1 កាត្រួតពិនិត្យកុងកានរ័17ចំណុច

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Truck and Container Security CheckList


Both LCL and FCL also needs to conduct inscpection based on this check list.
For LCL, inspection shoud be done on the whole truck, including driver cab and the box, basing on the below checking points.
对于散货, 应该按照下面的检查点对整个拖车,包括驾驶室,货厢进行检查.
For FCL, inspection should be done on the tractor and the container, basing on the below checking points.
对于整柜, 应该按照下面的检查点对拖车和货柜进行检查.

1) Bumper (Use flash light and inspection mirror to check any unlawful substances / suspiciousl thing there.) OK Reject
1) 前保险杠 (使用闪光灯和检查镜检查任何非法携带的物体和可疑的情况.)

2) Engine (use mirror to checkany unlawful substances / abnormal thing there.) OK Reject
2) 发动机 (使用检查镜检查任何非法的物体和反常的情况.)

3) Tires (check all tires including spare tires to see any unlawful / suspicious things are stored) OK Reject
3) 轮胎 (检查包括备胎在内的所有的轮胎, 看是否藏有非法和可疑的物品.)

4) Floors of the cab (lift the carpet if any to see any people /suspicious things are kept there.) OK Reject
4) 驾驶室地板 (抬起地毯, 看是否有任何人或可疑的物品藏在里面.)

5) Fuel tanks (use tools to tap it to hear any void sound, use flash light to see inside.) OK Reject
5) 油箱 (使用工具轻轻敲打罐体, 听里面的声音并使用闪光灯察看内部.)

6) Outside and inside of the cab (check storage areas inside the cab, to check any restructure of OK Reject
the outlook or inside of the cab, especially any weld and any abnormal segment which may store
unlawful / suspicious substance ie, drugs, explosive substances or weapons)
6) 驾驶室的内部和外部 (检查驾驶室的储存区,检查驾驶室的外观和内部是否有任何改装痕迹,

7) Air tank (use tools to tap it to hear any void sound as it should have nothing inside, and check if any weld OK Reject
mark there which may mean reconstructure in order to prevent any unlawful / suspicious substance kept inside)
7) 气缸 (使用工具轻轻敲打缸体, 听里面的声音看有没有东西在里面, 检查是否有任何更改结构焊痕,

8) Drive shafts (use tool to tap to hear any special sound as it should have no space inside, to check whether OK Reject
any weld on it in order to prevent reconstructure to store unlawful / suspicious substances)
8) 传动轴 (使用工具轻轻敲打, 听本应实心的轴是否发出任何特殊的声音, 检查是否有任何焊迹,

9) Fifth wheel (check the area storing spare wheel to see any unlawful / suspicious substances) OK Reject
9) 第五轮处 (检查备胎存放区,看是否有任何非法和可疑的物品.)

10) Outside / undercarriage (use mirror to check to ensure no damage or any unlawful / suspicious items hidden; OK Reject
check also the rear ligjht)
10) 外部和底盘 (使用镜子检查,确保没有危险或可疑的东西藏匿,并检查尾灯.)

11) Floors of the container / box of the truck (check if the floor is flat, any structural failers, any holes to OK Reject
allow lights entering the container, any signs of twisted structural shell)
11) 货柜或拖车箱体地板(检查地板是否平整,有结构问题,有透光的孔洞,有外形结构扭曲变形的痕迹.)

12) Inside and outside of the door of the container / box of the truck (make sure the doors are in good condition and OK Reject
can function well, check the locking mechanism, and check the place where bolt seal will be placed is
secure or not, check if the door hinges are secure, any repair or weld marks on the doors)
12) 货柜或拖车箱体的门的内外 (确保门体状况及功能良好, 检查锁装置,及检查封条上锁部位的安全, 门铰链安全,

13) Side wall of the container / box of the truck (check if any structural failers, any holes to OK Reject
allow lights entering the container, any signs of twisted structural shell, check any new or loose panels,
13) the width inside to make
货柜或拖车箱体的边墙 sure no false wall.) 有透光的孔洞,有外形结构扭曲变形的痕迹,

检查是否有新的或松动的面板, 并测量内部宽度以确保没有假墙.)

14) Inside ceiling and outside roof of the container / box of the truck (measure height of the inside to make OK Reject
sure no false ceiling, check if any structural failers, any holes to allow lights entering the container, any
signs of twisted structural shell, check the outside roof has any new rivets and abnormal repaired mark)
14) 货柜或拖车箱体的内顶部和外顶部 (测量内部的高度以确保没有假顶, 检查是否有结构问题, 有透光的孔洞,
有外形结构扭曲变形的痕迹, 并检查外顶部是否有新的铆钉和异常的维修痕迹.)

15) Front wall of the container / box of the truck (check if any structural failers, any holes to OK Reject
allow lights entering the container, any signs of twisted structural shell, check any new or loose panels)
measure the length inside to make sure no false wall.)
15) 货柜或拖车箱体的前墙 (检查是否有结构问题, 有透光的孔洞,有外形结构扭曲变形的痕迹,
检查是否有新的或松动的面板, 并测量内部长度确保没有假墙.)
16) Refrigeration unit (it is usually for container / truck with air-conditioning for the goods) OK Reject NA
(need to check inside by opening the cover to ensure no unlawful / suspicious substnaces by using torch)
16) 制冷装置 (这通常适用于运送需要带空调货物的货柜或拖车) (需要使用照明并打开盖检查内部,以确保没有非法

OK Reject
suspicious substnces.)
17) 排气管(检查其是否被紧紧固定好, 使用工具轻敲,检查是否有结构更改以藏匿任何非法和可疑的物品.)

** For security reason, if any above point is "rejected", the container / the truck which is being inspected must not be used by the factory.
** 基于安全考虑,工厂不准使用任何以上的检查点不合格的货柜/拖车۪
Remarks:( 备注)

Container Number: 客名:

Seal Number:
Truck license number:
Destination country:
Inspected By: Date:
(Name & signature)

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