Search From Books, Journals and Internet For Information On Specialised Cells and How They Relate To The Existence of Humans.

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Search from books and the internet for

information on the functions of the

specialized cells of dicotyledonous plants and
how they relate to the existence of the plants.
Question 1: Fill in the blanks:

(a)Neurons are specialized cells that transmit __________ throughout the body.

(nerve impulse/oxygen)

(b)Red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes, are specialized cells that carry________
from the lungs to the body's tissues. (carbon dioxide/oxygen)

(c)Muscle cells, also known as myocytes, are specialized cells that provide _______ and
maintain body structure. (Movement/communication)

Question 2: True or False

(a) All specialized cells in the human body have the same structure and function.

(b)Skin cells, also known as keratinocytes, are specialized cells that form the protective
outer layer of the skin.

(c)Neurons are specialized cells that produce insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

(d)Neurons are specialized cells that transmit impulses in the brain and spinal cord.

Question 3: Match the following:
Column A Column B

Sperm cells provide movement and maintain body


Pancreatic cells fuse with sperm to initiate sexual


Egg cells responsible for fertilizing the female egg.

Muscle cells transport oxygen

Red Blood cells produce insulin, a hormone that regulates

blood sugar

Question 4: Choose the correct option from the two given options:

(a) Which specialized cell type is responsible for producing insulin to regulate blood
sugar levels?

1) Pancreas 2) Liver

(b)Which specialized cells are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses throughout the

1) Nerves 2) Neurons

(c)What type of specialized cells are responsible for forming the protective outer layer of

1) Red blood cells 2) Skin cells

Question 5: Complete the table
Specialized cell Function How it relates to humans

Muscle cell Allows humans to move

their bodies and perform
physical activities such as
walking, running,

Red blood cell Carries oxygen from the

lungs to all parts of the

Fuses the sperm to produce It allows humans to

offspring reproduce and pass their
genetic material on to the
next generation.

Neuron allowing for

communication between
different parts of the
nervous system Enables
humans to sense their
environment, respond to
stimuli, and carry out
complex cognitive
processes such as thinking,
learning, and memory.

White blood cell Protects against foreign

objects and pathogens

Question 6: Define

(a) Cell
(b) White blood cell
(c) Muscle cell
(d) Neuron
(e) Red blood cells
Question 7: Very short answer

(a) Write a few examples of specialized cells in humans?

(b) What is the function of sperm and eggs?
(c) What is the function of a muscle cell?
(d) What is the function of a neuron?

Question 8: Short answer

(a) What are specialized cells?

(b) What is the function of white blood cells?
(c) Why are specialized cells important to human existence?
(d) What is the function of a neuron?

Question 9: Draw a neuron and label it:

Question 10: Stella is a 30-year-old woman who is tired, dizzy, and has no energy. She
went to the doctor and was diagnosed with anemia. The doctor explains to Maria that her
anemia is a condition caused by a lack of ____ cells. Also, explain how these cells
contribute to human existence?

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