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Football history

The history of football is considered to begin in 1863 ,

the year of founding of The Football Association ,
although its origins, like the other football codes , date
back several centuries, particularly in the British Isles
during the Middle Ages. . 1 2 Although there were points
in common between different ball games that developed
since the 3rd century BC. C. , 21st century football, the
sport as it is known today, has its origins in the British
Isles . 2
The first British codes that gave rise to association football were characterized by
their little organization and extreme violence. 3 However, there were also other less
violent and better organized codes. Perhaps one of the best known was Calcio
Florentino , a very popular team sport in Italy that had an impact on the codes of
some schools. s British. 4 The definitive formation of association football had its
culminating moment during the 19th century . In 1848, representatives from
different English schools met at the University of Cambridge to create the
Cambridge code , which would function as the basis for the creation of modern
football regulations. 5 Finally, in 1863 in London the first rules of association
football were made official. 6
Since then, football has had constant growth, becoming the most popular sport in
the world with some 270 million people involved. 7 With the first meeting of the
International Football Association Board in 1886 and the founding of FIFA in 1904 ,
the sport has expanded to reach all corners of the world. Starting in 1930 , the
World Cup of Soccer would begin to be played, which would become the sporting
event with the largest audience in the world. 8

old games
The oldest known activity resembling football or any other code dates back to the
3rd and 2nd centuries BC. C. These data are based on a manual of military
exercises corresponding to the Han dynasty of ancient middle China . The game
was called ts'uh Kúh (can also be found as tsu chu or luju ), and consisted of
throwing a ball with the feet towards a small net made of different materials. A
variant added a modality where the player had to avoid the attack of his rivals. Also
in the Far East , although some five or six centuries after the game mentioned
above, there was a Japanese variant called kemari , which had a more ceremonial
character, the objective of the game being to keep a ball in the air by passing it
between the players. 9
In the Mediterranean, two forms of games stood out: the harpastum in Rome and
the epislcyros in Greece , about which there is very little information. The first
mentioned was played by two teams on a rectangular field demarcated and divided
in half by a line. Players from each team could pass a small ball between them,
and the objective was to send it to the opposite field. This variant was very popular
between the years 700 and 800 , and despite having been introduced in the British
Isles, its ancestry towards current football is doubtful. 9

Mural of a soccer player in Tepantitla near Teotihuacan , Mexico .

During the Age of Discovery, sports from the New World began to be known. It is
estimated that the pok ta pok of the Mayan culture would be 3,000 years old. 10 A
sport that resembled soccer was also played in Greenland , while the game called
marngrook in Oceania had characteristics that made it more similar to Australian
rules football . 11 12 In what is now the United States, the aborigines played other
games: pasuckuakohowog in the continental area and asqaqtuk in Alaska . 13 The
indigenous people of the Bolivian Amazon claim that their ancestors practiced a
sport in which they had to run after a rubber ball that they had to insert between
two sticks without using their hands. 14
Middle Ages
Medieval football is known as the different codes practiced in Europe in the Middle
Ages , particularly in the British Isles and surrounding areas. The oldest record of
an activity similar to modern football at the time emerged in the 1170s from a text
by William FitzStephen , where he explained the performance of a ball game (the
word football was not used) played by young people. Londoners . The violence of
these games and the need for soldiers to practice archery instead led to Edward II
of England banning the game in 1314 . Since then the games continued illegally.

Soule was a French ball game that was played in meadows, forests, heaths and
even in villas or ponds. The goal was to return the ball to an indicated place, the
fireplace of a house for example. In certain cases, the soule even had to be soaked
in a fountain before placing it in the ash. The game was therefore just an immense
gallop interspersed with more or less fierce fights ( scroumages or mêlées ). The
playing instrument could be a leather ball, a pig's bladder filled with hay, a cloth
ball or a wooden ball. One of the oldest documents concerning soule is an
ordinance of King Charles V of France dated April 3, 1365 , in which he specifies
"that it cannot be included among the games that serve the exercise of the body."
In 1440 , another ban issued by the bishop of Tréguier states that this game has
been practiced for a long time and threatens the players with excommunication and
a 100 sous fine, which proves that soule was highly appreciated at that time: there
were than inspiring fear to end the game. 16
Carnival football was practiced in the British Isles and was unregulated. The
number of participants per team was generally unlimited, with entire towns even
participating. Virtually any way of moving the ball to the opposing goal, sometimes
located in the rival town, was valid, although murdering another person was not
allowed. The origins of carnival football are uncertain, although there is a
hypothesis that it came from northern France . 2 Some of these variants continue to
be practiced in the season before Lent ( shrovetide in English ), one of the best
known being Ashbourne Shrovetide Football , a sport practiced in the English town
of Ashbourne . The teams are made up of people born on either side of the
Henmore River , and the objective of the game is to take a ball to the opposing
goal, a stone monument located in the water, and hit the ball 3 times against it. 17
In Italy, a variant of medieval football called Florentine football was played, a sport
that was more organized and less violent than its British counterparts. The sport
had its origins in Florence in the 16th century , with 1580 being the year in which
Giovanni Bardi presented the first set of rules. It was played with two teams of 27
players each, and the objective was to score more points than the rival team. For
this, a hole was placed on each side of the playing field, which was similar in size
to a current soccer field, but covered with sand . Using any part of the body, the
ball had to be introduced into these holes, which earned 2 points, but if the shot
was missed, half a point was added to the rival team. The match lasted 50 minutes
and was controlled by 8 referees . The tournaments that have been played to date
consist of 4 teams, represented by certain colors, one for each area of the city. A
treatise from 1561 claims that the sport had an impact on a variant of British
carnival football. In 1930 the game was played again after 200 years of absence,
this time as self-promotion of Italian culture by Benito Mussolini . 18 19
British schools
The wall game, one of the variants played at Eton College .
During the 16th century , the variants of carnival football , characterized until now
by their violence, disorganization and constant prohibitions due to the
aforementioned points, began to form part of the student recreation and physical
education activities of the different private schools in the British Isles , known there
as public schools, being supervised and legislated by school authorities. twenty
During the 18th and 19th centuries, the different schools made their sets of rules
official. Rugby , Marlborough and Cheltenham schools developed games where
the use of feet and hands was permitted; Shrewsbury and Winchester prioritized
the use of the feet to kick and move the ball ( dribbling ); Charterhouse held its
matches in the cloisters of the monasteries; Eton and Harrow introduced matches
on large open fields, which encouraged throwing the ball great distances using the
feet; Westminster ( Cambridge ) used a rougher game, where tackling was
allowed. In 1848 several of these colleges met at the University of Cambridge to
unify their codes and create a standard set of rules: the Cambridge Rules . twenty-one
In the first half of the 19th century the first offside rules were regulated. Different
varieties of laws could be seen, many of which have evolved into the current off-
side rules of various football codes . 22
Of the different school codes, currently only three schools continue to play matches
regularly with these rules: Eton, Harrow and Winchester.
Basketball history

None of the glamor or spectacle that the NBA shows today had the beginning of
this sport, but rather an ingenious way to escape the rigors of winter in the United
States. Learn here how the history of basketball was born.

The spectacular nature of the NBA finals has nothing to do with the modest
origins of the history of basketball, a discipline that has spanned almost 120 years
since its invention. It was in 1891, in a cold winter in Springfield, Massachusetts,
that this sport began to come to life, as a way out of the prevailing low
temperatures that prevented outdoor sports.

Photo: Guioteca
Fruit baskets were the first hoops to shoot in a basketball game. In the image,
James Naismith, inventor of this sport.

The history of basketball dates back to when this sport was invented in the United
States, despite the fact that its creator is Canadian: He is the Physical Education
teacher James Naismith, who took on the challenge of giving life to a discipline that
was based more on skill than contact and physical strength, which are two of the
main variants of favorite American sports.
Under the orders of Luther Gulick, who was in charge of Physical Education at the
Christian Workers School, Naismith was entrusted to give life within a period of 14
days to an athletic activity that would allow young people to distract themselves
from the ferocity of winter in New England.

This is how Naismith began to write the history of basketball and devised a game
consisting of dropping a ball - the first games were played with soccer balls - onto
some baskets hung high.

Versions of the history of basketball differ as to whether they were baskets for
picking apples or peaches, but they agree that they were fruit baskets and that,
every time the ball fell inside, the players had to stop the game to take it out and
continue. with the game.
The fruit baskets were nailed to a height of 10 feet (3.05 meters), which is the
same height as professional basketball hoops are located today, according to the
rules of FIBA , which is the world entity that regulates to basketball.
To start the game, the first exponents in the history of basketball were divided into
two teams, and as there were 18 participants, each team was made up of 9
members: 3 in defense, 3 in the center and 3 in the forward.

According to the history of basketball, the creator of the game devised 13 rules
that differ quite a bit from the current ones, but that in their spirit sought to avoid
physical friction and favor skill with the ball. “Shouldering, grabbing, pushing, hitting
or tripping an opponent is not permitted. The first violation of this rule by any
person will count as a foul, the second will disqualify him until a basket is scored,
or, if there is obvious intent to cause an injury, for the remainder of the game. The
substitution of the offender will not be allowed,” said one of those rules.
Photo: Guioteca
The first basketball team in history: They pose at the Christian Workers School, in
Springfield, Massachusetts.

The original 13 rules of basketball were published on December 15, 1892 in The
Triangle, Springfield College's newspaper, which began to spread the practice of
this sport. However, its evolution to the way we know it today took a long time. As
an example, the current orange ball was only introduced in the 1950s.

The passage of time has seen how this sport advances, and the NBA finals - the
highest point of all the leagues played in the world - was another example of the
place that basketball occupies in global preferences. The history of basketball
continues to be written.
Volleyball history
Volleyball was created in 1895 by William G. Morgan. He
was then Director of Physical Education at the Holihoke
Ymca in the state of Massachusetts, and had established,
developed and directed a vast program of exercise and
men's sports classes for adults. He realized that he
needed some entertainment and competitive game at the
same time to vary his program, and having only
basketball, created four years before (1891), he used his
own methods and practical experiences to create a new
Morgan describes his first investigations this way:
“ Tennis first presented itself to me, but I needed rackets, balls, a net and other
equipment. In this way, it was discarded. However, the idea of a network seemed
good. We raised it about 6 feet 6 inches off the ground, so just above the average
man's head. We had to have a ball and among those we had tried, we had the
bladder (chamber) of the basketball. But it proved too light and too slow; So we
tried the basketball, too, but it was too big and too heavy. In this way we were
forced to have a leather ball made with a rubber chamber that weighed between 9
or 12 ounces .”
The initial rules and basic concepts were established: the MINTONETTE; first
name with which he had been baptized, he had been born.
Professor HALSTEAD draws attention to the “battida” or the active phase of the
throw, and proposes the name “Volleyball”
Thanks to the Ymca the game of volleyball was introduced in Canada and many
countries: Elwood S. BROWM in the Philippines; J. Oward CROCKER in China;
Frank H. BROWN in Japan, Dr. JH GRAY in Burma, China and India, as well as by
other precursors in Mexico, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
The first national volleyball championships took place in the United States in 1922,
and it was in 1928 that the USVA was created: the United States Volleyball
In 1938 international contacts were established between Poland and France.
Unfortunately, World War II interrupted the interviews. Only at the end of 1945 was
it possible to establish new relations. For his part, Dr. Harold T. Friermood, then a
member of the Ymca and soon secretary of the Usvba, tried to establish
international relations again and had some works on volleyball disseminated.
In 1946, on the occasion of an international match between Czechoslovakia and
France in Prague, under the initiative of the French Volleyball Federation, a
meeting was organized in a beer hall. The president of the Polish Federation, M.
from Czechoslovakia.
It was decided to organize a Constitutive Congress in Paris for 1947. Mr. LIBAUD
and the French Federation were charged with setting up this organization and
helping to form the National Federations of BELGIUM, THE NETHERLANDS,
The 13 Federations present at this Congress established the statutes and
regulations of the International Volleyball Federation, and harmonized the
American and European rules of the game. Meanwhile, in JAPAN and most Asian
countries, the game was played by nine players (Nine men system) on an 11 x 21
meter field.
However, at the FLORENCE Congress in 1955, the Japanese Federation decided
to gradually introduce international rules in its country and throughout Asia.
An office was chosen of which the presidency was entrusted to Mr. LIBAUD, and
the Secretariat to Mr. LENOIR, with the headquarters set in Paris.
The first European Championship took place in Rome in 1948, and the first World
Championship in Prague in 1949.
Parallel to the implementation of this Organization, numerous demands were made
for the registration of Volleyball in the OLYMPIC GAMES.
Thanks to the Bulgarian Federation, the management of the International Volleyball
Federation had the opportunity to present a tournament in Sofia (1957), during the
session of the International Olympic Committee. A large number of members of the
highest sporting bodies attended the final, which was a magnificent demonstration.
Volleyball was recognized as an Olympic sport seven years later, when it was
included in the program of the Tokyo Olympic Games, initially with the participation
of 16 men's teams and, finally, with the help of the Japanese members of the
International Federation of Volleyball. Volleyball, with 10 men's and 6 women's
teams. The number of six women's teams increased to eight for the Olympic
Games in Mexico.
Later, thanks to the great understanding of Mr. Avery Brundage, President, and the
members of the International Olympic Committee, as well as the Olympic
Organizing Committee. of Munich, volleyball could be represented by 12 men's
teams and 8 women's teams, figures that had to be maintained due to the great
notoriety of this sport: 115 affiliated National Federations, plus 45 million
practitioners in the world, and the ease given by these numbers for the
organization of two Olympic tournaments in 1972.
Our desire was to obtain a more equitable formula with 20 teams, more in line with
our needs for intercontinental divisions.
On the occasion of his third participation in the Olympic Games. The International
Federation has reached its full administrative and sporting maturity.
This result was obtained by the work of each person, whatever their branch of
activity, but above all by the spirit of collaboration, solidarity and friendship that was
always the basis of the relationships between leaders, coaches and players.
Beyond sport, the International Federation has contributed its tribute to the
establishment of better human understanding. This mission must also be

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