the Control room, and it is just
lying around the wall. Interact with it to put it in your bag. Return to Andrea with the rug
and meditate with her during the morning to complete the quest.

Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale.... Exhale.... Inhale.... Exhale....

By the River
Quest Description: Keep Andrea company.

 Just do what it says.. It's pretty straightforward. Talk to her, and be with her. Head over
and meet Andrea in the Riverside during the evening.

Now, We Wait
Quest Description: Wait a Few Nights

 Zzzz... Zzz.. Zzz.... Sleep 3x times to trigger the next part of the quest. Follow through it
and continue the conversation that will trigger, and you'll initiate a minigame. Just finish
the minigame and the quest will be completed afterwards.

Sensual Scents
Quest Description: Test the oils with Andrea.

 Talk to Andrea to give her the incense. You'll need to come back tomorrow evening to
progress afterwards. Return tomorrow evening and progress through the quest to
complete it.
Non Aspettare
Quest Description: Andrea wants you

 Andrea really wants you. Inside and out. Go to her during the evening and talk to her.
Choose the answers from the bottom of your heart. Continue the conversation to
complete the quest.

Back at the Farm

Quest Description: Check out Andrea's garden

 Head over to Andrea's garden during daytime and talk to her. Finish the conversation to
complete the quest.

A Sound Solution
Quest Description: Scare the Lizard

 That Lizard again?! You should scare it! Scare the Lizard in Andrea's Garden using an Air
horn, tell the Lizard to F off! Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Lizard Defence
Quest Description: Reinforce Andrea's Fence

 Strengthen the barricades! Reinforce the Andrea's fence with Bamboo. You'll need to
have 5 bamboos for this. Continue the conversation to finish the quest.

Project Green Fingers

Quest Description: Set up the Garden

 Meet up with Andrea during daytime, continue the conversation to progress the quest.
Karen's Quests
Magnum Opus
Quest Description: Talk to Karen

 Getting to know Karen, Head over to the Resort, and find Karen.
Have some meaningful talk with her. After talking to her, the quest will automatically be

Classic Conditioning
Quest Description: Give Karen some conditioner

 Talk to Karen about her wanting something from Reyna, then head over to Reyna's hut at
the Resort and ask her if she can make a conditioner for Karen. After talking to Reyna,
the quest will automatically be completed.

Hairy Cutter and the half-cut Fringe

Quest Description: Give Karen some of your hair

 Go and talk to the girls around you and have a conversation with one of them, and ask
them if they could cut your hair. Afterwards, head back to Karen and continue the
conversation to complete the quest.

Home Base
Quest Description: Karen needs something

 Good morning! As you just woke up, Karen needs you. She really does.
Head over to the storage room in the morning and meet Karen. Continue the
conversation and the quest will automatically be completed.
Karen's Errands
Quest Description: Karen wants Bananas.

 Head over to Karen at the resort's lobby, and talk to her. She'll ask you to get her some
bananas. (To get bananas, go to Lagoon, and head over to the tower path, you can
harvest bananas there. But before harvesting bananas, you need to have a Machete
with you.)
Once you obtained bananas, head over to the Resort's storage during the day (As per
Karen's instructions) and have a conversation with her.

Note: Karen will be unavailable for the remainder of the day upon completing this

Wine Her Up
Quest Description: Convince Karen to give you the Transformer.

 Head over to Karen at the Resort, and talk to her about the transformer. But before doing
that, she needs you to open some wine, and you should raise your relationship points
to 20. (As acquaintance)
 Once you have reached 20 Points (or acquaintance level), head over to your room, and
sleep first. Upon waking up, Karen's Chatty up conversation will trigger.
All you need to do is to clean Room # 2 with Maria in order to obtain the corkscrew.
Once you have this, you can now open the wine bottles in the Storage room.
 Once you have opened the bottles, and have raised your relationship with Karen, you can
now invite Karen to drink and smooth things out with you. And once you do, the
transformer is purchasable for 1 $EX chip in her catalog.
Note: The transformer will be available for purchase at the start of the following day)

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Karen
Quest Description: Come Back Tomorrow.

 Talk to Karen the following day, and you'll unlock the Catalog option (Karen's shop).
Purchase the Radio Component for 1 $EX Chip and this will automatically complete the
quest. Kaching! $$$$$$$$$$$$$
This'll be Weird
Quest Description: Help Raven interview Karen

 Head over to Raven's room in the Resort during the day and talk to her about interviewing
Karen and just continue the conversation and the quest will automatically be

♥♥♥ to the Dark Side, Jack

Quest Description: Shoot Porn with Karen

 Head over to Karen's room in the Evening (Former room 22) Have the shoot of a lifetime
with Karen, give Raven the best possible video outcome ever, and alas! Be the guy
who sparks light with Karen! Once the "Video shoot" is over, the quest will
automatically be completed.

Jacuzzi Fix-Up
Quest Description: Get a Valve

 Go to Karen, and access her catalog and buy a valve for 5 $EX chips. After purchasing it,
head back to the Engine room, and talk to Cath and give her the valve. A minigame will
initiate and will cost you 20 energy. After finishing the minigame, continue talking with
The quest will automatically be completed after finishing the minigame.

Moving Up
Quest Description: Meet with Karen

 Head over to the Resort's storage room, and visit Karen during the morning (Since she's
staying there every morning only). Have a conversation with Karen, and talk with her
until the quest has been completed.
A Rock and A Hard Place
Quest Description: Karen needs help!

 Oh no! Karen needs your help! Head over to the Resort, and locate Karen as she needs
you to be with her! Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

The Karen Experience

Quest Description: Karen needs help!

 Somebody's thirsty... or hungry? Head over to Karen's room at night time. Embrace the
lightness and the darkness that has embodied you with Karen. Love the time, because
you only live once. Continue the conversation to complete the questu've become!
 Continue the conversation to complete the quest

Close Encounter
Quest Description: Look for the Sturdy Fabric

 I know I've seen it somewhere... Search around the island for some sturdy fabric.. (Shhh..
it's in the engine room!) After getting it, head back to Karen and continue the
conversation to complete the quest. Search around the island for some sturdy fabric.
Maybe asking around would help

Q. How can I invite Karen to drink wine?
A. You can unlock this by clicking on the wine boxes once you've obtained the Corkscrew. Once
unlocked, you can invite Karen to drink wine during the evening.
Maria's Quests
Broom Service
Quest Description: Maria needs some help cleaning...

 So, Karen already gave you the broom after the quest Girl by the dock, right? What to do
next is to talk to Maria to clean up room number 1 in the resort's lobby. After you finish
talking to Maria, return to the resort's lobby and talk to Karen to receive the Fishing
Tackle. This quest will finish this quest and the quest of Jack, titled "Girl by the Dock"

Cleanup on Room 2
Quest Description: Help Maria clean up Room #2.

 Go to Maria's room in the evening and converse with her.. Don't expect anything to
happen, though! (Or should you?) The quest will complete automatically after having a
deep conversation with Maria.

Invade Maria's Habitation

Quest Description: Whatever that means...

 Go to Maria's room in the evening and it will automatically complete the quest.

Slip Maria the Lizard!

Quest Description: Bring the Lizard Costume to Maria for some fun times!

 Sometimes, plain is boring.. No? Remember the quest where you got a lizard costume to
scare off the big ass lizard? Time to change its use! Head over to Maria, and the quest
will automatically complete after conversing and after having fun with her!

Recostarte the Piscina

Quest Description: Meet Maria by the Pool

 Meet Maria during the day in the resort's pool and this will initiate a chain of quests for
Jack. Note: To activate this quest, you need to sunbathe with Maria at least once.
A Surprise
Quest Description: Visit Maria

 Visit Maria for a surprise! Can't say what it is, can't say any details. Just head over there
during the evening, and be blessed!

First-Hand Experience
Quest Description: Meet Maria by the Lounge

 Head over to Maria and talk about the massage she's talking about... Massage? You?
And Maria? Something's being cooked! The quest will automatically be finished after
talking to Maria.

Call of the Pool

Quest Description: Meet Maria at the pool

 Maria needs some accommodation too, you know? Meet and hang out with Maria at the
Pool is a place to have some quality time too.. Maria wants that. And so should you!

Scary Troubles
Quest Description: Help Maria Out

 S-s-scarescows?? Like the ones in the movies?!?

Maybe, Maria knows about how to set up scarecrows, visit her and ask Maria about it.
Continue the conversation to continue the quest

Paint Maria
Quest Description: Paint Maria in Your Sketchbook

 Ask Maria if you can make a sketch of her.

Q. I cannot trigger the Pool quest (Recostarte the Piscina)
A. You need to sunbathe with Maria at least once.
Reyna's Quests
For Oil!
Quest Description: Gather Ingredients and bring it to Reyna

 Gather 3 Amaryllis
 Gather 3 Red Hibiscus
 Gather 3 Sunflowers
Go to Reyna after gathering the ingredients then have a conversation with her to
complete the quest.

Repeat Order
Quest Description: Ask Reyna about the bath oils

 Talk to Reyna and ask her if she can make bath oils again for Mi Sun

Late Night Thinking

Quest Description: Go to Reyna's room at night

 Go to Reyna's room at night and stretch your thinking muscles.

Stretch it all out!

Ingredients list for the conditioner

Quest Description: Gather Ingredients for the conditioner

Gather ingredients for the conditioner:

 1x Mackerel
 1x Red Hibiscus
 1x Coconut

After gathering, head over to Reyna and give it to her

Stretch Goals
Quest Description: Work out with Reyna

 Go to Reyna's hut, and work out with her.

Continue the conversation to progress the quest.

Slipper When Wet and Slipper When Wet, Pt. 2

Quest Description: Reyna needs help cleaning.

 Reyna needs a Mop. You can get a mop from Karen at the Lobby.
Once you have the mop, talk to Reyna again, and you can help her clean out one of
the huts.
This requires 40 Energy and will unlock the Sea Hut 1.

Hang with Reyna

Quest Description: Help Reyna out.

 A pretty straightforward quest, just talk to Reyna again and ask her to clean out the last
sea hut with you. Requires 40 Energy and will unlock the Sea Hut 2.

Nobody Just Wants to Hang.

Quest Description: Go find Reyna in her Seahut, and see what's up.

 Simply click on her hut and talk to Reyna, this will automatically be completed.

Summpin' Smells Up In Here!

Quest Description: Reyna needs some red flowers from the Grove behind the Gastanks.

 You'll need to make a ladder. (To have a ladder, you need to have bamboos). Once you
have the ladder, Head over to the grove and click on the red flowers (Hibiscus) on the
tree. To initiate a minigame. Finish it, and you'll get the red hibiscus, return to Reyna
and you'll finish the quest.
All Streched Out
Quest Description: Stretch with Reyna

 Look for Reyna in her hut and talk to her.

Continue the conversation to finish the quest.

Reyna's Shopping List

Quest Description: Reyna needs more flowers!

 The closest flowers you can get is located in the gas tanks area, the white ones which are
hidden behind some leaves. Click on the white flowers to initiate a similar minigame as
the red ones, and you'll get Amaryllis. Head over to the Ridge, and to save you some
time, check both the Overlook and the Planewreck and interact with the Yellow and
Pink flowers respectively. This will save you the trip.
Return to Karen and purchase the gloves and bug spray (2 $SEX chips total)
Once you have the items, you can safely interact with the flowers. For the yellow one,
click on the bees and interact with it again to get Sunflowers.
For the pink ones, clear the thorned vines and you'll get Orchids.
Give all the flowers to Reyna to complete the quest..

Development Phase
Quest Description: Wait for Reyna's Lotion

 All you have to do is to wait 3 days for it to be completed

Gonna See a Girl About Some Lotion!

Quest Description: Check out Reyna's Lotion

 Head over to Reyna's hut and this will automatically complete the quest.

The Stars are Calling

Quest Description: Reyna wants to chat and look at the stars on the Dock this Evening.

 Have some star looking with her. Amazing, no? Head over to the docks during the
evening and talk to Reyna.
Gabby Says You're Dope
Quest Description: Let Reyna know that Gabby says she is dope.

 Head over to the Docks during the evening. Continue the conversation to complete the
(Completing this quest will initiate a quest for Jenn.)

Mi Sun Says You're Cool

Quest Description: Let Reyna know that Mi Sun likes her.

 Talk to Reyna to complete the quest.

Reyna's Cool
Quest Description: Hang Out with Reyna

 Have some star looking with her. Amazing, no?

Head over to the docks during the evening and talk to Reyna.

Business Report
Quest Description: Check on Reyna's Business

 Visit Reyna and talk to her about her planned business. She'll give you an incense and
the quest will automatically be completed the quest

Customer Feedback
Quest Description: Tell Reyna about Andrea.

 I think, she's overthinking about what people think about her. Visit Reyna and talk to her
about Andrea to complete the quest.
Hands-On Learning
Quest Description: Tell Reyna about Maria's response.

 Visit Reyna and report back about Maria to complete the quest.

Strawberry and Peaches

Quest Description: Get a massage from Maria and Reyna.

 Visit Reyna's hut the next day and have a solid, quality massage from both Maria and

Moonlight Magic
Quest Description: Meet Reyna by the Docks.

 Go to the docks by the evening and talk to Reyna. Have a meaningful conversation with
After talking to her, the quest will automatically be completed.

An Oily Situation
Quest Description: Ask Reyna about the Coconut Oil

 Go talk to Reyna and select "Coconut Oil" to complete this quest.

A Gathering of Sorts
Quest Description: Gather items for the Coconut Oil

Gather the following flowers and ingredients to make a coconut oil:

 2x White-Blue Flowers from TreeHouse A

 2x Calla Lilies from Cavemouth
 2x Coconuts from Cavemouth

After gathering the items, head back to Reyna and give it to her.
Waiting Game
Quest Description: Get the Coconut Oil

 You have to sleep for 1 day after you gave the items to Reyna.
The following day, visit Reyna at her hut and get the coconut oil. Obtaining the coconut
oil will complete the quest.

Call a Friend
Quest Description: Ask Reyna about the Sunscreen

 So to have a wonderful time with Maria, you have to go to Reyna first and ask her if she
can make you a sunscreen. The quest will automatically be finished.

Screening Process
Quest Description: Wait for the sunscreen

 The following day, after you talked to Reyna about Maria's sunscreen, visit Reyna at her
hut and get the lotion Obtaining the sunscreen will automatically complete the quest.

Stretch Goals
Quest Description: Work out with Reyna

 Stretch your arms, work it out! What's a morning without stretching by the ocean? Head
over to Reyna to do some work out in the morning. Continue the conversation to
complete the quest.
Raven's Quests
69cc's of love
Quest Description: Raven's next project

 Raven has a new idea for a next project!

Go to Raven at her room during the day (not in morning because Raven wakes up at
noon!) and talk to her about the project plan. Continue the conversation with Raven to
complete the quest.

Tuvatuva Reality TV
Quest Description: Assist Raven with her equipment.

 After talking to Raven, She'll ask you to talk to Erik (who is located in the Resort's lobby)
You'll be prompted to visit the Moby ♥♥♥♥, doing so unlocks the Launchdeck location.
(Garage-like door at the back of the ship).
Once you are at the Launchdeck, talk to Raven to finish the quest.

B-Roll Begins
Quest Description: Find Raven in the Lounge!

 SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Raven will ask for you to get her 5 good scenic pictures.
The following areas will allow you to take a picture of it:
Resort: Lounge, Gas Tanks, Resort Beach
Lagoon: Lagoon's Waterfall, Riverside, Tower Path.
Cove: Ocean.
Once you have taken enough photos for Raven (and she approves of it), return to
Raven and meet her in her room (which is located in the Resort's Hall, the last door on
the left.)
Talk to her and complete the minigame to finish the quest.
Quest Description: Smoke with Raven

 Time to get... HIGH!

Raven will ask you to get her tobacco from her bag, which is located in Moby ♥♥♥♥'s
Launchdeck. (You can get the hose for the Hookah by going down to the Basement
Area and clicking on the First Aid Box. Click on the tubing to get it.)
Once you have both items, you can head over to the Resort's Lounge and click on the
table to build the Hookah. This will require 40 Energy.
Return to Raven to show off your Hookah and unlock a new evening activity.

I Have People For That

Quest Description: Fix Raven's Camera

 Camera malfunction! How can we continue doing shots and videos? Ask the tech!
Take the camera from Raven and bring it to Gabby, and talk to her about fixing it.
This will complete the quest.

Gabby Refactored the ♥♥♥♥ Out of It!

Quest Description: Return Fixed Camera

 Thank Gabby for fixing it!

Take the camera back to Raven in her room and the quest will automatically be

Art Project
Quest Description: Help Raven with her Project


Head over to Raven's room during the day to help with her personal project.
Continue the conversation to complete the quest.
Yeah I Wanna ♥♥♥ C!
Quest Description: Help Raven with Maria Images

 Head over to Raven's room, and you'll initiate three minigames.

Finishing the minigames will unlock a wallpaper (For each minigame, there is one
Once you're done with all three, the quest will complete itself.

Get the Big Ass Lens!

Quest Description: Get the Big Ass Lens from the Garage

 Raven wouldn't be a good director and photographer, without her lenses, no?
Head over to the Launchdeck and click on the pile of stuff, to initiate a minigame.
Finish it and you'll complete the quest.

Performance Review
Quest Description: Watch your Sex Tape with Raven

 Time to get hot! Wow! I'm such a good actor!

Head over to the Lounge in the Evening, and talk to Raven about the sex tape.
Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Alternative Cinema
Quest Description: Help Raven with her Project


Head over to Raven's room during the day, and talk to her about a new project.
Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Small's Talk
Quest Description: Interview with Tori

 Meet Raven at the resort's lobby during the day to interview Tori.
Continue the conversation with her to complete the quest.
Smalls Editing Job
Quest Description: Edit Tori's Interview

 Nice shot! However, it needs a little editing..

Help Raven edit Tori's footage in Raven's room
Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

The Next Project

Quest Description: Help out with Raven's next project

 Time to plan again! New project alert!

Meet Raven in her room during the day, and talk to her about the new project she's
Continue the conversation to progress from the quest.

Q. How do I get the spank bank scenes?
A. You'll unlock 2 scenes while doing the Tuvatuva Reality TV quest. Be sure to choose to go all
in when she asked you how you want it to end. The 3rd scene comes with another option you can
go for: have sex like what you did on the boat (gets you this scene) or take it slow (gets you the

You can save and do option 1 first, then reload to do option 2 for the wallpaper.
Jenny's Quest
Not Pervin' On Jenny
Quest Description: Go Find Jenny in Room 2 and see if she is ok.

 Head over to the resort's balcony and enter room 2, talk to her to complete the quest.
Note: Room 2 will be marked as Jenn's room

Gift of Sight
Quest Description: Find Jenny's Bag with the Glasses in them.

 She can't see! Let's help her get her glasses back!
Head over to the ship's launchdeck in the wreck, and click on the bags to initiate a
minigame. Return to Jenn's room to complete the quest.

Save Us From Smeat!, Flash in the Pan, I Can Do This!

Quest Description: Jenn wants you to see if you can fix the power in the kitchen.

 Head over to the resort's Kitchen. (Located in between the stairs of the basement in the
Of course! the island has not enough power yet for the kitchen to have electricity!
Attempting to enter the Kitchen will prompt a quest to seek help from Gabby time to fix
She'll instruct you to take 7 pictures while you are inside the kitchen. After taking
photos from the kitchen, you'll need to head over to the generator room.
Click on the fuse box on top of the shelves to initiate the minigame. Complete it to
finish the quest.

Get Handsy with Jenn

Quest Description: Help Reyna test the lotion.

 The quest you got from Reyna. Head over and talk to Jenn in her room and give her the
Massage her, hold her, touch her.. Once the "session" is over, head back and talk to
Reyna to complete the quest.
Frozen Assets
Quest Description Help Jenn with the Fridge.

 I SMELL FISH! Visit Jenn in the kitchen and talk to her. Select the "You need a favor?"
prompt and she will talk to you about the missing ingredients for her cooking.

Favor town
Quest Description Visit Jenn at the Kitchen.

 Visit Jenn at the Kitchen and select "You need a favor?"

Puta... Carne... Whatever

Give Jenn the ingredients she asked for

So.. Fishes.. I'm right.. Gather the fishes needed in the dock: (You can check this out -
> fishing guide)

 5x Mackerel
 5x Bananas

After gathering the necessary ingredients, Jenn at Resort Kitchen during the morning and select
"About Karen's Food..."

A Little Oil
Quest Description Get Coconut Oil for Jenn

 You'll need to complete another quest for Reyna titled: "An Oily Situation"
Once you are done with Reyna's quest, deliver the coconut oil to Jenn to complete the

A Big Catch
Quest Description Catch a Red Sea Bass for Jenn

 Go find Karen and look at her catalog. Purchase a weighted lure from Karen and then go
to the docks to catch fishes. You'll need to switch lures to be able to catch a Red Sea
Keeping your hands busy
Quest Description Head over to the control room during the daytime and help Jenny out

 Just talk to Jenn once you are in the control room (this quest will only be available during

Circuit Swap
Quest Description Give Jenny a new circuit.

 Go to the resort's lobby and buy a dasher circuit board from Karen for 1 $EX chip and
give it to Jenny. Continue the conversation and play the mini-game to complete the

Over the Top

Quest DescriptionGather some Toppings for Jenny.

Gather ingredients for Jenn:

 1x Cherry (Can be found after finishing the minigame in the wreck's bar)
 5x Bananas
 1x Whipped Cream (Can be purchased from Karen at 3 $EX chips)

Complete the necessary items and give it to Jenn to complete the quest.

A Special Snack
Quest Description Check out Jenny's "Special Snack"

 Head over to the Kitchen at night to check Jenny's "Special Snack". Continue role playing
with Jenny to progress this quest. Complete the mini-game to complete the quest

Presentation Is Everything
Quest Description Check out Jenny's Ice Cream

 Head over to the Kitchen to check out Jenny's Ice Cream. Continue the conversation to
complete the quest.
All Peachy
Quest Description Ask Jenny about the project

 Ask Jenny about Raven's project. Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

A Beet of Waiting
Quest Description Wait for the Go signal.

 Wait for Jenny to finish the discussion with Raven. Continue the conversation to complete
the quest.

Pulp Friction
Quest Description Film a movie with Jenny.

Head over to Jenn's room in the evening, and talk to her about the shoot! Act like
you're both a superstar! Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Getting Lucky
Quest Description Go to Jenny's room at night.

 Head over to Jenn's room at night, and time to get lucky funky, baby!

Let her cook

Quest Description Get Ingredients

Gather ingredients for Jenn to cook!

 3x Coconuts
 3x Mackerels
Mi Sun Quests
Deep Cleaning
Quest Description:Get high purity alcohol

 Help Mi Sun to clean! Buy a high purity alcohol from Karen, and head over to Mi Sun.
Converse with Mi Sun and play the minigame to complete the quest.

Water Damage
Quest Description: Fix the Laptop

 Head over to Gabby and ask her if she can fix Mi Sun's laptop at the control room.
Check if Gabby can fix Mi Sun's laptop at the control room at morning.
Continue the conversation and play the mini-game to complete the quest.

Game and Chill

Quest Description: Mi Sun wants you

 She wants you, gamerboy69! Head over to Mi Sun's room at night, start playing with her!
Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Science is a Cruel Mistress

Quest Description: Take a Bath with Mi Sun in her room in the evening. For Science.

 Nothing unusual here, Head over to the resort's hall and enter room 20. Start the
conversation with Mi Sun, and take a meaningful bath with her. Afterwards, head over
to Reyna with Mi Sun's opinion to complete the quest. Continue the conversation to
complete the quest.
What's Mi Sun's Deal?
Quest Description: Find out what Mi Sun thinks about Reyna.

 Talk to Mi Sun in the resort's lobby about what Mi Sun thinks about Reyna. After talking to
Mi Sun, head back to Reyna and continue the conversation. The quest will
automatically be completed.

Koreaboo-Ty Call
Quest Description: Check what Mi Sun wants at this hour.

 **Ringgggg ***ringgg ****ringgg

Mi Sun will call you. She's going to tell her what's going on with her and what she
The quest will progress by itself.

Oil Incoming!
Quest Description: Deliver the bath oil

 So Reyna did the oils already, I see. Head over to Mi Sun and deliver the oil to her... How
will you know it's effective?
Test it with Mi Sun! Go Go Go! The quest will automatically be completed.

The Final Level

Quest Description: Go to Mi Sun's room

 Get your ass over to Mi Sun's room... TONIGHT!

Game on! Time to play! Enter Mi Sun's dungeon... Have some fun and slay what's
The quest will automatically be completed after finishing the final level. *Wink*
Olga's Quests
Moya Lyubov
Quest Description: Olga wants you to visit more

 Go to Olga, and visit her during the night.

Continue the conversation to complete the quest.

Girl Gone!
Quest Description: Find Olga and see if you can help.

 You need to find Olga.

To find her, go to the ridge's overlook to find Olga. Talk to her and this will complete the

Find Olga. Again.

Quest Description: Cath is worried about Olga. Look around and find her.

 Oh not again! You need to find Olga.

To find her, go to the wreck's cove. Talk to her (again) and this will complete the quest.

A Comrade in Me
Quest Description: Looks like Olga could use a friend right now.

 Be the guy that every girl needs. Especially for Olga.

Simply progress the quest by talking to her and the quest will complete by itself.

Search Party!
Quest Description: Olga wanted to talk to you about moving out of the Moby ♥♥♥♥.

 Head over to the ridge's split paths to find Olga. Talk to her about the old huts and this will
complete the quest.
Christ, He is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Quest Description: Try to talk some sense into Rick (good luck).

 Sometimes, people are just A♥♥holes! Head over to the Ridge's Bungalows to find Rick.
Complete the quest after a long chitchat with him.

Site Inspection
Quest Description: Cath and Gabby have some news to share to Olga.

 Head over to the Ridge's Bungalows to find Olga.

To complete the quest, share the news from Cath and Gabby about the hut to Olga

The Build Up
Quest Description: Gather the materials needed to start the build.

Gather the materials needed for the hut of Olga:

 Handsaw - Purchasable from Karen.

 Nails - Purchasable from Karen.
 Hammer - Purchasable from Karen.
 20x Bamboo - Harvest from the Gas Tanks
Complete the quest after you've given all the needed materials to Olga.

Site Update
Quest Description: Check up on the status of the build.

 Head over to the Ridge's Bungalows to find Olga, Cath and Gabby to complete the quest.
The Build Up 2
Quest Description: Gather the materials needed to complete the build.

Gather the materials needed for the hut of Olga:

 Stepladder - Purchasable from Karen.

 Dried Leaves - Click on the trees behind the Bungalows and play the minigame
 Vines - Go to the Vista and click on the vines to play the minigame
Complete the quest after you've given all the additional materials to Olga.

Judgement Day
Quest Description: Moment of truth if Olga will have her own place or not.

 MANIFEST IT, GIRL! Head over to the ridge's bungalows to find Rick and the "Judges"
for the hut to complete the quest.

A Little Beach
Quest Description: Do some Calisthenics with Olga

 Finally! A recreational activity! Head over to Olga during the day/morning to do

calisthenics with her. Continue the conversation with Olga after the calisthenics to
finish the quest.

All She Needs

Quest Description: Meet Olga

 Love her, she doesn't deserve anything bad that has happened to her
Go to Olga's hut in the evening and continue the conversation to finish the quest.
Tori's Quests
A Bite to Eat
Quest Description: Get food for Hiro

 Head over to Jenny's kitchen and ask her about cooking food for Hiro.
Continue the conversation to progress the quest.

Hard Pill to Swallow

Quest Description: Report to Tori

 Head back to the resort's pool and discuss the news about the scarecrows with Tori.

Up and Done
Quest Description: Report to Tori

 Report back to Tori about the Scarecrows

What makes a man

Quest Description: Gather Materials for Scarecrows

You need to gather materials for the creation of scarecrows.You need to gather the

 5x bamboos
 5x coconuts
 1x sturdy leaves
 1x vine
After gathering the needed stuff, head over to Tori and talk to her.
The quest will automatically be finished.
The Plan
Quest Description: Meet with Tori

 Head over to the resort during daytime and talk with Tori.
Continue the conversation to progress the quest

Get Loose
Quest Description: Relax with Tori

 Things have been tight recently, time to have some relaxing time!
Head over to Tori at the resort during the night, and let the relaxation begin!

All Tied Up
Quest Description: Gather Equipment

Gather the equipment Tori needs!

 Rope - can be bought from Karen

 Blindfold and feather - can be obtained from the dressing room
After gathering the equipments, head over to Tori and give the items to her.
Continue the conversation to progress the quest.

Waking Moment
Quest Description: Wait for a chat from Raven about Tori's condition

 So, another waiting game? But this time, it's with Raven!
Advance through the conversation when Raven contacts you. Talk to Raven about
Tori's condition, and after all is done, the quest will be completed.

For Real, Dog??

Quest Description: Meet Tori at the Ridge

 **BARK BARK BARK** What?! There's a dog on this island??

Meet Tori at the Ridge, and check over the dog! Talk with Tori about the dog, and what
she remembers from it! Continue the conversation with Tori to progress the quest.
Got a Light?
Quest Description: Gather stuff to make a torch

Gather items to make a torch:

 1x Bamboo
 Oily Rag - located in the engine room of the Moby ♥♥♥♥
Head back to the Cavemouth and talk to Tori to complete the quest.

Emergency Meeting
Quest Description: Meet with Tori and the others.

 Meet with Tori and the others at the grove to figure out what to do about Erik's price hike.
Inflation rate? On an Island?? Seems crazy for me!
Converse with the girls, about the rise of the inflation to continue progressing the quest.

Project Brief
Quest Description: Get the project details.

 Talk to Tori at the resort's pool and get the project details from her.
Continue the conversation to progress the quest.

Project Project
Quest Description: Report to Tori
She gave you an assignment, right?
Finish the following quests:

 Project Ice Ice Ladies

 Project Green Fingers
 Project Mermaids
Then head over to Tori and talk to her. Continue the conversation to progress from the

Note: You can finish one project, then talk to Tori. (But you can also do it all at once)
Just you wait
Quest Description: Wait for updates from Tori.

 So, you've been planning for a while now with Tori. I think, Tori knows more. Wait for Tori
to tell you what's the next part of the plan.
Another waiting game...

Smalls Time
Quest Description: Check on Tori

 Head over to Tori during daytime, and you better check on her! Maybe she's being
anxious? Maybe she's scared, or being overwhelmed. Is everything alright? STOP
OVERTHINKING! Just talk to her during daytime.
The quest will automatically be finished.

Bunker Talk
Quest Description: Talk about the Bunker

 Head over to Tori and arrange a meeting with her to discuss your observations from the
bunker. Engage in conversation about what you witnessed. The quest will
automatically be completed

Smalls World
Quest Description: Check on Tori another day

 You need to check on Tori... but not just today..

Wait for 1 day, then go to Tori and talk to her.
After the conversation, the quest will be automatically completed
Girls Location

 This is a work in progress (WIP) the girls location may change as the development
 The girls may not appear to the specified locations above if there is an active quest
involving areas where they are needed.

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