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Use of English – Word formation

Instructions. Take the key word - in brackets - at the end of each question below, and change
it into a suitable variant to complete the given sentence

1.) I hate people who walk three ______________ in the centre of the pavement - it's so difficult to
get past them. (Alternatively, you might say, if you like to keep up to date with current affairs, that
you like to keep ____________of the times.) (BREAST)

2.) I'm sorry, sir, but the ___________of this cheque is not possible - it's dated for ten years ago!

3.) Gerald was very naughty in your absence. In fact, he behaved most _____________! I refuse
to look after your child again! (CREDIT)

4.) Are you okay? You look _________________ pale. (DEATH)

5.) I'm sorry, I can't help you. My reasons are ______________- I have four beautiful women
waiting to see me, so I can't spare the time! (FOUR)

6.) The robbers entered the bank and held the staff at ____________ until they were given the
money from the safe. (GUN)

7.) I wish Mark would say what he wants instead of being so ____________-mouthed. Is he afraid
of being more direct or outspoken? (MEAL)

8.) I keep having a _________________ nightmare in which I'm sitting my exams again and don't
know any of the answers! (OCCUR) (Take note that the answer is not re-occurring, which is

9.) You mean you didn't see my note on the door saying I'd be back in five minutes? Of all places, I
____________ put it there as I thought there it would be glaringly visible - but obviously not!

10.) Someone must be causing all the trouble, surely? There must be an agent ____________
amongst them? Why else did the workforce keep going on strike? (PROVOKE)

11.) The captain ordered the other boat to pull ___________ prior to bordering it for inspection.

12.) The thief had fallen for the bait and the police had caught their man! In the end, his
____________ had proved easy! (TRAP)

13.) Ah, sorry I can't help you Jim. My reasons are __________________- I have twelve
handsome men waiting to assist me with my homework. Better luck next time! (TWELVE)

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