Calculator Reset

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Calculator reset

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Reset the calculator by stopping the system
System reset with reset button
How to perform a memory reset
Sometimes it is necessary to reset the HP 48G series calculator to resolve a problem. There are several types
of reset, each of which can affect the information contained in the calculator to a greater or lesser extent. This
document shows the three most common ones.

go back up
Reset the calculator by stopping
the system
Resetting the device by stopping the system will cancel all running programs and system operations, erase
data from the battery, the temporary system storage memory section, and return the calculator to the {HOME
}, displaying the [MTH] menu keys.
To stop the system with the keyboard, perform the following actions:

1. If the calculator is not turned on, turn on the calculator.

2. Press and hold the ON key.

3. Press the C key.

4. Release both keys at the same time.

go back up
System reset with reset button
ATTENTION: With this type of reset, memory may be affected. Please read all steps before
performing this procedure.
Place the calculator face down and perform the following actions:

1. Remove the rubber support from the top right. Under this support, next to the letter " R ", there is a hole
that is used to access the reset button. If this hole is not located next to the "R", remove the rubber
mount on the top left and check that the hole is located under it.

2. Extend a medium-sized metal paper clip and insert it all the way into the hole marked " R " and hold
for at least two seconds.

3. Remove the clip, place the calculator face up and press the ON key. This procedure will cause the
calculator to reset, although in some cases you may see the message " Try to recover memory ?" (Try
to recover memory?).

4. If this message appears, press the A key to try to recover the contents of the memory or the F key to
clear the device's memory. When you press the A key, objects in memory are sometimes recalled to
new subdirectories of the {HOME} directory named D.01, D.02, etc. Pressing the F key will erase all
user-stored information from the calculator's memory.

NOTE: This process also affects any RAM cards combined with main memory. If the card is not merged or
if it is write protected, it will not be affected by this reset.

go back up
How to perform a memory

ATTENTION: Memory will be affected by this

reset. Please read all the steps before
performing the reset.
Resetting the memory will set the HP 48G
calculator to its factory default state, thus
erasing the memory data stored by the user.
Use this feature with care.

1. Turn on the calculator.

2. Press and hold down the ON , A and F keys

at the same time.

3. Release all three keys at the same time. The

calculator will display the message " Try to
recover memory ?" (Try to recover

4. Press the A key to try to recover the memory

or the F key to erase user data from the
device memory. When you press the A key,
objects in memory are sometimes retrieved to
new subdirectories of the {HOME} directory
named D.01, D.02, etc., although not all
variables are guaranteed to be retrieved.
Pressing the F key will erase all user-stored
information from the calculator's memory.

NOTE: This process also affects any RAM cards

that have been combined with main memory. If
the card is not merged or if it is write protected,
it will not be affected by this reset.
How to free a combined RAM card
from user memory

1. Press the left Shift key, the { } key, and

the ENTER key to enter the empty list.

2. Press the left Shift key and the [FREE1]

key from the LIBRARY function menu. If
the RAM card is already freed (port
memory), the error "Port Not Available "
will appear when running FREE1. If there
is not enough memory available to free the
RAM card, a memory error will occur when
running FREE1 (see section below).

3. Optional: Turn off the HP 48GX calculator

and remove the card. See the “How to
Remove an Add-On Card” section of this
NOTE: To check the amount of memory used
by the user, press the left SHIFT key, the
MEMORY key and the [MEM] function menu.
The number returned is the amount in bytes of
unused user memory. To free the RAM card,
there must be an amount of unused memory
that is greater than or equal to the size of the
RAM card. Otherwise, the calculator will not
have enough unused memory to allocate to the

If there is not enough user memory

to free up a RAM card

 Remove unnecessary variables from user

 Back up the data to a RAM card installed
in another card slot, and then purge the
original variables.
 Back up the data on port 0, purge the
originals, and move the backup objects to
the RAM card as they are freed (see next

How to free a combined RAM card

and move backup objects to it

1. Back up any objects you want to port 0.

2. Enter a list (with { } delimiters) containing

the simple names of the backup objects on
port 0.

3. Press the left SHIFT key, the MEMORY

key and the function menu key [FREE1] .
The objects named in the list are removed
from port 0 and stored on the newly freed
RAM card (in port memory).

4. Optional: Turn off the HP 48 calculator

and remove the card. See the following
section "How to remove an add-on card".
How to withdraw a complementary

ATTENTION: Never remove a RAM card that

contains combined memory. This would
cause a loss of data stored in the user's
memory. Before removing the RAM card, the
combined memory must be freed.
If a combo memory card is removed by mistake
and the message "Replace RAM card, Press
On" appears, reinsert the card into the same
port and press the ON key.

1. Before removing the RAM card from card

slot 1, make sure the memory is freed and
unmerged . See the caution section
specified above and the following section:
Checking the memory type on a port.
2. Turn off the calculator. Do not press the
ON key until the card has been removed.

3. Remove the port cover.

4. Press the tab and remove the card from

the port.

5. Replace the port cover.

Checking the memory type of a port

Enter the port number and press the left SHIFT

key, the LIBRARY key and the [PVARS]
function menu . The result of level one indicates
the type of memory:

Screen Explanation

ROM ROM on an application

SYSRAM User memory combined
into one RAM card.

number Free port memory on a

RAM card.

See the instructions above so that a RAM card

is not combined.

NOTE: A RAM card must be uncombined in

order to be write protected.

3 Suggested
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 raj somaiya
 5370 Solutions
 December 02, 2010

When the calculator "boots up" it scans all

the ports, while recording the locations of
any library objects and also checking the
CRC of each backup/library object
encountered. If a corrupt object is found,
then an "Invalid Card Data" error is
generated .----------Try typing PINIT and
see if the problem goes away. The PINIT
command scans all the ports and
(re)writes this info in them. (It doesn't
erase or otherwise affect any files already
stored in the ports.) The "invalid card
data" message just means that at least
one port's header information has become
corrupted and needs to be rebuilt with
PINIT .----- ----Also make sure the
memory car is properly inserted and not
got loose or partially inserted. Keep
updated with results.Thanks.Helpmech.
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Source: trying to open file keep

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 k24674
 4861 Solutions
 November 07, 2009

You should perform the diagnostic

The following procedure valid for the 48G

should work for the HP48GX.
Make the calculator perform a
Self test.
1. Turn calculator on
2. Press and HOLD the key [ON]
3. Press and release the key with "E"
to its right (the one before last in first
4. Release the [ON] key.
It tests the RAM and ROM. You will see
various patterns on screen. Afterwards
you should see
The self test will continue repeatedly until
you perform a
System Halt

1. Press and HOLD the [ON] key

2. Press and release the "C" key
3. Release the [ON] key.
The empty stack should appear.

If you do not see IROM OK and IRAM OK,

the calculator requires service.

If the above procedure is successful, you

may want
to test the keyboard.

1. Turn calculator on
2. Press and HOLD the [ON] key
3. Press and release the "D" key.
4. Release the [ON] key
5. Press and release the "E" key. KBD
1 should appear on the top left corner
of the screen.
6. Starting at the upper left corner of
the keyboard, and moving Left to right,
press each key in sequence . If you
follow the sequence and the keys are
functioning properly you should hear a
high pitch sound at each press.
7. If everything is OK, when you press
the last key (+) the screen displays
To exit the keyboard test proceed as
described above under System Halt.

If you follow the proper sequence and a

hexadecimal number appears after
pressing a key, the calculator requires
Hope it helps.
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Source: My HP 48GX with COGO Card is running
 Was this solution helpful? Yes No

 k24674
 4861 Solutions
 November 09, 2009

You can reset the calculator :

Turn the back of the calculator towards

you. Extract the top left rubber pad on the
back of the calculator and use a paper clip
to press the Reset button. If that does not
restore the calculator to health, you
should perform the diagnostic tests.

The following procedure valid for the 48G

should work for the HP48GX.
Make the calculator perform a
Self test.
1. Turn calculator on
2. Press and HOLD the key [ON]
3. Press and release the key with "E"
to its right (the one before last in first
4. Release the [ON] key.
It tests the RAM and ROM. You will see
various patterns on screen. Afterwards
you should see
The self test will continue repeatedly until
you perform a
System Halt

1. Press and HOLD the [ON] key

2. Press and release the "C" key
3. Release the [ON] key.
The empty stack should appear.

If you do not see IROM OK and IRAM OK,

the calculator requires service.

If the above procedure is successful, you

may want
to test the keyboard.

1. Turn calculator on
2. Press and HOLD the [ON] key
3. Press and release the "D" key.
4. Release the [ON] key
5. Press and release the "E" key. KBD
1 should appear on the top left corner
of the screen.
6. Starting at the upper left corner of
the keyboard, and moving Left to right,
press each key in sequence . If you
follow the sequence and the keys are
functioning properly you should hear a
high pitch sound at each press.
7. If everything is OK, when you press
the last key (+) the screen displays
To exit the keyboard test proceed as
described above under System Halt.

If you follow the proper sequence and a

hexadecimal number appears after
pressing a key, the calculator requires

For repairs
There is an HP customer self repair (CSR)
which you can contact. On the site it is
said that the service is available for
products under warranty or on contract.
but you have nothing to lose by
contacting them. Here is the link to the
web site
You can also try this site. They do repairs
on most models, except the newer ones.
The message Invalid card data appears when
the calculator is not able to properly read data
on the plug-in card. The card may not be
correctly installed, or it may not be initialized.
This document describes how to resolve this.

Calculator Symbol Key

The procedure in this document uses the
following text to represent the symbol key:

Key Description Representation

Left-shift key L.S.

Step One: Verify the plug-in
card is inserted correctly
If the card is not correctly installed, the Invalid
card data message will appear. Verify the plug-
in card is inserted correctly.
 If not, remove the card and reinsert it into the
card slot.
 Make sure the card is lined up properly with
the card slot opening.

Step Two: RAM card or port

not initialized
If the message appeared after a new RAM card
was installed or when a RAM card contains
ports that have not been used:
 The message may be disregarded. Ports will
be initialized automatically the first time they
are used.
 To eliminate the message follow these steps:
 Press LS , LIBRARY , NXT , then the PINIT
soft menu key to initialize all available RAM
ports. (The PINIT command will not affect
data currently stored in any port.)

Step Three: If the problem

If the problem persists, with the card correctly
inserted and initialized, remove the batteries
and allow the unit to sit for 48 hours. After 48
hours, replace the batteries.

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