Mobile Phone Addiction Scale

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Age: ______ 19 ___________ Gender: Male Educational level: __ University ___

Mobile phone usage time: Per day: __________________ Per week: __________________
What type of mobile phone do you have?: _ _____ Cell phone


If you are a person who owns a mobile phone, we would like to know what you feel, how you think and
what your current behavior is regarding its use.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, the important thing is that you answer as honestly as
possible. Don't spend too much time on each question.
To answer, use the following key:

N = Never
CN = Almost never
AV = Sometimes
CS = Almost always
Y = Always

Please mark the box that corresponds to your answer with a check mark:

01 I use my cell phone all day. x
02 When I use my cell phone I feel good. x
03 I forget to do my daily activities because I use my cell phone. x
04 All my friends have mobile phones. x
05 I have tried to hide from others the real time I spend using my cell phone. x
06 I stop sleeping to entertain myself with my cell phone. x
07 I consume more than I can pay for my mobile phone balance. x
08 When I forget my cell phone I worry about missing a call. x
Sometimes when I'm on my phone and I'm doing something else, I get
09 carried away by the conversation and don't pay attention to what I'm x
10 The time I spend with my cell phone has increased. x
More than once I have found myself in trouble because my mobile phone x
has started ringing in class, at the movies or in the theater.
12 I feel lost without my cell phone. x
13 My friends don't like it when my cell phone is turned off. x
14 I've been told I spend too much time on my cell phone. x
I get in a bad mood if I have to turn off my phone during classes, meals or x
at the movies.
I am usually late for an appointment, class because I am hooked/on my x
cell phone when I shouldn't.
17 Sometimes I prefer to use my cell phone than deal with other more x
urgent issues.
N C.N. av C.S. Yes
18 I find myself hooked on my cell phone longer than I would like. x
19 I have discomfort that is associated with the use of my mobile phone. x
My academic and work performance has decreased as a result of the x
time I spend on my cell phone.
If I didn't have a cell phone, my friends would have a hard time x
contacting me.
22 My friends and family complain because I use my cell phone too much. x
23 I usually dream about my mobile phone. x
I feel nervous if I go for a long time without checking my messages, calls x
or mobile phone applications.
25 I have a hard time turning off my mobile phone. x
26 I try to spend less time on my cell phone. x
27 I have used my cell phone to talk to others when I felt alone or isolated. x
The moment a new cell phone model comes out, I don't hesitate to buy x
29 My life would not be the same without my cell phone. x
30 I don't care if my mobile phone is discharged or has a low battery. x
31 I usually go into the bathroom with my cell phone. x
32 Having my mobile phone gives me confidence. x
33 I feel bad if I find missed calls. x
34 It bothers me that they don't text me back quickly. x
35 My cell phone must always have a charged battery. x
36 Took my cell phone everywhere I go. x
37 I'm upset that my cell phone doesn't have a good signal where I am. x
If I lose my cell phone, I feel like I have lost an important element in my x
39 I entertain myself more with my mobile phone than with my friends. x
40 I am happy to have my mobile phone. x
41 I like to invest in recharges and taking care of my cell phone. x
42 My mobile phone must always have all the applications that appear. x
43 I send more than 30 text messages a day. x
44 When I'm eating or watching TV I have my cell phone at hand. x
45 I get desperate when I don't have a balance. x

Thank you very much for your collaboration 

The authors.

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