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I think using phones too much can have really bad influence on the quality and effectiveness of

our rest. When using these devices become big part of the day, we can easily get addicted.
We’re on the phone to late hours, which make it harder to fall asleep and sleep appropriate
number of hours, and that make our organism tired.

I think alternative way to relax without using our phones is for example reading books. Its also a
great way to educate and expand our vocabulary. Other simple things that we can do is going on
a walk, meeting with our friends or cooking. There is actually so many ways to spend time like
that. I think its really important to know when its time to separate our virtual life from the real

The special dish I would prepare for our dinner would be sushi and pesto. These are my favorite
meals and I would like him to try them.
I would like to make them myself so that they turn out as best as possibile.

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